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Glam Nation Tour in Albany. New York

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 24, 2010


20th Century Boy











Anonymous said...

Is anyone seeing any differences between Adam's performances in early July compared to now??? It seems like there's a small difference in voice abilities. But he's still performing like a pro. So impressive.

Anonymous said...

szxd@ Anon 9:22AM

Well, I think that if there is any differences between his early July's vocals and his vocals NOW, it is for BETTER! The amazing young man shines more and more as time goes by...
Anyway, I'm going right now to Albany to check them out, give sweet Adam my daily kiss and come back for a chat in a few minutes...OK?

Anonymous said...

Ha!!! Don't anybody give attention to the weird «szxd» before my «@» above... It was just my glamcat ICON performing Sleep Walker on my keyboard... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

I am in love with Terrence's vampire teeth!!!

Anonymous said...

Read a tweet saying that Suz was in the front row! In my next life I want to come back as her!!!!! The part in IIHY when he waves, blows a kiss and says 'I love you" to his mom is so dorky and precious! Here's this sensual sexy alpha male waving at his mommy! Could he get any cuter than this? Am I the only one who finds that adorable? Bet Bieber doesnt do that!!! HaHa Adamluv

MiMi said...

I just got back from seeing Adam in Albany and he was AMAZING!! His vocals and stag presence were perfection--and he is so JOYOUS. The crowd was going nuts from the minute he took the stage until his final performance of 20th Century Boy. We waited after the show and Adam came out and signed autographs. It doesn't get any better than this. If you haven't see Adam in concert, and there is a venue near you, buy that ticket now.

BTW, Adam just keeps getting better and better. I saw Adam's "kick off" concert in Wilkes-Barre, and I never thought he could top that performance, but he did last night. He is a mega star in my book.

Anonymous said...

MiMi, Sounds like a magical nite . Lucky you! Any other details, please feel free to elaborate! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

That's right people... he gets BETTERER & BETTERER!:) Just like a fine wine... the more it`s aged the better tasting it is!!! Yes, I do love that moment when he was having his sexy moment with Brooke and then then changes to this cute boy to say `` Hi Mom... I love you ``... PRICELESS!:)

GlammyLadybug said...

I’m so grateful these days that I don’t have a boss to fire me because my inappropriate behavior during working hours! I mean.. I kept the Albany videos running silently on my laptop and a broad grin on my face almost all day! I saw some puzzled faces around me but nobody asked me anything. Self employment, people, that’s the key to keeping one’s mental sanity during GNT!!

Well, those two boys are both.. "so ridiculous.. soo ridiculous”.. This all GlamNation show is like a musical love story movie where the leading actors are so convincing in their roles that everyone wonders if they are a couple outside the movie setting too .. or not. Well, there is (some/a lot of?) chemistry going on there, no doubt about that, but at this point I think Tommy is the one who enjoys the heck out of.. the ‘let’s drive the ladies nuts’ act. Adam is pretty much himself. He laughs at himself while grinding and thrusting.. But that malicious boy has just discovered the devilish joy of killing people with his sexiness. :-)) (I’d just wish he wouldn’t wear those tight pants like his older baggy/rocker ones! But again he might need some sort of air conditioning or something.. with all that heat.. :-) )

I cannot help myself smiling.. This evening I took my dog for a walk with the same glamdamnish smile on my face while thinking of Adommy.. And hear this.. my (male) dog has a ‘boyfriend’- a street dog- and they are soo willing to show that love in the worst moments and in the most embarrassing way! Really, I’m happy they are happy but I desperately try to keep them apart when people are watching. And they are indeed watching.. since my four-legged boy is a damn fine half-breed.. :-))

Aanyway.. Albany was another ..’fine’ happening!! :-)

GlammyLadybug said...

OK. One (or two) more from me ... before resting my lonely neuron..

I think it's about time to share with you, GIF lovers, my treasure found on WWW a while ago and selfishly kept for myself until now :-)

And.. GIOW-UK, where are you? Have you seen this? FYE Glamorous Edition w Bonus DVD!!!
We should bookmark it!
(US & Canada

Anonymous said...

Mimi, I have to say that the Albany crowd was great. During one of the most beautiful songs EVER....soaked, they actually gave him the respect he deserves and LISTENED. He therefore was more expressive and tender. Brought tears to my eyes. And who is SUZ526? My god she is at every single concert. Thank God! Suz, can you reveal yourself to us? THANKS SO MUCH!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a pity people don't care to watch the Sleepwalker video because there's no kissing in it.

Anonymous said...

Such good video, great sound and wonderful that there was not as much screaming, talking and singing FOR US anyway so that we could hear HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm back, finally! Who for Glamgod's sake can take only a few minutes to watch to this show? I took hours, for sure, watching over and over sweet Adam getting better and better, yes, Indeed! Haha, when we think that he gave us his best, here he sweetly goes... and wildly shows us that he CAN & DOES it better than ever!!! That's my Diamond Boy! Have you seen the new dancing steps for Fever, Music Again and Sleep Walker? Ay,ay,ay! That «hot Fever» made sweet Adam move like a real CAT through that stage... my glamcat ICON kept staring at my laptop screen, and even said meeeawww! Is my cat gay? Meeeeawwwwing to sweet Adam and then trying to lick him just in front of my very eyes?

+++++ To Suz526, thank you so much! I'm glad you got a good room this time and could give us your beautiful work, as always. In fact Suz526, if 24/7 is Paradise and sweet Adam the very Glamgod, you are our Master Angel, baby, God bless you!!!

@ Adamluv: You are not alone, baby, I agree 100% with you. Blowing a kiss to mom was an adorable gesture, for sure. But adorable gestures are so much predictable from sweet Adam, aren't they?

@ Funbunn40: In another thread you ask us to keep an eye on my «neighbour» MasGlamFan... yeaaahhh, I got worried now, if she sees that Fever at Albany she may easily fall off the edge of this flat planet...

@ MassGlamFan Baby «neighbour», whatch out the edge!!!! Ask Funbunn40 to prescribe you some medicine for that Fever!
I hope you survive to be, in a near future, sweet Adam's publicist... until then, keep writing your reports. Where is the newest one, btw?

@ Adam Fix & GlitzyLady... Are you going, finally, to get in live touch? Under the live touch of The Universal Power of Adam Lambert? Yay! I can't miss it, no way!

@@ Anon. 9:22AM
Yes, I really see different vocals for Aftermath, Sleeper Walker and even for Sure Fire Winners. Amazing differences (and performances)!!! In other words, the shining young man keeps singing like an exotic sweet bird from another galaxy (or should I say «Glamlaxy», ha!)


MiMi said...

I thought Adam's performance of Sleepwalker last night was fantastic. The crowd was going crazy over Adam and yes they were very respectful of him during SOAKED. It was so hauntingly beautiful live. I know I am very lucky and grateful to have seen Adam but if there is venue near you that still has some tickets left, try to find a way to see Adam. Being there is out of this world.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100%. If you haven't seen him live, run, don't walk to the nearst venue and try to get a ticket. Might have to pay a scalper, but worth every penny.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading all the comments, some are so funny! I love that finally he did get some respect when he sang soaked, hardly any SCREAMING! YEAH hollandfan

Anonymous said...

It has now been a month since " my one and own", Denver performance - I WANT to see him again SO bad but no money honey!! Thanks 24 /7 for the "gift that keeps on giving"!! OMG-I love the Fever kiss - again, he could be kissing a lamp post and I would melt on the floor. And, the swell of screams during Soaked when he looks up ......... Jeeeeeeeeez - I will never recover!! coloforadam

Anonymous said...

OK, girls, I would say "comando" on this performance (reference to a later thread/topic) - wouldn't you agree?? And did he really just catch that (whatever it was) RIGHT in his hand at the end of 20th C. Boy??? That was freakin' hilarious!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh - I just went back and watched Soaked, and almost choked was so emotional!

Adam barely looks human in that blue light...he looks like a glittery creature. Absolutely perfect.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix

Its a T-shirt from a fan, and he apparently wore it afterward to sign autographs...saw comments from the fan who threw it, on You Tube this am (early, before it was posted here...yep, I'm hardcore....)