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Adam Lambert WXLO M&G Interview

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This was from Aug 21.


Anonymous said...

looks like Adam and fans enjoying the greet.I had trouble understanding alot of it. Hope his hair grows back fast.Adam and Sutan probally really glam it up for a show though.

Anonymous said...

As usual just a portion... leave us hanging... just saying!

How does a rockstar fish?... buy a fish & say you caught it!

That's right Adam anonymity is a trade off for being famous... that's why you're getting the big bucks to compensate for it!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sound!? Impossible to «hear» questions and answers, only part of what they were saying. Usually I don't have problems to understand sweet Adam, he is sooo CLEAR, but this time I really missed most of the whole thing. But it was good to look at him and, wtf, sweet Adam's face this time reminded me Paul McCartney in the 60's!!! Ha! Did anyone else noticed that? Funbunn40, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Sound was too garbled so stop listening. Too bad. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Is there video of this with better sound? Couldnt understand 3/4 of it.

Anonymous said...

Once I turned up the volume on my computer I was able to hear a little better. still couldn't hear every question or answer but just seeing Adam smile and have a good time was worth viewing. Adam brought a smile while I was watching the video. That what he and love. Thank you Adam

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's interviews. He is just so comfortable...just like he's talking with a friend. He laughs so easily and has such a quick wit and great sense of humor. It's really hard not to smile listening to him. What a joy our boy.

Anonymous said...

I gather this was taken by a fan in the audience going by the sound quality. How fun it would have been to be in a gathering that intimate (I love saying that word about Adam lol!). Thanks to whoever did it for trying though.

Anonymous said...

Adam + "intimate" = yes, that is a nice combo indeed! :-D

I didn't even bother watching more than about 10 seconds of this clip, sadly. I couldn't understand anything being said, and figured if there was something especially good, y'all would have said so, since we look out for each other here in the Glamily.

- Adam Fix