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Adam Lambert Puppet interviews fans in Puyallup Fair, WA

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I was right there at that beer garden just before the show started sipping beer... lol Man! did I ever missed a lot of the happenings! :(
On the positive note is, I get to see Adam live again... twas MAGICAL! :) Love, love, love ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

These puppet interviews are more than adorable. Wonder what Adam thinks when he sees this kind of fan investment, and the huge age demographic. Anyone know anything about the fan who made the puppet ??

Anonymous said...

Terrance, Sasha, Jenni - Extreme Scream in Puyallup


Anonymous said...

The woman with the blond yarn wig looks just like my Uncle Frank.:) haha

glitzylady said...

The info about the man who made the puppet is back on the Seattle Showbox Sodo fact he actually posted a message about himself and his video about the event on that thread..guess he is aware of 24/7...Its on youtube...He made the puppet for Adam to take with him after the Sodo show but Adam suggested that he keep it to entertain people with...The man and his assistant were out entertaining people before the Sodo show...July 20th...Its a long way back there on the site!!!

Mark Saltzma said...

Hey everyone I just found this site! Thanks for your kind comments.
I make puppets and my friend and wanted to meet Adam. Please check out on Adam Lambert Puppet on facebook for all the past and future Adam Lambert Puppet happenings. I'd be happy to answer any questions for you.