Adam Lambert Stopped By Kiss 107 Yesterday
Filed Under (pictures,tour news ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, August 31, 2010
There was a Meet and Greet party that took place in Kiss 107.

KISS tweeted Adam and thanked him earlier this morning.
KISS107: Thx @adamlambert for stopping by @kiss107 yesterday!! Check out the pics from the Meet and Greet!

KISS tweeted Adam and thanked him earlier this morning.
KISS107: Thx @adamlambert for stopping by @kiss107 yesterday!! Check out the pics from the Meet and Greet!
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Hi Adam! looking gorgeous as always! ♥ you bb!
Hey Adam! Neil borrowed your shirt... psssssst I won't tell... hehe It's great actually. And it's good to see Neil always being with you where ever you go to do promos and stuff. You're doing a great job Neil!
Look how happy and excited everyone is to see Adam---all those smiles! ( first group picture)
Neil can genuinely list PR assistant on his resume! Hands on learning if only Neil would smile a tad more...
So many lucky fans!!
Crude Alert - giving fair warning - faint of heart scroll right on by
When blogging Adam Lambert, there's a phrase that I see a lot in the blogosphere and especially's spoken from fans to Adam... it's pretty crass, but so often fits and I've wanted to use it many times when posting here :) but have refrained... and I really just wanted to post it after viewing the smokin' Covington KY concert vids, but restrained myself... but the sweetness of these pics... and the delicious combination of "concert-vids-Adam" with "this-thread's-Adam" has compelled me to just go for it, here goes:
Get in me
... in fact, get on me, get under me, get above me, get beside me, get behind me, get in front of me... get all up in my business but just get near me!
Okay, thread police - have at me - dole out your punishment... I can take it. But just know that I feel fairly confident that for every attack I might get, there will be another 24/7-er saying "I hear 'ya glamsista, I hear 'ya".
How cute .... signing a shirt!! Bet that's one shirt that won't get Tide anytime soon! I better be careful - will start gaining weight with all this "eye-candy" you give us everyday, 24/7!! LOLLLLLLLL
MGF, I hear ya loud and clear! And I also noticed all the beaming faces! Adamluv
are the sandals something new?
Oh, glamsista, I love it! Yes, I now have a new phrase related to Adam that I can fling on everyone around me. And, it FITS so....get in me!!! HeHe. Snort. (I know. Mentally I am still in junior high.)
Oh, yeah, bet Adam likes it loads better than For The Win and Epic Fail, too!
You are so Hot Adam ♥
Bear in mind Adam always likes to change things up. When he started Glam Nation there was never a kiss & then later on he added it! And now everyone seems to always expect it! Remember, it was never there from the beginning and the show was awesome and still is!
To sum it up, the whole show is mostly about Adams's music & not the kiss!... just saying!
Totally OT but went to Hot Topic to buy the new Adam shirt that had sold out so fast online, and they are having a SALE OF 2 Music t-shirts for $28.00. Cant beat that! This store initially had no Adam shirts whereas another store a few miles away did. My point is keep calling if your local store doesnt carry his stuff. Hopefully this info. helps someone. Adamluv
Thanks Adamluv!
COOL NEWS, LISTEN UP! Les Mills Intl. is a group fitness organization that makes music and chorey for classes that are held all over the world. Well, I got my new release for BODYPUMP and Adam made the track list for the latest release. Track 10 is wwfm! this is a big deal because it will be in fitness clubs worldwide.
The only thing being played in my fitness club are TV sets--bring my own Adam Music. Nice to always see Neil with Adam on these M&Gs. He doesn't always look happy, but suppose that is his personality, rather droll in comparison to Adam's sunny personality. Since I know neither personally, this is all conjecture; could be the opposite and all show biz. LOL
@MGF," Get in me" nails what most of us are thinking, whether we may want to admit it or not!Sure says it for me!! The admin. knows how besotted we all are and just can't help ourselves! He/she is probably is just as nuts over Adam as we are and can relate! Think we all just want physical contact with him in any way shape or form. As I've said so many times before, Adam is a people magnet thats pull is so incredibly strong, nothing can break it. Thanks for info Adamluv and it's outstanding that Les Mills playing WWFM! Yay!!! funbunn40
The thread police have been quiet lately (think we all scared them off...they've just given up...we are hopeless...) so now is the perfect time to post the new Adam mantra "Get in me..." which can of course mean many things to many people....Literally, figuratively, whatever...Literally, probably not gonna happen, but figuratively,.... he's already deep soul and heart....There!!! I dare anyone to have a problem with THAT concept..... (But a lady can dream....) "I hear ya, Glamsista, I hear ya...."
Figuratively... Um, yeah, right, we'll go with that... ;)
Adam Lambert: "Once I'm in I own your heart"... truer words were never spoken
MGF. :)
The first pic is too funny. Everyone you can see is smiling except Neil. He looks like he's headed toward the gallows. haha He might think he's hung, but nothing like his big bubba.
"Get in me". I just went and yelled this off my deck into the night, just to test it out, and it felt GOOD! Will def be using that one! Ha, ha!
Where's GIOW/UK? I think she'd like it, too!
- Adam Fix
@ MGF7:55pm
Wink...... ; )
I always liked that phrase.....Literally....
You guys are so funny! Adam Fix, yelling this off your deck into the night...that is hysterical!
MGF: Get in me = it!
Neil is pretty darn negative regularly on his a matter of fact he is very blunt and can be obnoxiously mean...just telling it like it is. Neil is Neil. It's funny how opposite siblings can sons included!
Anon 1:13 that is great news for excercise classes at gyms...what a great way to shake a bootay!
Hey MGF,Adam Fix,Glitzlady,Adamluv,Funnbunn
"I hear ya, Glamsistas, I hear ya...."
Get in yes please Adam
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
I think I told you guys, a while back, that my gym had WWFM as part of a class I take there, but they speed the tempo of everything up. Well, I honestly can't tell if it's Adam, or that version Pink did that was floating all around at one time. If it's the Pink version, I'll be pissed, but it's sort of distorted by the speed so I can't figure it out...I can tell you this, though - when this song comes on, I can no longer concentrate on whatever we're doing in class and totally flub it up. We are going to learn a new routine soon...maybe it'll include IIHY? Then I would just have to litterally throw in the towel - that would just be too hard for me to concentrate...mind would start wandering...giant, glittery, slithering snakes, and well- muscled, sleek black panthers would start roaming around in my brain and I'd have to blink, and try to break through the fantasies.... Oh man, I am such a goner. So gone over this boy. Can't even go about my regular life. Thank god I'm not alone, and the rest of you have gone off the deep end with me!
- Adam Fix
Ya'll are so funny! I love when things are nice on here (happy comments). Thank you for the smiles!
MGF, I too love the GIM. Thank you for sharing that gem (not as crass as I was expecting since it came from the twitterverse) with us all.
And to anon. who isn't sure about Adam & Neil's personas vs. reality, Leila says Adam truly is a ray of sunshine. Cool, eh? We love that ray of sunshine....THAT has gotten into us for sure!
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