Adam Lambert in Singapore - Press Pictures
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Saturday, September 25, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, September 25, 2010

From superadrianme:
American Idol Season 8 sensation is in Singapore for LG Live concerts as part of the Formula One race.
I was having lunch before the press conference with friends from Philippines who are crazy fans of Adam Lambert. They and other fans from the Philippines are waiting eagerly for his concert in October.
At the press conference held this afternoon with international and local media, Adam came in cool and dressed in his signature look – black jacket and pants and chains, bangles and rings.
I asked Adam what fans can expect from his concert tonight and tomorrow night at the Formula One race.
This is what Adam had to say to fans ” Expect a good time with lots of smiling and humour. The concert is expected to be filled with camp, inspired dancing, lots of singing along and feeling good.”. And, of course, not forgetting “lots of fun”.
Adam performs tonight at 1130pm at Zone 4 – LG Live at the 2010 Formula 1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix Padang Stage and tomorrow at 540pm at Zone 1 – Village stage.
Adam Lambert fans can get the ASIAN EXCLUSIVE “For Your Entertainment” GLAM BOX from the week of 27 September.
This Glambox includes CD with bonus tracks, DVD with music videos and live performance and If I Had You Remix EP. Top it up with a limited edition mousepad, this Glambox is an ultimate must have for all glamberts!!
SOURCE (More pictures at source)
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How can the US Glamberts get the Glam Box .. please leave info on this site .. THANX!
I want my Glam Box,
OMG, those photos are great! Adam Lambert's look is incredible.
Everybody's waiting, sweet Adam, all fingers and toes crossed!!! Can you feel it?
Glamdamn, again that bullshit «American Idol sensation»... well, at least it is much less bullshit than that «openly gay singer»... (Do not remind me, please!). Fellows, I'm home today, trying to concentrate and send to glamily at Singapore all THE BEST POSITIVE ENERGY AND PRAYERS. The white candle with sugar around for sweet Adam is still ON FIRE, since yesterday!!!!
Now, Diamond Boy, it's up to you! You GO and DO your best, precious baby, SHOW all your feelings and all your voice OFF... kill them all!!!! Kill them better than you use to do to us...
Death by my precious exotic sing bird,
Death by Adam «THE SWEET»!!! Ha!!!
phwarrrrr Adam looks well fit in these pics, loving the hair...gorgeous boy...>-->-0
can't wait to see the first vids of the concert, should be amazing..
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
I read where they are calling Adam "WORLD IDOL" seems fitting
Gulp!!!! Wow, does he look GOOD in these pictures...and to to think that a mere 5 days ago he was touching my hand...I have to go lie down @Fan4fun said...
Death by Adam
@ Glitzylady
Come on, fellow! WAKE UP, will you? Pay attention! It's not Death by Adam any more... From now on it's Death by the International SWEET Adam!!! Hahaha!
Go wash your hand, girl, sweet Adam wants us all CLEAN Glamberts supporting him... sweet and clean!!!! Ha!
Adam looks so good, I could just eat him up! Seriously delishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh, I forgot what I wanted to say - Good Luck Adam Lambert, Glamworld God! We will keep the porch light on until you return to us.
Well, I DID have to wash that Adam-ized hand...but I still remember the touch...(big sigh....) Going back to lie down again... >-->-O
Adam looks fantastic here and so appropriate to have him sitting in front of a banner saying "Nothing Else Comes Close". Glitzlady, it was so great to meet you, Imb and Patrice in Seattle! And he touched your hand! OMG! My friend touched his boot and was so excited about that! We are all "nuts", arent we? But best kind of feeling ever! Adamluv
Wow! This man is GORGEOUS! I'm sitting at my computer with a huge grin on my face watching the vids from Singapore! I'm so grateful that fans are posting these. Thank you so much to all those Singapore fans for showing our sweet Adam the LOVE!
I really want that GlamBox too! How can the US fans get one? Haven't seen mention of it anywhere except AO but no info given to US fans yet as to how to order one. Anyone got info?
Where is my GLAMBOX?/??? I want one.....I'll be watching for the sale to start here in U.S.
I want my boxglammed too, Adam Lambert GlamGod style, oh um, I mean Glambox. These pix, glamdayum ... Love AFL's "maturity", a young man sure, but a man, not a boy... and he knows how to work his manhood, so delish.
MGF ;)
Oops, I didn't mean that last line quite like it sounded :) MGF
@MGF 1:17 pm
Yes you did!!! LOL!!!
MGF, yes you did! LOL. Adamluv
He should be Platinum in the States! :/
Glitzlady, we were posting the exact same words at the exact same time! Adamluv
Great photos of Adam. Who can look as good as that after a long flight, lack of sleep and jetlag... only Adam! :) Because you're naturally beautiful!!!
Gone since early am, so just saw a feed (awful video) of Adam singing WWFM. Story about how he's toned it all down due to cultural differences. My daughter asked me about this; says Singapore is pretty conservative. Hong Kong another story. So Adam smart enough to makes the changes. Hope other videos better, can't see s**t! Adam moving back up to No 12 on top 40 today. Gotta vote hard get him back in top 10 and move him steadily down. Didn't vote on Friday, voted heavy Wed and Thurs. I agree with all you lovely people, Adam looks incredible!!!
@ MassGlamFan
1) Have you seen my comment where I try to explain to FF what you mean by «AFL»?
2) What do you mean «man» not a «boy»? How am I supposed to call sweet Adam from now on, Diamond Man? Doesn't it sound quite weird?
@ Glitzylady (1:40PM) and @ Adamluv 1:41PM
re: MGF (1:17PM) YES, SHE DID!!!
... and I loved your timing! Lol
I dont think hes toned anything down. Looks pretty much the same to me.
hey Glitzylady...I held hands with Adam too...
my bad...I wouldn't let go of his brain wouldn't give the signal to release his hand. Yikes...
It is soo good to know that I'm not the only one in love with Adam. I was feeling a little bereft today, missing Adam, because I thought we wouln't be getting much video of him. Afterall, suz625, Indybeck, and all the Glamberts that supply us with their wonderful videos wouldn't be there. Well, I was pleased that 24/7 had all this new material, interviews and video. Thank all of you at Adam24/7 - you are my #1 website. I have been here with you every night since your begining.
You know what they say about Great Minds, and now that we have met we are fully in tune with all things Adam!!! And we "know" MGF all too well...she can't fool US!!!!
@Glitz and Sparkles...Ya know, the thought crossed my mind...and I felt a little "special' because he had to hesitate just a fraction of a second to reach down to my hand because I am a tad "petite"...will never forget the warmth....hmmm....
And i just had to say that I was in Target getting some pictures processed today (of Tommy and Monte and Isaac and me : ) and the concert with Adam...) and had decided to "come out of the closet" with my Adam Lambert Lee Cherry photo shoot t-shirt, and the young girl who waited on me said "Oh, did you go to the Puyallup???" and it just went from there...more Adam gushing..And she is a "young fan"....and loves Adam..Was so much fun to talk about Adam...The rest of the customers looked a little bemused but WTH!!!
I always feel on my own with my obsession with Adam over here, but the other morning at work, I was chatting to one of the mums dropping off her child, and she said 'I;m going to see Simply Red tonight', so I said that I was going to see Adam Lambert. I was waiting for the 'who's he comment', but she said Oh, I really like him, I'd love to see him, shame he's only going to Macau,so I corrected her that he was coming to HK, and said if she wanted to go she could stand with me. Then a couple of days later she whispered,'I got my ticket for Adam. Turns out a few of her friends were going as well. Then last night I was out, and met another friend who was going...and here's me thinking I'd be on my own.
HK fan
HK fan - oh, that is great! Can NOT wait to hear your stories afterwards!! Don't leave us waiting too long...well, I know you'll need to recover for a bit, first, and get your brain working again, but then - we will need an immediate report!
As for the rest of you - LOL at this thread!!!
- Adam Fix
Hey, you ladies who met at the Puyallup please! I want to see you and the glamily!!
@ Daydreamin
Yeahhh, ladies, WE DO!!!
@ HK Fan
Thanks for sharing! It gives me some hope... Lol!
Excuse me fellows, does anyone know where the glamhell Funbunn40 is ???
She was in Florida several days ago, had another «out of body journey» experience, gave to sweet Adam a bottle of mexican tequila and was supposed to be back home by now. Do you think she embottled some tequila herself too and got lost in the middle of the way back???
Shall I send a MAYDAY alert message searching for «The Voice of Wisdom»?
Anyone interestd in ordering the GLAMBOX you can do so on CD WOW.
I just did, I'm sooo excited!
Well, I guess it's possible that I meant it subconsciously :), you guys are hilarious.
And Fan4fun - you go right ahead with your "Diamond Boy" references, and I'll go right ahead with my "BB/Baby Boy" references... they're terms of endearment, and that's just a matter of semantics anyway ... we all know there's nothing little boy-ish about Mr. Lambert.
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