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Allison Gets 'Brotherly' Advice From Adam!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 2, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 02, 2010

Former 'American Idol' contestant feels 'so much more comfortable' performing than she did a year ago.

Night after night, Adam Lambert's Glam Nation Tour invades a city and throws a big glittery party for its residents. And night after night, provided the venue isn't 21+, Lambert's "American Idol" pal Allison Iraheta kicks off the festivities with an opening set that is as ferocious and colorful as her fiery hair.

When the Glam Nation Tour hit New York City this summer, Iraheta told MTV News that being on the road with Adam Lambert is as wild and crazy as you might imagine. "We are sharing the bus with Adam's band ... The energy on that bus is insane. We entertain ourselves, pretty much. We don't play board games," she smiled, refusing to divulge any behind-the-scenes dirt.

Iraheta has grown close to all of the players in the Glam Nation Tour, from her own bandmates to co-opener Orianthi (who appears on Allison's latest single, "Don't Waste the Pretty") to Adam's bassist (and occasional onstage makeout buddy) Tommy Joe Ratliff, whom she's gearing up to prank. "I think I'm just gonna steal Tommy's glitter. Or lip gloss. What is he gonna do without that?" she joked.

But the 18-year-old promises she's not being corrupted by the rock and roll on-the-road lifestyle. (Don't worry, Mama Iraheta!) "[Adam's] always giving me the advice, the brotherly advice," she said. If anything, being surrounded by such seasoned professionals has helped Allison come into her own as a performer.

"Let me just say that on the 'Idol' tour, I was all over the place ... which is why I lost my voice every other night. But now I guess you learn," Allison said. "I feel so much more comfortable onstage."

Perhaps that increased comfort is why Iraheta's opening slot quickly became one of the tour's highlights — so much so that fans created an online petition to keep Allison on the road with the Glam family through October. (Originally, she was only booked to perform the first half of the tour.)

Which means Allison now has plenty of time to execute her glittery prank. Keep your lip gloss locked up, Tommy.



Anonymous said...

Love this girl! Thrilled that I got to see and hear her perform live! So much more talented then some of the current pop stars, IMO! Adamluv

Shirley said...

i'm such a big fan of Allison as well as Adam's. I hope her album takes off when her new single is released. she deserves a lot of success. more so than the miley cyrus, demi lovato, selena gomez etc etc....

She can actually sing live.

Anonymous said...

She's so underrated. It's sad. I bought her album and I loved it.

Anonymous said...

this girl rocks. I am glad she came to the Mahnomen concert, her and Orianthi, when they perform together have this magic. I hope she gets to work with her a lot.


Anonymous said...

I totaly agree with you guys, Allison is a million,gazillion times better than the current pop chicks. I still find it unfathomable that Ke$ha is selling millions and so are Selena and Miley. THey are all bunch of craps!


Anonymous said...

amazing pics of Adam and Tommy....UNF

thanks to jasperxx7 for these amazing shots!


Anonymous said...

ZZ - GAH!! Thank you for those delicious twitpics! I thoroughly enjoyed them...then I enjoyed them some more...then, I made sure to enjoy every last little bit out of them one last time. Now I need to move on or I'll be up all night! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

She's so cute on this video and gives her big brother credit for his advice. You can see the polish and confidence she's achieved since the Idol tour and she's also learned to warm up and protect her voice. I'm sure all in the band look out for her. I love "Don't Waste the Pretty. She has what it takes. funbunn40

Catharine Sloper said...

Oh, yeah, I would agree, Allison has so much more substance and ability than other female singers right now. And she knows how to keep her clothes on. She's much more like Pat Benatar and good for her. She has some class. I'm also glad to see Adam supports that kind of thing. Her album is great also and should be out there more.

Anonymous said...

I always thought she looked like a peekingese. The close ups prove it.

Anonymous said...

ZZ you forgot to say you snuck in a pic of Brooke. lol

Anonymous said...

anon 2:28pm...LMAO, I didn't even see her, my eyes were on those two Gems, HIs hotness Adam and that cute Tommy..
Thanks for the laugh!