Counter Protesters Rule!
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,twitter,video ) by Admin on Saturday, August 7, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, August 07, 2010

Tonight at Adam Lambert's concert in Springfield, MO, The Westboro Baptist Church came to protest, but were very outnumbered by anti-protestors!

Amazing! Counter protesters tonight outnumbered those protesters! Well done everyone!
Thank you Adam Crawford, student at Missouri State, who organized the counter protest at Adam Lambert concert!!
We're told that Adam came out to thank the supporters! How nice and sweet of him!
(Click on Images to Enlarge!)

Some tweets about this:
Glamtravelr Local news, over 100 peeps with sings for love, peace, acceptance, sex, hey, Adam's message!
4 minutes ago via Twitterrific
funqueen Awesome energy! The hate protestors are SO outnumbered by the lovers!
less than 20 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone
Naomimink Awesome sight; Anti westboro protestors holding signs saying God loves everybody. Adam personally thanked them
less than 20 seconds ago via web
UPDATE: Adam tweeted!
"Amazing Anti-Hate protest outside venue. Completely outnumbered the Westboro Bastard Church of Ignorance. Love overcomes hate. I LOVE FAGS!!"
UPDATE: Neil Tweeted a video!
the God Hates Fags guys were gonna show up today at the concert, but these awesome counter-protesters scared them off

Adam approves!!
Adam's signature on counter-protest sign:

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wow this is amazing. I didn't know there that phelps family was out to protest adam tonight.
so many adam supporters!! so happy.
Adam Fans (Glamberts)are the best... full of love.
Am I the only person who can never see the first post on top of this blog because the ADs cover it up? Its really annoying!!
OMG SO MUCH LOVE <3 i'm crying!
This is so amazing!
TY Adam Crawford and everyone who were there!!!!
lol @ the "CALL ME ADA" sign. That guy is hot too.
Yeah for Missouri!
Awww I wish I was there.
that gif at the bottom of Adam smiling warms my heart. So beautiful.
nasty protesters ....but the good fans and supporters canceled them out.
This religious group or whatever you call them are just so frustrating!:(( Why can't they just promote LOVE, PEACE & HARMONY instead of HATRED!!!... for crying out loud!
*************** ALL WE NEED IS LOVE, LOVE, LOVE *************
Oh! and yes the bottom picture of Adam's is sooooooooooo ADORABLE! :))) What's so funny Adam?
Thanks to all the people who protested against the hate mongers. XOXOXO
GOD is not a she , and he hates SIN ( 2 MEN TOGETHER ) BUT HE LOVES EVERY BODY !!!!hate the sin , love the sinner....I LOVE ADAM BUT I HATE THAT HE'S GAY .....
This courage, investment & involvement is beautiful to me. Kudos to Adam Crawford and all those who counter-protested. I had wanted to make a comment on the appropriate thread the other day when Prop 8 was overturned, but it was such a challenge to comment at length from my iPod/Touch so I didn't, but I'd like to just add now that last week on the very day when that wonderful and important event occurred, my family had spent the day at Provincetown, MA on Cape Cod... this is a diverse and eclectic community that happily counts among its members a large gay citizenry... and spending the day there was an enriching experience for my children. I could site many things that I'm happy for my children to have experienced that day... but having them witness a very diverse crowd coexist and contentedly mingle together was among the highlights... the artists, the merchants, the tourists, the families, the flamboyant performers, the law enforcement... all peacefully going about their day and interacting NORMALLY... having the kids witness the older sort of seemingly rigid blue blood Cape Cod ladies who lunch types engaging in animated conversation with the young gay men about art or food or music or clothing for sale etc., having them witness the easy-going conversation had at an ice cream shop between myself and a hard core shaved tatt'd lesbian biker mama about Massachusetts politics and my kids seeing that we could peacefully agree to disagree (she was MORE conservative than I was btw, lol) was very positively enlightening for my young children who had not been there before, and invigoratingly encouraging for my spouse and myself who've been there several times. (I don't mean to peddle stereotypes, and of course, of course, neither myself nor anyone could point to any individual in particular and say they were gay on sight - but when it's so accepted to show affection outwardly like it is in this community, one could oftentimes be fairly sure that any given particular twosome were a couple, that sort of thing, I hope I've not been offensive). It happened to be family week there as well and it was heartwarming to see the gay and lesbian parents strolling about comfortably with their children as if they were not considered untraditional by anyone. I don't know what I'm trying to say, what I'm rambling on about...maybe just that if we lead by example with our children from when they are really young - showing them that the world is a big wide place full of welcomed diversity and that's something that can be enjoyed and accepted and celebrated if we choose that road, it's a good thing. It was a good day, and to come home very late that evening and see on the news about the Prop 8 decision, well that just made it even better.
ps. yes, the gif is that Lambert :)
To Anon 7:56PM
You are contradicting yourself, if you trully love somebody you love them unconditionally... just like what a true God is like. And WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE!? Leave it to the higher power because you or I are in no position to do so... because YOU OR I ARE NOT PERFECT! " WE ALL ARE SINNER " !!!
MassGlamFan - Great article/essay! I just read it. Thanks for sharing. :)
Bravo to the counter protesters!!!! Stay above the fray Adam, as you always have in the past - it will better serve you I think. Thank you Adam Crawford and Missouri State!!!!
to anon 7:56, it is not a contradiction, you love the person who murders, but hate their sin of murdering.God loves us all if we turn to Him.2 men having sex together is a sin, our bodies are not formed that way, thats why men and women are formed differently.God does love us all,murderers , gays, blasphemers,His arms are held out for us all. I am entitled to my free speech too. I love Adam, and think he will be a super star one day.
A little off-topic - but just pulled these comments/tweets off of MJ's:
08/07/2010 at 10:50 pm
LAMBLIF FULL ON KISS!!!!! “SUCK ON THAT WESTBORO!” FUCK YEAH!@! less than 20 seconds ago via txt
haha If Tommy had that dark lipstick on, things could get messy. lol
08/07/2010 at 11:18 pm
11:15: Adam kissed Tommy then said it was for the westboro church
So there!!! Glad to see Adam is so fired up!
apparently MW & WLL tonight...and an all-round great show is being reported - can NOT wait to see vids...RL so busy tomorrow, gonna have to get up with the sun to sneak in vids :).
@Anonymous August 7, 2010 9:03 PM - murder is a pretty clear cut sin...loving who you love (who you were probably programmed at conception to love) and having a physical expression of that love - not so much!!!! You're thinking - part of the problem, not the solution IMHO... that's my free speach for the evening.
LOVE IS LOVE no " Ifs or Buts ".. that simple!!!
And yes, we are all entitled to our own opinions but " You or I " are NOT entitled to JUDGE anyone!!!
I mean speEch (not speAch :))... and right on 9:09... a little less judgement and a little more finding and celebrating of commonalities is in order in our society... a little less "missionary work" and a little more "self-reflective" work IMHO
Hey this was genius!! You 'counter protestors' ROCK!!!
BE who you are .. LOVE whomever you wish .. Make NO apologies for any of GOD's creations ... GOD knows WHO you are .. We are ALL GOD's Creations .. Each of us is UNIQUE unto himself according to GOD's plan. We are ALL GOD's children LOVED by GOD EQUALLY with no EXCEPTION regardless of RACE .. CREED .. ETHNIC ORIGIN .. or .. SEXUAL ORIENTATION!! GIVE ONLY LOVE & YOU WILL GET ONLY LOVE FROM THOSE WHO MATTER!! IGNORE everyone else!!
This is MY BELIEF now that my eyes & heart have been OPENED by ADAM LAMBERT!!
@9:03, Some medical info to ponder that i've previously posted: Embryogenesis-orientation is determined by chemical[hormones]flushes during formation of the hypothalmus gland before the end of the 12th week of pregnancy. Some people are born right-handed, some left- handed. Some born autistic, some not. Why would someone choose to be gay, being unfairly judged, bullied,ostracized, enduring hateful slurs if they could simply choose to be straight and avoid it all? It's a no-brainer for me.I've had effeminate male classmates with female tendancys in grammer school before any of us knew the meaning of sex. If you've heard Adam speak of his loneliness in highschool and sense of being different and not having any physical attraction to girls, when male hormones are raging at that age, I don't for a minute believe that Adam would choose to make his life more difficult. This is only my personal view, not meant in any way to disrespect your religious beliefs. It just seems logical and believable for me.I was raised a Christian, but have never been afraid to question and keep an open mind and follow a more spiritual approach for my own life. We all have to find and follow our own path and for me, God loves us all and has given us a mind and ability to reason. I don't presume to know all of the mysteries of life, but the possibilities are endless. No offense meant for any views. Didn't mean to get carried away! It's MY main affliction!!lol funbunn40
Every state has a nickname. Massachusetts is The Bay State, Indiana is The Hoosier State, Florida is The Sunshine State, California is the Golden State, Idaho is The Gem State, Missouri is The Show Me State and show those idiots they did!
Thanks Missouri, thanks Adam Crawford - You RULE!!!
Maggie Longfellow
I meant to say how brilliant and good it was to have an Adam "love-in", neutralizing the insane rants of the misguided,hate mongers. Adam Crawford and Missouri fans, you're the best!!I'm sure Adam and the glamily were touched and appreciated it, as I and so many did. That pic of Adam is priceless! Looks like he's thinking,"nah nah nah nah nah!MGF, loved your post! funbunn40
The love-in, anti-protest was sheer briliance on Adam Crawford's part!!! Rock on with your bad self! Thanks for standing up to a bunch of idiots in a creative way.
MGF - nice commentary!
Maggie Longfellow - where've you been? Welcome back!
- Adam Fix
@MGF I absolutely loved your first post. (I enjoy every one of them actually :)).
I love the idea of a She-God, but I think that God (any God) is a HE as much as a SHE and everything else in between and around! :)
And, hey, for those who don't remember, the gif of Adam is from AI8 top5, when he met Jamie Fox. ('Feeling Good' performance is one of my very favorites from that show. I loved Jamie, the judges, their comments and the band. As for BB.. "my mouth drops open every time.." I was completely shocked that he was in the bottom 2 that week.)
Adam Fix - I've been something to say now, though. Someone back up the line said Adam looked happy in the above gif. He should, that's the shirt he was wearing when Jamie Foxx mentored "Rat Pack Week" and that's when he wowed us all with -oh so appropriate for this thread - "Feelin' Good."
You keep on feeling good, Adam. You've broken more barriers, brought so much love into this world just by being you, and you've made us all feel good. Kiss Tommy for us, will ya?
Maggie Longfellow
GlammyLadybug - OOps, should have read above me before I posted. Great minds :)
Maggie Longfellow
I think Neil is starting to see we fans aren't all that bad! It's going to be hard for him to stay negative with all of the atomic glitter surrounding the glamily! funbunn40
Anonymous 7:56 .... "GOD is not a she , and he hates SIN" .... so you have met God and know this for sure? I am SO proud that the counter protest went so well, but almost wish the wack jobs from WBC had shown up. I am very comfortable with Adam's sexual orientation and have never wished him to be straight, it's not who he is at all.
Now that I have read all the celebration for Glamberts counter protest (SHEER GENIUS) in MO tonight ... must step up my VOTING on VH1 ... although I don't know WHY ... they hardly play ADAM's video no matter what ranking he has on the countdown ... if I hear 'Frickin' Billionaire' one more time ... and I have to get up at 6AM EST to watch TV so I check on it ONCE an hour because that is all they play it ... if at all! BUT ... VOTE I WILL ... regardless of the futility. Good thing I have Music on Demand on my TV so I can watch IIHY back to back ... so there! VH1!! HAH!
tess4ADAM .. Love & Light To ALL Glamberts Worldwide
"Westboro protest is a no-show; counter-protestors celebrate, anyway"
A little late to the party here, but love the comments (at least most, not all..) and discussions on this thread....So wonderful that Adam Crawford and friends had the fabulous and courageous idea to counter- protest those nasty, misguided Westboro people...I won't get into any discussion of sin or whatever....because I don't personally believe being gay has anything to do with sin, it's just who you are and who you end of discussion for me...and its all been said above.
And to MGF, thanks for your description of your family's visit to Provincetown....I think I mentioned that I spent a few days there last April, after visiting Boston, and in fact made a very specific point of going part because I had never visited Cape Cod before, but especially because a co-worker told me I should NOT visit Provincetown because of all the "gay people"...(well, her first mistake was telling me I shouldn't do something...)...she had not been there before, and had no idea that it is so diverse, so was rather "shocked" and would "never go back"... My husband and I had a wonderful time, enjoyed the beaches and the beauty of the area, and most of all loved the artistic beach town feel and the people we met, singles and couples and families of all orientations just feeling comfortable to openly be who they are, without so much as a passing glance from anyone else...And they all expressed their love of the diversity in P-town...If nothing else we were in the minority at times, which of course is a bit of a reversal...It is certainly my hope that sometime in the near future this total acceptance of the diversity of people will be the norm, and not the exception.... And it is these little gestures of the lovely people who showed up to support Adam that give me hope for that future....Adam is certainly becoming a catalyst for change, by just being him, and giving us that little boost to be proactive in helping to make that change of attitude (and hopefully, laws) happen, and sooner rather than later....
Gif of Adam at end....cute
He looked like Dad with light hair but
looks like Mom with dark hair.....
Just a reminder....and I will try to post everyday
......VH1...let's get Adam back in first place.......
I will keep voting for Adam. I have since the very very beginning, but sometimes I think VH1 isn't being honest with the voting. Adam has the most views. Anyway, always sad to see ignorant people protesting Adam. Hooray for Adam Crawford and the Adam Lambert supporters. I am straight but I have never believed homosexuality was a sin even when they were trying to force me to believe it was in religion class years ago. Please!!
BTW, keep rquesting Adam on the radio. Some of the stations are ignoring him. Let's get him another hit single.
Amazing work Glamberts~ I bet Adam Is Proud! :)
I hope that this protesting the protesters will become the norm now. I am going into Baptist Country for a concert at the end of August and I'll bring a sign too if someone let's me know! I have a seat for that venue so I can spare the time beforehand helping the Cause but I will run like hell to get to my seat before Allison comes on!! LOL I don't want to miss a minute of these two vocal giants. I wish Allison would do a longer show tho..please someone let this girl sing longer? Ok? We did the online plea to keep her on the tour but she needs a longer set!
it's ADAM & EVE !!! not ADAM & STEVE
The last picture, with Adam's signature, was my sign--I have a picture of the whole thing, if you'd like! We got it signed by the rest of the band as well.
Wow, crashcart9, I hope you get it framed.
Thanks for being there, my love and gratitude to all who were there.
Great support, comments. Yes, this is all about love and God loves all people. But, OMG, Adam didn't have to call church "Bastard Church"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are just people from this church. Time goes on. THis church will have a news priest, new people. All of this just about maniacs who hate everything around. Hopefully, there are not so many people who paid attention on Adam's note
Tears of proud joy + love the comments on here that are kind, accepting, and positive + the heartwarming stories about Provincetown. Thank you dear Glamily for sharing your wonderful hearts!
@ anon at 12:45
I seriously (and I say this respectfully to you) don't think Adam was calling all churches by that term..he would never be that disrespectful to other religious beliefs...He was specifically referring to the Westboro "Baptist Church", who are in reality not affiliated with any other church, and who consist of mostly family members of the cult's "leader"...This group's only dangerous and misguided mission is to condemn homosexuality, the Catholic Church, many Protestant denominations, including the Baptist church, the Jewish Faith, Muslims, Hindus, and even the United States...and many other "evil" things....They don't really like anyone unless they believe exactly as they do, and it is all based on love for anyone, except maybe themselves.......They are not even remotely Christian, IMO, nor are they a "Church" except in name only...They travel around protesting everything that they condemn as sinful and evil, which would probably include just about everyone on this planet, including myself and Adam (good company, I might add)....Go to WIKIPEDIA and look it up so that you may have a better idea of who these people are....I think that Adam's use of the term "Bastard" when describing that group is not only accurate, appropriate, but extreme descriptive. WBC purports to be a Christian church but their brand of venom is rejected by almost all other churches...I firmly believe that God, the Universe, whatever spiritual leader or spirituality we may follow, would also refuse to claim them as one of his/her/its own....Hence the "bastard" tag.....The ultimate tragedy is that they have their small innocent children holding their "God Hates Fags" signs, as was seen in the post a few weeks ago when they picketed Adams concert elsewhere, so sad....
You can see Monte wearing his Christian cross in many of his close-ups. Adam would never say anything negative about Christianity because of his dear friend.
As Glitzylady very well said, They're a cult, not a church and are in no way connected to the Baptist Church or any other religious denomination. By calling themselves a church, they can claim tax exempt status, which would benefit them financially to pursue their vile behavior. They are less than 100 and 80% are all family members. funbunn40
@ anon 8:46am,"God created Eve, not Steve" According to the bible, " God created Adam in his own image." Think about it. It also was Eve that gave him the forbidden apple. Wonder what Steve would have done? lol funbunn40
Adam Crawford and Missouri State....Please go to the top of the Class for getting this protest together...
this is what i want to see you Americans doing
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
This was AMAZING. I have never felt anything like what I did as I took in all of the counter protestors there last night.
A kind woman who I had been talking to the day of Adam's show found out that I had not so desirable seats, so as I was watching this protest outside, she came up to me and gave my sister and me tickets for the second row. In turn, I was supposed to go to the counter protestors and give my ticket to someone who did not have one. I spotted a boy who was a leader at my recent college orientation. I went up to him and asked if he had a ticket, and when he said no, I gave him mine. The look on his face filled me with so much love. The feeling of "paying it forward" is one I will not forget.
I love each counter protestor that was there last night. I love Adam. I love LOVE.
@Nicole Apparatus August 8 11:52PM
I should come back more often to the older threads!
Otherwise I'd miss stories like that of Nicole Apparatus's.
Pretty sure I know what you felt. Such a rewarding feeling...
I'm very glad for you and the lucky boy.
Glam Loving World all the way!
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