Glam Nation Tour in Cohasset
Filed Under (performances,tour news,video ) by Admin on Friday, August 20, 2010
Posted at : Friday, August 20, 2010

(Image Via bostonherald)
20th Century Boy
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So early tonight!!!! BRB watching.
Whoooa! Stop the presses, Adam shaved a portion of his hair again! This time it's on the left side! I like it but no more please... I like the soft looking Adam.:)
Suz526 again! I envy her to see so many of Adam's shows. This time and previous videos of hers I also noticed, she has a disclaimer now! Is she hired by 24/7 or Sony/RCA... maybe! Thanks! Either way, we're feeling the love! :)
just got back from the show as well. WOW, his vocal are just heavenly, however, i'm so sad that he didn't perform "mad world", "broken open", and "a loaded smile" : (
seemed like an extremely short set... BUT I LOVE YOU, AL!
this is a really cool pic... thanks to catcherofdreamz
Yay done with the weeek!!! Finally home to enjoy the beautiful and amazing glam tour.
Anon 9:37
Glad you had fun!!!! did he perform WHOLE LOTTA LOVE TONIGHT?
Did he sing 20 Century Boy? Love, love, love the new hair!!! Couldnt tell if he kissed Tommy or not? Someone, help! Adamluv
love adam music all of them; his hair?i prepair elvis look; or emo look; h e has a beautiful face- hes a decent looking guy;he should stick to his decent hair style not this one.
Yes, he did sing TCB. And there was a kiss. It was a great concert but my ears are still numb from all the SCREAMING!
Yes he did and it's already uploaded on youtube.
Sorry Adam - I prefer that beautiful full head of hair. Pls. grow it out for New Orleans Show 9/12. lol Did you all notice Longineau's pigtails? I guess they were feeling extra creative tonight!
Don't forget these: Here's If I Had You:
And 20th Century Boy:
Another site is commenting quite negatively on his hair cut. Also a comment that this was "the concert to miss, cuz nothing epic happened".
I just want to say to Adam: I love your voice and your spirit. I don't care about your hair, your make-up, your outfits, the kissing, the tongue-diving, the gyrating on the floor. None of that means sh*t to me. Please continue to be the same awesome human being that you are, and don't listen to all the "spectators and their comments".
And as for the "gaggle" of female fans that were at his hotel, roaming floor to floor yelling his name to get him to come out of his room: I agree with are 100% over the line and disrespectful. No wonder the press has a hey-day about the fans. Fans like you give the rest of us a bad name!
Adam! very funny:)... tonight's TCB lyrics... I feel like changing them... lol
" sting like a rat... talk like a bee... LOL "
" TCB - it just like Robin Hood... hahah "
Thanks for answering my questions. I used to watch Fever first but now it's TCB and then Fever, Strut, SFW, Aftermath and Sleepwalker. Everyone has different favorites! It would be interesting to take a poll sampling here to see what the favorites are. Adamluv
To late to be sad or sorry about Adam's hair. He made his choices and has fun. I like his full head of hair also. But it's seems he like to make experiments with his haircuts pretty often:)
Anon 10:59, yes I just read some of those negative comments on that other site and I agree with you! The fans in the hotel were terribly disrespectful IMO. Adamluv
Oh God that lovely hair gone again. Have to wait a few weeks for it to grow back. lol
Hi there, Mr. Fierce - see you shaved part of your head again! I love when you have glitter going up onto your scalp. You can do whatever you want with your hair - you always look sexy!
- Adam Fix
Here is a working Sure Fire Winners:
Scroll thru' people!! This is a self-indulgent rant about Adam's hair and I'm being petty and ridiculous and many of you will love it, so please ignore me. I know, it's his head and he should do whatever his free spirit moves him to do. I love him to death and other than this, he can do no wrong in my eyes. I can't help it, I really dislike the shaved head and don't think it does a thing for him. He is blessed with luxurious, thick, beautiful hair and it looks odd to me when he wears the top hat in voodoo. I think it makes his head look lop-sided.It's like putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa and crossing her eyes.[getting dramatic now![Looking for kleenex to dry my tearful eyes.]I love his changing things up and his differennt looks, but have to unleash my ugly negativity and be done with it. Next Friday, going to see him in Raleigh. My daughter will see him for the first time and he will be great, just wish he could stay away from the clippers. Really hate it!! Ok. I'm done. Not happy with my petty self right now, but had to get it out. I'll be my usual happy self tomorrow, but right now I'm going to have a strong Margarita and cry. funnbunn40
Another rant: Any fan that intrudes on his hotel personal space, disturbing other guests and interferring with his rest is selfish ,rude and if they think Adam or the glamily will think they're being cute are sadly mistaken. They give the Glamberts and other fans a bad name and will only create embarrassment for Adam. This isn't the 70's with rockers throwing tv's out of windows and trashing hotel rooms. What site reported this stupidity? Really sorry that happened and hope it won't in the future. Hope those fans were thrown out. I'm really done now. Think I'll make another Margarita. No more tears. Just p.o'd now at those fans! funbunn40
The Atommy hair again......This "in the round" sounded better then Thurs nite and we get to see more of Longineau amd Cam.....We are used to the regular stage...but I can adapt.....THE VOICE is still there...
Adam visited a children's hospital before his show. He delivered a great performance to a sold out venue. Can you even imagine what it is like to be on a bus for going on 3 months straight? His impact on this world in one day is more than most. Whatever he needs to do to stay sane then more power to him. Just love him for him and don't worry about the petty insignificant details.
I am going to see Adam in 2 days and of course I can hardly stand it. The excitement is mounting more each day. I watched the videos here and the hair is okay. He still looks gorgeous!! And his performances are spectacular as usual.
I'm going to see Adam in two days seat is on the
hairy side........really don't care as long as I can hear
him sing........glad I get to see this band before Longineau
leaves......will the Ladies be performing also?????
Love Adam, don't necessarily like that shaved side of his head. I guess he, Monte and Tommy have the same stylist with that shaved look. Adam seemed to be "on" last night at the South Shore Music Circus after being a bit thrown off the previous night at the Cape Cod Melody Tent. Also, that outrageous behavior by some of the fans trying to track down Adam at the hotel was rude and disrespectful. It wasn't his fault; the blame is solely on those so-called fans who know Adam would never tolerate this kind of behavior. Leave the man alone; let him get his rest and show all your exuberance at the concerts.
My seat is in the center. Are you waiting after the show to see Adam and the crew? I am not from Albany and I am not familar with the Palace Theater, so where is the best place to wait for him?
Adams new hairdo really does not look that extreme in person as in these videos. I was there last night and was very up close and I thought it was the lighting or that he had bleached one side. I didn't even realize about the shaving until I got home and read your comments. How could I be that blind? I guess it was all the excitement! It really didn't take away from his performance.
It was a little different and more tame show because of
the venue. But, it was still terrific! I just wish we "fans" could be a little more quiet while he is singing in order to hear his spectacular voice and then yell & scream when he finishes each song. (I guess I am showing my age.) I attended with a non fan who only knew Adam from Idol, but she did say she liked him better last night. If she could have really heard him
who knows, you may have become a new Glambert.
The sound on these vids are much better than in person in case anyone wants to know. But, Adam is person.....well what can I say? OMG!!
The...Boston Herald has a nice music review on BB.
But, Adam is person.....well what can I say? OMG!!
That is Adam IN person. And I'll also add a few more OMG!! OMG!!
OFF THE SUBJECT.....watching VH1 count down...did Adam get dissed....he's at #6 and they didn't play the whole video
he's been on top 10 for weeks and this is what they do to him
plus the comment on VMH awards...did I miss the whole video??? or am I right
Who cuts his hair is it Sutan or Cam, who ever needs to stay away from the tequila. I am glad to hear he wants to start writing for his new album, maybe this will be more relaxing than the night clubs, he does get time off every few days, he is not taking this time sensibly, of course he is only a 28 year old youngster, and grabs all the fun things he can, but this can leave him drained for the real stuff, his career. this episode in his life will pay off and his personal life will fall into place at the right time.He has a great gift and I don't want to see him mess it up, his management should be ashamed for putting him on such a huge tour. I know its all money for them, but Adam is a real person too. I love him and only want the best for him and his career.
So great to see IIHY and TCB from back and side angles. Totally new perspective on Adam's show. Thx to the uploader.
They did what? Fans ran around a hotel calling Adam's name. Ok. I'm sorry I'm not so put off by that. I think that is kind of funny. What a wild and crazy thing to do! Was Adam even AT the hotel they did that in???? If I had been at the hotel I would have probably joined them. Guess that makes me a bad, wicked person,huh.
So, FYI, everyone, I'm sitting around in Barnes and Noble today with my computer wearing my Adam Lambert T shirt which I purchased at the concert in Rhode Island. I have the orange one, just so you know. I'm looking good, feeling good. Guys, shall we have a "wear your Adam Lambert T-shirt day" in solidarity for the advertising push that Adam Lambert has to go through in order to sell himself as a superstar??? I'm for it.
No Lisa it makes you a selfish and unthinking person. If you are a teenager I can expect you not to have a brain in your head, but if you are older this kind of horse play is unforgivable
Lisa my comment was about the hotel episode, not the tee shirt thing
Did you see the kids , i love it when i see young people in his tour xD
And he is so Sexy .. shaved head or like before he is always HOT xD
right Glamberts ?
Amazing as always our glam god rock star <3
thanx Suz =)
Ʀơɱαntic Cutiε ~
Lisa, I like your idea about having an Adam shirt wearing day altho I know there are work places where you cant wear T shirts but after work! Adamluv
Hey MGF, where are you? Did you get there last night? Are you OK?
Sorry for any previous tying errors.....still trying to recover (ears are still numb, too).
I can only imagine if I saw him at a stage setting without any limitations.
tying ?
As I meant to type..... "typing" errors. I really should take a nap.
@ AG 11:01 am
So maybe you were referring to the laces on those pants when you referred to "tying" errors, perhaps just your mind wandering back to the concert and some wishful thinking.....Perfectly understandable error...
Thank you, glitzylady for being so understanding of my perfectly understandable error!! There have been quite a few today! I like the way you think.
I'm simply worn out trying to explain this obsession to others as I'm sure many of us are.
Actually I guess I'm worn out "tying" to explain.
(he he)
Hey AG - I was there - EARLY ACTUALLY - :)... wish I knew how to detect who you were.
Anyway - I just commented on a few threads - Just got in the door a little while ago - family is sleeping :)... watching Hampton Beach twitter feed looking for a few people I talked with last night... breezing through 24/7 - will come back to comment, but quickly, Hair was amazeballs in person, BB so up close and personal was incredible, this was not a "show to be missed" IMHO as he injected some amazing vocal stylings (goofy old fashioned word :)) and tweaks and such IMHO - to be honest, if this was the only show someone was going to get to see - maybe a tiny eensy weensy itty bitty bit of bummerness (tiny little bit only!!!!) - but as I was at the incredible Foxwoods show - I was MORE THAN CONTENT with this and it was so cool to see Cam, LP, Monte & Tommy this way - SO COOL. They are gorgeous, the dancers too, so talented, so dedicat OMG - just saw on twitter feed open in another window on computer that BB just made out w/ a dancer on Fever - this venue is more of a traditionally gritty rock club type thing, kinda like Lupos - think it's gonna be a hot one tonight - gotta run peeps, wanna go check it out on twitter - will be back :) MGF
Hey MGF, glad you're back. Was starting to worry. Were you standing near the busses before the entrances were opened? We saw Tommy walk out of the dressing rooms only to wave as he got on his bus for something. Then later Alyson's guitarist came out to introduce herself and take some pictures. This was all before the "doors" opened.
I'm still flying from the show! I walked down from my 6th row seat to try to get a good picture and never left my spot right at the stage. He was incredible!
Nope - it was kiss w/ Tommy :)
check this out
What the eff did you just say AG - did you watch the whole show from rigt in front??? My hubby kept telling me that he thought that sort of thing could be do-able, but I didn't go for it. Is that what you are saying AG???
I did walk down front before show and just that feeling at that moment, nobody on stage, that feeling of being SO CLOSE - talked with a few teenagers about their seats right up front center stage after taking a picture for them - they said "oh man, wait 'til our mothers see these seats - they're gonna shit their pants" LOL... so funny, They were about 16/17 maybe...
popping back over to twitter feed...but if you see this - is that what you are telling me you did??? Dayum that hubby of mine is a smart guy - I should have followed his advice!! But even so, I was close enough - Lawdy, if I was right on top of the stage I think I seriously would've rusbed it :)
MGF, our seats were in the 6th row after the ochestra pit where the railing was. I couldn't get past the railing. If you watch the videos I was standing a few people behind the girl in the black "one shoulder" dress. I really can't see myself but I know I WAS THERE! If everyone was seated (which I knew they wouldn't be) there really is not a bad seat in that venue.
I still can't get over the hair. I thought the thickness was hair extensions and never noticed the shaving. I thought the side was bleached or shaved maybe a little. Didn't notice the whole new doo until I saw the vids when I got home. And I was RIGHT THERE.
I still haven't calmed down. Sent the videos to my kids who live out of state and told them they better watch because there will be a test. They are about ready to order an intervention!
1:05am AG - got to break myself away from computer and get some shut-eye (Damn You Adam Lambert) :), but thanks for response. I'm gonna try to post a concert comment tomorrow, but have family event... so if I don't, suffice it to say, and I'm sure you'd agree for all the 24/7 readers, the quirky stage situation was a more than acceptable trade off to be that up close and personal to BB.
MGF @ 1:05 am (our time)
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