Richie Rich & Adam Lambert
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, August 26, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, August 26, 2010
Here ia a new photo of Adam with Richie Rich courtesy of Marco Ovando. This photo was taken yesterday.


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God I wish the ads on this blog would go so sick of them covering up the first post! i CAN NEVER SEE IT!! grrr
i love Richie toooo but his voice is seriously annoying. lol
Can someone tell me who Richie Rich is?
According to Wikipedia, he is a DJ...
Oh, so that's Richie Rich. Only hears his voice, now I can put a face to the voice!
Believe he's a fashion designer based in New York (well liked by Pamela Anderson and other celebs.)
Hi Urethra_Franklin......can you not use an ad blocker or use mozilla firefox then you wouldn't see the adds..just a thought
You're right anon 8:52 he is a designer not a DJ! We're learning something!
I am very grateful for this site - however the top advertisement is so irritating. It should not be so difficult to see the first article title. Anyone know another site?
that guy??( OR WHATEVER IT IS) looks NASTY!!!
Anon 4.28, there goes that mean streak again.
I hope all that upper class hardcore doesn't make Adam a snob.
Richie is one of the famed "original NYC club kids." He is also one half of Heatherette an urban chique clothing design duo that all the stars flock too. But the other half recently moved to L.A. so no one really knows if Heatherette still exists or not. I thought Richie was adorable in his younger days but I met him a couple years ago and I think hes a cunt.
Ad blocker?? how do I get one of those????
I think Adam should stick with the Blondes. They are reliable. This Richie Rich has connections to Boy George.
@Anonymous August 27 4:28AM - regarding your statement, and this is just my opinion, I'm just sharing my POV as you shared yours, your statement to me is sorta anti-what-Adam-is-all-about and possibly part of the problem, not the solution. I understand that RR may be very different to some people (and if his personality and way of conducting himself sucks, that's a different issue) but so too is Adam Lambert very different, but diversity should be embraced IMHO, not denigrated. I'm assuming that if your posting on this site you kinda dig Adam, maybe not, but I think that Adam probably feels, a total huge assumption on my part - granted, more in tune with a lot of things in RR's lifestyle than he does many of us posting here. I respect everyone sharing their opinion here, it's a frickin' blog for crying out loud :), I just felt compared to add mine to the mix after reading your post. Lambert has huge club kid roots, and I'd bet that his interest in that scene will never wane. Well, I'm rambling, but just wanna add that Heatherette has produced some fierce designs, many of which I'd venture to guess that Lambert appreciated immensely (but what do I know, nothing).
Here's a close up vid of last night's fever - starts off sideways, but is corrected. Kinda cool vid, serious close ups ;).
ps. Hey 24/7 Glamily, been trying to get here when I can - loving your posts, thanks. (well, most of them :))
i don't care who he is, or what he does....he creeps me out.
This has nothing to do with Richie Rich now, but when you accept gays, you know you don't have to like everyone who's gay. Just like you don't like everyone who's heterosexual.
I don't follow Gaga, so I don't know how much she hangs out with gay people, but sometimes these preachers do more harm than good. Just like the fundamental sects do for christianity.
I'd like to see Adam with John Galliano. Galliano is a gypsy isn't he? I'm used to seeing gypsies and I accept their culture. I think it is as important to accept different cultures.
Suggestion: If you are going to continue to run ads across the tops of post - why don't you add the name of the post and comment area at the bottom of the post. If readers incorrectly remove ads from their computers control panel you might ruin the registry.
Thanks for your insights. RR does look a bit sinister here,anon 4.28 but that is probably the "pose" he wanted for the picture. Adam is showing us ALL of his friends. One moment he is posing with kid club types....another time he is at a school handing out instruments to the delight of a music teacher and her students. He is just that great connector. That's why he has such an eclectic fan base..and that's why he is so awesome. Love this glamily!
I'm lucky because I live in a country there's not yet strict areas for poor and wealthier people, but we live mostly mixed.
And to be more exact I'm not the one with the mercedes xD
@Anon August 27 6:07AM - Absolutely! Well said. And, for example, I didn't even blink at Anon August 27 5:50AM's comment "i don't care who he is, or what he does....he creeps me out." - because that's human, a human visceral reaction...I would never get involved in "preaching" against what it is to be human... but the use of Anon 4:28AM's "OR WHATEVER IT IS", especially the "IT" word, possibly suggesting that RR is less than human, sorta bummed me out, and so I replied. I know "it ain't that deep" lol, probably taking it too seriously, but "IT" just ruffled my feathers a bit. I usually try and have fun on 24/7, keep it light and rather silly (though my love of BB is not silly to me, lol) but thought I'd jump in on this one, hopefully I won't get ripped to shreds :)... but if I do, oh well, it's an anonymous blog on the freakin' internet, part of the deal and goes with the territory, and I'm content with what I'm saying. My reaction really had nothing to do with AL or RR or specific communities to be honest, but more kindness, that "IT" word usage bummed me out a bit... but again, you can't always expect kind words on a blog on the internet, that's just a dumb expectation, :). But like lmb said, like this glamily... it's a fun, eclectic and interesting playground to hang out on.
Dont the people that made the nasty comments above realize that those are the same mean and disgusting words used by many to describe our precious fabulous Adam Lambert? Comments made solely based on looks! Adamluv
MGF for some reason I totally missed the "it" part of that other post. You and Adamluv are so right! I also agree with the idea that we don't have to like all gays. We obviously don't like all straights! There was a mother at PFLAG that was questioning her acceptance of her gay daughter. Her daughter was in a relationship with a married woman. It was clear to me that the Mom thought this woman was using her daughter. I asked the woman what she would think if her daughter was involved with a married man? Would she feel differently? She then realized that her dislike of her daughter's partner had nothing to do with accepting her daughter's had to do with the fact that her daughter's partner was using her. Since then this woman's daughter has found another single partner and the Mom is see, you are not homophobic if you dislike the PERSON and what they are doing. We do get sensitive, though. Sorry to go on.
YES!!! WHoever said that about the ads at the top!! OMG they are pissing me off!!! Cant something be done about them?? Jeez!!
@ Urethra Franklin
Lol!!! Don't get me wrong fellow, but your tag really makes me laugh, I can't help it. Just because me and my pals at the end of the 60's and the early 70's used to make fun of the great Aretha Franklin using this your tag as a joke for her name (but in a good way... we all loved her, you bet it!). That makes me think... Are you about my age(55-60)? Are you brazilian, living in São Paulo at that time? HAVE WE MET? Ha!
I love 24/7 Paradise, so much fun all over!
No never met. Its my "club kid" name. Im more Uree than I am myself. ;)
@ MassGlamFan
If you said so, it IS so, flat planet neighbour! That's why I've been asking you so hardly... Quit the job for CIA and start being THE sweet Adam's publicist right away!!!
@Urethra_Franklin 12:27PM
In that case, well... Really nice to meet you, fellow, be welcome to 24/7 «Paradise», the site where we love sweet Adam in the way(s) he deserves it. Are you NEW in this amazing site or you just came out from the Anonymous' closet?
Not new. Been here for over a year Im sure. Just realized that I could save my name and not retype it everytime. Im alot of things and lazy is definitly one of them.
@Urethra_Franklin August 27 12:27PM - you just used "Uree" in your post @ 12:27 - are you the Uree that used to post comments on ALS?
ps. @Fan4fun - ;).
Yep thats me. I just cant keep my mouth shut on these sites apparently. ;)
@ Urethra_Franklin
Hey, woman!!!! Open your mouth, open it wide, let's the fun begin!!!! I want to be your strut!!! Hahaha!!!!
Ok who are you? Youre freaking me out. Should I get a restraining order? Yikes! :D
Social networks are just that social! Never heard of this RR guy, but don't spend any time w/club kids, so why would I. Any friend of Adam's is a friend of mine, so to speak--can't believe I said that as I know no music artists at all. It's all fun and rock and roll, who cares? I personally don't want my rock stars to be ordinary in the least. Otherwise, we would watch reruns of Lawrence Welk on PBS.
@Urethra_Franklin August 27 2:10PM & 3:41PM -
OMG "Uree" - I used to dig your comments on ALS. Laura was cool...that site stopped running, right? I posted there sometimes, but lurked and read it a lot before it fizzled out (I think it did anyway :)). And hey, there has been a "Beverly" who has posted here on 24/7 a little recently, and her posts here reminded me so much of the Beverly who used to post on ALS...I've been meaning to shout out to Beverly here on 24/7 and ask her about ALS too. Well, anyway, cool. This is a fun playground here, gets a little serious sometimes, lol, but I guess we're just passionate about our guy :)... I'm facing some changes in my real life, don't know if I'll be on here as much as I have been this summer, but wanted to respond and say Hi before time, and threads, got away from me.
MassGlamFan (MGF)
oooohhhh OK. Yeah I think Laura just gave up on the site. But I keep in touch with her on FB. I was loyal to Kradamized after ALS cause that chick posted EVERYTHING and it was UP. TO. THE. SECOND. Homegirl didnt have a life. But she musta found one cause she gave the site up recently. This place is cool too just not as fast. I remember Bev. Coolio. :)
It is just a photo and it doesn't mean RR looks like that all the time - he was posing. So was Adam and I don't know that Adam and RR are particularly close, but it is just a photo folks not something to freak over!
RR does always look like that. And he always poses with his right side to the camera. Hes been doing the same pose for YEARS. Hes also still telling people hes 29. Bitch isnt a day younger than 41.
Hi Urethra_Franklin ..... I don't ever have probs with ads because i use Mozilla Firefox and Adblock Plus....not sure if they are connected and also i am not much good at computer techy talk....i will ask my other half about this and post answer on another thread as it seems to be bugging alot of Peeps with the annoying ads
dont know who richie rich is so can't really comment....BUT anyone who has connections with Boy Bleeding George is a C*** in my books (Adam not included of course)
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
just thought richie rich looks like hes from *Clockwork Orange* that deliberate?
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Hey Urethra_Franklin - love your comments, thanks for the laughs, and welcome (well, sounds like you've been here awhile, but thanks for "speaking up")!
I think it was Chezza from the UK who had a great tip to get rid of those ads across the top (thanks Chezza - been meaning to thank you, but you dropped the comment back on the week of 8/8, while I was on vacation and I'm still trying to catch up with those posts...hopeless, I know, but there were some great comments that week!): I think it was "go to the safety drop down menu - on the upper right of your screen (hopefully) - and choose 'in private filtering'." It made a huge difference for me, 'cause I can't stand those freakin' banner ads! Grrr. Try it, if you can. I haven't looked at 24/7 in Firefox much, but ppl say that helps, too - so good luck. I know how annoying they are!
MGF - hope everything's ok! If we won't hear from you as much, please know how much we'll miss you! Will you be back later...? Hope it's just something short term. :)
And Urethra_Franklin - don't be "scared" of fan4fun...she's hot blooded, and english is not her 1st language, but if you really read her posts and don't get yourself all riled up, they are very creative and funny! Glamshit, indeed.
- Adam Fix
I dont see a safety drop down menu. Maybe the ads are covering it!!!!!! Imma keep looking tho.
That feature does not work for me. Any other suggestions? THANX!!
@ Anon 8.57 - I've just downloaded firefox and it's solved the problem of the adverts blocking the top of the posts - thanks for the advice
Met Richie a few weeks ago and the funny thing was, he came up to us not vice versa! He's cool and I just love his outfits and designs! Who cares that he is 42 these days! We all get older anyway!
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