Adam Tweeted A lot Tonight!
Filed Under (Others,random,twitter ) by Admin on Monday, August 30, 2010
Posted at : Monday, August 30, 2010
First, he was stunned to have read about that Willow comparison from In Touch Magazine (Which they mentioned that Willow is copying Adam's style)

"Haha WTF?! Willow's a little badass lady but I don't think we have much in common! Lol. C'mon InTouch! This is a stretch... :) Didn't you hear? I'm copying Bill Kaulitz. So... In a round about way, so is she. Right? And he's copying Rihanna. In truth ladies and gentlemen... No one is copying anyone. Following trends is a stylist's job and part of ours is to appear fashionable. Leave the copy cat bull to the school playground. For example: the Xtina/Gaga Conspiracy? Lets look just look at Madonna. Seems they were BOTH inspired by her. And she borrowed a page from Marilyn. (amongst others) its the Post Modern age- everything's been done. Pop stars acknowledging something and editorializing on it is an art.
K I'm done ranting. Lol
And to clarify before any media takes my rant out of context: I am a fan of all the artists I just mentioned! I love you Madonna, Marilyn, Gaga, XTina, Rihanna, Bill, and little Willow (for inspiring this rant and inTouch to begin with) btw girl- you fierce. :)"
*also anyone that took me too seriously just now needs to.... NOT!" -Adam Lambert
Adam didn't stop there....
He continued...
"While I'm ranting: whats with this "FTW" or "For The Win" phrase? Also, "epic Fail". I'm sick of these sayings. I don't even know why. I wish more people would invent their own sayings. Originality would be more... Original." -Adam
Then he retweeted something a fan said:
"bikinis4winter @adamlambert DUDE! Seriously I'm trying to sleep and you're on text alerts!"
Which he replied with....
" @bikinis4winter maybe your phone shouldn't make a noise when I tweet something.... C'mon babe! Your sleep is far more important than my ramblings. "
And then another lucky fan got a shout out from Adam...
" @sexynarwhaal touché :) "
And another non-fan got a shout out from Adam too!
Adam retweeted this:
" joeyng1310 @iLuvBillK I know right :( Bill looks like the way he was like wat..10 years ago.. NONSENSE @adamlambert sorry Glambert fans..he dissed Bill "
Then he explained why he retweeted that person's tweet..
" @joeyng1310 haha i was actually giving him free publicity. Think of it as a birthday present. Lol."
That concludes the wild twitter night courtesy of Adam Lambert!
And to shorten this:

"Haha WTF?! Willow's a little badass lady but I don't think we have much in common! Lol. C'mon InTouch! This is a stretch... :) Didn't you hear? I'm copying Bill Kaulitz. So... In a round about way, so is she. Right? And he's copying Rihanna. In truth ladies and gentlemen... No one is copying anyone. Following trends is a stylist's job and part of ours is to appear fashionable. Leave the copy cat bull to the school playground. For example: the Xtina/Gaga Conspiracy? Lets look just look at Madonna. Seems they were BOTH inspired by her. And she borrowed a page from Marilyn. (amongst others) its the Post Modern age- everything's been done. Pop stars acknowledging something and editorializing on it is an art.
K I'm done ranting. Lol
And to clarify before any media takes my rant out of context: I am a fan of all the artists I just mentioned! I love you Madonna, Marilyn, Gaga, XTina, Rihanna, Bill, and little Willow (for inspiring this rant and inTouch to begin with) btw girl- you fierce. :)"
*also anyone that took me too seriously just now needs to.... NOT!" -Adam Lambert
Adam didn't stop there....
He continued...
"While I'm ranting: whats with this "FTW" or "For The Win" phrase? Also, "epic Fail". I'm sick of these sayings. I don't even know why. I wish more people would invent their own sayings. Originality would be more... Original." -Adam
Then he retweeted something a fan said:
"bikinis4winter @adamlambert DUDE! Seriously I'm trying to sleep and you're on text alerts!"
Which he replied with....
" @bikinis4winter maybe your phone shouldn't make a noise when I tweet something.... C'mon babe! Your sleep is far more important than my ramblings. "
And then another lucky fan got a shout out from Adam...
" @sexynarwhaal touché :) "
And another non-fan got a shout out from Adam too!
Adam retweeted this:
" joeyng1310 @iLuvBillK I know right :( Bill looks like the way he was like wat..10 years ago.. NONSENSE @adamlambert sorry Glambert fans..he dissed Bill "
Then he explained why he retweeted that person's tweet..
" @joeyng1310 haha i was actually giving him free publicity. Think of it as a birthday present. Lol."
That concludes the wild twitter night courtesy of Adam Lambert!
And to shorten this:

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I think Adam had a twitter breakdown. LOL Twitticide! :)
To tell you the truth, I don't twitter but I do pay attention to all fashion. I think everyone is inspired lately be Adam. Men's and women's fashion. Just check out all of the adds in any magazine. Elle, Bazaar, Vogue.
Like Elvis Costello once said "there is no originality, there is only BRILLIANT thiefery". How honest and how true. Let's relax about this fashion stuff!
I love how Adam tweets in spirts. Just so cute.
I don't do twitter or whatever the jargon is but I think Adam just wished his fans good night and sweet dreams. Am I going crazy cause I actually heard his laugh and saw his smile when he wrote those words? Back to voting on vh1. It is difficult to continue voting with his laugh and smile on my mind.
if nothing comes up, he doesn't tweet much, but if something comes up, he tweets like MAD.......
and LOL at the one who woke up
Love all Adam's twats tonight - wow!! He was chatty! Did he perform tonight, or is he "off" having drinks somewhere, twittering away? Too funny.
FTW - huh. I don't hear that one much, thank god, 'cause it's already annoying me. The phrase that really annoys me lately is "reach out to..." (as in, "...that was a good meeting, I'll reach out to so-and-so for some follow up...", or when someone calls "...oh great, thanks for reaching out to me!...") aaarrgh - shoot me, now! That's just too touchy-feely. Ick.
OK, took Adam's lead and decided to have my own little rant. Will pull myself together now...thanks for indulging me! :)
- Adam Fix
Love the pie chart, BTW - that's funny!
- Adam Fix
When Adam is not happy his words cut skin like a knife!! He is not afraid to say anything
Twitticide, hilarious! Adam is always the good sport with all of the media's silliness. I have noticed other musicians with black hair styled like Adam 's while on Idol.I think we'll be seeing a lot of Adam's fashion influence.He has great fashion sense. He'll pull out all of the stops when he goes on the international tour! funbunn40
Vid's of tonights venue comin through...If I Had You...
Fever: Covington, KY
I like it when he speaks his mind. And when he does, he still remain to be nice:)hollandfan
I'm not english speaking and I didn't know FTW means For The Win. I thought it was reverse WTF.
Haven't heard from Adam in days...but he made up for it
Be careful see what happens to John Mayer when he rants....
Adam should give us a "twarticle" once a week. I care more about what he thinks than some publication that wastes its space. If "In Touch" is so, well, in touch, then it would be reporting Adam's sold out concerts and showing gorgeous Lee Cherry photos of Adam.
BB is so funny and cute
What happened to John Mayer then?
The words "fan" and "love" have suffered inflation xD
John Mayer was taken out of context...Got pissed and closed his twitter account....
he's just sensible in these twats/tweets... so attractive to me... if he was ONLY sensible, maybe not so much :)... but since he's sensible IN ADDITION TO all the other incredibly compelling and attractive qualities, this side of him just adds positively to the smokin' hotness of him... gaahh, love him
The footage from Covington KY is HOT, HOT, HOT!!! The boy is sweatin up a storm, and his hair is out of control!
Not "copying"........Influence, INFLUENCE!! We are all influenced by stuff from day one. We look and think and react and you can see signs of everything that has touched us in just about everything we do!! It's not COPY CAT!! That is such a an immature concept. Really, sometimes it seems like press writers never got out of grade school. Of course there are signs out there that Adam is having an influence on the world - DUH!!!! Ya can't be that gorgeous, smart, talented, controversial and visible and not change up the scene. ENJOY and stop trying to analyze so much. He is just delicious!! (I guess they have to do their jobs but isn't it tedious at times?)
I don't like that word influence, sorry. I've always thought it's too similar to influenza.
The man was on a tweetroll, wasn't he! Holy schmoligans!
But what I want to know is why Bill Kaulitz doesn't have the guts to call out those "fans" who have accused him of being a copycat? After all, a true friend would have his back!
I love Adam as much as any of you (that's why I'm here daily), but rants like these serve no positive purpose.
He really should not take a magazine like "In Touch" seriously, its not meant to be. Remember your own quote Adam "don't take me so seriously". I will say when you "tweet", it's still HOT!
I think its precious that hes defending the honor of a little girl.
And oh dear...the stank that he just opened with the cray cray fans of Tokio Hotel...LOOK. OUT!
Personally I dont care for the band or Bill K...
Who cares what Tokio Hotel or their fans say. It is more important what real stars such as Robbie Williams think and he has said "Adam Lambert is my personal bestest pop star right now".
A twitter, a twatter, whatever is the matter? I still don't know who Bill Klutz is oops! Kauitz, other than he's a guy who looks like a girl, and is from Japan. Willow (lovely name,girl) looks like every other kid in this Country, unless you live in a town with 200 population. The secret is to try and not look like this charming child--impossible. Adam before you snap a twitter bulb, remember, imitation is a form of flattery.
Adam Lambert: Yay!
Bill Kaulitz: Yay!
Who cares who is copying whom as long as all of the above look gorgeous?
By the way, Happy Birthday, Bill K.!
@ Anon. August 31, 2010 1:19 PM
Thank you, I've missed that! I was wondering if Robbie has heard of Adam. I did the search now and yes.. he said that last year in May! I'm so glad.
Robbie W. is another one of my favourite performers.
I've liked Robbie since the 90's. I understand his way of thinking, his lyrics are marvellous and I'm sure he really meant what he said.
And if there's someday a chance that they could collaborate I hope it's not Adam who turns that down. You know, sometimes I feel Adam is a bit brainwashed with that Gaga stuff..
Aug 31,2010 @8:42 am... Yes he was certainly HOTTTTT! I was there front & center! Every time he would swing his hair I'd get a "GLAMSHOWER" HOW SWEET IT WAS! He had glitter falling off him w the sweat! It was the BEST shower in my life! lawdy!I didn't want to ever wash again! HAHA
People magazine said Willow's style is inspired by Rihanna never sid it's by Adam Lambert. There you go glamberts.
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