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Born To Be Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, August 20, 2010

Posted at : Friday, August 20, 2010


Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOW!! I'm the first who comment!! Didn't watch the videos yet, just downloaded them

Anonymous said...

So what was the BIG announcement????

I'm at work. I can't watch them lol. Someone tell me what the big announcement is!

Anonymous said...

Thank gawd 24/7 never disappoints cuz I missed this last night!... O<O

It is a great insight for fans who are just starting to get to know Adam. But for us who know almost everything about Adam it is great to watch it and reminisce.

Who knows... they said they will announce soon! When is soon? It didn't happen yesterday, maybe today, tomorrow, next week, next month, this year or this life time?... lol

Anonymous said...

Soooo what was the Big News???? just a cheap way to get more viewers? not necessary......

Anonymous said...

Great profile~~~WOW!!! As usual, Adam comes across real, honest, and above all, gorgeous. How can one guy be so hot!!! Can't speak for others, but he's my SuperStar!!!

Anonymous said...

THIS is probably the announcement:

A lucky fan will get to spend a full day with Adam in Atlanta at some point. Other artists who have had such days include Jason Derulo, Justin Bieber, Kesha, and others.

Anonymous said...

^^^ yeah I think that was the special announcement LOL.

Anonymous said...

Once AGAIN, I have to say thank you Canada for loving and supporting Adam so much. I will be watching these videos many more times as it was fun to go back and relive his performances. I'm also going to email a couple friends that know very little about him and recommend they watch this. Hope the U.S. produced E True Hollywood is as good! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

someone reply to this and tell me you feel the same. i still have trouble hearing about the ama thing. i felt bad for weeks after that because i knew he was going through hell with it. i did not personally judge, but knew it was not well received. after all this time it still hurts me to know he had to go through that. you know the backlash.

Anonymous said...

THANKYOU CANADA FOR SUPPORTING ADAM AND 24/7 FOR MAKING THESE VIDEOS AND ADAM NEWS SO AVAILABLE TO US! Agree with Adamluv's comments and also hope E True Hollywood is as good. There were a few minor errors, such as Adam being without friends once fame kicked in. We know Adam has kept his friends close and they're the ones that knew him before his success. I also chuckled at Tommy being labeled as his dancer. Show us your moves, Tommy! All in all a nice piece and I appreciate Much Music for giving Adam the exposure and giving we fans more of Adam to enjoy. As been said countless times, Adam is so articulate and authentic!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:56 - in response to your AMA question. Yes, I think a lot of us feel uncomfortable with the "still" talking about it, but it is what it is! My problem with the performance was the lack of joy in Adams eyes. He always before this nite, seemed to be having so much fun while performing. The other crap was just rock n' roll, no big deal IMO. But unfortunately a lot of people got the wrong impression about him after that performance. Water under the bridge. Let it go. I am ONLY talking about it bc anon: brought it up. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of how our BB turned out.

FYE is my favorite song and video....hope he can

bring it to his international tour......

Anonymous said...

Nothing new at all, only my «step by step» sweet Adam comming from nowhere, going to his deserved place in the Universe.
OK, let's work hard here, fellows!!! Come on, let's go Glamberts, let's push the young man up and up and up....let's love sweet Adam, let's spoil our 20th century toy-boy, let's VOTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

ooooh i liked that i enjoyed watching, just one problem...not long enough :D Adam looked stunning as usual he is so beautiful...feel good about yourself hmmm i feel good about Adam...

@ anon 11:56 am yes i hate it when interviewers bring up the ama shenanigans...its like please let it go hasn't Adam suffered enough fact i hate any negativity at all it upsets me :( Adam is such a good person and he doesn't deserve it....

i love the song FYE i loved it from first listen i'm shocked whem American glamfans said it didn't do too well in the charts...that vid is eye popping and really it.

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

I cannot say enough about this beautiful man. Being able to watch him climb to fame and fortune is such a treat. I saw the same thing with Elvis, but was unable to appreciate it at the time. With Adam I feel that his success is in a small way mine because I am so invested in him, so happy for him and so proud of him. I have to remind myself to hang on because we're all in for a glorious ride. Never in my life have I ever been such a fangirl.

His GlamNation Tour should be proof to music fans everywhere that he is here to stay and to rock our world in ways we never thought possible.

Adam - first man
Adam - first Rock God

bec said...

We all have "Wake up", Grow up" moments in our lives and the truth about the AMA's - is - I think that was Adam's - Good Idea - Bad execution -I do really admire Adam for how he handled it an the very, very hard work he has put in and is still putting in to hone his craft and to promote himself, through touring, in a business that quite frankly can be unforgiving and brutal.
Bravo Adam; you growing so rapidly it is hard to keep up with you - Good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to watch this forever , i didn't felt bored at all i really enjoyed watching it ..

Thank you 24/7 For the videos
and Thank you Canada for loving and supporting our glam god Rock star

and Thank you ADAM for giving us this joy
Love Youh tell Death .. xD

Ʀơɱαntic Cutiε ~

Anonymous said...

yay 24/7, you are awesome! This is an excellent coverage and a great way to introduce my BB to the rest of the world.
Btw, the AMA thing, I am glad it happened. It was one of my fav adam performances, of course the sound was a bit off but still it was sexy and fierce. I loved it. And although it turned off many fans, it also brought awareness to the rest of the world. He was front page of many news outlets, that exposure is what gave Adam fans, millions of them. And personally, I don't care when the media talks about it. The only thing that made me sad was the things Adam had to go through, all the stress and also the negativity from Radio Dj's and tv networks and the fact that FYE, my fav single didn't get the deserved air time on radio.
Anyways, thanks Canada for showing love to our boy.


Anonymous said...

Does Adam perform FYE on tour? Just curious. I don't believe I have seen it on any of the recent tour videos. I know there was an uproar when FYE suddenly disappeared from VH1. I am beginning to think it was Adam or his advisors that pulled it. After the AMA, I never saw him perform it in America..even though it was his first single. (Not on Ellen, Leno etc.)Anyway, that AMA was a learning curve for him...and I think he deserves an A for what he learned. I think he was angry when he was on stage that night. (He had been accused of not being "gay enough" by coming out to Rolling Stone and not Out magazine). How stupid was that? At the time this happened, I was a new gay activist,and just like other groups striving for equality,I noticed that they sometimes turn on each other.(Remember when Obama wasn't black enough?) Now we see the joy in his face when performing. Makes me smile everyday.

Anonymous said...

I agree with lmb about the AMA's. I don't think ADAM meant for the performance on the AMA's to turn out the way it did. If anything was 'in the moment' that performance was. Gaga & all those who came before ADAM set the bar & ADAM decided that 'okay ... he could be just as entertaining as the rest'! I have never had an adrenaline rush so I can't know what that feels like so when ADAM kissed Tommy I think it was just the culmination of everything that went on before ADAM's performance. I wasn't at all offended .... it just seemed like GOOD OLE ROCK & ROLL to me. Too bad others had to make such a stink!!

As for this documentary ... I LOVED it! I sat here & enjoyed every minute including the mistakes. How many other AI contestants have a documentary about their life ... especially in another country?? I'm so PROUD of ADAM I could BURST!!! Wish America would do the same for him!!


Anonymous said...

7:59 Adam's FYE is played over the soundsystem while the band and dancers are coming onto the unlit stage. The song stops when the lights come up and Adam starts to sing VOODOO.

Anonymous said...

Dam that was a good program, I am going to go watch it again after I feed my pesky cats.

Anonymous said...

The announcers "schmaltzy-professional" voice bugged me, as did the fact that they seemed to have very limited access to (or permission to use?) much footage so had to show the same clips/footage over and over - but forget all that. When Adam came on screen and was being interviewed, I just died. God. He is so unbelievably beautiful and eloquent. So sure of himself and real. Love this man...will take him any way I can get him, truth be told.

- Adam Fix

khaiezshronne said...

this is really a heart warming documentary...

although he had a struggling performances at first..

and now he is a glam rock artist...

i am really proud of Adam because of his continuous success..
although he sometimes paid the price of loneliness...

i love adam lambert
