Adam Lambert has new hairstyle, VH1 ranking
Filed Under (article,charts,If I Had You ) by Admin on Saturday, August 21, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adam Lambert caused a stir earlier this summer when he "shaved his head" -- which may have ultimately been the most overblown headline of the year since he actually just buzzed a small portion of his hair on one side. Now, the "American Idol" singer has done it again.
While performing his Glam Nation concert in Cohasset, Massachusetts (which you can see below or at this link if the video does not function), you can clearly tell that Adam is rocking a far shorter 'do on the side than what we saw from him in recent venues. It's a fun, edgy look that suits the out-of-this-world nature of the tour.
In other Adam news, we also have a new ranking this week on the VH1 Top 20 Countdown. After slipping to his lowest position in quite some time last week at #7, "If I Had You" has now moved up a spot to #6. What does this mean? The song is certainly not on the decline yet, and with more and more requests online could come increased success. The song has already spent a span of time at #1.
Source: Examiner
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Happy that IIHY is still in the top #10! And as I said last nite, love me some new hair do! Adamluv
Adam can always do one sided shave cuz he can pull it off! Looks gorgeous! Now he can put more glitters on that shaved side and at the same time it serves as air conditioning to cool him off a bit... he sure could use some cooling off!:))
I tried a little experiment and placed 7,000 votes this week. Double the amount I voted in previous weeks (I usually average 300-500 a day). If we fans were able to LEAP OF THE WEEK Adam from #20 to #10 - and then from #10 to #1 - what the heck is going on now. Either we really don't have the POWER and VH1 just picks the videos and it's NOT REALLY based on number of votes - OR FANS are not voting like they used to. We know it's not based on number of views because he is way ahead of all the other videos in viewing. What do you all HONESTLY think is UP? Of course, I AM HAPPY he moved up 1 spot, and is still in the TOP TEN, but I'm still really frustrated.
Anon 11:07, You are right about the 20-10 and then 10-1. Your observation is interesting. It is frustrating as you say. Adamluv
I vote each and every day at least 1 hour, usually 1/2 hour at a time; that's got to amount to A Whole Lotta votes!!! What is going on? Either Vh1 has a different agenda or Adam fans need to step it up! Back to #1 YEAH! Noticed Jim Shearer mentioned Adam's lack of MTV noms this a.m. It is a puzzle, you don't say?
Adam better not come out with Monty's hair cut, I do not think he would be pretty boy any more LOL
I think people are just not voting as they did earlier on--you know, vacations, going to his concerts, etc. etc. Those of us who are doing massive voting are keeping him in the Top 10 at VH 1. Just need to get more people to do it. And to request IIHY.
I liked the brighter lights on the dancers. I think other venues should try this. I also enjoyed watching the performance from the different perspective. I now feel a little bad for Adam that so many people are not smiling back at him or dancing. So many seem more intent on capturing the performance on camera rather than enjoying it in the moment. C'mon people: If you were lucky enough to get up front, please be a fully present, fully engaged audience. I worry some about Adam's recent email in which he sounded a bit burned out. I hope getting the new haircut helped. I hope he keeps doing whatever it takes to keep feeling alive and fulfilled.
I've decided that all this voting is crap. I believe that VH1 pays attention to it but ranks the songs as they see fit. So many people voted for Adam that it probably should've been no. 1 again and that VH1 moved it up a bit just for show, but not where it should've been. I've only voted once for Adam on VH1 - for WWFM. And I've never called and requested a song on the radio. I think the DJ's play want they want or are told to play. And personally, I think they have it in for Adam. How dare a gay boy be so open and confident! I think the only requested songs ever played are the ones for radio shows they used to have back in the 70's and 80's that were deliberately for requested songs. You know, the kind where they would say the person's name who requested it and then play it. Do they do that anymore?? I believe this boy should be a world-wide star. No one can deny his talent. But I honestly think he is too open and honest. It makes the ones in power nervous.
Ok, let's be honest here: although I keep asking my glamfans fellows to vote for sweet Adam, honestly I myself have not been voting as much as I could do last month, but that is because of my crasy hours job. The few hours I make get to my entertainment or for my sleep I spend here on 24/7 Paradise, trying hardly to follow the so many great daily news about sweet Adam and checking out as many comments I can... Hope my fellows and the very sweet Adam can forgive me if I don't think it is really necessary for him to keep the 3 first positions, I mean, once he made being at the top (not once but twice or more) well... let it go. Sweet Adam is not the kind of singer/performer that someone listen to / watch and then... forget! When sweet Adam's artistry comes to someone who doesn't or barely knows him, what does it happen? Sort of the same what happened to us: sweet Adam immediately takes a position into the ears, mind and heart, digs a hole inside the soul and places there a forever good memory of his talent(s). I try not to worry very much about the whole thing, just let it «go» ... it's alright since it goes all around this flat world, because he is not an American Idol, he is a World-Wide Idol! Sweet Adam is just taking off, glamguys, listen to this old and salted glambitch here, his real and deserved time and place in the Universe is coming... SOON!!! Glamshit, if we have to hold our horses, believing, and wait a bit to see... so be it!
"When sweet Adam's artistry comes to someone who doesn't or barely knows him, what does it happen? Sort of the same what happened to us: sweet Adam immediately takes a position into the ears, mind and heart, digs a hole inside the soul and places there a forever good memory of his talent(s)."
Fan4fun, that is one of the sweetest, truest things I've ever read about Adam. But it's not just his talent though - the part of his personality he chooses to show to his fans and the public is beyond lovable and adorable.
The shaved head is Tommy's trademark look, Monte's lightening bolt suits him and they both look great! I think they have the edgy rock looks for themselves covered and shaved heads for those that like it. Adam, with his thick, shiny gorgeous hair, sprayed with glitter maximizes his rock presence and doesn't need to "ugly down". He doesn't need to copy them and he can change up his look with a full head of hair if he gets bored. I think he's getting cabin fever from being on the bus too long and isn't getting much lovin' being on the road. He's probably bored and frustrated. Time to hide the clippers! Minoxidil would be a good fan gift! He'd be breathtaking without a hair on his head, but wish he hadn't deliberatly done it.
Well, thinking about Adam's new doo on the left side of his head. Adam has strawberry blond hair and keeps it dyed. Also, his hair grows very fast. So, when he shaves the side he has to worry about the hair coming in red really fast. With being on the road he can better manage his situation if he leaves his hair unshaved, this way he can glitter it up a bit and you can't tell it is growing out red. So I think the shaving is being done far and few times inbetween. He is probably thinking of what makes his life easier. MPO only. When the shaved side starts coming out red he can splash it with glitter and you can't see it but this can only be done for a short while. Again, these are my thoughts. Love all other opinions and love to read everyone's comments.
Adam has that glorious "I want to run my fingers through your hair." He was into the Elvis "do" at the beginning of the tour, then shaved the right side. This larger shaved area doesn't mix well with the more polished Elvis style, thus the more rumpled, slept in look of last night. Love the slept in look but not the whole side of his head shaved along with it. I still want to run my fingers through his hair.:) JMO
@ Anonymous 2:02PM
Oh, so we have a deal, good!!!
So bad you haven't got a tag... yet... to post here, giving your daily sugar to our sweet Adam! Anyway, welcome to 24/7 Paradise, the more glamberts to rise our wide-world shining star we get, the more it's better!(Yay! Can I say this in english????)
Baby, when I say «his TALENT(S)» I DO include «the part of his personality he choses to show to his fans and the public (beyond lovable and adorable)» !!! We are talking about a very BRAVE artistry here, you know?
Love your comments and agree; I have mixed feelings about the hair, too. Yeah, he looks beautiful no matter what he does, but his hair is something special. I love the short, masculine back and longer sides with the top really long so he can toss it around , and it falls into his eyes and bounces when he dances.
Wish he would let his hair grow out a little and then do low lights and high lights. I think it would look spectaculor and be easier to maintain. He would probably have to lighten his eyebrows a little. I thought he looked incredible in that shot of him in the Debbie does Dallas thing where his hair is darker but not black. I think the black sometimes makes him look harsh. Just my thoughts, but he likes to change, and I like that also. Really wouldn't be surprised if he decides to do one side light or natural like Tommy. Hey, any way is fine for me. Change is good.
I'm totally rushing through site, catching up a bit - reading through comments really fast - and just wanted to quickly say - re the new haircut, I was at concert - SO AWESOME IN PERSON - it was so yummy how it, um, sort of accentuated the actual full depth and thickness of his hair - IDK how to articluate it, I'm rushing - but it looked like a rare exotic bird or something - but in a very very good way... and the glitter coming from eye all the way back into shaved portion - OMG... I haven't been blogging or on computer since concert, so don't know how it came off in pics/videoyet , will catch up, but my visceral reaction from last night was - oh hot dayum, yum!
Love the hair. It's sexy and modern, plus it's got to be cooler. The bright lights and dancing has got to be uncomfortable. He could wear a thinner vest, and pants made of cloth instead of leather.
Good morning, from Azores everyone!
Oh, yeahhh, yesterday we were talking about the sweet Adam's new hair...of course I love it, but mainly I love the gorgeous young man under that hair... what a style!!!
I guess if our voted calculated for real Adam would stay on #1 for long time.
On PlanetFierce I read there is a rumour going around that he let a child shave his hair while visiting the children's hospital in Boston, it sounds like something that he could do, on account of his generous heart, and even if it turns out it is not true it still goes to show how good and considerate he is perceived to be. Love to all glam fans, Youarebetterer
I don't like Adam's new shaved look hair cut. Thank goodness his hair grows fast. Please Adam don't look like some of your band members. I think your GREAT, just like your hair the way it was. Just my opinion.
I hope he grows it back. But it looks like he is continually shaving it which is disappointing. When a guy has gorgeous hair, they should have it long in my opinion. Maybe he is doing this in solidarity with Tommy and Monte or just for the tour, but I prefer seeing him with a full head of hair. When I saw him three times this year, I feel fortunate he left his beautiful hair as is. Hope it is just a phase. Of course I will love him forever; best singer/artist in my lifetime, but want long beautiful hair back.
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