Isaac Carpenter, Adam's new Drummer
Filed Under (The Band ) by Admin on Sunday, August 29, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, August 29, 2010

A snippet from his wikipedia page:
"Isaac Carpenter (born on August 29, 1979 in Tri-Cities, Washington) is an American hard rock drummer, percussionist and producer. Carpenter is best known as the former drummer for the alternative rock group Gosling (previously known as Loudermilk). He is the current drummer for Loaded, the group lead by Velvet Revolver and former Guns N' Roses bassist Duff McKagan, and has also performed with The Exies."
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Are we sure about this?
*********** Happy birthday Isaac!!! **************
Isaac's resume is loaded. He is going to be a great new addition to Adam's band and he will have a blast with them. Congrats Isaac for getting the job! Great choice Adam, I approve!:)
Adam said in an interview that this is his new drummer so I'm sure it's true.
Please tell me he is gay!!!! Adam can date him <3 He's cute!!!
LG is being replaced? Is he fired???
To Cecilia 1:09
LP is going back to his old band called Yellowcard for whatever reason is beyond all of us. Whatever works for both parties...
Cracks me up that Adam is surrounded by guys who usually play & listen to hard rock.
WoW!!! Hot! Hot! Hot! Can't believe another hot guy in Adam's band. I feel so good ti be a fan of Adam. Imagine the best rock/pop band with the most talented singer in history. Of course, Adam is the hottest one and I thank him for being in my lifetime.
LOL I think he's definitely Adam's type. Hopefully he's gay.
Is it perverted of me to say I want to see Adam tongue him on stage?
He's straight and married.
lol he's not gay. He's married. A fan is his sister-in-law and said he's married.
LOL! we have a lot of match makers here!
Anon 1:17, agree 100% with you! Also, this guy looks cute too! Very glad he's straight cuz I so like the mix of gay/straight guys all getting along, living with each other, having fun together and just rocking out! Great model for society!!! Adamluv
I know we all hope the best for Adam, but let's not fall in a stereotype that imagines Adam with every guy he comes in contact with. That is so yesterday's thinking. Let's be a little more progressive. Isaac has an impressive resume and I truly hope that he is in it for the long run. We see Adam's band as family. I hope that Cam is in it for the long run too.
Thank you, thank you Adamluv and Anon 1:53. I so love Adam and the fact that he is simply a great talent, an open minded and inclusive human being and that he has created an open family with his band and dancers that the whole country can identify with. He is a great example for the society and he makes "gay" look like what it really is -- an ordinary and casual part of most families. Beverly
I think Isaac will be very happy being a part of the glamily and I welcome him. He couldn't be aligned with a better group of people, all talented in their own right. I'll miss LP,as he was so accomodating to fans and a superb drummer. I really hate to see him go,and wish him much success. His fiancee, Jane was with him in Raleigh last night. She's very attractive, tall, slender, black hair. She and LP went back and forth from the venue during the afternoon in a white car,having to drive by fans. The fans were great, polite and didn't get in their way. I've lost my voice [screaming my head off during the concert]and have had little sleep in the last two days. Will catch up with y'all later! funbunn40
Why would Adam want to get into a relationship with someone he works with anyway? That's just bad business. Let him take care of his own personal life and some of you need to take care of your own.
i really want to see another picture of him ..
to make sure he is cute xP
Adam have great taste in Music and in guys xD
I will miss LP but life goes on and if he is engaged, then he probably does not want to travel for the next few months around the world. He is an insanely good drummer and I am sure that this new drummer will be great too as this band is not only great, but they are smart and they all know, Adam included, that he has to be a good "fit" with the glam family, in terms of personality. I'm sure he will have a blast with them. Lucky him!
Can someone tell me how OLD he is? He looks young. I can't believe he's already married.
Anon 3:10 Can't you read? It says in the article he was born on August 29, 1979 (Happy Birthday Issac) so that makes him 31 today.
LP needed to be replaced anyway for lying to Adam's face when he and Joan were ustreaming him without his knowledge during rehersal.
Here's how this happened. Adam to Slash to Duff to Isaac. :)
I think Monte is a really nice guy and a great guitar player. Raise your hand if you think he's hot? Not me.
you ppl are so sick in a bad way wanting the guy to be gay so you can get your rocks off seeing them make out on stage get a fking life and some sex plz leave adam and his sex life to him
Agree totally with you 3:43. This site is getting stranger by the minute. People are having fun I know, but it comes across sometimes as odd and very controlling. Maybe too many reality shows on TV. Adam is a nice guy, and his show is pure entertainment. That should be enough.
Very cute. I read on twitter a fan of Adam's is his niece.
What a lucky girl. She gets to meet Adam soon I believe.
I agree with Anons. 2:47 PM & 3:43 PM and others..
I’m horrified when I see on twitter some excited girls who act like mindless paparazzi at Adam’s shows taking pictures of young boys or men without their knowledge or consent and attaching tags like ‘straight’ or ‘gay’. How the hell do they know who is who?
I read somewhere a very enlightening story.. A (grown-up) lady thought about a young man, who was completely taken by Adam, to be gay only to find out later on that he had been at that concert with his girlfriend, his future bride-to-be. The lady learned a lesson that night and so should we. Never make assumptions about one’s sexuality! More often than not we might be wrong about it.
And I AM kind of tired of all that pimping.. I bet Adam is doing fine in this respect without the help of his fans. I think ‘chasing’ cute guys in Adam’s name was amusing for a while but not anymore.. And why do we need to know about sexual preferences of the people surrounding Adam? If we never knew about Adam’s sexuality, I think we wouldn’t have been so curious about everyone else’s.. But otherwise we make such a fuss if a reviewer is writing about ‘the gay singer’, right?
Lordy, Miss Claudie! Not every male Adam associates with is gay, nor a potential partner. Adam has said many times this year, he does not have time for a relationship. Anyway, why fool with the Adommy thing--it works! Never in my life have I read so many matching-making people. Think Issac Carpenter making a good move to get on the stardom train. Sorry to say I never heard of him before, but I will now.
@ Funbunn40
Welcome back to our flat planet, fellow. No journeys «out of the body» this time? Good! Let's not to make bad impression of our Club Weird glammembers to the new drummer! Let's just say happy birthday Isaac and welcome to Glamily!
(PS: Wherever LP goes, we glamberts wish him success. We will keep him in a warm place in our hearts forever, won't we?)
Anon @ 3:37......I was a foot away from Monte after a concert ..he was on his way to the bus and stopped to sign a autograph for someone...I stood there speechless.....He is so much better looking in person....Adam sure has alot of eye candy around him.....Monte is HOT
@ GlammyLadybug
Love your comment. You are so right (as always)!
Lucky guy!! I bet there were a ton of guys/girls auditioning for the job. I hope Isaac is it for the long haul. Coming from a hard rock background I hope he can get into Adam's pop music and he truely loves Adam's sound and wants to be in Adam's band and not just for the money and fame of it. I agree with 3:36 that LP should have been fired a long time ago for lying to Adam's face about ustream of rehearsals. Best of luck to Isaac!
Adam is an expert in Music and Musicians, so you know that Isaac is going to be the best of the best.
Didn't know about the ustreaming of rehearsals....that surprises me.......but if Adam had wanted to fire him for that, he would have done it immediately. As I understand, LP is going back to his old band and moving on with life that will be a little more "stay at home" like since he is soon getting married. Tired of people trashing people and seeming to enjoy it. Adam would never approve of that type of behavior from his friends, and certainly not from his fans. Hope that Isaac has a great time traveling with the band and being part of the glamily. He is undoubtedly an awesome drummer, because Adam would choose nothing but the best. Happy Birthday Isaac, and welcome to the Adam family. We support you 100%. LP....we will miss your awesome drumming, and your great personality. All the best to you in your future, and thanks for helping to make this Glamnation tour an event to ALWAYS remember. Love and light to all.........
Right on with the positive comments. Isaac looks great for the future! and he seems really sweet. Just a great passion for music. Here's a look.
Wonder if Issac a friend of Monte. Most musicians know each other as it is probably a tight community and not that large in the scheme of things. As Adam's friend and musical director, I would imagine Monte had lots of input. Makes sense to me anyway. Wish him HB and many more as part of the Glam Nation team. Most musicians stay with a winning team, but understand Adam traveling a lot and will probably travel abroad even more.
people, if you want to hear a little playing by Issac, click on the abouve link, Issac@Studio of the Gods.
LP has wanted to get married for sometime. He wants to be closer to where girlfirend, Joan is. So, maybe Issac is between gigs and interviewed for the position with Glam Nation to go over seas with them. Who knows, maybe he will be back with his own gig when he gets back. I really like LP and wish him and girl friend the best. I enjoyed listening to him. Best Wishes LP!!!
Hi Isaac. Welcome to Adam's band. I am sure you will be fab as Adam has always chosen good musicians. I hope you can handle us nutty fans!
All I can say is Isaac welcome to the winners circle!! You have nabbed a good one joining the ranks of this group. So sad about LP however I think he himself would like to be more the center of attention. That's Ok I am happy for him and his girlfriend. Monte is very grounded an knows his stuff...his wife and him are mature adults and this is Monte's job. I am glad Adam isn't the self serving type. He cares about his people. I think what makes this group jell and it is obvious the chemistry they have. That says alot about their leader. Good luck to Issac! Newbee!
I was about 6 feet from Monte when he was being interviewed in San Diego and he is much better looking in person with gorgeous eyes, and I would say - hot as well! And certainly is on stage when he is rocking that guitar! Adamluv
Isaac being with Guns'n'Roses and Slash saids alot. Adam made a real friend in Slash and if he did reach out to him makes perfect sense.
I for one am going to be doing some homework looking up more info about Isaac. Looks like Adam found a winner here!! It will be soo exciting to watch how this all plays out. Best of everything to LP.
Isaac be prepared -- Adam's fans are the best and passionate to the hilt!
Our love will be coming your way too!!
Monte mentions in that last interview that he definitely would consider going back to Madonna but not till next year or the year after, when she is done filming and promoting her movie that she is currently filming. He said it would be a tough decision whether to stay with Adam or go back to Madonna since both take/took very good care of him. I know Lisa, Monte's wife has tweeted that she wishes Monte had a job closer to home. She has a lot of work cut out for her with those new twins as well as the other 2 little ones.
Here is a pic of Longineu and his fiancee Joan:
waah Isaac get to play overseas...lucky him !
....hey people relax---some are just saying"they hope he's gay" just having fantasies and probably a few hope is he's a good drummer and looks like will had energy to the band.
Anonymous 1:12 pm:
"Cracks me up that Adam is surrounded by guys who usually play & listen to hard rock."
I don't know if you've seen Adam in concert, but he rocks it much harder (not to metal level, though) than the recorded versions on his CD. I'm sure Isaac will have fun and be an asset to the glamily.
I'm excited for how Adam change Issac's life.He'll be prettier and glammer working with Adam Lambert for sure!
Hey Glitzylady and lmb - Isaac is kind of "local guy", being from Washington! Yay!
- Adam Fix
anon for 8-30-10 2:17am you may have had a few drinks at the time you posted but the people having their fantasies should have just ate their lunch
anon 8-29-10 11:01pm isaac never played drums for gnr did you read duff former bassist for gnr
Sorry never heard of Monte when he was playing for Madonna--key word playing for. With Adam he is part of a group that he could not be w/Madonna. I've not known her to share the spotlight. Could be wrong. Correct me if I am.LOL
@ Adam Fix
Noticed that...local talent!!! We've had a few of those....Jimi Hendrix for one...Kurt Kobain...and now Issac Carpenter!!!! YAY WA!!!!
@Fan4fun, Still have not come down from the clouds seeing Adam. He signed a poster of mine, saying "Spread the Lambert Love 24/7" [a nod to 24/7]and the cd insert from FYE. He is so good looking you can't take your eyes off of him. He smiled the whole time he was signing. He only did Mad World in Raleigh as an encore,[no 20th Century Boy} which surprised me, as the crowd was wild! I still can barely talk from screaming[not while he was singing]I completely lost my voice. Think I'll tweet Adam for vocal advice! haha My daughter and I were at a Irish pub and a cute couple had a few drinks with us after finding out we were going to the concert. The husband was a big fan of Adam and I sure did a lot of pr for Adam and 24/7 this Also met a man that had a pic of me on his cell phone from the Charlotte concert. Small world. Allison's guitarist Liz Ann Hill also remembered my tag, from somewhere, she said. Maybe from 24/7. I hadn't heard anything about LP and his fiancee videoing rehearsals without Adam's knowlege, or Adam being upset with him. Is it posted somewhere? I only read that LP was going back to his previous band, Yellow Card.I'm sure he wants to do his thing, just like Adam likes to do his. LP tweeted awhile back that he wanted Adam's fans to chant at the concerts,"We want a solo from LP!" That seems pretty obvious that he would rather be the center of his own band. Can't say I blame him, but still hate to see him go. I'm sure Isaac will be just as talented. I hope Monte won't leave! He and Adam work so well with each other and are such good friends. Like Adamluv said, Monte is really good looking when you see him up close. Velvety chocolate brown compelling eyes and a personality that really adds to his appeal.Hate to see anyone leave the glamily, but this is a grueling tour. They all must be so sick of the same routine after all of these performances, even tho' we don't tire of watching. funbunn40
I'm so sorry to see LP go. I love him so much as a person. He is a great drummer so, I guess he gotta do what he gotta do. He seemed a great fit for the band and a perfect addition to the Glamily.
Welcome Isaac.
i know hi, and seriously .he is the best drummer out me. listen to lodermilk,red record. and get schooled.and sorry to dissapoint he is not gay.
sorry cant spell,i know (him). and its
adam your good, but the drummer makes the band. Isaac you rock!!!!!!!! love you so proud,
cousin jason. ya you rock!
ya he isnt gay
just when i thought adam's band couldnt get any hotter.....IT DID. great choice ADAM! hes still doing everything perfectly!
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