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Adam Lambert Interview with 2DAYFM Australia

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 23, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 23, 2010

This was aired on August 23rd in Australia.


Anonymous said...

Does Adam Lambert ever have time to breathe a little? OMG, he gave shows last Thursday, Friday and Saturday and is on stage again tonight PLUS during his 5 minutes of time off, he has to give interviews, do meets & greets, attend photo shoots, etc. Guess that must be the life of new superstars. And he surely is one!

Anonymous said...

Poor BB with all the gay questions. Wheres the music!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah too many sexuality questions.

but adam sounds great. but tired.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, so sweet of Adam worrying about squishing his female fans... but really we don't mind Adam!:) go right ahead squish us! We LOVE big guys like you!!!

Btw, great interview... love hearing his voice.

Anonymous said...

I loved reading the interview with the girl he kissed - she seems great! Now we want an interview with the boy also!

Catharine Sloper said...

Where is the interview with the girl he kissed. I missed that!!!

Anonymous said...

Love those Aussie accents! Initially was upset about the -kissing a straight dude in the audience question - but then was glad he had a chance to say what he did. So many straight guys think all gays want to kiss all guys! Ignorance! But I like the way Adam answered with a very serious and matter of fact tone in his voice. He dispelled that shit! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

To 6:36
Here is one place that has it - you have to scroll down a bit

I can't find the post where I first saw the link. Also if you
google Erica, DancinQueen, tongue diving Adam Lambert, you get
lots of stuff

Anonymous said...

Best part of interview - his description of how the two people were "giving him that look" all night - knew they wanted to be kissed!! OMG - Can you imagine connecting with those beautiful eyes like that and getting KISSED??? They must be walking on air!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the fact that both 'kissees' reaching for ADAM was a sure sign that both of them WANTED to be kissed. You don't put your arms out if you're not interested. Come on fella' ... silly question. GREAT answer ADAM!!