Adam Lambert heading to NPR's 'All Things Considered'
Filed Under (article,news ) by Admin on Friday, August 27, 2010
Posted at : Friday, August 27, 2010

Adam Lambert is frequently among one of the more colorful subjects in entertainment, so why not have him on board a nationally-syndicated radio show? The "American Idol" singer has announced via his official site that he will be heading to NPR's "All Things Considered" on August 30.
For those unfamiliar with the broadcast, the news show will air live on over 500 radio stations around the country at 4:00 p.m. Eastern, and will last for approximately two hours. However, you can also listen to a broadcast after the fact on NPR's official website. There will of course be plenty of other topics discussed during Adam's edition, but the fact that the singer is even on board the show is a major testament of the singer's pull in the intellectual community.
Adam already has a broad history of performing on variety of prestigious TV outlets -- from "The Oprah Winfrey Show" to "Ellen" to late-night comedy -- so it should come as no surprise that he would want to add radio to his resume.
Are you planning to tune in to the NPR broadcast Monday?
SOURCE: Examiner
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I will absolutely tune into NPR to listen to Adam. Can't wait!!
hope to be able to find a radio station to listen to it. Adamluv
Love NPR. Will definetly be listening. If they put Adam n this show it's because they know haw SMART Adam is. It's for the intelectual crowd.
Very exciting!!
ABSOLUTELY!!! Hope I can find it on the radio. If not will go on line. Will you post the interview on 24/7? Either way, I will, of course listen. Still not sure was NPR does--hate to sound so ignorant, but truly not familiar with this show. if this is airing 4:00 p.m. on East Coast, will it air at 1:00 p.m. on West Coast, where I live?
What does NPR stand for? Is that am or fm. I have never heard of it, excuse my ignorance.
I have found it its a college station. KCRW 89.9 fm
NPR is "National Public Radio" and is on different stations throughout the country....Tends to be on the "liberal" side of things and presents many thought-provoking programs...Also features BBC news...among other things...I will definitely be listening and will be interested in the content of the interview...There will most likely be some intelligent questions asked in a respectful manner....My husband has it as his wake up station on his clock radio (unlike myself who needs a really loud alarm to wake me up after my late-night 24/7 visits...) Very interested to hear what is said...and it could be a good introduction to Adam for those who may only know him from the little bits and pieces on that end up in media, if they have heard of him at all!!! We all know what a great interview he is!!!! Very, very cool!!!
Is NPR only aired in the US?
"All Things Considered" is a big deal. He will be heard by many who are not familiar with his music. Knowing Adam and his interview skills, he will definitely make a few of these individuals curious and hopefully check out his CD.
dos anyone know exactly what station this in on in Fla, never head of it?
When I heard he'd be on NPR I was hoping it would be an interview by Terry Gross of Fresh Aire , the best interviewer IMO! She asks wonderful indepth questions & gets the ppl to open up & share sides of themselves you never knew. Maybe that will be next. Hope so.
This is BIG news that Adam will be on NPR - I am so amazed/impressed/excited to hear his interview!! NPR is intellegent - as others said, they will ask smart questions and Adam will undoubtedly give his usual smart answers. It is not many "pop" musicians who could stand up to the intellectual challenge of being on this program! It is a HUGE compliment to Adam! I will be so curious to listen...can't wait!
Here's the link to can listen to their shows online:
The stories are always thought provoking and informative.
Great job getting on this program, Adam!! Knock 'em dead.
- Adam Fix
Well said - it is a big compliment to Adam... That was the sentiment I was searching for myself but couldn't articulate. I, as many of us do, like to hear Adam interview... should be a good one.
MGF - what are you doing up at this hour? Isn't it, like, 4:30am on your coast?? Getting a late night dose of Adam?
- Adam Fix
There is a full description on NPR on wiki
All Things Considered is one its oldest and most well-known shows. ATC has won tons of industry awards for its programming.
Although I was thrilled to hear the news about an NPR interview with Adam, it also awakened my inner cynic. Because NPR has rarely mentioned Adam in the past, and usually critically, referring to his "screaming" or his "screeching." So I can't help thinking that it is trying to counter charges of homophobia.
Most recently, NPR censored a review of the documentary OUTRAGE, which is about closeted gay politicians who vote against gay rights. Their names were deleted because "NPR has a long-held policy of trying to respect the privacy of public figures and not airing or publishing rumors,allegations and reports about their private lives unless there is a compelling reason to do so" (Dick Meyer, exec. producer of NPR). Apparently the hypocrisy of gay politicians is off-limits, and not newsworthy. But NPR has no qualms about speculating on or discussing the sexual orientation of entertainers, e.g., Wanda Sykes, Queen Latifah, and ADAM LAMBERT (during season 8)!
By the way, when Terry Gross interviews gay celebrities about their new book,play,movie,CD -- she usually manages to change the subject to their SEXUAL ORIENTATION. I recall Sean Hayes not seeming very pleased with Terry's rudeness. And most recently, when Brian May was promoting his new book (which was about photography!), he seemed a bit miffed about Terry's impertinent question about Freddy Mercury. His reply: "Freddy was as gay as a daffodil!" (I love Brian).
So that's my rant. And I WILL listen to Adam's interview. I just no longer sent in my NPR donation slips when they come in the mail. Oh yeah, OUTRAGE is out on DVD.
You know I've been thinking it is the liberals who like to discuss rather irrelevant issues, such as someone is gay. That's not being intelligent. But we'll see.
Some years back young people in my country liked to announce they were bisexual, probably because it was fashionable to do so. I was annoyed about that, because I thought sexuality is not a fashion item.
NPR published a wonderful article about Adam after Idol, (that I found online) so we might not need to be too suspicious of this interview. Regardless, Adam is so articulte and brilliant that whatever they ask, he'll come out sounding fabulous.
Also, to those asking where to find NPR where you live, it's on various different radio stations. (Not one station for all of Florida for example.) It's usually down at the low end of the radio dial, around 88 or 89 usually. Look for it now to get ready, and when you hear classical music or long news pieces (vs. a maximum of 5 minutes of news on most stations) that's probably it. If you turn it on around 6 pm you should hear them say NPR or All Things Considered, to know for sure. Good Luck!
OF COURSE , but because I love Adam , not because its NPR (All Things Considered ) and I want to hear about his how he decided to perform 20th Century Boy as his killer new encore song , how he's coping with his grueling schedule , is he getting the proper nutritious food etc. Don't need any questions re his sexual orientation or his AMA kiss . Ilove him just the way he is . I love his closeness and on stage interaction with his band and dancers. Please just keep it light and make him LAUGH . Just hearing him laugh is such and treat . I'd sit thru just about anything for that!!!
I am no longer worried about how Adam will conduct himself in any interview. I love him just the way he is, too. I know he didn't want this fame to be about his sexuality, but he found that it had to be a part of it. Instead of "going back into the closet" he has continued to be a fiery hot " glam entertainer" as well as a humanitarian ( donors choose, visiting hospitals etc,) and sweet, humble, adorably edgy good guy.
As Ricky Nelson once sang, "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself. Just love him!
The church did a big mistake that they don't marry gay couples. The straight people are resigning from church and don't give a shit about christianity, but to some gays it is a big issue now that they can't get a church wedding xD
lmb so glad you mentioned Rickey Nelson. In Adam's Video Time For Miracles he reminds me of Rickey Nelson. Been on my mind for so long, now I can mention it. Thanks
Anon 8:28
Your comment: "You know I've been thinking it is the liberals who like to discuss rather irrelevant issues, such as someone is gay. That's not being intelligent. But we'll see."
I am a liberal and don't see it that way at all. Seems to me to be a conservative point of view IMO. Why don't we just keep politics out of this, shall we? I will if you will...
Anon 8:38:
I didn't think anyone, liberal or conservative is someone "who like to discuss rather irrelevant issues". I think that is a pretty naive statement to make. I agree with above poster.
Ok, this might be considered political, so you guys who don't like that just scroll down.
Anon 7:57, I was very little when Ozzie and Harriet had their TV show...maybe 5 or 6. I would always come in from play to see the last part of the show...when their son Ricky would sing a song. I can see the resemblance! Ok..get ready for the political part! The opponents to R71 (the gay rights bill in WA), ran an ad with Ozzie and Harriet supposidly showing what "good family values" we would be giving up. When I showed my son ( he was 20 then) the ad, he said "Who are those people?" I knew that ad wasn't going to work because a lot of people didn't probably know who they were. One other reason why the gay rights bill passed I guess. Yay! Hope that was't too political. lol
Just FYI for those living in the Seattle area, anyway, the NPR station is KOUW at 94.9 FM, also in Bellingham at 90.3 FM for those in Vancouver or Victoria who may be able to get it from there...Some Stations in Canada as well... (but not in Vancouver..) There is a map on the NPR website that shows where the stations are in North America....and here, at least in Seattle, the program is on from 4:00 to 6:30 pm....the same time as on the East Coast...
wow!! npr, thank you!! this is such fantastic news! i can't wait! i expect a great intelligent respectful interview, worthy of his intellect. adam will be in his element here as he comes from a serious brainiac family, physicists, engineers and the like. and i hope they address his great heart and fine personal attributes as well as his musical brilliance...stuff we all know but many people don't.
NPR is very sophisticated to me because I spent my childhood hearing it in the car with my parents, two very cultured people. I'm excited that they consider Adam intellectual enough to feature him on their show.
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