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Q94 Interviews Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Okay Richmond, you submitted the questions that YOU wanted to get answered from Adam Lambert. Well, you asked, and you got it! Listen up!"


Anonymous said...

I did not know Longinue played for Yellowcard! I think it's awesome he's getting back together with them.


Shirley said...

Great interview!

Anonymous said...

He is so patient and genuine as he answers the same stuff over and over. And, OMG, those have to be the most beautiful eyes in the world. No matter what level of dress or hairdo or make up he has at the moment, his eyes are just deep and sexy and intelligent and warm. He is absolutely addicting in the nicest way possible.

Anonymous said...

Good morning 24/7, you changed it again... change is good!

Great interview! Adam is a graceful dancer and flexible, body roll is just one of the many steps a dancer could easily do. Those eyes are so sexy and piercing!:)

Anonymous said...

I love that shirt he's wearing.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a picture of Isaac he was talking about?

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad to see Longineau leaving.....

Anonymous said...

A picture of Isaac, Adam's new drummer. His name is Isaac Carpenter. Here is a link to his wikipedia page, with a picture! :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't write this before when I saw a video, in which, I thought it was the lighting. BUT what's with all the bruises on Adams left arm ?
He seem very subdue in this interview.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to listen to his interview for a few seconds but he is so interesting,just pulls you right in.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the site improvements - it makes following Adam so much less stressful. Also, the photos and interview are so clear - they show how great Adam looks 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Articulate, charming and honest as always - "That's the pageant answer" And liking "the fall" which is my favorite here in So.Calif. too. No makeup and still gorgeous and that close up was very yummy! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree and thank you 24/7 for the site improvements. It was a pleasant surprise as I returned from a short visit to Cape Cod.

Last weekend it was the music of our Glam Rock God UP CLOSE and this weekend it was classical music from the Symphony.

What a summer!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

YAYAYAYYA!!! The ads are better. LOVE the new format!! THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU! I can see everything!!! Ok Ill have to come back later to watch.

Anonymous said...

Oh! expect the un-expected! Ok!

Anonymous said...

His eyes is beautiful and what he is wearing make his eyes even more beautiful , But in the end he is Beautiful man <333

Love him till death


Anonymous said...

I wonder what time of the day he's doing the interview, looks like the back of his hair has a little of a bedhead look. Otherwise, he seems his normal self. It's hard to see his arms with the label in front of them, but I see some bruises on his right arm not the left. Sorry to see Longineau go. Great Guy! Yeah, Adam cute and adorable as usual. When they were asking about his moves and how he came to be able to do them and he kind of looked away from the camera I'm thinking, well, I can figure out a few ways to practice some of those moves sort of-- in private. Maybe that occurred to him too!!! You never can tell.

Anonymous said...

Bruises?? He is very fair skinned - prob bruises easily and don't we all have a few here and there most of the time? Subdued?? Betcha he just rolled out of bed, ruffled up that beautiful hair and put on that smile but with a little less sass!! Understandable. Remember there was a bunch of free time partying in NY - he is probably deliciously tired and we all hope, happy!! Love you Superman!!

Anonymous said...

he is gorgeous with or without make up. Those beautiful eyes makes you turn on all the time ha!ha! loved it. I wish him all the best and continue the love and respect with his fans all over the world. PEACE be with you all.........

Anonymous said...

I watched "Fever" several times over to catch any bruising and what I saw was what looked like heavier glitter or streaked glitter. Maybe from just changing clothes and sweating?

Urethra_Franklin said...

Was this filmed after the Scissor Sisters show? The dancing at those shows is so intense in the crowd its VERY EASY to bruise up fast. Ive seen them more times than I can count and I always feel like Ive left a massive dance laced orgy. My Scissor bruises are badges of honor!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, 4:05pm - this was a day or so after Scissor Sisters. Good point!! He must have had a great time.

Anonymous said...

Another WONDERFUL interview! Adam is so nice and so interesting to listen to. He always brings a smile to my dial. :)