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Adam Catching T-Shirt Mid-Air on Stage & Wearing it After Show

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 29, 2010

This was from Albany New York on 08/23/10

From NightBirdsObsession:

"Adam demonstrates his athletic ability by nimbly catching a gift t-shirt from devoted fans NightBirdsObsession (aka @robininny) & @4evrmomof4. Mom, being taller and closer to the stage, carefully tossed it to him at the end of his sold-out Glam Nation Tour show at the beautiful Palace Theatre in Albany, NY on August 23, 2010. Much to our surprise, Adam was wearing it after the show when he was outside signing autographs. You can see it clearly starting @ 1:00. The shirt is a reproduction of one worn by John Lennon in 1971 at the Cannes Film Festival. It has a graphic of the world with a peace sign superimposed over it. Around it are the words, Come Together. We're thrilled that Adam liked the shirt and sincerely thank him for being there for our entertainment and serving as an inspiration for fans of all ages."


Anonymous said...

He is so flexible.

Anonymous said...

fits him eh!!!!!. love u adam

Anonymous said...

Off Topic, but THANK YOU 24/7 for changing the format again. No more ads at the top of the page! YIPPEE! THANK YOU! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I loved the previous layout (I had no problem with it). But some users did so I'm glad it's fixed for them!

Thanks 24/7 for keeping me up to date on Adam all the time. Really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

I was at this show last Monday and I am still words can describe the feeling of seeing him live.

Cheril said...

What a great idea for a t-shirt. Absolutely perfect. Adam obviously appreciated the significance too.

julia said...

Adam is so sweet as always. He values his fans and appreciate his fans for the gifts by wearing it right away. Adam trully loves his fans as we love him !!!

julia said...

That is a good idea gift - a t-shirt that has great meaning of Peace and love - That is Adam's spirit. No wonder he loves it.

Anonymous said...

That's true,thank you to 24/7 to change the format of this site that did not allow Ads at the top of the page !! I like this and the dark color background !

Anonymous said...

Agree, whoever gave him that shirt that says " Come Together " scored big time. Adam likes stuff that has a meaning to him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much 24/7 for removing the ads at the top of the page. It really obstructed the title and part of picture and was really a pain! Yuo always do your best to keep us happy!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Fingers faster than brain. Please excuse typo. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes - thank you 24/7 for moving the ads so they don't cover up your headlines...much appreciated!! You guys are the best.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Put me in the group that is glad the ads are gone. They were an annoyance. Adam is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, in my opinion the Beatles was the silliest band of all times. Won't deny, they were a good product. I don't know why, but when I saw that peace sign WBC came to mind..

Anonymous said...

Hello All,

Not trying to get in trouble with the admins here – I’m just looking for the threads with the most activity. I have one free ticket for tonight’s show in Covington KY and I don’t want it to go to waste. If interested please email to arrange drop off. Please share.

Anonymous said...

23/7 thank you for changing the fomat + havin more info about each thread before we click on it!


p.s. After over a week of trying various things I still can't get youtube videos to play louder than barely audible at all. If anyone has ideas or solutions, I'd love them!


Anonymous said...

Yes adam, thank you for entertaining us and being in our lives. GOD bless you. You are such an amazing person. Going to vh1 to view and listen to "IF I HAD YOU" and vote for it. Great video.