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Is "FEVER" Confirmed As The Next Single?

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 09, 2010

What do you think? Think it's a good idea?

If you don't think FEVER should be the next single, what do you suggest for the fourth single?


Thanks Johanna for the tip!


Anonymous said...

I would love to see the video that goes with this song! >:-D >:-*

Anonymous said...

I'm really torn on this one. I LOVE Fever, as do all of Adam's fans. It's a great song. I'm just afraid the "pronoun issue" could hurt it's chances for airplay. People in this country can be so intolerant & biased. If it is released I hope it is a giant hit - it deserves to be. That said, I think Sleepwalker might have a better chance. Tough call.

Shirley said...

I love the song but I don't think it's SINGLE material......

The lyrics are going to destroy the popularity of the song on the Hot 100 Billboards though...the radios won't play it due to them labeling it being too "gay".

I mean, I would love to hear it on the radio but I don't see it being a success.

Anonymous said...

I prefer has that Daughtry feel to it. (The radios love those songs)

Merrick said...

Oh, I am THRILLED to hear this..!!! :) Funny I was JUST thinking about the issue of Adam's next single last night. And Fever is the song I have been hoping would be released next and I wish they'd get it out quickly so that there is still some possible summertime airplay - but also as sort of an insurance policy against IIHY, because if that ends up not getting as high up the charts as we had hoped -- and its rise has been extremely slow -- Fever will be there to take its place as I do think it will do really well, it's just such an amazing song.

I feel there isn't going to be as much a problem with the "pronoun" issue as people think -- this is ADAM after all, everyone knows he's gay, so really what is the big surprise? -- but of what controversy there may be, it will be just fine & great, because it's time for a little bit of "Adam controversy" again! And, best of all, having the Lady Gaga connection, who has so damn hot this past year, but now, especially when all her songs are starting to fall down the charts, will be great for both Adam and her.

I initially wasn't a huge fan of "Sleepwalker" but have appreciated it more now, especially after having seen Adam perform it in concert, and I do think it would make a good single (not to mention the great Ryan Tedder connection) -- but musically and lyrically it is way better for a fall or winter song. It's just too dark for the summer or early fall, so should be the one after this one.

I still think "Music Again" should be given a chance and definitely "Surefire Winners," there is still time! Two tracks that I had thought should also be singles, "Strut" and "Pick U Up," after some more recent listens, I still LOVE them, but not sure about single viability. And Adam isn't even performing PUU, so not sure if that will ever see the light of day as a single or onstage.

Julie said...

I agree with Merrick...100%%

We need to give FEVER a chance. It's my MOST PLAYED song on FYE...i'm so glad.

Anonymous said...

I prefer Sleepwalker too or Aftermath. Time for Miracles would be great. Fever is too similar with IIHY. Soaked is too operatic song and Strut reminds of a parade song and I don't mean gay parade, but more like a band parade.

Anonymous said...

Not Sure...i thought Sleepwalker would be next single
my only problem with Fever is, it would be GaGa that got all the Namechecks for this song...and i am pretty bored with all the attention she gets now regarding Adam/fever....wish these artists would name check Adam!!

regarding MTV Awards
All these friends of Adams and with all the namechecks Adam has given them....
they SHOULD when giving or receiving Awards mention how UNFAIR that ADAM has NOT had any noms..
then that would prove to me how much a friend they are to Adam
They all have the power to Name check Adam on the night....we will wait and see!!!!! i doubt it though!!!
Disgusted with MTV award FIXES!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Would Gaga fans purchase Fever, are they buying FYE album?

Arta Arias said...

Hi everyone,
Personaly I'm not ok with the already released singles until now. Alhtough they're magnificent I think Adam and his management team should have chosen the singles more wisely to draw the main attention to Adam's uniqueness and his album. The singles where just ok songs as "singles". They didn't always made the listeners hungry for the album, although they were plenty of uncomparable tracks on his album such as Music Again, Soaked, Down the Rabbit Hole, Voodoo, Fever, Sleepwalker and...
But for now, Although I think Fever is an amazing track cos It fully showcases Adam's beautiful voice and amazing talent AND the fact that For the "There he goes" part they can easily edit it with "There U go" as Adam did it himself on one of his recent performances on tour, to make it radio friendly. BUT...
The problem is it's not the time for that song IMO. If it was released in a different order as a second or first single it would be good but right now we have to match the next single with the ones already been released. Especially that adam has still a newly repaired image and the audience is still too sensitive. IIHY was certainly a dance song and is becoming a successful single gradually. If it becomes a hit like WWFM then it will stick around for a while and after that maybe the audience will want a different vibe from Adam like Sleepwalker or sth. (personally I think Can't let you go would make a fantastic single but it won't be released and it would match "New Moon's" soundtrack much better)
So I think it's completely up to the vibe of the current music trend and Adam's exposure and judging by that I think Sleepwalker will have a better chance... UNLESS they come up with a KILLER CLIP and HUGE PROMOTION for the single (MJ or GAGA sized one) to be able to turn it into a successful hit.
Talking about a killer clip, if they can somehow manage a beautiful clip and a vulnerable yet fierce look for Adam, I think even right now "A Loaded Smile" too can become a huge ENEXPECTED hit. Just check out Adam's River Rock performance for evidence and his gestures and emotions and u'll get what I'm tryin to imply.
And last but not least I think "Down the RH" can always emerge as a great single if accompanied with ADAMizing thoughts for a clip...
So my choices based on the prediction of mass reception:

1. Sleepwalker
2. Fever
3. Down the Rabbit Hole
4. A Loaded Smile

Sorry for the bad English.

GagaFan said...

I'm a Gaga fan and I love Adam! Gaga is my #1 but Adam is very close at #2. The Gaga fans over at the forums love Adam too.

Anonymous said...

My only concern is the "there he goes" line and how that would affect the radio airplay. It does not bother me at all but I don't know if some radio stations would play the song because of that. Otherwise, I think it would be great on the radio.


Anonymous said...

YES YES YES!! Fever is the best song on the album. All the
young people here listen to this song by far the most on the
album (driving in the car, etc., they skip over some of the
other ones)
It would be easy to change the pronoun to "you
to make it more generic than "he".
Even tho the stations seemed to play I kissed a girl and I liked it without hesitation...
I think lots of us like Sleepwalker because we have seen it
live and we just love everything Adam does, but believe me,
the younger people go for the dance tunes, especially the

Arta Arias said...

OMG!!!! I forgot about MUSIC AGAIN!!! I think it'll be THE biggest hit for Adam if managed properly!
... and I want to witch 3 and 4 from the list above so the new list will be:

1. Sleepwalker
2. Music Again
3. Fever
4. Loaded Smile
5. Down the RH

Anonymous said...

Loaded Smile

Anonymous said...

To the naysayers:
With all the pure s**t that Eminem says in his songs (among sooooo many others), I'm shocked that you are concerned with what boils down to ONE word in a 3+ minute song: HE. I'd bet $$$ that if no one knew Adam was gay, and you listened to the song on the radio, you'd probably never catch that it says HE and not she. At least not the first few times you heard it.
To the supporters:
Awesome! Keep up the good work.

Adam is who he is. And I know most of you love him and are ardent admirers. I just think that the level and speed of which these posts spew out Yea's or Nay's to every miniscule thing he does is unfair. How would you feel if you were Adam? Seriously, it's the "kiss", or the "haircut" or his desire to get a tattoo nauseam. To this I say: Back the hell off! He has worked years; he's always gracious to all of you; puts up with insane amounts of negative interviews, comments, etc. AND yet he still shows up every night and throws his entire being into a stellar performance, asking nothing from you except applause.

Ok, with all that said: go ahead, "1, 2, 3 attack me".

Sandy said...

I'm gonna go with MUSIC AGAIN.

FEVER should be left on the album...imo.

Anonymous said...



I hope this is true!! The video will be explosive!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
@ Arta Arias

Hi fellows, it's always a pleasure to read your opinions... I think that both of you made interesting different points on FEVER being the next single, Glambrit calling my attention to the «Lady Gaga's conspiration theory» and Arta changing «he» for «you» and pointing out «the wrong order theory of the already produced singles» (not bad, Arta Arias, considering it's an opinion of a sweet aDAM'S MALE Fan!!! Are you sure you've not started to using eyeliner yet? ha, ha!)
I see the three of us share the same opinion about Sleepwalker being the best choice for a new single, although I die for Aftermaths!!! Soaked is beautiful, very deep but kind of not positive for a single (hey, I'm just talking here...)
Now, no need to ask Adam Fix her opinion.... She will certainly say: «Whatever, since the new video presents a special nuance of a naked Adam rolling on glitter... Ha!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!
Fever is the first song that I like when the first time I listen to For Your Entertainment album. Btw, I also have fever at the same time.LOL. When I listen to it, I really wanna to see the music video which is I know that---it's GAY! I'm ok with that. But, I think it maybe quite controversy if Fever is airing on the radio. Not all of the country can accept it. Ok, that's only my opinions.
Btw, I do like if Aftermath is releases as the next single. It's a beautiful song written by Adam and Alisan. And it is a suitable song at this time where there're lot of peeps protest on Adam. Btw, Music Again also not so bad! I love that song so much (>.<)
~just saying

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker. Angst and emotional impact sells big. Adam would have another WWFM on his hands with Sleepwalker. Fever, great song but not the emotional impact.

Anonymous said...

Please, Adam, if you read these blogs, make it Sleepwalker!

Anonymous said...

No it has to be SLEEPWALKER!!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous August 9, 2010 12:19 PM, You seem like maybe you read this site infrequently. The sort of things you are talking about in the second part of your comments posted at 12:19 goes on very very little on this site actually. I do realize this type of thing does happen in the blogosphere a lot with Adam Lambert, so I understand your frustration, but not here very much. Just FYI and/or my take on it.

Vicky said...

I vote for SLEEPWALKER Too...

Anonymous said...

I have been hoping that it will be Sleepwalker. I like Fever, but I like Sleepwalker a lot more, and I think it would be a much bigger hit for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Any song realeased is Great for ME! I think Adam should Release his version of No Boundaries! :)

Anonymous said...

fever, sleepwalker, loaded smile

Anonymous said...

Any song he wants is ok with them all! It is time to shake up the dj's and rock it with Fever! Can't wait to see what he does with this video if he makes one!! realnottooldyet

Anonymous said...

To 12:19pm
Unless I'm not understanding correctly, and maybe I'm not, this specific post by the site Administrator seems to ask for opinions. At the top it says "If you don't think FEVER should be the next single, what do you suggest for the fourth single?" The opinions expressed so far seem to pretty much stick to the issue in the thread, the next single.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:19PM
Calm down fellow, I'm not going to attack you, trust me! I just think you are getting wrong our protective behavior about sweet Adam. We love him AND HE KNOWS THAT and accepts our love because it moves him ON and UP, day by day. Sweet Adam is who he is TODAY because of his supporters, the admirers who give him confidence and inspiration to create, perform and shine... Many times we comment the smallest detail here in 24/7 Paradise just trying to have some fun (and we get some, for sure!) and to know each other better while working here... oh, yeaah! we are WORKING HARD here, can't you see we are raising our amasing star? Amazing enough to appreciate to know us as much as possible, because... nope! sweet Adam doesn't want only our applause, oh oh!... and that is what makes him such a different brilliant artist: his desire is not to be another «fucking billionaire», he desires to DAZZLE HIS FANS as well as we dazzle him with our tight love and care. Take my word, or just ask him if you prefer...

Anonymous said...

i think Strut would be amazing, plus he wrote it so i feel it's more "adam" just like this song is very "lady gaga"
Strut in my opinion could be a great single

Anonymous said...

No one has mentioned my favorite Broken Open. How does everyone else feel about it?

rema said...


Anonymous said...

1,sleepwalker 2,aftermath 3,pick U up

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker and Music Again

Unknown said...

I'll probably be the odd one out buuuut: I think since dance songs are rocketing up the charts these days, Sure Fire Winners is a good one. Makes a good fist-pumping, laser-happy club song. (Besides the fact that it's similar to "We Will Rock You", and we know ppl love a great anthem). Master Plan is also a jolly-good anthem song. But if we're going with "seasonal songs" or whatever, "Can't Let You Go" is a sure hit. Now, if we could just get him to release it. Snowy vid! Oooh! Oh, wait, and Voodoo, my fave. Disco rave dance! I could just imagine the video on that one. Something along the lines of MJ's "Thriller" or in a field with the fireflies. Okay, I'm getting off track... Yeah, I think "Fever" has too much Gaga written all over it, if that makes sense. Adam needs to make a name from himself first without ppl namedropping Gaga like they did one every interview overseas.

Anonymous said...

Yes, FEVER might be a bit of a gamble or risk even though it's a great song.

If I were to pick? 1) Aftermath 2) Music Again 3)Soaked or Sure Fire Winners

Anonymous said...

2. fever
3. SFW

Catharine Sloper said...

Please, Sleepwalker. And, its even more amazing on the tour with the dance interlude to start and then Adam when he comes down the stairs with the photograph in the background and the stone angel. It's just so incredibly out of this world. Sleepwalker is just so fantastic and I'm afraid that if they do Fever they might not ever get to Sleepwalker b/c the next album will take over. Sleepwalker is so fresh, original, multilayered, complex and evocative I see it as having incredible staying power. It has the feel of a classic song that endures.

Anonymous said...

I really like sleepwalker and Fever, I think he should release both of those. Fever sounds like a radio hit, and certainly will draw more of the younger listeners in, and having the Gaga link certainly can't hurt. As to the other songs listed, you have to remember its not about what your favourite is, its about how good it'll sound on the radio, and what will appeal to the largest number of listeners. I love BO, but cannot see it being a big radio hit, same with CLYG, even voodoo, just not mainstream enough. Fever seems to fit well in todays pop scene.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Definitely Sleepwalker next, then Fever, and Music Again. Aftermath is beautiful, but Sleepwalker would be a nice universal song again like WWFM.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was hoping for sleepwalker. That song still makes me tear up.
Fever seems like a summer song, and it is moving into fall. Plus he just had a party song.

Anonymous said...

Fever is too risque; it'd be like FYE. It's fun and great but not for general media, esp. here in U.S.

I prefer also Sleepwalker or Surefirewinner.

Anonymous said...

This still anon-6:31pm.

Yes, I wish he releases songs like that of some of Take One's songs, bigger/thicker voice or of Daughtry's, w/c is marketable because it's rock/manly but romantic lyrics.

Anonymous said...

This is still anon-6:31pm.

But of course, I love everything, Adam. My suggestion is just to get more type of customers, businesswise.

Anonymous said...

I personally think all song's on FYE album are "single" worthy but "Fever" happens to be one of my favs, so hearing this news "if it is true" is a thrill for me... Come on Adam, Give me Feve feve yeah, give me fevah fevah Yeahhhh!
I love this dude <3

Anonymous said...

re...ZZ..Adam Fix warned you about drinking and Lusting over Adam at the same time can cause accidental the beer you threw on your laptop a few nights ago (how could you!!!) lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I like Fever but it is too risque with "There he goes" and "just do me in the car like a menage a trois." Can you see your sweet little 13 year old girl going up to her daddy and saying "whats a menage a trois?" He'd sh&t!

Give me Sleepwalker or Strut. Can't Let You Go hasn't been released in the US yet, so i don't know if it can be a single or not. but would love, love, love it.

Anonymous said...

So great to have an album with so many possible hits!!!! That being said, I would have to go with Pick U Up. That is just a perfect song in so many respects, It's catchy and easy to sing along--unlike Fever and even IIHY. It's got the beat but also is a great piece of music, It's complex and happy. Guess for some reason it's difficult to perform live. Know there's some long winded phrasing issues, but that would not detract from the song. JMO. Heck, my Texas radio stations won't evem play IIHY. I expect them to avoid Fever. Sleepwalker would be my 2nd choice but only with a new recording that sounds more like what Adam is doing in concert or the masterpiece he did for Leno.

OK, OK one other favorite LOL MASTERPLAN is astounding, Can't Let You Go is astounding, What a nice problem--too many great songs

Anonymous said...

anon 7.24...i see what you are saying..but a few years back...remember the kids singing "i'll let you lick my lollipop" Candy Shop by 50 Cents..that was played non stop on the radio in the UK
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:24.....
thank you for the laugh!
The lyrics say: "let's get inside your car, just you, me and the stars, kinda menage a trois sometime". Not "just do me in your car". But that sounds good too!

My vote: Aftermath

Anonymous said...

it has to be SLEEPWALKER

Anonymous said...

If he follows the pattern of alternating a dance/pop with something emo, Sleepwalker should be next.

Anonymous said...

Strut would be a good choice. It's really generic (sexually) and a great dance tune. It would probably get good re-mixes. And as Anon 2:18 says, it's "adam's song" since he co-wrote. It's time for the rest of the world to see that he doesn't just do other people's stuff. He has writing talent of his own! V

Anonymous said...

@ Glambrit Isle of Wight UK...LOL, I know! I was wasted, thank god I didn't run outside naked, cause I happen to do that once a while when I watch WLL...but seriously, my laptop is still drunk, I think me and my laptop need to get our glambert asses to the rehab asap..WTF..and sorry I didn't get to join you guys at the WWFM Global chart thread, we(me and my laptop) were both drunk we needed a lil nap, and my fingers kind of failed on me...LMFAO..


Anonymous said...

It so F'n annoys me when ppl are like "oh it is so risky with the "there HE goes" blah blah....", Damn right it is!!! WTF ...thats what we love about our boy! He breaks the freakin Mold...Go Adam, we need fever! We need
Can you imagine what the video would look like? Man, a lot of Gasmssssssss, and a lot of licking... Woohooo


Anonymous said...

I love FEVER...
BUT the message of Aftermath is universal and uplifting..

7788 said...

Law to the discussion but if FEVER is the single, the video will be very nice! But I agree that there's a risk in it failing in the radio charts.

If I had to vote, I would vote for BROKEN OPEN (a ballad for the fourth single is good) or SLEEPWALKER.

7788 said...


GossipGirl said...




Anonymous said...

SLEEP WALKER, like how adam plays it on idol, he morphed from singing upbeat songs to slow melancholic songs... so after FYE< there was vulnerable WWFM, then If I had you, so his next should be, SLEEPWALKER

Anonymous said...

AFTERMATH PLZ, message is universal

Anonymous said...

I love Fever and play it first and most often. The one word in Fever should not matter; however, I think I agree with 8:03pm and would go with alternating patterns (if you do not count Time for Miracles). I think Sleepwalker, Broken Open or Loaded Smile would be great. Maybe a poll would be fun???

Anonymous said...

I would have preferred Fever to be released ahead of If I Had
You. I guess they chose it because of the lyrics. The melody at the beginning is strange, two awkward interval leaps and then the same note repeated over and over (you sure notice this in those amateur piano versions) and then the chorus sounds like an Abba song to me. Of course, Adam can make anything sound spectacular and the video and dancers are so uplifting.
For radio play alone, Fever has the best dance feel and the most current and "rock" feel to the melody and chords. Replace the word "he" with "you" if that is the only thing holding them back and you would have a HUGE radio hit!

Anonymous said...

Some of us die-hard fans love everything Adam does so we choose
this one and that one because they're all good, BUT Fever is
the ONLY cut that my kids play and dance to on the album.
I think we need to consider a wide audience for radio success
and not get too tied up to our own little Adam world online.

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker please

Anonymous said...

I love SLEEPWALKER but this song in the album is not as well as the version he does in concert, for that reason I prefer he shows his Glam rocker side:

1.- Sure fire winners or Strut any of these for me sounds really like the music that identify him as an artist with a perfect range and vocally great, be unique and different of other artist is what he should show to the world.

glitzylady said...

Yikes, this is what I get for having to work all day, living on the west coast, and then getting home's all been said...BUT since I'm here, I'll throw in my opinion (you KNEW I couldn't resist.... :-) ...) Hmmmm, I LOVE Fever SO MUCH, it just makes my day, everyday, sometimes several times a day, and I love watching Adam perform that song, more than love it actually....It IS obviously a bit of a risk, but when has he NOT taken a risk or two???? And the other question is, would he want to compromise the "integrity" of his work by changing that one word, as some have suggested, in order to make it a bit more "radio" friendly...I tend to think not, but then Adam does surprise us sometimes and he might in order to make it more commercially viable but he's kinda stubborn about things like that and in this case..who knows what the "right" choice is...On the one hand I would say leave that word, but then the reality of it is, it might be a problem, again, getting the stations to play it...GRRRR!!!....Or maybe no one would care....It is so hard to predict... I tend to agree that with his "usual" pattern of alternating fast vs. slow songs, that Sleepwalker would be the "logical" next song to be released, IMHO....It would have great universal appeal and really showcases his beautiful voice...A co-worker of mine, who is sort of a "neutral" test case, saw him perform it on Leno and she REALLY liked it, and said so without prompting from me BTW....So I guess the question is, really, does he want a "safer" and fabulous choice or does he want to see what happens with Fever, a bit of a "test case" but another fabulous dance song...So I'm sort of on the fence on this one...I also agree that Music Again would be a good choice....or Soaked or.....Heck, I like all of them....Guess we'll see...and @9;23 pm: Maybe we should listen to your kids!!!!! I'll go with whatever helps to get him on the radio and appreciated...or a least appreciated....

Anonymous said...

My grandson is 7 yo and his fave is CAN'T LET YOU GO followed by VOODOO & then A LOADED SMILE! Some selection for a 7 yo. Since football season is coming up in the fall ... maybe SURE FIRE WINNERS would be a good song to play at all the high school & college games at half time. I would choose SOAKED for my fave for the next single. FEVER is my least fave on the album ... sorry ... just like to see ADAM perform it LIVE!! ANYTHING ADAM PICKS WILL BE GREAT!!


Anonymous said...

1. Pick U Up
2. Fever
3. Broken Open
4. Strut
5. Soaked

Anonymous said...

Still think Fever has the most current pop/dance feel to it, and will appeal to the wider/younger audience. Can't believe the radios wouldn't play it because of the word 'he' when they had no problem playing Rihanna's rude boy, anything by Eminmen, several of Lily Allen's etc. I would believe many won't play it because its Adam, and for some reason they refuse to play him full stop, obviously can't be to do with lyrics otherwise they would be playing IIHY all the time.
Sleepwalker would be good, or music again for a faster one, has a scissor sisters/ or Mika feel to it so might do pretty well. The others, as much as I love everything on the album, I don't think would do very well as singles, not on the main charts anyway.

HK fan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ADAMLUV, dear, where are you??? Give us your opinion! Don't allow a damn anonymous bark to affect you, come back to our chat in 24/7 Paradise. We miss you a lot!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun/1:43 - check newer threads, she's there :)! MGF

Anonymous said...

i think fever should be released after sleepwalker . just makes the most sense. fever is a spring song.sleepwalker being a dark winter sing... imo..

Anonymous said...

Like "Fever" but it's very risky. Also, it should be nice if next single would be song been written by Adam: Strut, Aftermath, Pick You Up. These are my favorite songs form FYE
1. Aftermath
2. Pick You Up
3. Sure Fire Wiiners (I guess this one would be blast)

Anonymous said...

I love FEVER....but also SLEEPWALKER could be a great HIT!!...