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Adam Lambert Photo Shoot by Micah Smith

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Thanks to ZZ!


Anonymous said...

Please grow some hair again!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww! " rough tough cream puff look "... still such a sweetheart!:)

Cecilia said...

Oh I love this look.

Those eyes are fierce!

Cheril said...

Love the open jacket look - grrrr

Anonymous said...

Love that belt! Love those pants and that jacket. A couple of the pics,, not so much. I love Adam's soft, sexy, "come here" look. He really is a totally gorgeous model. I can't wait to buy tickets to his first movie. Then more tickets to the same movie. They whill have to pay me to leave. Will see him Saturday!! WOOT!!

Anonymous said...

Get over complaining about the hair. Esp when the boy is sweating his balls off and it's all sticky and hot on his head. AND under a hat. sigh.

Anonymous said...

This is Adam Lambert. This is Adam Lambert on..............???????? LOL! What interesting expressions. Agree with the above anon..FIERCE!

Anonymous said...

not knocked over with these pics. The photographer just can't capture Adams real look. Wonder when these were taken. He is so good looking, he can't actually take a bad pic.I think the photographer was trying too hard to be artsy, and it didn't work. jmo

Lolita said...

Call Lee Cherry stat! lol

Anonymous said...

These expressions remind me of those pics people
take for fun in those 4 for a dollar booths at the mall..

Anonymous said...

Last four pictures remind me of Zoolander... heh. Also, do not like the camouflage pants :/


Anonymous said...

he's looking really really thin in these pics --I hope he's not overdoing it. *well i think we all know he is. He works so hard. This photo shoot isn't as good as other's I've seen but he's still gorgeous. yyuumms

Anonymous said...

Yes Lolita, Lee Cherry has done much better work. There is a lot of talent attached to the photographer, not just the person being photographed.

Anonymous said...

These are older pix, 8:23 - they don't reflect Adam's current stature.

JakeL - ha, ha - Zoolander! Yes - there was something about Adam's expresion in these pix I couldn't put my finger on...but it's almost like he's trying too hard to be sexy/fierce/intense. Then, with the spikey hair, he looks kind of "hard".

Adam is a beautiful man and can barely take a bad picture, even if he tried - but I agree - I think there must have been some "direction" coming from the photographer for Adam to "look fiercer, look sexier, stare down the camera!" or something along those lines. His expressions have an edge to them, in these pix, that we usually don't see on Adam's warm/happy/open face.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Betcha these are the rejects

Anonymous said...

Some of these are great. Some.... not so much. Some have shadows that make an unflatttering shot. A couple have wild eyes. Adam is so stunning and handsome. These photos do not capture the beauty of adam.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think this pix are pretty old.Adam is more muscular now & has gained some weight back( but not tooooo much)..Look @ his legs,esp in the tighter leather pants when you can see a full length pic of him..I think he's gonna let the hair grow out now,too,I hope.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are lots of things about these photos that don't seem right: 1) expressions especially eyes; 2) way jacket hangs when zipped up; 3) jacket and pant combo (look better out of the doorway pics with jacket unzipped and not all shiny); 4) stance in the doorway too confining; 5) stance in the other photos seems too contrived; (6) overall - a fail

GlammyLadybug said...

Ha,ha, I kinda like that you don't like the pictures above. I like them more because of that! I see some goofy Adam and some clubbing Adam there and not so much Photoshop. More honesty in there!

But, of course, I love Cherry's photoes... smoke and mirrors work for me too :-))

Anonymous said...

ADAM looks either frightened or startled in a couple of these pics. Sorry ... LOVE ADAM ... but not the doorway pics ... poor BB looks like he's 'squashed' in the doorway. Also looks like ADAM is hanging on for dear life! Beautiful ADAM ... poor concept. Try again Micah!! JMO .. Think I'll check out the other pics at SOURCE ...


Anonymous said...

AHA! Just as I thought. There are 60 pics at the SOURCE ... some of which are FABULOUS!! Just click on SOURCE at the top of this page & check them out!!


Anonymous said...

I love Adam's smile, it lights up his eyes and whole face...I'm ready for those WHITE pants he had in the IIHY, those were sexy!!

Anonymous said...

I also went to the source and there are some much better than these. Think these are the worse of them all. Having said that, in general these arent the best IMO . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

After seeing them all at Source, I think some of the pix are really cute poses and expressions. He was probably just having fun doing the shoot.