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Monte Kisses Adam!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Monte kisses Adam just before the 4 minute mark. (At around 3:59 minutes into the video)

Thanks lambosessed for the tip! And thanks AmberKaulitzTH for the video!


Crystal said...

Taht's so cute...I love that the band genuinely likes Adam. He's so likable.

Anonymous said...

I for one, cannot get enough of Adam dancing! I hope next tour he'll dance even more because he looks so good getting his dance on! I'd like to see Adam do a longer dance that would be amazing.

Anonymous said...

that was a great vid.

Anonymous said...

it is a great video, luved watching Adam during IIHY, sooooo gorgeous

Anonymous said...

It's only fitting! "Aftermath" is so emotional and tender that a kiss and a hug comes with it naturally. Adam is interpreting all of his songs so wonderfully!:)

Anonymous said...

That was so cute...

Cheril said...

When Monte went looking for the best club singer in LA for his band, he found Adam -- and sexual orientation wasn't important. Aftermath is an appropriate song for these friends to do together. Monte and Adam show by example that love and friendship is what matters and that even though some people may give you a hard time in life - you are not alone, music and friends can see you through and there will be a better day.

Anonymous said...

@ Cheryil .....Hi! Are you one of th24/7 Paradise, or just an Anonymous finally getting a tag? Be welcome on board, anyway! I didn't know that Monte was who found sweet Adam, I thought that sweet Adam had found Monte or some friend from any side had introduced them to each other... Even trying my best to be a good Glamfan, sometimes I can't help to miss some important info...So, if you don't mind, talk to me and explain it better, give me more details, if possible....Thank you!
I think it was very sweet from Monte kissing sweet Adam
in a big brother way... Sweet Adam always says «thank you» to him at the end of Aftermaths, and that was sort of... «No baby, I thank you, and you count on me to support you, because, you know? this gets to be a nice and an easy job when you bring to me your homework so well done, every single show... I tell you what: you are not alone!».....Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Wow - that was so cool! The whole group must have such calm, caring, fun personalities for the friendships to remain so deep and supportive through the long, grueling tour. Imagine sharing buses and schedules and rehearsals and unknown stuff that comes up, 24/7 for 3 months and 70, energetic, strenuous shows. It is a real credit to all of them, especially that guy who pours out his soul in those beautiful, Adamazing songs every night.

Anonymous said...

I think that the band and the dancers just adore Adam. He is so respectful of them and lets them know how incredibly important they are to him. He so kind and loving and sexy and beautiful and smart and freaking talented. Oh my god! He lights up my every day! Thank you sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

So cute and sweet....I Love Monte.

Cheril said...

Fan4Fun: I swing by here as often as I can, I have posted, mostly anonymously in the past. But, my information comes from an interview that Monte did a few months back.

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun and those above mirror my thoughts exactly. Monte's genuine display of affection was so appropriately showing his heartfelt regard for Adam. They have been friends for so long. It's obvious they have a deep respect and mutual affection for each other. Everyone on this tour seems to have real feelings for each other, with Adam being the catalyst.The glamily practices what they preach. It's really nice to see. Hope LP will reconsider and stay in the glamily.He won't find another one like it. Love all of them!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Had to watch this video again! The crowd went crazy over him. He looked like he was in good form! The flying bra was a surprise. Hope people will be mindful of accidents to Adam and dancers when objects are thrown, but funny, nonetheless. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Fantastic 6ft 1" of Sexy Loveliness
i wanna body roll with Adam Please
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

OT... just wanted to say that AL is coming to Hong Kong on Oct 12th, my heart is racing just now. Its in a pretty big venue for HK, hope he sells well. I have never heard of anyone selling out here, not even Muse who I went to see a few months ago.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

GIOW/UK - Bwah, hah, ha, ha!!!!! Get in line, sistah!

fan4fun and funnbunn40 - yes indeed!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Ticket prices $690/790 for seating, $890 for standing (thats about 75UKP, pretty expensive as always in HK.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan Are those ticket prices in Euros? If so , how does it compute in US dollars?[I'm only familiar computing Mexican currency and not UKP. Standing price in US is 35.00-40.00, but the scalpers buy up huge blocks and sell them at very inflated prices. I hope you will get good seats and he will sell out there too! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The price I quoted is HK dollars. which is around the 75 UKP mark, which would actually make it more in Euros, maybe 85/90 Euros? A lot of money... Have never really heard of things like starhub etc here, tickets all come from one source, and you always pay listed prices - unless someone tries to sell their own tickets for more, but wouldn't be that easy as concerts never sell out here, at least US/UK Euro acts, Canto Pop stars probably do.

HK fan

HK fan

Anonymous said...

When Adam took that stage the night I am surprised the building did not combust immediately in a puff of smoke and flames!!

People have said you cannot believe how he looks and sounds in a LIVE performance and I am now one of those people too! He was just incredible!!

The venue it was in was awful - one large concrete floor room where everyone had to stand, (not sure how the locations are chosen -- suffice it to say we have alot of much better sites here in AZ) -- but Adam always makes it into one big party!!!

We wished he had also sung WLL (his encore was Mad World only) - we tried to get him to come back on by chanting his name - but it was pretty hot inside and what I saw from the Las Vegas reviews it is possible Adam was not feeling 100%.

For those of you who have seen him LIVE - how were those venue's??

The Marquee Theatre in Tempe, AZ was the old opera house - the acoustics are really outdated -but Adam being the professional he is overcame that!!



Anonymous said...

opps!!! posted the comment b/4 I added my Monte stuff.

Monte was really into the crowd that night!! He was talking to the audience and threw guitar pics out a couple of times.

When Monte kissed Adam it was a real bromance moment! He is definitely like a BROTHER to Adam and I am sure his best friend. It brought a tear to my eye I'll tell you and other folks around me too !!


Anonymous said...

Heartadam4Ever, Always thrilled to hear from fans actually at the venue - thanks so much for your comments! That moment between Monte and Adam must have been very special to have witnessed first hand! Adamluv