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Adam Lambert comes out to sign after the show in Indy 8/31/10

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Thanks ZZ!


Anonymous said...

This is from tonight???? How cool!! Like we were there too and got the Adam smiles as they were happening.

Anonymous said...

From last nite! Always smiling and kind! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This blog needs some serious make over. It has added too many blinding ads lately and has become unnavigable.
When you start spending more than two minutes searching for a post and do not find it,it's time to go somewhere else. It used to be my favorite blog.

Stephanie said...

What do you mean Anon 9:00?

All the recent posts are to the LEFT ---------->

24/7 is one of the best blogs I go for entertainment.

Thanks 24/7 for all the Adam updates!

Stephanie said...

I mean to the RIGHT ------------>

You don't get lost if you use.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7 for changing the lettering from grey to white - now easy to read! Best Adam blog around! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the girl who kept talking but it was worth it because she GOT A FLYING KISS!!! OMG LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7 for changing the text color and making the fonts bigger!... yaaay We can see clearly again!:)

Gosh! you have to love people to do what Adam does! Adam must be a really patient guy!:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for changing the type top white. Much easier to read.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, still makes my eyes go funny, bring back the brown and yellow.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

That brave girl yelling throughout the whole video.

If I was there and Adam was walking near me, I would faint haha.

The Dark Side said...

There he is again! The Security guy. He must be a part of Adam's entourage as I keep seeing him in so many videos. Yeah the very "big" guy. Just assumed different venues had different security people??? Just askin. Any ideas, anyone on how this works. Interesting side story perhaps? LOL

Anonymous said...

this blog is not for Adam Lambert anymore, time to move on people.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 12:51 PM
Maybe you are right! Because since I've started to come here to get info and learn back my almost forgotten English to love my sweet Adam better (and because I liked it and then decided to stay and keep posting my comments), kind of 4 months ago, I know that 24/7 «Paradise» is not an «Adam's blog». THIS IS A WONDERFUL SITE THAT ALLOWS PEOPLE WHO REALLY LOVE SWEET ADAM TO COME HERE, SPEND AS MUCH TIME AS POSSIBLE TO GET IN TOUCH TO EACH OTHER, CHATTING AND CHANGING INFO AND EXPERIENCES WHILE GIVING TO MY DIAMOND BOY SWEET ADAM ALL THE DAILY SUGAR HE DESERVES.
24/7 «Paradise» is THE BEST (Glamberts&Glambrits)'s site I know! And you are pretty welcome if you really love him as we do! If you don't, what glamshit can we do?

Anonymous said...

May I guess, the two security guys are the bus drivers Bill & Arnie..

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv,
Ummmm fellow, this is kind of serious... no matter what 24/7 does to get us glad, both of us really need new glasses... you for teaching, me for learning... Ha! But sweet Adam deserves all our efforts and so does this «Paradise» site, don't they?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert 24/7 news.Why i have to see Tommy here every single day.need some kind of change here.these people who create this blog or site is not real anymore.time to go}

Anonymous said...

So go already... Stop looking over your shoulder like a child secretly hoping their parent will show remorse and stop them from running away

Anonymous said...

This site has something for everyone, key word everyone. Scroll by what you're not interested in and quit whining. A no brainer!

Anonymous said...

IKR - no brainer indeed. SCROLL FUNCTION!!!! Sheesh