Fed Judge Overturns CA Prop 8 Gay Marriage Ban!
Filed Under (off topic,twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, August 04, 2010
UPDATE: Adam tweeted about this!

This is good news not only for California (where Adam lives in), but for the whole country! They will take this issue to the U.S. Supreme Court, provided the high court's justices opted to hear it. It will be more challenging and complicated to win there but let's hope things will turn out good for gay couples in this country!
Thanks Adamluv for the tip!

This is good news not only for California (where Adam lives in), but for the whole country! They will take this issue to the U.S. Supreme Court, provided the high court's justices opted to hear it. It will be more challenging and complicated to win there but let's hope things will turn out good for gay couples in this country!
Thanks Adamluv for the tip!
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This is why Ilove this site. Family members who are gay are so joyful today, as am I. They and Adam are just one step closer to being treated like first class citizens in America. It is people like the ones on this site that strenghen all of us. Love all the Glamily, Glamberts. Our weapon in this fight is LOVE. ...and as Adam told us, Love has no Orientation. It's a great day! lmb
I am so happy :D
I'm not gay but I have always believed that gay people should be able to get married. I know a few gay people in high school who were bullied and kicked around. That's how I became to despise all homophobic people.
YAY!!!! Now Adam can get married!!! <3
I'm gay and this brought tears to my eyes. This fight will continue on. Supreme Court here we go!
YAY!!! That's awesome! What I don't understand is why it was an issue in the first place. Everyone should have the same rights and privileges no matter what.
"Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. LOVE HAS NO ORIENTATION. All is love." -Adam Lmbert
Everyone should have the right to love and get married without restrictions because of their sexuality.
I wasn't old enough to vote for Prop 8 but if there's another one, I'm going to VOTE AGAINST IT.
I keep seeing the scientology ad on this website. Can it be banned ? It's considered a cult in my country (France) and I think it shouldn't be publicised.
So glad for gay americans!! I hope everything will work out for them!
scientology is a cult in the US too. They aren't respected. Tom Cruise is a very popular member of them though lol.
Did you google scientology recently? Because Google ads show the ads that you have googled in the past few days. I googled perfume one day and then i see perfume ads everywhere.
Commented on this on the Bravo site link. But no it doesnt mean gays can marry. It will go to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and then probably to the Supreme Court. The fight isnt over yet! Kenny, I can only imagene your joy at reading this news! All of us, straight and gay should ban together in support of same-sex marriage! Adamluv
Congratulations to the Gay Community. Let this be the day that sets the wheels in motion for equal rights for all American citizens. I never want another child to hurt or feel scared because they realize they are gay. They need to be born into a world of acceptance. Let it start today.
Love and Peace to all. @Adamluv I agree. It is time for all of us to stand up together to right the wrong.
24/7 credited you for the breaking news. :D
Oh and I'm so happy to hear about this news. Even though I am not gay or bisexual etc, I am so happy for my brother, who's doing to marry a man in the future. :P
"Equal rights are very Glam" says Adam! Love the way he brings all issues back to GLAM!!!!! Adamluv
This is a bit off-topic, but I watched a re-run of Brokeback
Mountain recently - an exceptionally well done movie.
None of my family was watching so I have a question to throw
out there, which I always wondered since I first saw the movie years ago. I loved the honest depiction of them being
so in love.
Are we to believe that Ennis had Jack killed at the end? This seems so horrible, but his last scene looking at Jacks's jean jacket which he has kept in his closet has him saying "I swear, Jack" or something. Earlier, he had told Jack that if he ever cheated and he found out, he swore he would have him killed. Why would he say that comment at the
ps. Great news about prop 8 !!!
great news! it's about time america got out of the medieval
re: brokeback mountain (one of the very few movies i have ever cried in)...didn't the wife have him killed? my impression...
I watched Brokeback Mountain a few months ago and I Cried.....it was so sad.
Anon 7:50
I hope you are not defending scientology.....and your comment is rude!!
"Love Has No Orientation" I love that phrase......Why anyone would have any concerns about or arguments against two people who love each other entering into a spiritually committed and in fact, legal, loving, and monogamous relationship is beyond my understanding...( I know the usual arguments against....baloney!) As to how it will play out at the Supreme Court level, is anybody's guess tho....I think that it is tragic that the pro-gay marriage law was overturned in the first place......should not have happened....My state, which has pro-gay rights laws that stop just short of marriage (so far...), recently voted down a proposition to overturn those laws here...was very proud to live in WA state....Hoping we will be one of the next to approve full marriage rights...This Supreme Court case will be critical tho so hope it goes well... and quickly...
Wow today is a good day....Good to hear about this.
GREAT news!!!
Adam - the wait is over - we can get married now!!!
Oh wait, I'm a girl. :(
- Adam Fix
Halle - frickin - lujah !!!! Seriously, don't get how anyone would knowingly keep others from experiencing true happiness.
Adam was right: Love has no orientation!
Thank you Judge Walker.
@Adam Fix
Nice try... :-)
I'm thrilled with this great news! Thanks Adamluv and Judge Walker! It's about time, but the fights not over until it goes before the supreme court. I became so frustrated and sad, while working in the hospital seeing gay and lesbian couples denied basic human rights, making and receiving medical decisions for their partner. EVERYONE has the right to love and be loved. I cannot fathom any government having the right to prevent any loving couple from making medical, financial,adoption or any beneficial decisions from occuring,as well as being able to file joint tax returns with same benefits ans heterosexual couples. Health insurance and all spousal benefits as well. There is supposed to be a separation of church and state. Freedom of religion is a matter of personal choice. It has no place in government influencing peoples personal lives and rights. I am so happy for all on this site and their loved ones that this will affect. I am deeply affected for humanities sake as well as for Adam and people I know and have known throughout my life. Hugs to all of you. Today is a very special day and I hope, more to come! funbunn40
Yeah, Nice try, Adamfix!! Stand in line!! funbunn40
My interpretation of the Constitution is that ALL men (and women) are created EQUAL ... NOT ... ALL STRAIGHT men (and women) ... it's in the FIRST paragraph ... so when was the DISCRIMINATION added or inferred & WHY?? I am going to PRAY that this becomes LAW so there will be NO future questions on this issue. My BELIEF is that we are ALL GOD's children LOVED by GOD EQUALLY!! Have FAITH & TRUST in GOD!! In the meantime ... we can ALL celebrate that this is a Victory in a long struggle & we will PREVAIL with LOVE & ACCEPTANCE for ALL ... NO exceptions! Love & Light!!
I just wish our President would make up his mind on this issue. He has vacillated back and forth depending upon who he is speaking to at the time. If he came out and said "I am for gay marriage" I think it would pass. At this moment in time he is for gay unions, meaning that gays should be able to own a house together, adopt a child, have joint banking accounts and be able to be with their "partners" and make those life or death decisions when needed, just not marry.
It will be in the appeals courts for a long time if it doesn't get his blessing, and soon. This angers me because he campaigned on Hope and Change. (Apparently not this change.)
I know this is petty and not my feeling, but I wonder if some have a problem with the word "marriage". If it were called a union of committment or something similiar[with all of the privileges of marriage], maybe some wouldn't feel threatened or whatever it is that they feel. A lot of people view that "word" as sacred and are very possessive of it, as rediculous as it is. As Shakespeare said," rose by any other name is still a rose", but not all are that aware. Any thoughts? funbunn40
funbunn40 Shakespeare said, "A rose, by any name, would smell as sweet." :))
Gays can enter into "civil unions" as mentioned by Stanley above you.
I am confused by the President of the United States of America having no problem saying "The police in Connecticut acted stupidly" or suing the state of Arizona for its wanting to protect its southern border, but not speaking out about an openly gay judge negating the votes of over 7 million citizens of the state of California. The three issues all concern minorities: In Connecticut it was a black man being stopped by the police. In Arizona the suit is dealing with illegal aliens. In California it is about homosexuals. Mr. Obama does/says something immediately regarding the first two states, but does/says nothing re the third. I just can't wrap my head around this. Is it such a political hot button for him that he chooses to not give an opinion and wants it fought out in the courts? Perhaps for years?
Please don't jump me for mentioning that the judge is openly gay because I feel that he is capable of making a fair ruling. I am simply relating the facts.
I do not live in California. I am gay.
Michael, I believe that president Obama has stated before that he is not in favor of marriage equality = same sex marriage. Please correct me if my info. is incorrect. I am so glad that there are men on this great blog. Please continue to comment!!! Adamluv
I have watched Mr. Obama on television answer in the negative and the affirmative on gay rights and marriage dependant upon the interviewer. So in this regard, I agree with Stanley. This makes me want to scream, 'Hey dude, make up your mind.' I do not believe that a politician can fence sit. You're on one side or you're on the other - pick one and let's get on with the other important issues facing our nation.
Michael, As we all well know, politicians are great at "sitting on the fence". I believe I heard him say that he was for gay rights but not in favor of changing the definition of marriage ( 1 man and 1 woman ). I personally dont understand how one can be for gay rights yet exclude marriage equality! Your ideas? Adamluv
Adamluv:It is my belief that when the president says he is not in favor of changing the definition of marriage, he carries it to the next level. He would have to get behind bigamy (where a man can have two wives or vice versa), polygamy (where a man can have as many wives as he pleases) and then there's always the fear of that one person who would want to marry - say their sister, simply to test the law.
In bringing up the sister, we have to remember the power of one person in this country. Madeline Murray O'Hare, an atheist, found it deplorable that children prayed in school, so she took her case to court with appeals all the way to the Supreme Court and won. Then children all over the country who wanted to pray in their school could no longer do so due to this decision. Kharma meeted out justice to Ms. O'Hare when she was alone in the world and found many days after her death.
Many of my friends have said that I'm really bucking the system which makes me laugh. I am black, gay, Christian and conservative. I honor my country, my religeous beliefs, my partner and my race.
Truth be told, Adamluv, I don't think any politician, straight or gay, wants to tackle the issue of gay marriage. I also don't think the Supreme Court will make it the law of the land. I think they will put it back on the individual states to vote for or against.
Michael, Thank you for your imput. I do have to challenge you on one issue - as a teacher I know first hand that children always had and continue to have the right to pray in school. The only difference, thanks to Ms. O'Hare, is that prayer is not "organized" by the schools. We have separation of church and state in this country and she was perfectly correct that prayer does not belong in a public school setting. But as I said before, any child, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian can say a prayer whenever they feel like it. And to feel elated that she died alone is a very unkind way to believe. I guess that makes you a good Christian? Adamluv
Adamluv: I do not understand where you surmised that I "feel elated that she died alone." I said that kharma (what goes around, comes around) meeted out her justice. I did not judge her, but I guess you feel ok in judging my Christianity. It's ok, though. Being gay and Christian, I get that a lot.
Michael: Unfortunately I also believe no politician wants to tackle this issue and I think ultimately it will be up to each individual state. I think our president has an impossible job, with so many urgent issues to address, and such rancor between parties, I don't know why anyone would want that impossible job. I hope that all gays and lesbians will have every right that straights have. Thankyou for correcting my faulty memory of Shakespeare! Goes to show I don't always know what I'm talking about. funbunn40
I agree with you about why anyone would want the daunting responsibility of the President of the United States...the most powerful position on earth. I've watched these brave men come into office looking quite young and when they leave they're drawn and gray haired. Just notice what this pressure has done to Mr. Obama in only 19 months.
The Shakespeare quote about the rose is one of my favorites and I hope you took it in the way it was meant - with a smile. The day I know everything is the day I meet my maker.
I do believe that we gays and lesbians will some day reach the equality we seek. It will just take time. My black grandparents had to sit at the back of the bus and drink from different water fountains than whites. Look at us now. We have a black President. What an achievement!
Thanks for your words of wisdom. They are greatly appreciated. :)
Michael - It looks like I opened up a can of worms for you. I'm sorry if I've caused you any grief on this subject that is so polarizing.:(
Michael and Stanley: So glad you both are on this site! Not everyone always agrees, but that doesn't make any of us right or wrong. It's only our individual opinions that we've gathered up to this moment in time. It's good to have dialogue with different points of view. The older I get, the more I realize I don't know! haha and Michael, I did take your comment with a smile and I do appreciate it if I am incorrect about anything. We're never to old to learn and I like the diversity on this site. Even tho' some subjects can be sensitive, I believe those on this site have good hearts and intentions. We all do agree on what's most important, our admiration for our kind spirited Adam!! funbunn40
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