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Fanboys Sing A-long To "If I Had You"

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 23, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 23, 2010


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

double YUK!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Yuk YUKKety Yuk!!!!!!
There's Only One Adam Lambert Guys...
best stick to your day jobs
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I am not sure about the first one, he looks very young. Seems kind of wrong to watch!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I'll bet Adam would really enjoy these two vids!!! I think they're kinda cute, and what better way to show your idol you truly admire him.

Anonymous said...

I think the first one is really cute and he does a good job with the video. I have a feeling that he is under 18 though.

Anonymous said...

I thought they were both cute guys, especially #1 with the actions imitating the song. I dont understand the "yuk" comments.? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that anyone would say yuk, after all it was Adam singing. I thought the boys were having fun lip syncing along with Adam. They could be doing worse things.

Anonymous said...

I love this!!! This reminds me of the gay boys singing to Gaga and Beyonce songs on youtube.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Music is great. Everything else sucks. Boys are not so cute. What's the point guys? Not for me. Didn't enjoy at all--except for IIHY.

Anonymous said...

The first one is cute .. the second not so much ..
Adam will enjoy watching the first boy so much xD

Ʀơɱαntic Cutiε ~

Anonymous said...

Nothing here to yuk. These are just a couple of boys who are appreciating Adam and his music. They were just having fun lip-syncing and wanted to share it. Good for them. Adam's message is to be who you are, express it with pride, tolerance, love...all the good stuff. These two were just having fun. No need to try to hurt them with words. Let's just be happy that Adam's fanbase is broadly diverse. I am certain if Adam saw these he would be flattered and delighted. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't watch these videos to the end...

I'm here just to share with you a link to an interview with Erica... Remember her? (Sorry if redundant..)

I couldn't hijack Mom Leila's thread, could I? :-) I'm just hoping you'll be curious enough to see the comments on this one!


Anonymous said...

GLb, thansk for the Erica link. Nice to hear about her.

Anonymous said...

Can I say that I need Eric's perspective too? Or maybe he already signed a confidentiality agreement..for the follow up..:-)
Mist and confusion.. let the lady take the spotlight...


Anonymous said...

Glb, thanks for the link. Erica seems like a real nice girl and the interview is well done.

Anonymous said...

I think the first boy is adorable and did a really great job lip-syncing! Looks a little young for Adam, but really into this song that I always love to hear. I'd watch him again! Glad the 2nd one is in to Adam and having fun, but think the tongue piercing got in the way and looked [IMHO] like he had a grasshopper in his mouth Glad he's a fan, but not web worthy. Im always for fans enjoying Adam any way they choose. He makes all of us want to sing and get up and dance! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40, Agree about the pierced tongue being distracting! Adamluv

julia said...

Hahaha....the second one looks abit like Adam !! It's fun to watch !

Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn
(Is it right now? 1 «F», 1 «b», 2 «u» and 3 «n»??? hahaha)... After almost 3 months connecting to each other, FINALLY I make write your tag in a right way? Good!!! It's is all connected with LOVE! And as time goes by... hey, nurse, thanks for your comments some threads ago, in response to mine...

I couldn't see «the first guy» because the 1th video «has been removed» by some glamshit who? What happened in it? Tell me, I'm curious sick, again!
Now, perhaps because I got sort of tired after a few minutes leaving a message to sweet Adam's GlamMom, I must say that when I started the 2nd video I did thought it was sweet Adam, I mean, during the first 4 seconds, or until I noticed the piercing in the definitely NON-ADAM-TONGUE!!! But then I realized it was not a waste of time but just sort of a real sweet fun!!! Why not, for Glamgod's sake? Think it is just the «fullsense» we Glamberts have in common (yay! May I say it in english?) HA!

Cheril said...

The first video is removed. The second video is of a young guy singing Adam's song. Nice. It doesn't matter what age he is. Do we think that Adam is going to date every guy that sings his songs and posts them on you tube or twitter? That is a little cray cray. I was glad to see him enjoying the song. I agree with Anon 1:26.

Anonymous said...

@@ Funbunn40,
lol!!! I FORGOT THE «40» AFTER YOUR TAG!!! Hahaha, NO RIGHT SPELLING AT ALL! Sorry, fellow, mea culpa, mea culpa!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why the first video was removed? By this site administrator? I really dont understand. Help. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hey Glamily - missing you guys the past few days :)...damn real life.

Since this is a "vid" type thread - just wanted to say, and maybe it's been mentioned here lately, I'm not up to date really, that "alreference2" has some awesome vids on You Tube from Hampton Beach concert.

Here's 20thCB - backbend and all :). Right up front, some great vids. You can link to all of them from link below if interested.

Sorry no concert report from Cohasset - will try to post - think I'm going away again for a few days so not sure if I can (to the beach, not rehab... that's my story and I'm sticking with it ;)).

Thanks to all you 24/7 Glamily for great posts and links and info lately (well, most of the posts/comments, LOL).

Really do miss you peeps, don't know if that's good or bad, but it is what it is :)... been concentrating on keeping up w/ BB 'though, ha ha.

Welcome to the knew 24/7 participants!! Yay, more fun on the playground!

MassGlamFan (MGF)

Anonymous said...

These boys are a couple of sweeties. I think Adam would be flattered and if either are over 18, well….

Anonymous said...

Oh, my God!! Who is that boy))) I fall in love)))
Lol!! I'm crying from laughter

Anonymous said...

Couldn't get over the grasshopper on his tongue and the fact that he really didn't know all the words. Sang words that sounded right, but me being the lip reader I am, were wrong.

Anonymous said...

MGF....thought your rehab session was over?
i know its all the Lickety licks and tooting that keep pulling you under....hold tight girl...take a few days off...we will miss don,t be gone for too long as you have got your boots on and the right mount of leather your make it though..have fun
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, What would we all do without you to keep us in stitches! You got the tag right, but I always knew you meant me! Btw, Your English is a lot better than my typing and computer skills! Loved your Leila comments! Glad you caught my response to you on both threads before they will be gone tomorrow. We'll all have to hold the fort for MGF while she's pretending to take a few days off. We REALLY know she OD'd on Adam and is in restraints to keep her away from 24/7 until shes strong enough to get a grip! haha. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Is anyone having a problem signing up for Adam's fan site? I 'm logged in, but can't sign up for the glam pkg. Guess I'll try again tomorrow. Vips are mostly gone and expensive for alot of fans. Think it will be good once kinks are out. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thought VIPs were all gone!! Probably a few bugs in the system. Looks like decent site. Not too crazy about the link style, but no big deal.

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40 - um, I'd like to sign up for Adam's "glam package"!! Ohhhh yeah! ;)

MGF - I'm still trying to catch up from my week-off stint. It's brutal! I only got back through Friday, when I was gone, and have all the way to the Sunday prior. Help! Figured I'd read 1 or 2 threads/day.

Shoot - I'm too late. I wanted to see the first video but now it's gone. I'm in agreement that said these guys are just havin' fun, and it's super flattering to Adam that they chose HIS song to lip sync to...grashoppers and all (ha, ha!). The more exposure the better - especially to this younger age group.

fan4fun - yes, you're English is sounding pretty good to me! You've come up with more creative ways to incorporate the word "glam" into a sentance than anyone I've ever seen, and spawned the now-common use of the term "glamshit" - nice work!

GIOW/UK - lickety-licks and toot-toot - OMG, you make me LOL!! Like I said, still catching up...but at least I got the "toot toot" reference...I did catch that in passing. :) Hilarious!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix ....yeah that was a great Laugh we had such fun on that st louis thread...Glambugle..toot toot no don,t start us off again..
catching up!!!! I said it was hard work and i was away for 10 days!...everything is moving so fast on 24/7...miss just one or two days is bad enough....
.you know what!! its 6.15am in the morning in UK....been busy drooling over Adam Glam nation tour gigs so lucky..thanks 24/7 you know we love yer been feeding wild animals on my patio..lots of badgers and foxes how lucky am I...all these late night treats...
well this has to be the last thread for now..must creep into bed and hope he never knows what time i really do get to bed...all this Adam Love its such a fulltime job.
but as you said before....none of us ever want real life before Adam back... we will suffer any hardships to get our daily dose of Adam
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK...over and out zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Josh said...

WTF? The first 3 people to respond are TOTAL JERKS!!!

No need to be insulting. Those guys are obviously fans.(and to those 3 jerks...I sure don't see you uploading videos of yourselves to youtube to be judged!)

The first 3 posters in this thread are snippy little Clay Aikens!!!!(yes it's true!)

Anonymous said...

Hey josh, ooops guess i was a bit harsh...thanks for letting me know what a total jerk i was! guess they were just having fun and so selfish of me to comment just because i didnt enjoy it
excuse my english but what in the hell does
snippy little Clay Aikens!!!! mean?
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I was the first YUK on this page,that's my story and I'm sticking to it. So sorry you missed me on YT , your a snippy little bossy thing yourself.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see a boy that's 'singing' music for a change. Most of the boys around here wear 'pants on the ground' with their caps sideways & carry boom boxes with rap music blasting. At least this guy (#2) is listening to GOOD music & imitating someone (ADAM) who CAN sing! Didn't see boy #1 to comment about him. Give these guys a break! They're not pros only fans like the rest of us. ..Love & Light to ALL Glamberts WORLDWIDE
