Glam Nation Tour in the Cape Cod Melody Tent
Filed Under (performances,tour news,video ) by Admin on Thursday, August 19, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, August 19, 2010

(Image Via @Blueberry62)
20th Century Boy
Opening Medley
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Wow! when they say 24/7... they really mean 24/7! or somebody's working overtime out here... thanks a zillion!:)
And don't forget Suz526 even though her camera was confiscated this is what she had to say;
Suz526 Sometimes, when there are no miracles or knights in shining armor, you just have to look inside yourself (Plan B)
Thanks Suz526!
Looked like a small stage for Adam. 20th Century Boy - trouble with sound and he had nowhere to do his "thang". But Monte!!! Monte went down! Way to go Monte!!!!!!
Yah, sorry I don't think I like the revolving stage. But Adam, band and dancers are such pros they did the best they could. At one point Adam had to stop singing during TCB cuz of sound difficulties again... O_O!!!
Did he seem a little "off" tonight (mentally) maybe the revolving stage, or the sound system or something was under his skin a teensy bit? Still, excellent vocals, and as always a true showman.
Dear god Suz526, I feel like I want to send you $$$$ for all your amazing work....seriously.
I heard on twitter that her camera got confiscated??? How did she record this??
And yes 24/7 is really 24/7!!! THANK YOU! and SUZ tooo!
anon 9:19 in TCB Adam didn't stop for sound reasons, he came in too soon for music. Didn't you see him shurg and laugh with Monte????? :)
Wow 24/7, I was waiting up for this and you came through - awesome!!! And SUZ too - thanks for helping an addict out. :) I agree that Adam seems just a tad off in these performances, not that he isn't still a great performer, amazing singer and absolutely gorgeous but these just aren't as good as all the previous videos of his performances that I've watched. Maybe it was the stage? Anyone know anything about the venue he is performing at on 8/30 in Covington? I'm going to the show but am driving from Michigan so have no idea what the venue is like.
I love watching these posts...thank you so much for putting them up!!! Suz, you're the BEST!!
Anon 9:54...actually he forgot the words and went into the next stanza. He should have sang the "I move like a cat, talk like a rat...." instead he skipped to "well it's plain to see..." and having realized that, it threw him off.
What??? No Tommy kiss in Fever. :( :(
I actually liked seeing Adam and the band and dancers cope with this venue. I thought they adapted very well and was more impressed with Adam's vocals as he really could not use most of the smoke and mirrors that are what he is used to and they had to adust the sound and equipment to a very small stage and a very close audience all the way around. I would be willing to bet this was a real learning experience for the entire crew and I feel they really rose to the occasion. In fact Adam's vocals were very natural and strong. I agree that he probably made a small error, which every artist does from time to time while on tour, (Adam, much less than most), but all and all Bravo to the whole group.
I do think Tommy did not love the bra "bow tie" and Adam did seem a little annoyed though trying to be "cute." - his irritation showed a tiny bit, which is very unusual.
Always under the spotlight. Such professionals. They just keep going and make the best of it. Thanks to all involved in getting this video up.
Oooh!! I loveeee the moment when Tommy goes to the girl in the keyboards (sorry I don't know her name, by the way is she a new member??) and he kiss her, so sweet!!!! (in the video MUSIC AGAIN 2:12 aprox.)
Adam as usual GREAT!! I'm hooked on him.
Keyboardist..Camilla Grey..Adam calls her Cam...I think she's been on board since being of tour....feel free to correct me...I read so much on brain turns to mush
Music in the round......I'm not feeling it dawg (Randy)
Baby Bird needs room to fly...
Has anyone seen other rock bands at this venue and how did
they do? If Adam was doing an accostic set of his songs
(like Unplugged)it would be perfect.
But I will take Adam in any venue.
Carmilla hot sure if thats how you spell it??? Can't wait for Adam to come to Oz I'll be there!!!!
So glad that I will get to see Adam on this tour..LOVE his
band..I read Longieau is leaving after US
Tour ....bummer..I think he is great and so kool
and it goes w/o saying loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee BB.
Carmilla sounds right....
hot you mean not....Adam had turned you to mush too
they really need to keep the drummer !!! he adds something !!!
Great to be able to see Longineu. He is such a great drummer and is rarely caught on the videos as he is in the back as is Cam. So sorry to hear that he is leaving the tour
It was a different venue, this theater in the round...a good learning experience for Adam. He did seem a little off, even the makeup and glitter seemed minimal. I think the audience was more family oriented; this is the Cape Cod area. So Adam knew exactly what he should and should not do. No matter where he is and even with some minor problems, Adam Lambert is the best performer in the music industry today. He is extremely talented, charismatic and dynamic. His band members and dancers all seem to be one big happy family enjoying each other on this tour. Then it's on to Europe and other countries...nothing can stop him now!!
Thanks Suz526 for EVERYTHING XX
Really Enjoyed these Videos and really felt the Audience Vibe...Ring of Fire was Delightfully Sweet...Adams Voice is spot on of Course..Love this Man so MUCH xx
strange stage but everyone was so close it felt like a great gig.....You Lucky Glamberts...........
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
RE; Camilla Grey only came on board recently. At the very beginning, a blond woman named Lisa was the keyboard player and she was much more visable than Cam. She left and then there was a guy for awhile and finally Cam. As far as Longineu Parsons, the drummer, leaving it's because he is returning to his old rock group, Yellowcard. If someone has more info. please add. Adamluv
Yellowcard had a great song out a few years ago. It's called "Ocean Avenue". Hate to see LP leave Adam, but I love Yellowcard!
He was so "on" in Providence, talking a lot, the kisses and backbend, longer breaks, etc. Maybe he(like we all have) partied a little hard that night (I know, he's a pro, but he's also human.) Maybe he needed another day to bounce back, and that's part of why he seemed a tad off and was irritable at this venue. If you are or were ever 28, you can probably relate. (I can.)
Just sayin...also, love the hair bouncing when he tosses his head. I had missed that and am glad he's letting it fall into his eyes. And in that first pic on here, he looks every inch the Rockstar. doesn't he? He's really grown into it.
It looked mighty hot at this venue and they were right on top of each other. It looks like they made the best of it really. Did Allison play tonight? I was not sure since that doesn't seemed to get mentioned to much. Adam looked drained last night! I hope he has a day off soon!
Longinue is getting married when this tour is over, I am sure that is why he is leaving. They have been auditioning for a new drummer for several weeks now.I gess when Adam gets back in September , he will have to pick a new drummer for his overseas tour.
Here is a tweet today from Longinue:
"I just spent a day with my fiancé Joan in south Carolina !! :) I miss her soo much right now:( it has only been a few hours:("
So sweet. I wish him all the best...he will be missed!
I saw them together pose for fan pictures in Costa Mesa and they are a darlin' couple! He comes across as a very sweet, soft spoken and gentle man. But I will miss him. Did I mention very hot too? Adamluv
I just think they should sit down with Longineau and have a serious talk with him about what it would take to keep him. Sometimes folks take their backup for granted and they shouldn't. Everyone has bills to pay, responsibilities, pressures. They should work with Longineau to keep him. Just saying. When you gave a good thing going keep it good.
I agree with you Lisa, I think Longineu is so exceptional. Really really wish he would stay as well, but I think they probably already had that talk with Longineu. He's in love, he's about to get married, and passion trumps all. Touring looms on the horizon which is usually very toxic to marriage, so ultimately he will be faced with the same dilemma no matter what band he's in. I wish he would stay and bring his wife on the tour, ya rite! Just sayin...and dreaming.
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