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Adam Lambert IPhone Backgrounds!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 2, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 02, 2010

Check out these really cool IPhone BGs from Essell!

There are more on Essell's website! (A lot of cool wallpapers for your computer too!)



Anonymous said...

Thanks once again 24/7 for digging this out for us... because I just don't have enough time to research! So glad you're doin it for us!:)

Yes, Adam you're right! you can be so SEXUAL! ref. pic #1 and then can be such an ANGEL ref. last picture!:)))

Ok 24/7, I'm giving you the rest of the day off... hahaha Because I'm off to a b-b-q and don't wanna be overwhelmed upon my return!:)))

Shirley said...

Amazing....just flawless. I wish i have an Iphone though. I'm stucked with my Nokia N96. (which i bought for 600 dollars a few years ago) I know, I got ripped off lol. Should have bought an Iphone instead.

Oh and Anon #1. have fun at BBQ!

Anonymous said...

What is that first picture, for Glamgod sakes? Sweet Adam saw himself in the mirror, so explendorously beautiful that had an instantaneous Death By Adam? HA! Well done, you bad, bad, Diamond Boy, now you know what I feel, at least once a day, about two years now... since I got my soul grabed by your adamorgasmic talents!.. Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

yea where and when did Adam take that pic??? is it new?

Anonymous said...

OMG - are these hot and gorgeous! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Those white pants... I dream about those friction' white pants

Anonymous said...

Meant to type FRICKIN'...not FRICTION white pants, ha ha, but either

Anonymous said...

If Adam ever looked like an angel, it is the last picture....So handsome....

Anonymous said...

Gosh damn, really makes me want to own an iPhone. I wonder would they fit on an iPod....I got one of those?

Anonymous said...

dana said... non freudian slip ever! ha

Anonymous said...

***PANT, PANT**** Oh man, these pictures are great, as are quite a few on the site that is included in this post! I won't tell you what I just did to my laptop when I saw that top picture!

MGF - that was a GREAT slip, love it!! The "friction" pants. Let's try to work that term into our posts as often as possible, just for a laugh!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Fan4fun 2:35 pm...good analysis of the first picture...think that was from the Japanese Rolling Stone awhile back....and one of the most if not THE most fabulously drop dead s-s-s-s-sexy (that's all I can say here) pictures of Adam ever.....ever.....ever......can't get beyond it....sorry!!!! I'm stuck........A few days away and one of the first sights I see is that picture.....thank you.....thank you...

And @ MGF....."friction" pants.....says it were right the first frickin' about it.....

Just returned from reha......I mean a "weekend away"..... spent most of the time on an island, with no cell phone service at the house we were staying.. (after JUST getting a Droid phone with internet service) and no computer either....and I must admit the first thing I did after hitting a signal on the way home on the ferry was to check out 24/7 and what do I see???? What!!!!??? New format, couldn't read it worth on a darn on that tiny screen and then couldn't find the comments way of commenting on the stories and no way of connecting to all of my like-minded Adam addicts.....wondered if it was just another part of the plot....AARRGHH!!!!....sort of reminded me of Shutter Island ... was I in an elaborate scheme to cure me of my Adam-delusional life and was it all a dream of some sort "other life", just some sort of alternate universe, white becomes black and vice versa, even 24/7....Was very relieved to discover once I got a chance to see it on the computer and BIG print that the site had just changed format a bit, the comments section is still here (phew!), just in a different place, and best of all, I am still quite uncured of my addiction to all things Adam, in spite of the best laid plans of that little "intervention".....or whatever it was that my husband and friends so slyly lured me into....Good try....Seriously, the site looks great, thanks 24/7...and all is right in my world once again.....

Anonymous said...

Yay - Glitzylady survived her shock therapy and still craves Adam!! Yeah, that didn't work on me, either. So glad you're back! I'm with you...I am chomping at the bit when I can't get Adam updates into my system fast enough. I often find my mind drifting off, wondering when I can next check in with 24/7. Yes - it's an addiction. So what does that make the fine folks at 24/7 for giving us such a continious, healthy supply of Adam updates, even though they know that many of us are becoming so immersed in Adam-land that it's hard to function in society? Ha, ha!!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

Well, after catching up on all the other weekend's and today's posts, I HAD to come back for just one more little dose of Picture #1....That one gets my vote for "Best Adam Picture to Hang Over the Bed" if I were to do that sort of thing, which will not be happening any time soon, as pretty sure hubby would object, (although he might be happy in the long run...) and then it would be back to the "weekend away" (or longer....) for me.....for another (failed) attempt at curing this Adam addiction that 24/7 is cheerfully feeding and enabling....bless their hearts....

Anonymous said...

Yes!!White friction pants and top photo with suggestive mike strategically placed to cause heart palpatations at first quick glance..Don't know how much more I can take without self-destructing.I tried watching every video, hoping to desensitize my Adam addiction, but it's had the opposite effect. There is no cure. It will only get worse. At least we have a growing support group! Glad you're back, Glitzylady and secretly glad you're not cured. haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Loving all my ENABLING glamsistahs (and glambrothas) right now... all of us so far down the rabbit hole of AL addiction that intervention is quite useless at this point... and addiction management is probably the only remaining hope for functioning normally in society and family life. LOL.