Was Adam Lambert snubbed by the VMAs?
Filed Under (article,news ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, August 03, 2010

For those of you hoping that Adam Lambert would pick up a nomination for the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, prepare to be disappointed. The full list of nominations are in for the awards (airing September 12), and the "American Idol" singer is not a part of the list.
Granted, there was a great deal of competition this year in between Lady Gaga's amazing work, Eminem's return to form, and even the stunning success of B.o.B. with "Airplanes". Although the omission from the Best Male Video and Best Pop Video categories may come as a surprise, the real shocker is that Adam was not put up for Best New Artist with his friend Ke$ha or teen sensation Justin Bieber. Rather, the selection committee went with Broken Bells' for "The Ghost Inside', a video that features Christina Hendricks from "Mad Men".
Adam was also shut out in all of the technical categories, making him one of the biggest omissions of the day. (The number of nominations for Beyonce -- who had the "best video of all time" last year -- comes as more of a surprise.)
Perez Hilton also tweeted:
@AdamLambert Adam Lambert completely shut out at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, failing to even get one nomination - unfortunately.
Other news on the VMA: Lady Gaga is nominated for a record-breaking 13 VMA awards....
MTV also snubbed Michael Jackson back in the 80's. So they're really not relevant and smart.
Adam isn't alone. Apparently, no other American Idol alumnis such as Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Daughtry were nominated.
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WTF is this??? I can't berlieve they snubbed Adam's videos. I just looked at the BEST NEW ARTIST category and guess what???? JUSTIN BIEBER?? lol
This seriously sucks. I won't be watching that crappy show.
Heres the categories that Adam should have nominated in...
Best Male Video
Eminem - Not Afraid
Usher featuring Will.I.Am - OMG
B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams - Airplanes
Drake - Find Your Love
Jason Derulo - In My Head
Best New Artist
Ke$ha - Tik Tok
Jason Derulo - In My Head
Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris - Baby
Nicki Minaj featuring Sean Garrett - Massive Attack
Broken Bells - The Ghost Inside
Best Pop Video
Lady GaGa - Bad Romance
Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dog - California Gurls
Ke$ha - Tik Tok
Beyoncé featuring Lady GaGa - Video Phone (Extended Remix)
B.o.B. featuring Bruno Mars - Nothing on You
Best Dance Music Video
Lady GaGa - Bad Romance
Enrique Iglesias featuring Pitbull - I Like It
Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor
David Guetta featuring Akon - Sexy Chick
Usher featuring Will.I.Am - OMG
Video Of The Year
Lady GaGa - Bad Romance
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
30 Seconds To Mars - Kings and Queens
Lady GaGa featuring Beyoncé - Telephone
Eminem - Not Afraid
B.o.B. featuring Hayley Williams - Airplanes
Did they even play FYE, WWFM, IIHY on their network???
I don't have that channel. I only know VH1 plays Adam a lot.
This is why I don't watch MTV anymore. They have no clue about artistry for videos. They tend to nominate who gets played on the radio. Adam should have been nnominated. He is so proud of his videos and they have a story and go so well with the song. Bieber - give me a break. He jumps around on stage and the videos have no meaning. If you go back in years, the Beatles were always left off of the Grammys and award nominations and their music will be around forever. If they leave off the Beatles and Michael Jackson, that tells the story right there.
WTF!! Yeah, it's very clear they were intentionally excluding Adam. That's OK. We, the people, know what Adam and his talent are all about. He don't need no stinkin nomination!!!!
WTF...VMA is soooo BIASED!!!:(... it's not even funny!!! HA! and too politically driven!!! Awards shows should be always according to artists achievements & merits!
I am soooo disappointed and lost my respect for VMA and committees... boycotting VMA's until Adam Lambert is being acknowledged!!!
Perez Hilton is such a mean spirited guy!!!:(((
I'm going to stop subscribing to that channel. This is what you get for pissing me off!
If VMA committees snubbed Michael Jackson and American Idol alumnis such as Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Daughtry, then they need to give their heads a shake or better yet FIRE them all!!!... they don't KNOW what they're doing!!! They are soooooo out of it!!!!!!:(((
Dick Clark should clean house!!!... from the top to the ground floor!... to earn back their credibility!!!:)))
This is horrendus!!! If they can't nominate Adam for best video and best new artist, then they don't need any of Adam's fans watching the show or supporting their website. I am boycotting everything connected to MTV.
Oooops! correction for Anon 10:36 & 10:47
Should say MTV... was so shocked I typed the wrong award show's name... lol
I thought Adam's music video always on top of the list. In Toronto, we have WWFM in mmtop 10, and he always at the no 1 spot. And now, we have IIHY at no 1. Come on, American music industry, what on earth are you thinking? Got to replace the whole panel of MTV director. Canadian is more fortunate than the American glamberts, I watch him in the music channel almost everyday. "Sigh, that suck", when think about the unfair situation that he has to deal with this BS.
Full list of nominees here -> http://buzzworthy.mtv.com/2010/08/03/2010-...dy-gaga-eminem/
"Trying again here to say loud and clear what a complete and ridiculous oversight it was to exclude Adam Lambert from these nominations!! What were you thinking, or perhaps not thinking..someone asleep at the wheel to exclude the incredible and and enormously talented man who gave consistently outstanding and innovative performances each and every night on Idol and that tour and now to sold out audiences on Glamnation soon to go abroad.
Also so beautifully a part of your Unplugged with incredible acapella vocals and fun backstage looks at the Glamnation tour. For what possible reason would he be excluded now!!?? UNBELIEVABLE"Trying again here to say loud and clear what a complete and ridiculous oversight it was to exclude Adam Lambert from these nominations!! What were you thinking, or perhaps not thinking no.gif ...someone asleep at the wheel to exclude the incredible and and enormously talented man who gave consistently outstanding and innovative performances each and every night on Idol and that tour and now to sold out audiences on Glamnation soon to go abroad. wub.gif
Also so beautifully a part of your Unplugged with incredible acapella vocals and fun backstage looks at the Glamnation tour. For what possible reason would he be excluded now!!?? UNBELIEVABLE!!!"!!!
Come on, people, he faced rejection/dismissal before, while he hadn't had all the love from thousands of fans all over the world. He will be an MTV winner eventually. The glamberts will make this happen too. Give him/us some time.
Meantime, enjoy this:
BAMP Project Due to overwhelming fan demand we've added a 2nd Adam Lambert show in Honolulu. New show will be Tuesday, October 26th. Tickets on sale this Friday at all Ticketmaster outlets.
I hope Gaga and Bieber pick all the awards XD MTV is so ridiculous.
IMO Kesha and Justin Bieber are TALENTLESS. As Adam has said in many interviews "this is a business". They don't always shine the lights on the talented, they shine them on what can sell. Sadly there's a huge portion of the population that really don't care if you can sing (why do you think some of these screamo bands are popular). It may be a travesty, but it's a fact of American life.
Thank god Adam is confident in how good he his, and will likely take the news with a grain of salt. In fact, I'll bet that this will become the "new question of the media"..."how do you feel not being nominated? Do you think it's because you're gay?" Of course he will respond only in a positive way no matter how much they try to shake him up.
Adam = Brilliance
Payola anyone? i suppose this is totally obvious, but it sounds like creepy $ politics to me, and stinks of homophobia. we are probably naive to expect the best to win, sadly. if they ignored michael jackson and the beatles, then adam is in the best possible company. still, it's sickening. mad world...
Guys I heard somwhere that they are scared of Adam because he has a moderate fanbase in quantity but very aggresive in quality, and they're worried the Galmberts power vote and win every category in favor of their idol and leave the mass of Bieber, Gaga and etc fans upset and that won't be good for either Adam or the network.
BUT the thing they sould consider is that if there are truely large number of Bieber or Gaga fans, then they shouldn't even worry cause no matter how much we power vote they can beat us due to their "huge numbers". So... I think they're worried that now Adam actually has a massive fanbase and can actually easily win the titles and... that might upset the Anti-Adam crowd maybe? not Bieber's or Gaga's. Or I don't know maybe he really is snubbed by the US media?!
Honestly from a fellow Glambert to the US Glamberts, I know it might hurt but the truth is Americans usually don't appreciate their idols and their legends very well. Your media makes them a GOD in just one night then just one mistake and BAAAAM... they become "Mother of all Sins". Elvis was called very bad influence when he started and after his death we CALLED him the king but made fool of him waaaaay too much and disrepectfuly, MJ was put to a mendantory absence and wasn't appreciated anymore and kinda died alone, and now Adam...
I hope it's just a phase that will pass and Adam Defenitely needs your help US fans! You as the US Glamberts are the representives of all the Glamberts and u are the mirror that Adam's ideas will reflect in: To be open minded, unjudgemental, free to express your ideas and being positive and loving towards all groups of humankind.
Let's take him higher, together...
MTV doesn't use the number of votes to decide the winners. The committee of the VMAs decide it the night before....
look what happened last year. (and every year)
The VMAs are so fake.
Hey, let's not turn this into a nationalist political event. "So What, *He's* still a Rock Star." Adam always takes the high road. He'll be fine. He's still selling out concerts, and the reality is that he's been in the business less than a year.
As someone said above, it is a business, and it's absolutely not about talent. I'm not naming names as you know who they are, but a lot of so-called talent in the music industry are not really talented. But many of them are. Just let it go, vote for Adam wherever you can, buy more copies of his album and videos and do the concerts if you can. Enjoy this man and his gifts, and wait until next year.
Oh my god wake up people ! I love Adam to death but he is NOT a super star, he's doing good but not great.
You have to realize that this is a popularity show and people such as Lady Gaga, Eminem etc are way more popular and succesful than Adam. I don't even know why all of you are surprised...
This is going to be so much fun..
I have came to the conclusion that MTV's VMA = crap.
come to think of it, I totally agree with u guys. We shouldn't rush it or take too seriously. He'll get there sooner or later.
Ok Anon 11:54 AM, you're right! I think we over reacted for a bit... I kept on forgetting you're not even a year into your career!:)
They should still acknowledge you by asking you to perform as a guest or as a presentor... one way of acknowledging your fast rise to stardom!
We have set ourselves up for this frustration with the "he will be the star of the World" attitude. Listen to Adam - he understands it. Feelings for him are highly polarized and probably always will be. I'm just so glad I am firmly entrenched in the side who will love him and follow him and support him as long as he has the courage to put up with the other crap.
Adam congratulated Ke$ha on twitter for her nomination. It made me sad but grateful that he took the high road. I think he is just happy to be doing well and I do think his time will come but I would have thought he would have been a huge draw for MTV (?) Just don't understand. ???? Maybe, as a group, some of us can be a little vicious (sp?) - I read some comments and wonder how people can get so angry at people they don't know, but I don't think MTV or any other big corp. is frightened by his fans. I am sure Adam takes it as just part of the business. I don't think they will be able to ignore him next year, especially if he gets his next album right. Let's hope.
well said bec. I think we overreacted, ESPECIALLY ME. I was very careful not to do so ever since these events happened to adam but I got into it afterall and I don't feel good about the judgements I rushed to pass.
I'm sorry everyone, it wasn't the right place or time...
I really like this situation. I think this is a perfect set-up xD
As Adam sang so beautifully from Queen at the Idol finale (way back when), "I've had my share of sand kicked in my face but I'll come through."
His career is still only getting started. It's only been not even a year since Idol. And he's selling out shows all over the U.S., while a lot of other so-called stars have had to flat-out cancel their tours due to lack of ticket sales. I've already seen him in NYC at the Nokia and at Costa Mesa last week (Adam and his band were incredible, but the sound system at the outdoor ampitheatre at the fairgrounds truly sucked, sigh) and in both places, the crowds were jammin' and digging Adam completely, the places were packed, and it was a total love fest.
No worries, he will prevail. All awards shows, when you think about it, are political displays of crap.
You know what's really funny - just looked at the tour schedule and even if he was nominated and won, he is BUSY the night of Sept. 12th. He is in NEW ORLEANS, performing for another sold out crowd of deliriously happy fans who wouldn't give him up for even one night of some tired old awards show ........ really, if you had a choice - 2,000 fans screaming out love for you for a solid hour or a few seconds of obligatory hand clapping after a cut off thank you speech....???????
I stopped watching MTV ages ago. They should call themselves RTV< REALITY TV instead of Music. They rarely play music vids. Don't worry, wait till the Grammys. Do you think Justin B or Keisha will be nominated? We do not have to worry a minute about Adam. He's in his own category any way and is probably chuckling at the fact that he wasn't nominated. Isn't our Adam just the most amazing human being? God do we love him!!!!
How come Kesha and not Adam? What in the world is the criteria used here? At least Canada has an appreciation of artistry.
Sorry, but gaga, kesha and bieber do not equal musical artistry in my book.
Perfect that he will be in New Orleans! Great great city with great people! He will have a ball!!! YES, with more family of fans that are with him for the long beautiful ride. Thank you Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you gorgeous, breathtaking human man thing!
not getting as many noms as Gaga or Eminem is understandable, but he should have at least been nominated for Best New Artist. The music industry is becoming a joke and this show has become nothing but a popularity contest...and I totally agree about Beyonce having way too many nominations...wtf? Perez Hilton is such a douchebag (or he could be trying to draw attention to Adam but still, he could have been a bit more polite about it). All in all though this could potentially be beneficial for Adam as Im sure his lack of nominations will garner a lot of media attention and everyone will ask him about it...I dont think something like this will go unnoticed.
I think MTV suck and I am angry and I don't know why that should happen. We Glamberts should let our anguish out. Instead of spending time trashing MTV, we should turn this negative energy into an unstoppable love to Adam. People, keep voting on VH1 and make him stay at No 1.
I was surfing Miley's forums and her fans are pissed off too. Even Bieber fans are mad lol.
So we're definitely not alone in this mess.
I am not going to watch that program and I don't care if Iam over reacting. I have my own feelings why he wasn't nominated and it has nothing to do with him being gay. Oh well, now I have an excuse to go to another concert to cheer myself up, yea! and come to think of it this isn't as bad as Adam losing that GLAD award to someone that wasn't even gay. There I'M OVER THIS ALREADY.
WTF - at least Best New Artist ! Will the haters have a field day with this info.! To add more "insult to injury" Bieber has a book coming out in the spring about his life. Also some kind of movie deal as well. All we have to do is see the reluctance of radio stations to play Adam and that tells me loud and clear that Adam will always have a fight on his hands to be given a fair shot! Sorry but I disagree with those of you that say that his time with come. Adamluv
Question for fans in the know cause I don't get the American MTV in Canada (or the Canadian one for that matter). I know VH1 has been very good to him. Isn't VH1 a separate entity from MTV though under the same umbrella? I was remembering when VH1 Posted was covering him and there was also a Posted for CMT (is that right for country?) and then I think there was one for MTV. I believe VH1 is geered towards an older, wiser group of fans. When they have their awards, perhaps he'll do better with them.
We just have to be patient. Like other's have said, its easy to forget Adam's only been out of the Idol bubble for less than a year when we find him everywhere everyday (thanks to the net and GNT). His time will come and when it does, it will be oh so sweet :)
DC Canadian
WWFM is a very popular music video, either in US or in the other country. See how many No 1 spot the song was in this year. To be fair, Adam's time should come for his recognition of making music. That "MTV" is big around the world, very sad that they make a poor choice to exclude him. To me, as a forigner, US has the most talented singer but whoever leading the music industry "suck big" this time. May be they scare of Adam's talent especially when he perform live. The more people know Adam, the more people will find out how lousy of the music industry in US. And how much money In millions will be lost. Of course they have to continue to brainwash the younger generation with all these untalented singers. (not all of them, a few are very good)
People, people, calm down. Adam has been around this business for many years. He knows how its played. I for one am so happy he'll be in "Nualins," the inspiration for his GlamNation Tour. And hang on to your hats, it's going to be the best show of the tour. He may just blast us all to Planet Fierce.
IM READY to be blasted to Planet Fierce!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know Adam is so beyond all of this silly nomination madness. It's fine that we are all upset as it shows support and I think it's true that it will only bring more attention to Adam and to how SILLY these awards are. I would give anything to be at his show on that night in New Orleans. They will show him some serious love. He will soon be the biggest star in the world anyway so no worries little fans. Just continue to love him up! (So easy huh)?
Success is the best revenge[not that we want to be spiteful lol] No one can deny Adam's successful tour, videos,etc and climbing popularity. Kesha is a fad, fun but no lasting talent[ IMHO] Bieber is a kid that the teenyboppers love. [My kids were nuts over Donnie Osmond singing Puppy Love]Every generation has to have a Justin Bieber. It may take another year for Adam to get the respect and recognition that he deserves, but it will come.[think MJ and Elvis] There may still be some backlash from some pushy fans in the past. Fans have since followed Adams' wishes to dial it back a bit. My first reaction to any slight against him is WTF, anger and sadness. Then the voice of reason kicks in with the old adage, "You get more with honey than vinegar." In the meantime he knows he has millions of diligent fans supporting him every step of the way where it counts, videos, air requests concerts and positive comments on opinion polls, web sites. The tortoise remained steady and won the race! We can vent our disappointment here and keep on being positive to the rest of the world. WE all know he is the best and pity the ones that don't! funbunn40
Adam KNOWS he is loved in this country and throughout the world. He has a strong spirit. His time WILL COME!
The funny thing is MTV is supposed to be very gay friendly considering they have a gay channel name LOGO.
yet they don't punish homophobic shows like JERSEY SHORE. Snooki was recorded saying stuff about transexuals this morning.
Adam is in good company as Katy, Miley, Rhianna are excluded, even Baby Beiber didnt get as many mentions as thought. Our boy is happy doing what he is doing I dont think awards are that important to him, though when it does happen and it will, i am sure it will be the icing on the cake. Though I am realistic enough to realize Adam will have to work harder than some. Sad, but fact.
I know Adam is not vindictive and I try not to be BUT I am not watching mtv any more - again. I wish that something as wonderful as music would not be a victim of politics.
The snub (in part) may be guilt by association as related to Idol. I think the fact that no Idol alum were nominated is pretty telling. I’m sure the standard defense would be that these artists have all sold a certain number of albums, number of spins, which exceed Adam’s sales. Ok. Fine. But that doesn’t hold when you consider Underwood, Clarkson and Daughtery. What gives?
The night he is in New Orleans I'll be on the computer reading the twitter feeds and seeing some pictures or vids from the New Orleans show. Won't be watching MTV. If you want to talk about a winner, how about the diverse crowds that Adam is bringing to his concerts. Straight, gay, teens, moms, dads, grandparents. Some entire families have gone to see him. All united having fun and partying together. That is winning to me. He's achieved bringing people together in love and friendship, and he has gotten plenty of recognition from his peers in the industry. Adam F. Lambert is a winner!
Adam should have been nominated for Best Male Video and Best New Artist atleast.
Adam has been snubbed so much in his life and I'm sure feeling immune to all this. I wish I could feel as positive as he does at this very moment. I'm afraid all of us die hard fans are going to experience a lot of disappointment, but damn it, I'm going to do my best not to let it get me down. I am committed to supporting Adam in any way I can and f*ck the haters, homophobes and the "executives" who refuse to give Adam the recognition he deserves.
he should have atleast nominated in the new artist category. Jason derulo, Justin Bieber WTF?
Anyways, I knew it, that Adam will face a lot of discrimination throughout his carrier. It just makes me sad to see just because he is a proud man, he had to work twice as hard as the rest talentless people. What a shame!But I hope things change with the American media, I hope they make music about vocal talent, not politics. I am very disappointed on MTV and I am boycotting their network bigtime, just like I did with ABC.
MTV= "Out of touch and irrevelant!" Adam will be spreading glitter and voodoo in New Orleans and I'll join Cheril, watching twitter and all things Adam that night. funbunn40
of course it's disappointing, so goes life.
Rock on Adam!
@Arta Arias.You absolutely right-everything about business and numbers! WHo cares how many awards U-2 got, how many times David Bowie was nominated, or for how long time "Thriller" stayed on Billboard! I want to mention that at my office nobody knows who is Justin Beiber, just few people know Kris whatever his name, and almost 90% my co-workers know who is Adam Lambert.
All theories aside, I truly am surprised that the video for "Whataya Want From Me" wasn't nominated.
comparing Adam to those who were nominated isn't quite fair. He has been put on a tight budget ever since he started. He has not had the finances to pour into the videos like the others have. When Pink performed at one of the award shows, she admitted that her performance cost over a million dollars.By the way was she nominated for anything? Adam's fans are growing daily, and so is his experience in making videos.I think Adam has more talent in his little finger than most of the others, BUT I still don't think his dancers in the show or in the video show much training or experience, except for Terence, (just my opinion) don't shout at me too loud cuz I am a 72 female, and I think Adam is the cats whiskers
America and their FIXED music awards! Hey whats new!
hey this sucks much...
they snubbed Adam...
i think from this day MTV will receive lots of comment from an angry Glambert fans
anyways justin beiber is so suck...
they're just jealous 'bout Adam's career...
I am a HUGE supporter of Adam (as you may know......) and I am a patient woman, to a point, and I am pretty sure this time next year will be a different story....He has accomplished SO much in the last year, it's hard to remember sometimes just what a short time it has been....I do truly believe that he will surpass many (perhaps all) of those nominated this year, in the long run...He will be iconic someday, and I am guessing not just in music.....I really think this has to do with not quite enough exposure yet, which is the result of radio stations being slow to play his music in many areas, AND... probably a great big helping of musical politics..And I think that some people just don't know what to make of him, yet.....he doesn't fit neatly into the current "musical box"........He is so multi-faceted in his talent, he can branch out in all sorts of directions, I can hardly wait to see what he will do next....the sky is the limit for him......and he truly is so classy in his support of those who did receive nominations....Just love him to pieces....I guess I AM just trying to rationalize this a bit, and do think he could have AT LEAST been nominated for best new artist, but maybe there IS an anti-Idol bias, who knows.....He is still the best of EVERYTHING in my book, AND the most important thing of all, he is a wonderful human being....he'll get there...
can't say enuf about my man! so what if he wasn't nominated. He will always be the beloved of his fans. I use to watch MTV back in the days of "the real videos". Its changed so much, I haven't watched it in years. so, in my opinion, doesn't mean much. VH1 loves Adam, and they are the big ones these days.Adam's career is young, just wait!!
Geez, could eminme (?) could present an articulate interview
and actually smile as Adam. Same as Kesha, although Adam seems to think a lot of her. don't want to downgrade anyone
they all have worked hard. Someday the world will know!
Love my boy
He still makes me smile!
The MuchMusic video awards (Toronto, Canada) recently not only had Adam nominated but also the winner!!
They got it right! I am disgusted with him not being nominated
for these awards. WWFM is SO much better than the other videos
nominated imho.
Personally I don't give a glamfuck! We all know sweet Adam's talents are so many and umpredictable! Seriously, I think this amazing young man is in a much higher level than any other singer/performer around us nowadays. Special awards should be created just for him!!! I tell you what: hold,....hold....hooooold..... sweet Adam is just taking off, you wait and see, watch him when he lands! I'm so proud of being his truly fan! I'm so proud of all the much more important awards he is going to get for a big collection... soon! Fan4fun
The mark of longevity in this music business = the qualities that Adam posseses.
He is smart and business savy, is humble, knows how to handle diversity with total class and is all about love. His talent is unstoppable.
When he won the MUCH MUSIC Video award the first people he thanked were his fans - he knows awards voted in by fans are the awards that really matter - not a biased business machine!
Give Adam another year, another international album, a worldwide sold out tour and then we will see who will get the last laugh (all us Glamberts!!)
Let's also see what the Grammy's bring this year.
Forget about MTV -- until they clean house and get some management that know real TALENT when they see/hear it - it will never change.
What we need to do is simply support ADAM is all he does and continue to vote vote vote!!!
Adam will want his fans to follow his lead and take the "high" road too. Wow - is the world learning from Adam or what??!!! Beautiful human being inside and out!
@ Glitzylady
Hi fellow, only now, after posting my comment here, I read yours... and you are so right as always. I've been working so hardly this summer, as a cook for a hotel... so many tourists! When I get home or have a chance to fly through 24/7 Paradise, many times I jump the big comments and leave them to «a little later».... so I can enjoy them better, not in a hurry. That's what happened to yours and Adam Fix's reports about your «live» sweet Adam's experience. I'm still waiting for a few relaxed moments to enjoy Adamluv's report, I just tooke a look all over it, may be tonight I can enjoy it better... Adamluv seems to be such a good writer. You guys (and other new commenters) are so nice sharing your impressions with other fans and I feel so glad for your chances and luck! I'm starting to think about going to England and get there my «live» experience with my Diamond Boy, this fall. Who knows? Everything is possible... or not! Let's be positive about this too!
This is so lame.. I knew Adam was not going to get a lot of nominations cause i know the VMAs and Adam is not the type of celebrity they like to nominate.. But i was expecting AT LEAST Best New Artist
@Anonymous 6:15
This is exactly what I thought-tight budget. I don't think Adam has such financial support (and protection!) as Justin Beiber or Pink.
@Fan4fun 8:25pm
You are so sweet, and your English is getting so good, I am just so impressed!!!
By all means, if you can go to England, that would be wonderful for you, I will be keeping you in my POSITIVE thoughts, that you are able to see Adam in person....after all, you ARE one of his biggest fans....and to see him in person, well....what else is there to say????? WE all know what a WINNER he is....(.MTV Video awards....Phooey....).
I know what you mean, it is so hard to keep up with everything on 24/7, what with work, vacations, (Adam Addiction Rehab.......)...... all those distractions!!!! Enjoy your moments in "Paradise"!!!
You know artists like QUEEN, BEATLES never won Gramys or other awards, the recognition must be of the public and fans and no mind awards of a comercial music channel that since 80's is not the same any talented artist emerged from it recent years.
I just have to say - I agree with many of you that Adam should have at LEAST been nominated for "Best New Artist", if nothing else. Look at his meteoric rise! All within the scope of a year. Pretty amazing. Next year...will he even qualify for "Best New Artist"?
fan4fun - get yourself over to the UK any way you can, to see Adam live - that is an ORDER!!!
- Adam Fix
If people really love Adam in UK and Europe I hope to see him nominated for MTV European Music Awards and Brit Awards.
My reply to Mtv for snubbing ADAM is to return the same to them. So from now on as I did to ABC when they black listed ADAM ... I simply STOPPED watching that channel & I will do the same with MTV (not that I ever really watched the GARBAGE they televised) I will DELETE it from my remote. They never played ADAM's videos that much anyway. They were too busy playing Gaga, Bieber & Perry ad nauseum. So ... BIG DEAL ... who needs MTV? Didn't watch it that much before ... now I'll stop checking on it completely. As a loyal Glambert I will continue to support ADAM & those who respect & recognize his TALENT & ARTISTRY. Just IGNORE those who don't!! Love & Light to All Glamberts Worldwide
tess4ADAM ... Back to VOTING on VH1 & mmtop10 .. Frequently
Just one more thing ... since ADAM's fan base is so numorous & growing on a daily basis ... doesn't MTV realize how many viewers they will be losing by snubbing ADAM? MTV = BIG FAIL!!
hey, who's the best ????ADAM LAMBERT !!!!!!!! GO ADAM !!!!
Oh my god, 30 seconds to Mars is nominated and Jared Leto is like 40..?
I sincerely hope that Gaga wins as many awards as possible. It is always a pleasure to see/hear her speak to her fans like a cult leader.
Here I am again I forgot to say I have called the radio station to try to get them to play more of Adam's songs and they said ok but I never heard them. I am 75 years old and enjoy hearing him sing so much that I want to hear more of his songs I already have his cd in my car and listen to it all of the time. I want to see him get an award because he deserves it. Can't people forget he's gay and just enjoy his beautiful voice.
I just read an article in Rolling Stone about Katy Perry. Apparently she finished an entire albumn that was shelved because she looked too much like Ashley Simpson.Can you believe that? So those in the music industry are not always the sharpest tools in the shed...and things like this Adam snub happen to others, too. It just makes us all a little crazy! The injustice of it all! Like Glitzy Lady, I think Adam will shine in other mediums. I can't wait to see him in a movie! lmb
ASSININE, reediculous and infuriating that Adam wasn't nominated. An absolute travesty.
Did everybody miss a very important name here? DICK CLARK..? is mtv a Dick Clark production.? like the American Music Awards?? LOLOl, if so, need we say more?? If that's the case not only does he need to clean house, he needs to remove himself. He wouldn't allow Adam on New year's Rockin Eve (where he would've done maybe a song or two), instead Adam rocked an entire concert at Gridlock, put on a hellava show and looked sensational in the process. On that note, better things are to come for being excluded from the vmas.
Adam is THE most incredible artist, a vocal & entertainment genious with a growing & fiercely loyal fan base. He gives us more than 100% in total uplifting entertainment, joy excitement & positive spirit. Lets give that back with total support. *Request his songs on the radio, spread the buzz about his album, vote for him whenever possible to help get him noticed, and acknowledged. Request release of NEW songs when it's time... Right now we can view at vh1.-->>'If I Had YOU' needs 9,000 views to reach the 1 million mark which will help that video get into the Hall Of Fame, and notable achievment for Adam. He SOOO deserves whatever WE can do to give back. Peoples choice awards are coming up... lets hope...
who cares my friends and devoted fans of adam. Who cares................................ As long as all of his concerts are sold out he is successful indeed no matter what. Fans are the most important recognition for Adam and he knows that he is being protected by us amen......................
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