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The Fly Morning Rush interviews Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 23, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 23, 2010


Anonymous said...

So quick witted and sharp! "Biebers tongue needs training wheels" and his "right on" assessment of Jersey Shore. And they sure were trying to get him to say negative stuff about AI but he's too bright for that! Liked his honest answer about Kris too! Love this man. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

His voice sounds a little strained :o Buuut he is so cuute! lol Do you know what name they said at the beginning of the second vid, when Adam says 'nooooo!' lol He seemed relaxed in this interview, very cool :) love Adam

Anonymous said...

LOVED his comments and you are so right. This guy is quick, smart and savvy. Who was the first name? I also need to know as it was a big time NO! I LOVED "JB's tongue needs training wheels". Good on you Adam!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Been away from computer for a week and this interview is my first Adam-contact - OMG - I'm in love all over again. He is SO cute!!! Smart!!! Funny!! Bet everybody will be clamoring for those front row seats in hopes of being the next "tongue dive".... Who wouldn't???

Anonymous said...

Adam is so cool and so cute, and so oh frickin everything. This guy can think on his feet. Thank you Adam, I thought I was the only person in this country to think Jersey Shore mindless crap. The JB remark was priceless, and will probably go viral. Particularly liked part how people were blogging that he might corrupt their kids with tongue diving. He did a great job fielding the question that he might be the last star discovered on Idol.

Anonymous said...

Here's someone who doesn't need training wheels, on anything I'd imagine


Shirley said...

LMAO at the Bieber comment!!!

Anonymous said...

The first name is EMINEM. lol

Anonymous said...

Tongue wheel for Beiber? LMFAO..I just lurv this man, he is so witty. Oh Dusting Veiver crap...That kid just gets in to my nerves and that hair Ughhhhhhhh, it just makes me wanna shave his head. Brush it off ur eyes for gods sake, you look like a homeless puppy.


Anonymous said...

MGF, that picture sure is special, isnt it? If that doesnt make you feel "roused" (werent you the one to use that?) then nothing will! IMHO. Beyond hot and bothered!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice sounds little bit strange. Like he has cold. Hopefully it's nothing serious. Great interview. Adam has great scence of humor:)

Anonymous said...

I think 24/7 missed part 3 of this interview. Here the link

Anonymous said...

Adam will probably get another shout out from Bill O'Reilly for pointing out what mindless ignorance the show Jersey Shore represents. Those shows have to be cheap to produce. It would be much better to do a documentary on the
Glam Nation tour - the formation of a Star.

Anonymous said...

here is part3

this dude is so f'n hilarious!


Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... That was funny. Adam was so relaxed and funny. He probably visited this blog and read all the buzz about tongue diving (I'm ofended... LMAO)

Anonymous said...

ZZ - thx for part 3 - watch it, ppl, it's funny.

Oh man - you can be my COMANDO any time, Adam!! And go ahead and assult me with a "tongue dive" while you're at it!!! Damn. Even early in the morning, this boy is sharp and witty. And cute.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adanluv, You said it!! Loved" JB tongue needs training wheels." I could listen to him all day and never be bored! He's so quick witted and funny! Thanks for info on part 3 ZZ and anon 8:56! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady - totally OT - what thread was that woman's email address on, who wanted to try and meet you in Puyallup? I was thinking the same thing - I will email her, to get your contact info, or vice-versa, but can't remember where it was, now!

Thx - Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

haha! "his tongue needs a training wheel"

Anonymous said...

here's the third part to the interview:

Anonymous said...

Wow! they sure could sure more lighting! Can't see Adams gorgeous face! Adam, hello! here's another reality check! whatever you do, or where ever you go is going to be in the news... cuz you're a huge star/celeb... which is a really good thing... which means " you're happening DUDE!!! "

Anonymous said...

I love it how brutally honest he is about mindless shows... hahah... good for you Adam! Speak your mind! I'm with you on this one!

Btw, O/T no videos from tonight's show? O_O Hello, NO Suz526? Sorry, lately been spoiled by Suz526 & 24/7... lol

Anonymous said...

On my way over to OMRG. They have all videos from Albany. Suz did the MOST fabulous job tonight. See ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh, goooooody! Suz526 was there! Thanks anon 10:53 for the tip! Maybe it will show up tomorrow mornin... I guess bedy byes!:)

Anonymous said...

This guy is quick and so sharp. Love when his Oye Oye Oye came out in talking about Kara. What happened to the SNL thing. Guess he doesn't have time now, but he would be hilarious. I can really see him hosting anything. Just an amazing man.

Anonymous said...

You Tommy fans are not going to be disappointed. The KISS is something else tonight and the interaction between Adam and Tommy all throught the concert is teriffic. Go to OMRG> now. Adam in his best form.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's not bedy byes yet, it's on youtube and here's the link -

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:10pm - THANKS!!! Oh man, that boy is really perfecting the crisp pelvic thrusts now, istn't he?? Ahhhh, have to go to bed. Will def watch again later!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

HaHa he dances dirty with Brooke then looks in the audience, waves and says "hi mom, I love you." He's priceless.

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix

I looked back to find it, and kind of gave up for tonight..will look again tomorrow...Getting way too late again!!!! Was before the 19th....

Anonymous said...

loved this, what fun!!! i have my earphones in my laptop and i must have a daft grin on my face bacause my daughter has just said "mum are you watching Adam again" oh ermm yes i am :D....
thankyou anon for the "FEVER" link...them hips deserve an award all of their very own..i'm a happy bunny now...

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Rush said...

It will be awesome to see RUSH perform MOVING PICTURES in it’s entirety. I was able to see Rush 3 times on the original Moving Pictures tour, Max Webster opened for them in Louisville Ky, It was so awesome!! Thanks for offering me discounted Rush Tickets . They were using a movie screen behind them that projected really cool images during the show. They were so far ahead of everyone else at the time… and still are.

Anonymous said...

The whole interviews:!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE VOTE ON VH1 THIS WEEK. It would be great to get him to at least #5. And super important - keep requesting to radio stations, it will be a shame if IIHY doesn't make it at least to Top 20 on Billboard.

Anonymous said...

Still ROTFL ... after watching pt. 3 ... ADAM is a NATURAL stand up comic. Hope he does go on SNL when he gets the time. His interviews are BETTERER than some of the sitcoms on TV. LOVED his answer about the Ford Fusion ... 'UHUH! I'm not driving that!' LOL .. HOW can anyone NOT love ADAM??


Anonymous said...

Such a sweet and prompt and fun Adam... Can't get enough of him, can't get no satisfaction... I want to watch it again, I want more death! Death by Adam (>-->-O) this time by laughing during a «tongue dive». Ha!

Anonymous said...

How can you not love Adam?????? As a singer, as a friend, as a comedian, he is so full of life.
I am inlove!!!!!
Great and funny interview. Thanks to Adam.

Israeli fan
BTW. Don't forget to keep voting on VH1 and iihy remix is on iTunes. Now!