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Tonight's Venue in Concord SOLD OUT 100%!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 16, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 16, 2010

Tonight's Venue in Capital Theatre, Concord, New Hampshire holds 1310 seats. It had already SOLD OUT.

Show is scheduled for 7:30 pm Eastern

And here some pictures of the venue

Thanks Little Bee and sjmcdona!


Anonymous said...

Another notch in Adam's belt for his climb to the top. Looks like a large nice venue. Air-conditioning!! Hope the media is taking notice. funbunn40

Shirley said...

It's sold out again? impressive.

Anonymous said...

Believe this type of venue one of Adam's favorite. Hope all that go enjoy his performance as much as I do. Be pepared if this your first show. AML is the sexiest guy on this planet.

Anonymous said...

Another lovely venue. Hope the good people of Concord match the love from Quebec! OT but here's a great video of Adam/Tommy moments (music is Allisons Beat Me Up). Sorry if this was listed before and I just didnt see it. Watch it if you like the kidding/fooling around between these 2 hotties! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I think that vid link has been listed on here before Adamluv - but quite a while ago and it's such an AWESOME ONE!!! I'm sure nobody will mind, lol, in fact, I'm going to go watch it right now before I get back to RL, I LOVE that one, :), and extra points for using an Allison song, Thanks Adamluv.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for tonite !! You never fail to amaze and awe . Don't know how you'll top or even equal last nites performance , but somehow i have a feeling you'll be UP for it - Bring it on BB - ADOMMY ADOMMY

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, adamluv! <3

and yes it's amazing that adam's selling out all over the country!

Anonymous said...

MGF, Thanks! I would much prefer people provide info. etc. that has already been posted than not to, and it turns out to be new stuff. Hope what I just said is understandable. When in doubt, POST POST POST! Always new people to site as well! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Agree on all counts Adamluv! And there's always that scroll function, lol. MGF

Anonymous said...

Beautiful venue...not like the barn in Lubbock

Anonymous said...

did anyone rip the interview that aired this morning on Larry Flick??? PLEASE!! Im dying to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Any theater venues are no comparison to the barn/slaughter house in Lubbock, Texas... LOL Some concert goers were saying; they feel like lining up to be slaughtered! :))

Anonymous said...

Danny Gokey is playing in Vancouver at a small theatre. Hardly
any tickets have been sold and they have been on sale for some time.
Just remembering how Adam sold out in 3 minutes!!And look at
him now, selling out everything. Yahoo!!

Anonymous said...

im a big adam fan but i do wish danny and the rest of season 8 the best of luck-it is no surprise that adam would be doing better but that being said season 8 did have more talent overall than season 9 and was more exciting mostly because of adam-i do feel idol's demise started when adam didn't win & when season 8 ended

Anonymous said...

Reading some post here, is the Adomy action something really important for you?, if they stop doing this you'll continue being fan of Adam and go to his concerts? Lately i think that for many of you this is what make you fans of him.
Don't forget what really made us feel attracted by him at the begining: his spectacular voice and presence on stage just this makes a performer to last for many years on media.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you. They are currently rerunning AI8 over here at the moment. Most of the top 36 were far better singers and more charismatic performers than all of the top 10 on season 9. It really brings it home to you watching it again just how bad season 9 was. Even watching all the bantering and interaction between Simon and Paula, that was really missing last season too. Don't know how it will be this year with both of them gone.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Still some concerns about Tommy and Adam which is a genuine concern. We don't want anything to stop this climb he is on right now! We were commenting on the close- up picture of Adam a while back. Some said his skin had cleared up and that maybe he had had treatment. That could be so, but I think it could possibly be that Adam is so darned HAPPY lately. No stress! Not because he is kissing Tommy, but because he must feel that he has found the heart of the audiences. If he can't express the lyrics of Fever, it's almost like going back in the closet...and we all know that closets are for CLOTHES, right? I'm pretty sure he is smart enough to know what would be over the line. I think this is what he learned from that other performance (which shall not be mentioned). I mean, isn't it refreshing to see an entertainer who has clear eyes, that has a genuine love of life and respects the people he sings for... is humble..and oh, that boyish grin. Sorry to go on so, but you all get it. Sweeet dreams to you all.


glitzylady said...

@ anon 9:04

Just my opinion: The Adommy action is part of the song (Fever), which @lmb above has again pointed out....It adds to the fun of the concert, is part of the "story" and I personally think it's fine (beyond fine, really..) and some of us like to enjoy that (and some don't..), but it is only one small part of my huge appreciation of Adam's amazing talent...I was indeed immediately stunned when I first laid eyes on him at the beginning of Idol Season 8 and have not forgotten what attracted me to him initially...things I don't need to go into here because we all know what they are and I have gone on and on ( and on..) about them before!!! He is just getting better and better every day, if that's possible...And when the tour is over, if they stop the kissing and licking, OF COURSE I'll still be a fan....I love every single one of the songs he sings on the tour (especially in person..) and everything I have ever seen before then, and will no doubt love his new album, and whatever he does in the future...So yes, we get a little crazy sometimes (can't help it...20th Century Boy has definitely gotten my attention lately too...) but the bottom line is, the Adommy action is fun, but the rest is what will keep me here for a long time into the future....He's just one big surprise after the other...can't WAIT to see what's next...

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:04 - it's called fantasy, make believe, not reality, escapist entertainment and just plain old fun! Enjoy these moments because life goes by too fast!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:58 I agree with you! This is the sign I have in my bathroom. I put it there because we refer to it as our "reading room" lol. It says:

Dance like there's nobody watching
Love like you'll never get hurt
Sing like there's nobody listening
Live like it's Heaven on Earth.

This is my motto from here on out! Just enjoy this ride with Adam. He's brought a little bit of heaven into our lives.


Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady
One of the many gifts you have and I really appreciate, fellow,is your patience. To @ Anonymouis 9:04 I'd have responded just «dahhh» (but not to the last part of the comment). Glamdamn, you fellow guys really teache me our f****g glamEnglish!, don't you? Thanks a lot!

@ lmb
BTW, that goes to you and your basset dog Charlie too, deal???? And my glamcat Icon said «glamhello!» to both of you and also to your beautiful and brave son (God bless him!)

glitzylady said...

@lmb 8:24 am and anon 11:58 pm

lmb...LOVE that saying....Have it in my house too...and as my husband likes to say, "Life is Too Short" not to savor every moment, because it is YOUR life and you just need to make the most of it every day, and live it joyously and to the fullest.... No sense trying to live someone else's life and miss out on our own...

@Fan4fun 4:07 pm

I have all of the patience in the world when it comes to explaining why I am such an admirer of Adam Lambert...and why even though some of us get a little "roused"...when we watch Adam and Tommy, or just Adam in general when he is performing certain songs (for instance 20th Century Boy or Fever or WLL or....) I am a fan of the whole "man" as well, not just the sexy performer.....and I'll just keep doing that for as long as it takes...Hoping that one day soon that lovely man is known to the world, not just the little video clips that so many "know" him by....or the little "sound bites" as in "openly gay singer.." or "AMA shock rocker..." or "American Idol Runner-Up" ...Things seem to be turning around for him, and he is getting more and more recognition for his talent and less for the "notorious" stuff...(nothing wrong with being a little notorious tho...I kind of like bit of notorious-ness as a matter of fact!!!) It means he isn't boring, that's for sure!!! (Don't we know it!!!)