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Ke$ha Calls Adam Lambert a 'Real Friend,'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Ke$ha expressed remorse for the fact that her friend and fellow pop star, Adam Lambert, didn't receive any nods. "It's a little bit unfortunate that he didn't get nominated, because he does have one of the best voices I've ever heard," she says. Lambert took the news in stride, tweeting Ke$ha a congratulations message after the nominations were announced. "In a business full of utmost douchebaggery, I'm really lucky to have found a real friend in him," Ke$ha adds.

SOURCE: Billboard


Anonymous said...

shes still a skeeze.

Anonymous said...

I didnt use to like Ke$ha (songs were fun, however) but since Adam has always had such kind words to say about her, I am now rethinking my opinion. I like what she has to say about him as well. I dont know who is nominated in her catergory but I will be hoping she wins! When I saw her at Wango Tango, the mostly Justin Bieber fans were very enthusiastic about her and knew the words to her songs. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam's a sweet bb.
I like Kesha

Anonymous said...

Besides Adam's incredible talent, he has such a beautiful soul. I'm glad I'm a Glambert. The best revenge for the snub is to buy more albums and singles from itunes.

Anonymous said...

I love both Adam and Kesha. They look so cute together in this pic. I do think that Adam should have been nominated for an award. I didn't understand why Kesha had so many nominations when Adam didn't get any. I hate MTV now and will never watch MTV or that stupid award show again.

Anonymous said...

Adam has such great perception of people; and if he admires Ke$sha so much, then she must be a true friend and a nice person. So happy that she recognizes his many talents and attributes.

Anonymous said...

If anyone would know about douchebaggery, it would be Kesha.

Carlos said...

Awww.. Sweet words from Kesha.. I hope they stay friends for a long time cause they both know what it's like to be in the spotlight

Shirley said...

Those are pretty cool and genuine words from KESHA. I'm not a fan but I admit she's very likable after she became friends with Adam.

Anonymous said...

If Adam likes Kesha, that's good enough for me. We don't know her. He does. That being said, I do think her music sucks. I did like Tic Tock but can't stand anything else. I have to turn it off. So much autotuning. The lady is cute and sexy but simply can't sing. At least Gaga and Brittany have good voices, but between Katy Perry and Kesha--yipes. All we can do is just comment on the music. None of us know these people. They may be sleezy or not.

URANUS said...

awww tha'ts so sweet.

Anonymous said...

That's sweet. Her tweet back to Adam for the VMA congrats was cute. She has a "naughty idea" with Adam in mind...Hmmm...who wouldn't????

Anonymous said...

"It's a little bit unfortunate" ...... WTF!!! It's a LOT unfortunate!!!!!! More unfortunate is that she was nominated and not Adam. Sorry, won't ever like her or her music. The "concerned" parents are so worried about their children being exposed to homosexuality, yet purchase millions of K's CDs for their innocent children to expose them to nothing but drinking and being a ho!!!!

Anonymous said...

Politics all around...the music biz is a great example. It's all about the marketing AND "it's NOT all about the music"...there's more going on behind the scenes-wheeling and dealing I'm sure. We're tortured with DJ's playing the same songs over and over and over....being subjected to 'singers' who cannot sing. Not much realness there. So many songs have ZERO content sung by the untalented. IT'S SO SAD.

That's why we appreciate the truth and realness of Adam. Such a breath of fresh air in a polluted arena.

Josh said...

I adored Ke$ha right from the start!(Not as much as Adam though)

She may not have an amazing voice (like Adam does) but she does have talent because she writes all her songs.

It really pisses me off when people claim Ke$ha is "talentless" because she has written 3 top 10 singles!

Someone like Britney Spears(who has written ZERO top 10 singles and can't sing or even perform anymore is truly "talentless")

Ke$ha keeps it real and loves Adam and I personally am glad they are frieds!!!

Josh said...

Oh yeah and...


It's bull that Adam didn't get nominated!

Anonymous said...

MTV does totally suck! I knew it but now I will never watch mostly because they are showing that they are sell outs, not interested in true talent. Wonder what really went on behind closed doors with this one as it's pretty shocking the ones that did get nominated and that Adam did not receive even one nod. I guess we ignore this bullshit and just stay focused on the art and the artist. What a good idea!

Anonymous said...

You said the real thing...Focus on the Artist.....Adam is amazing......

Anonymous said...

ke$ha thank you for that!

she knows the score. what she said takes real guts in that she's hilarious and darling.

any friend of adam's is a friend of mine. period!

shall we go to vh1 and vote with vigor?

yours truly, dana

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If anyone still doesnt know who Ke$ha is,,,where are you??? lol! SHES is one of my favorite female pop singers ! shes nominated for 3 awards,,,and does deserve to be! HER songs are up-beat catchy fresh new! On the other hand I dont know why Adam didnt get any nomination ! i know he should have been and im not happy with it either >:( but alot of award shows are stupid and rigged anyway.but owell u know guys WE already know our ADAM is #1! and hes the BEST! do u think Adams sitting around upset about it,,,i dont think so! So dont take it out on Ke$ha-i dont think Adam would aprove of us dising her! she hasnt done anything!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon. 10:02PM ... Just focus on ADAM ... IGNORE all the rest of the BS. Madonna told ADAM to keep his eye on the prize ... look straight ahead ... forget about all the other CRAP!! Being snubbed by MTV is no BIG DEAL when you look at how many other GREAT artists got the same treatment ... Christina A. .. Green Day ... Muse ... and the list goes on & on. ADAM is in pretty good company .. IMO .... there will be other awards in the future. MTV just 'cut their own throat' ... lost a lot of viewers ... BIG FAIL!!! KEEP VOTING IIHY on VH1 ... put ADAM back at #1 ...


Anonymous said...

Adam will get his nods at the award that means much more then any fake mtv award. LOL but don't expect anything coming from the AMAs, but then again if they do have him back they will secretly be hoping he does some kind of "shenanigans" for viewers...any other music award show coming up I forgot?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Kesha's "naughty" tweet below has something to do with her somehow mentioning or getting him on the awards show?

"thank you love!!!! i miss you too.... I HAVE AN excellent naughty idea as well that you could be involved with... call a ho xx"

Anonymous said...

Adam is the complete, acting, dancing, looks,
beautiful personality.......I really think some people in the
business are jealous of many in the music field have also have praised him.....He's our Baby Boy and he is
ADAMIZING.......he's a "good thing"

Anonymous said...

I'm worried about the populism in the music business. Gaga is the #1 populist.

Anonymous said...

Adam considers Kesha a friend and visa versa. I respect that and her loyal remarks. I'm sure she is as disappointed as we are that he was overlooked. I believe it's political,and a really stupid move on their part, especially for best new artist. I never even heard of the bottom two on the list. Adam can sing, but as was said before, it's not about the music. Hi Dana, also agree with you! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know that Adam and Kesha are such good friends. Say what you want about her, but it's obvious that she appreciates and respects Adam. She sees how talented and genuine he is and how unfair MTV is being by snubbing him this year. Hopefully MTV will realize how stupid they're being when Adam wins the Teen Choice Award for best male artist later on this month and hopefully scores a Grammy nomination next year!

Anonymous said...

Uranus @ 8:21

Really? Really? Whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...


Maybe Kesha should stick to songwriting...she certainly can't sing.

Anonymous said...

All these friends of Adams and with all the namechecks Adam has given them....
they SHOULD when giving or receiving Awards mention how UNFAIR that ADAM has NOT had any noms..
then that would prove to me how much a friend they are to Adam
They all have the power to Name check Adam on the night....we will wait and see!!!!! i doubt it though!!!
Disgusted with MTV award FIXES!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit, That's a wonderful idea! But I doubt it will happen. Adam seems to be a better friend to others then they are to him. Sad! Adamluv

khaiezshronne said...

those are very sweet words from ke$ha, anyways, i hope your friendship will stay strong... dudes...

Anonymous said...

Kesha said "a little bit unfortunate" to diminish the importance of it. She is an expert in the douchebaggery having grown up in the music biz vis a vis her mom. She was a Dr Luke protege. That's why she was escorted by him to her initial radio interviews. I give her HUGE PROPS for her statement and won't trash her anymore. And yes, all those silly lyrics were from her and apparently someone likes them. She calls it what it is, silly party music. Good for her for making something of herself and being a good friend.