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Adam Lambert's "Fever" is going to be featured in a mashup on Season 2 of GLEE!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Erika Jo and Marco Mengoni perform a "Gunpowder and Lead" and "Fever" mashup (opb Miranda and Adam Lambert, respectively). This is from "Auditions," the first episode of Glee's second season.

[Thanks to UsefullyAwesome and NSianN...]


Arta Arias said...

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn!!!! That is freakin' Glamtasticly Coooool!!!
This song, Music Again, Soaked, Loaded Smile, Down the RH and TFM I think are the top most professional rock songs in Adam's album. I can hear Adam practically screaming to the glee audience after the show: "Baby baby baby... your MIIIIIINE!!!" I'm flyin right now... or is it a Fever?! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this! Marco Mengoni is my favorite Italian singer.He is the last Italian Xfactor winner,he has an amazing voice and style,he is much better than this.I guess it's not easy to cover Adam,but his originals are amazing!I'
m so happy for Fever,it's a great song!

Shirley said...

I LOVE IT! But adam's version is of course, better.

Anonymous said...

I watch GLEE every week. Love that show.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's interesting country-fying it. Makes me laugh to think of some country music purists hearing this and thinking it was a country song and then finding out its Adam, the guy who dared to to mess with ROF. I say, how dare they mess with Fever! LOL ;)

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

As someone who despises country music, please leave it out of anything Adam does in the future.... His ROF gets a pass since his version is anything but country

Anonymous said...

OMG, can't wait for Fever to be mainstream!! Adam's version is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is Adam's song being done like this? It's terrible!!! Guess Gaga gave them rights?? This is one of the most requested songs on Adam's album. He could have a huge hit from this. This guy is copying Adam's version, and it sucks. I am so disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Cute... how they avoided the sensitive "There he goes"...

Anonymous said...

From Jan. It is great all the "great" artists and their songs get covered on Glee, why not Adam. No one trys to copy the orignals they just give them the "Glee" treatment. All exposure is great especially to the fanbase that Glee covers.
Anyone else agree??

Anonymous said...

To DC Canadian: that is the best revenge I can think of is to have them hooked on this version too! I don't hate country music, as the anon under you said. I appreciate a sampling of all genres of music. If doing this gets Adam more exposure to the masses (and the country mass is HUGE) then so be it. Long live freedom of expression!!!


Anonymous said...

Way to ruin a great song.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anything that generates positive interest is good. I don't watch Glee, but I know it is a very popular show. No matter who sings the song or how well they sing it, *someone* will like it and check it out further and discover Adam. Adam was 'discovered' covering songs on a TV show, why shouldn't some of his music be discovered by being covered by someone else on a TV show?

Anonymous said...

I like Glee. Some really talented kids! People will automatically think of Adam whe hearing this song,'cuz no one can do it better and he's the one that put it out there. An effective subliminal message! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said... likey...

Anonymous said...

OMFG......i really don,t like this at all !!!!!!!
will Adam get credit for this song or will it be Lady Bloody Gaga????????? we will see!!!
regarding GLEE...we get it in the UK..i don,t watch it!!
it seems quite corny and songs are cringy our UK Music Charts are full of songs from Glee !! Gaga!! and justin bebe!!! and theres very little space it seems for our Adam again being overlooked !!!!! UK Glambrits please help get Adam's Single played on UK charts by constant requesting or single will plummet down the charts...ALL I Ever want to Hear is ADAM LAMBERT and NOT Glee or Gaga!!!!!!
Just Sayin!!!!!!
Glanbrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

UGH! This is exactly why I don't watch Glee! Mediocre singing screwing up some decent songs....& I agree...don't EVER take an Adam song & "countryfy" it, it becomes a cringworthy abomination at the very least!

Anonymous said...

Personally like it a lot... But that's irrelevant, what IS relevant is that recent history has shown that songs covered on Glee get a bump in digital downloads (Gaga can get her credit, AL will get the downloads) and various less instantaneous benefits!

Anonymous said...

Gunpowder & Lead a little bit the antithesis of AL's message I guess, :), but that's what Glee's mashups are all about I suppose... And again, good exposure, that can't be denied... And maybe ??????? Can test the waters in some small way for potential release as a radio single??????

Anonymous said...

I personally like it too, and anything of this nature helps Adam. I enjoy the attention he's getting.

Anonymous said...

Glee is a very popular, and entertaining show. Ryan Reynolds, the Creator of Glee, is a big fan of Adam's and would love to get him on the show. Anytime one of Adam's songs is used in a show, especially one of this caliber, is excellent publicity. And, because no one can sing it as good as Adam, just shows that Adam is the Best. So sing on Glee!! Adam IS "The Angel of Music"

Anonymous said...

ummm ew

Anonymous said...

this is not nice!it should be Adam singing!boring as f$$k

Anonymous said...

Its good that they've chosen to do an Adam song on Glee, but it sounds pretty awful on this, Can't imagine it will generate many new fans.
And to GIOW/UK, you definitely have your work cut out, just spent 10 days in the UK, listening to the radio a fair bit, didn't hear Adams name or songs mentioned or played once.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

This version of Fever is horrible. That guy's singing is really bad. He can't hit the notes and they never should have tried this.

Anonymous said...

Totally Awfull, ruin the song, this song must be singing just for someone realLy HOT like our GOD AL. This song could have be written for that Lady GG, but since it was given to our BB belongs totally to him and noone except him can promote this song really well less with that mediocre country version and the terrible voice of that guy.

Anonymous said...

This version made me cringe. I will say, though, that it demonstates that not just anyone can give a song the Adam "treatement" - only ADAM can! This singer paled in comparison.

But - on the flip side - GREAT exposure for Adam!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys! Having MIXED emotions on this one. Not sure whether this will help ADAM or how ADAM feels about it. Gonna withhold my decision until ADAM gives his opinion. Good that the song gets exposure but don't like the mashup with the other song. Definitely PROVES that no one else can cover an ADAM song ... ONLY one ADAM ... and HE is the ONLY one who should sing FEVER (pronoun & all) ... JMO


Anonymous said...

is this for Halloween

uk dissertations said...
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tanilulla said...

this guy ISN'T marco mengoni..marco mengoni is MUCH better then this..