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Mom and Dad are Adam Lambert's Biggest Supporters

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Ever since Adam Lambert finished as the runner up on American Idol, he has been working nonstop. After going on tour with his fellow American Idol contestants, he went into the studio to record his hit album, For Your Entertainment, which has spun off hit songs.

Lambert, who is currently touring the USA, has one of most devoted fan bases in the world. However, if you ask Lambert who are really his most devoted fans, he will tell you they are his parents, who support him through everything no matter what.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio of the new interview!


Anonymous said...

Cool, Adam's mom and my mom are kind of alike... she tells you about it and she lets it go. Easy going people are sooooo easy to get along with!... trust me I know!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is Adam because of his parents. All children should be so lucky as to have two parents who love them unconditionally, yet provide loving support and guidance.

Anonymous said...

Adams parents should write a book on how to raise 2 super kids! Yes, Adam is very lucky for their unconditional love and support! They are role models for parents everywhere. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Agree that Adam is very luck to have such cool parents. Considering they have been divorced many years, it's great to see them get along and be so supportive of their wonderful sons. Adam's personality is primarily a product of their influence. Even though Adam looks a lot like his mom, he has his dad's fabulous eyes. So let's give credit to both for this remarkable looking and talented man.

Anonymous said...

Totally OT but just read a tweet that Adam is going to be on the George Lopez show. Didnt say when and might not be true. Hope so since I adore Mr. Lopez and it would be a new audience for Adam! Adamluv

GlammyLadybug said...

It's nice that Fox All Access reposts bits of interviews from last year. For those of you who want more of it, just follow these links:
I love those old interviews, too!


GlammyLadybug said...

For those of you impatient like myself, check out this YT channel for videos from last night at the Sunshine Theater:

Anonymous said...

sorry off topic but does anyone know that Juneau and Xena (the writers of "on the meaning of Adam Lambert")have a radio talk show blog? I am surprised!these women are real fans, like crazy super fans...I just listened to their talkshow and they are amazing... WTF!!!
Here is the link:


Anonymous said...

Thanks GlammyLadybug for those great interviews!!