The Fly Morning Rush interview Complete!
Filed Under (article,interview,pictures,video ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Here is the complete interview with The Fly Morning Rush! (Half of the interview was posted yesterday) One of the most hilarious interviews ever! Must watch!
From The Examiner:
One of the most hilarious Adam Lambert interviews we've seen in quite some time happened in Albany, New York, as the "American Idol" singer sat down to talk about his music, life, and more.
However, the most entertaining part came when the radio hosts decided to introduce the "tongue-diving" game. Referencing a few certain actions by Adam in his Providence show (something that he claims was "blown out of proportion" by the media), he was then asked what other performers in America he would want to be on the receiving end of a "tongue dive" with. Here were his answers:

Eminem: "No way."

Gaga: "Yes."

Kris Allen: "Yeah ... but I'm not sure he would."

Susan Boyle: "No."

Justin Bieber: "No, he's too young ... his tongue needs training wheels."

Adam Levine: "Maybe."

Tom Petty: "No."
Adam also talked about his love for "True Blood," but also his hatred for anything related to "Jersey Shore." What do you think about his choices?
From The Examiner:
One of the most hilarious Adam Lambert interviews we've seen in quite some time happened in Albany, New York, as the "American Idol" singer sat down to talk about his music, life, and more.
However, the most entertaining part came when the radio hosts decided to introduce the "tongue-diving" game. Referencing a few certain actions by Adam in his Providence show (something that he claims was "blown out of proportion" by the media), he was then asked what other performers in America he would want to be on the receiving end of a "tongue dive" with. Here were his answers:

Eminem: "No way."

Gaga: "Yes."

Kris Allen: "Yeah ... but I'm not sure he would."

Susan Boyle: "No."

Justin Bieber: "No, he's too young ... his tongue needs training wheels."

Adam Levine: "Maybe."

Tom Petty: "No."
Adam also talked about his love for "True Blood," but also his hatred for anything related to "Jersey Shore." What do you think about his choices?
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No wonder I LOVE HIM. I would have answered the same exact question! But I would say YES to Adam Levine though. He's sexy.
LOL I'm actually surprised he said he hated Jersey Shore. All of the celebs say they love the show even though it's TRASH.
I'm glad Adam was being so honest.
haha @ Eminem.
enjoyed this interview,I was just voting VH1 and noticed on bottom right.. Video Music Award voting...clicked on.. Adam is not in one single category...WHY!!! thought IIHY would make the list...that little kid is up for a few??????
"you're a complete gentleman" said the interviewer at the end. That seems ro be the typical type of response from those around him. Good job, Adam. Adamluv
yeah Adamluv. Everyone who met Adam had really good things to say about his personality.
And that's why Adam Lambert is so genuine. To the question about Jersey Shore, because of the show's current popularity despite the fact that it's a mindless show, most current artists would not say anything against it. Adam, on the other hand, is too honest to lie about who he really feels about things. That trait of character is one of the things people admire about him.
In previous lie about "HOW" he really feels...
I love his response to Gaga. he genuinely likes her.
I hope a collaboration is in the works!
"Eminem ? No way" why ? he's hot, I wouldn't mind lol
Gaga is not a genuine rebell. She is a good catholic girl. I hope she will get married and have kids, real soon.
I also didn't like that Adam and Subo were in Oprah at the same time. I doubt the same people like them both. I certainly hope not.
Briefs for most times... commando sometimes... we know Adam we can tell sometimes... hahah unless we're seeing things!!!
Love Mustangs they have power! Is it auto or stick? I do both! but not fond of convertibles... messes up your hair!:)
Only one on that list that is kissable is Kris! IMO! No haters please, since Adam said yes to him as well! Since Emimem or however you spell his name, is so hateful towards gays and women , I'm surprised an Adam fan would want to have anything to do with him. Adamluv
No offense meant 1:19, but they didn't ask you :))) They asked Adam. Adam actually answered. How many celebs would. He just amazes me more and more every day. So funny and quick. Such a great sense of humor.
LOVE his choices but most of all LOVE THIS MAN! He is just so gorgeous, talented and smart. He will have a very long career and the world is his oyster. He is so very funny and QUICK!
Love the JB comment.
Eminem made a hateful remark concerning ADAM. I don't recall what it was...probably a good thing because my blood pressure might rise. I love the way Adam says " heck" instead of hell throughout the interview. He must have seen young people in the audiance. Great interview by interviewers who really follow him and admire him! Being from the Seattle area, I was so embarassed by the 101.5 interview. They are playing his songs now, though.
Ok, I am a glutton for punishment. I looked it up. It is in the lyrics for the song Elevator...verse 2. He mentions Aiken, Lance and Mr. Lambert and the "f" word. You get the picture.
Love the JB comment,too. Everyone seems to like Justin. He must have a good sense of humor...almost as good as Adam's.
Eminem called Adam the F word in one of his new song. What a d***
Good that Adam said NO WAY to that A-hole. He deserved it. He's fugly too. I wouldn't touch him.
Adam and Eminem are water and oil. However, Ennimem says he is off drugs, etc. and is playing nice for awhile, but being foul mouth and mean spirited is what he is all about. Doubt we will see any big change. Adam, on other hand is nice, and has one hell of a sense of humor. He can also laugh at himself--not often seen in mega stars.
I like how Adam says he's "friendly" and then he laughs a little,hmmmm.
Funny, I thought Eminem said that he talks to Elton John weekly to help with his ongoing recovery.
@ YUNA I think what eminem did wasn't meant to be mean towards Adam a saw a interview of Adam when he was asked what he thought about it:
I think Adam knew, he's smart guy.
Because here is a line that was written by one of Eminem fans:
He talks about EVERYONE! That's what he does. I'm a HUUUGE eminem fan, been one since I was like 4-5. and this is his gimmick, he's gonna pick a famous celeb like oh idk Taylor Swift or something, diss them and have ppl curious to what he said, thus leading to more downloads and more moolah for him to diss ur beloved mainstream pop/rock/rap artist. Eminem is very smart and is music royalty. only rapper I've heard say 'fagot' and by the way, eminem never actually uses the word faggots in the song this thread is dedicated to, he says fake-its, so youre anger over him using that word is completely unjustified.
And please can someone tell me what commando means, is it nothing at all? hollandfan
MUSTANG all time favorite automobile!! Nice to know we have the same taste.
What a guy. Love him.
Sorry, my anger over ANYONE using the "f" word is justified...and by Adam's response of "NO WAY" I think we can surmise that he thinks the same. You are right. Eninem uses shocking words to get people to notice him...and stupid people do. That's what he is counting on. If he is truly off drugs, I wish him well, but his new video with Rihanna is disturbing.
Anon 10:10AM..all the "whacky" celebrities love Jerseyshore cause it takes media and people attention away from them. Jersey shore is like the "clelebrity Gossip Blocker"...
ANyways, this guy is just a thief of all our Hearts, Yum!
anon 4:51pm, commando is type of underwear/panties
"Going commando" means going without underwear.
anon 7:17pm, grown ups will get what going commando means, don't give out grown ups talk gurl...anon 10:10 could be a kid LOL.. you just tell them to google commando the SHiizzzzzzzzz gurl. Where is GWIUK, GMF and adamluv, they know how to handle kids...LMFAO
BTW, here is Adam going commando! @ 2:28...LOL
I don't think you need to hide the words 'going commando' from kids, its not rude,just means you're not wearing underwear. My youngest know what it means and so should everyone that are fans of 'Friends'.
Loved this interview, he's so quick witted. I have never seen Jersey Shore, so don't know what the hype is about it.
HK fan
What a great interview! Totally agree with his "diving" choices. I was feeling good for Em until I heard this comment about the "f" word. If he is still a hater without the drugs, then there is really no hope. He will always be just a foul-mouthed jerk. I tried to watch Jersey once, lasted about 3 minutes and agree with Adam. The JB comment was hysterical! Oh, "commando" yum! Hey do speedo-type things count as briefs? That could be yummy, too!
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