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Sold Out!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 7, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 07, 2010

Tomorrow's concert at St. Louis has sold out! Congrats to Adam! Practically all of the concert dates for the Glam Nation Tour has sold out! This is amazing! Apparently, Adam is one of the few artists this summer who's been selling out.


Bryndis said...

That's no surprise, he's the best !! :)

BSMIN said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So Perfect

Anonymous said...

What recession??? No such thing when it comes to Adam Lambert, cuz he is worth every cent and more! Adam Lambert is actually stimulating the economy... imo :)) From the hotels, restaurant, airline tickets, gas, ticket sales and don't forget fashion & cosmetics... hello! we have to be all glammed up too to attend his shows! :)))

Anonymous said...

Adam is the consumate Artist, Supremely tallented, Intelligent, good hearted, Extremely sexy, and the most Gorgeous man on the planet. I wish he would come my way again. I would go see him again no matter what it cost. I have been to many concerts , but Adam was the best by far. An unforgettable experience.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous August 7 7:52PM - yes indeed Anon, AL certainly is the economy I mean ;), for sure.

But seriously, ditto to all above about this thread. So great, love seeing that marquee. Man, I just love AL's voice, music and performance style - so talented, a gift to us really. So glad people are getting themselves to GNT to experience his talent for themselves.


Anonymous said...

check out this twitpic from tonight... chock full of good stuff

...Monte's uber talented fingers making magic...AL's hair and form (well, AL's everything), Tommy's puckered lips, Terrence's gorgeous smile and arms... and again - AL - no words - is he even real?

Anonymous said...

Another Off topic;

The guy dancing in the balcony before the show: hilarious
" Staying Alive "

Anonymous said...

Love Funbunn40seeing Sold Out signs!Adam's keeping up the momentum!

Anonymous said...

OOPs, got sidetracked drooling over Adam. Can't think or type! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

People, people...Can we come up with a short name for Adam besides AL? Everytime I read that, Al Gore comes to mind and hey, have you seen that dude lately? He's the poster boy for "Think Before You Put On Those 100 Unwanted Pounds."
Truly not intentionally aiming this at anyone...just saying.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha - Stanley!!

AL = Al Gore

Am laughing....

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

SOOOOO hilarious Stanley/12:03 LOL... I am one of the one who uses AL constantly...I'll try to break that habit, too funny. But I have to tell 'ya, I do love me some Al Gore, seriously... and have totally had a crush on him for years - yep, crushing on Adam Lambert and Al Gore... go figure... I think it's the "brains/smarts" thing alongside the quiet take charge attitude they both can display. Anyway, :), I'll work on that...lawdy, we don't want any other images than the glam god himself coming into our minds when we think and read of Mr. Lambert. (the only problem is, now when I think or read or watch Mr. Gore...I'm going to think of Adam Lambert...crap...thanks a lot Stanley ;) hee hee).

Anonymous said...

I've often seen him written as AFL rather than AL, if thats any better.
HK fan

Anonymous said...

AL Gore?? Puleeeease!

Anonymous said...

And Stanley, think of the eco footprint caused by those extra 100 lbs!

Trying to just focus on our beautiful angel boy!

Anonymous said...

All my facebook friends know him as AL,so AL it is going to be. Once in a while I like to use AFL but young neices also on facebook with me.LOL Back to the topic of article I have seen Adam three times and each one was sold out!Way to go AFL.

glitzylady said...

Did have to laugh after reading Stanley's comments re "AL" and that he thinks of Al Gore....Never came to MY mind before but can see now where that could happen....and of course, now it AFL would certainly be an alternative.....It would be one of those phrases said "with authority" and conviction....I also had a little bit of fun rereading MAF's comments at 8:18pm and substituted "Al Gore" for AL...."Al Gore is certainly stimulating"...and "Man, I just love Al Gore's voice, music, and performance style"...While I have always found him to be attractive, especially in his younger years, I would hope that I will never see Al Gore performing Whole Lotta Love, even once........,

Anonymous said...

what i don't understand is that the glamnation tour being sold out in almost all venues is not being reported in any of the rags. not a word in rolling stone, not a report in any of the online stuff-- rolling stone, mtv,vh1 etc. only reports on how many tours had to cut back and cancel dates. what is going on? adam is cutting a swath across the nation , selling out dates, adding dates, giving the best performances, having fans screaming and loving him and not a word reported except on these excellent fan sites. oh well, at least WE all know what is going on . to support, love and follow adam is the best revenge.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Stanley! (I have the same :( reaction each time I see that. Adam is really not too long a name to type out, is it? His name brings us such joy, I want to see it typed out - just 'cause every sigle time I see it, that word makes me happy!)

Ditto to anon at 11:35 too!


glitzylady said...

@Sweetie at 1:37

Adam IS a very happy word that has all the meaning we need and who among us doesn't know to whom we refer...AL is a bit too generic, and AFL is appropriate at certain times, as in after a particularly excellent and fierce performance, and preferably with a bunch of !!!!!!!! after it for emphasis, an in what my usually mild mannered husband more or less said when he heard about the somewhat small and, slightly, ahem, crappy venue he was relegated to for his Seattle GN tour, as in "That's AFL!!!!!! What's he doing in that small, ridiculous (and not in a good way...) venue....He is WAY bigger than that....what's wrong with those people...etc..etc...". Otherwise, "Adam" is all we need....and of course I am referring to what to call last name required....

Anonymous said...

As to AFL: When I was a young lad my dad watched the American Football League (AFL) It wasn't around that long as I remember and soon merged with the NFL which we all know and watch now. Right? All of us watch football, don't we? Sure we do. So agreeing with Sweetie that Adam is not that long or hard to type, let's give him back his true name: Adam.

Happy to have been able to give most of you a laugh with the exception of Anon 8:36's utter indignation...which made me laugh. Thanks 8:36, you're a good sport.

Great seeing all the men coming to Adam's concerts. Gay or straight, Adam loves to see men in the audience. Thanks again to Adam Crawford and his band of protesting protestors.

Stanley :)))

Anonymous said...

Hi - I've been to three concerts now and I've never heard anyone screaming out "A.L." "A.L." It's always "Adam" if they are able to say anything at all besides simply screaming. (Me included) ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Stanley and Sweetie
its only ever Adam or Adam Lambert for me (with a capital A)

MassGlamFan are you on medication??? Al Gore!!!!!WTF....Get a Life Gal!!!! LOL
Loving me some Adam Lambert
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

aww c'mon now Glambrit/7:53 - I bet the Lamberts dig AL Gore... he's capable of quietly using intellect and business savvy to accomplish goals... he doesn't bully, generally speaking, and employs diplomacy not muscle when he can... he's open to diversity (unlike some Presidents the U.S. has had in modern times) and heralds human civility and rights... he listens, he at least attempts to see all sides of things... 'ya know Glambrit, that sort of thing... I bet AL, oh, I mean, Adam, would dig Al Gore... but 'ya know, to each his own and all that :). And oh, regarding that medication you mentioned - yes, I was on it - but the power of Adam is too strong and renders those meds totally useless...Adam Lambert is my drug of choice now... but don't worry Glamsistah - it's not like I'm dreaming about Al Gore at night - that "brain space" is occuppied by the one and only Adam Lambert (well, 'ya know, with the occasional interruption by a dream about the hubster, lol... no only kidding... well, not really :))


ps. oh, and Anonymous August 8 4:25PM - that's a GREAT point you have there, lol!

Anonymous said...

It is quite possible that Adam might dig Al Gore at this point in his life (or he may not). But, if he does, he will most likely change his mind and become more real instead of idealistic in his thinking as he gets older the same way most of us have changed as this wonderful country has changed.

Love Adam either way and all the love he is radiating!

Anonymous said...

I've always liked Al Gore and what he stands for, but can't get the "so wrong" image of him doing WLL out of my mind. Glitzylady, how could you do that to us, planting that vision in our brains? lol Will have to watch video of Adam now to counteract it! Ditto Stanley!! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

Sorry....I rest my case...!!! But it should only take one of Adam's WLL performances to totally obliterate that Al Gore vision permanently...But then, you COULD go for two or three in a row, just to be sure.....