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Y98's Jen Myers Up Close With Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 09, 2010


American Idol's Adam Lambert goes one on one with Y98's Jen Myers before his show at the Pageant. Recorded on August 8, 2010.

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Anonymous said...

Wow, another great interview! Again Adam looks so gooooooood and relaxed! ( when is he isn't... hello! ) Haha... good to inside info, Adam's not into bondage... thank gawd!... where's the fun & pleasure if you're hurtin!... lol

Btw, even Adam's feet are sexy! :))

Anonymous said...

How does he answer the same questions over and over and always make his answers sound fresh and sincere? What an amazing, intelligent and professional young man. In all honesty, I think it's Adam's personality as much as his music that is drawing his fan base. Can't have one without the other. Keep it up gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 2:14PM
Sweet Adam does it because he, himself, is over and over constant, fresh and sincere... because he's amazing, intelligent and such a great professional young man. And you are so right: as much as his music his personality is drawing his fan base!!! Personality... sweet Adam's best gift, right after his umbilieveble amazing and blessed voice. Indeed, Indeed, Indeed!....And indeed again!

Anonymous said...

Who's behind the camera? Looks like the camera operator is totally into it!
Loved the interview. Some good points there.. big arenas vs. smaller venues.. connection with the audience.. dressing up for concerts.. saving bras.. :)


Anonymous said...

Loved how Adam's handcuff comment got a chuckle out of the camera guy at the one can resist the glamcharm!

Anonymous said...

I love watching Adam interviews. He is soo knowledgeable, sweet, and charming. He is soo natural and good natured. The interviewers, if they are women tend to gravitate toward him, and I don't blame them at all. I would get as close to him as possible without being rude or pushy. Can't get enough Adam.

Anonymous said...

I just love Adam in interviews....and this one was good.

I have a question though: what in the world early in the show would give a grandma-aged fan a heart attack? I can't think of anything!


Anonymous said...

hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I just can't imagine Sweetie.... yep, I'm at a total loss as to what BB might be referring to

;) MGF

Anonymous said...

I guess it only refers to Grandma aged fans who are in love with Tommy...

Anonymous said...

Just looking at that smokin' hot bod strutting all over the stage singing Fever could put me in danger! Adam and Brooke dirty dancing, Adam and Tommy licks also get the heart rate up in a good way! Adamitis symptoms getting more severe now. Will have to talk myself down before it gets any more out of control...but when he speaks and makes that eye contact...funbunn40