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Adam Lambert RCA profile updated!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 20, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 20, 2010

Adam's RCA page profile has updated!

"Sounds like: Freddie Mercury committing arson with Lady GaGa and Muse."

Thanks Merrick for the tip!



Anonymous said...

Hey Glamily, I think we need to all pull together and give Adam a big SHOUT OUT about the hair growing back. Let him know that we noticed it!! I love him any way I can get him but,,,, GOD I Love That Full Head Of Hair!!!!
SOOOO Handsome! His trademark for sure!!

Anonymous said...

Now I know why he shaved his head in the first place..

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:13, Why do you think he shaved his head?

Anonymous said...

Why should he grow it back to make a "fan" like you happy?

Anonymous said...

OOOHHH,,, and why do you have your panties in a wad????? You don't sound much like one of our Glam Adam Worshipers with commenets like that.
Please try to say nice things or say nothing. MMMmm,,, why are you reading the posts at this site anyway? You must not feel very good about yourself. So, call your shrink and go in for a session. Maybe your attitude will be improved by tomorrow. OH, and also, give yourself a name. Be proud of who you are!!! Be a stand-up guy!!

Cecilia said...

Good idea, FF .

I'll tweet later to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I don't have twitter,but I LOVE Adam's hair!!!...& hope he lets it keep growing( or keep it like it is.)I think the fans overseas love it long also.

Anonymous said...

Does Anyone tell you how to were your hair????
Plz step back and let him live!! Some of you think that Adam is your toy!
Back off!!!!
He should so whatever HE wants with his hair and body and life!
Plz, be a good fan not a control freak!!!!

Anonymous said...

Like the longer hair. Just a preference. Love Adam, no matter what!

Anonymous said...

@ FF
Hi fellow, I love sweet Adam's head full of hair too, but he has so many other trademarks., so many talents to show off... let him play a little with them, he deserves to be able to show us all his beautiful faces. Doesn't him?
But you got rights to show an oppinion, once you've been such a good glambert... so, don't waste your time barking back to whoever anonymous that have no guts to get a tag before trying to bite our asses. Good morning to you, fellow!!! Let's just celebrate together all the enormous success of this GNT, deal? In the mean while, sweet Adam's hair G-R-O-W-S!!!!!... Lol!

Anonymous said...

Gee there are a few prickly pears out and about at the moment!

Adam's hair is GLAMGORGEOUS no matter which way he wears it, and I love the emo style the most :) To each his/her own. :)

Anonymous said...

just had a look on the ticketing website for Adams HK concert, to see if I could see how sales were going, it looks like the seating areas are sold out, but still standing tickets available.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

What did Adam's profile page say before it was changed?

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody! Vote in this poll to decide what Adam's next single will be here: Get enough votes, and the results will be sent to RCA to try to change their minds about releasing more singles from FYE in the US. Don't forget to spread the word on fan sites, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

Anonymous said...

Is that description a compliment?

I ♥ Adam most of all for his vocals. It doesn't hurt that he's a ♥, too. Quit the nitpicking

Anonymous said...

it's just hair he was hot so shaved it. hair grows back. my god you people have nothing better to do than quibble about his hair. we would still love him if he was bald. n'est pas?

Anonymous said...

asian people love adam lambert also love his hair perhaps emo style.dont shave ur hair adam pls.oh like elvis hair as well.

Anonymous said...

I liked this blog better before the crazies invaded. Now it's hard to tell the difference who are the trolls and who are just OTT fans.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam. Don't care what he wants to do with his hair. That's his business, and he always looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he cut his hair because of the heat at some of the helps to keep him cool. Also noticed is has been somewhat of a trend, if you watched the VMA you might have noticed the girl sitting next to Lady GaGa had the same cut as Adam on one side. Adam's haircut is the one heard around the world!! LOL

The Dark Side said...

HA everyone going shitty shitty bang bang on this site today! Tommy has been rockin this hair for longer than Adam, just putting things in perspective here, if possible. This is serious withdrawal from the Adam Summer GNT drug people. Lets all go into rehab for a few days until the steams from over seas gives us a fix. LOL

Anonymous said...

@ anon 11:11AM, who ever you are,, That was funny as all get out!!!!!!!!!! Loved it and will try to remember it so I can use it some time.

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun, you are right on all accounts. A lot of us made mention about our preference for his hair being longer at the time he shaved it. Just wanted him to know we also noticed the new growth. Right again, he is sooo multi talanted and is beautiful in every way no matter how he chooses to cut, shave, mow, do yard maintence, wax, or whatever. Damn, this is the most gorgeous man on the face of the earth today!!! I'm loveing watching what his mama gave him!!!
You have a good day also. I must take a break to do a few things around house before I'm accused of "HOARDING" when my kids can't find me in the rubble. :)
FloridaFan (FF)

coloforadam said...

Keep commenting on his hair and he just might do the opposite!! He does have that lovely defiant side to him you know. If you don't know that after the pap-attack or after the AMA's or after the Details article - you have been asleep. And didn't he JUST say in interview that what he needs from fans is positive feedback when we LIKE what he is doing? OK - now I will be snarfed at but I guess I just have a thing about unsolicited advice and I'm just not hearing from Adam that he wants advice on fashion, hair or personal stuff. I sure plan to drool, gasp and search for superlatives when he looks great, gorgeous and amazing though and really, that is pretty much ALLLL THE TIME!!!!

Anonymous said...

I must admit that I was taken aback when ADAM started shortening his hair but I got used to each style he wore so that now I think we've pretty much seen most of his styles & as long as ADAM is wearing it albeit hair stlye clothes shoes jewelry or what-have-you ... I LOVE IT!! .. JMO ... Love & Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide


Anonymous said...

@ FF
>>>>> I knew you'd agree... smart girl!

@ Coloforadam
>>>>> Ummmm... Good point!!!

@ tess4ADAM
>>>>> Love & Light to you too, fellow.

@ some anonymous here (they know who I mean)
>>>>> ARF, ARF, grrrrrrr! ARF!

@ every glambert/glambrit
>>>>> Cheers! I'm celebrating the huge success of my sweet Adam's GNT since this morning (it's 9:30 PM in Azores, now)!

@ Sweet Adam
>>>>> Hairy or bold, God bless you Diamond Boy!

@ myself
>>>>> Go to bed, Fan4fun, you're drunk! Lol!


Anonymous said...

Hey 11:58, I am 11:11 and I think your post funny! and oh so true. How many of us use to spend more time keeping home and hearth than on the computer Glamstalking Adam? I for one can now overlook about anything, except maybe a landslide of clothing falling off my bed. I've been trying to teach the dogs to feed and water themselves, but alas, useless exercise. This entire post is getting to hairy for me. Oh, and 11:45 feel free to use anything I post, as none of it is copywritten, nor do I suppose it ever will be! Love, Peace, and Hairless dreams.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:11 andf 4:17,
Run out and fetch those Fido's a couple of #2 wash tubs, fillem' with water and dog food and maybe that will get you through a couple of international shows at least. Hairless dreams to you also.
@Fan4fun, put down that Johnny Walker. Hell's Kitchen is waiting for you tomorrow. Go now and dream about our diamond boy and listen to the music. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha - what a crazy thread this turned into! I'm surprised I've been able to feed my dog, much less my SON, for the past year!

After discovering Adam, my mind became like a lint trap...all fuzzy and hazy, with visions of Adam swirling around, non-stop! He possessed me, and it was nearly impossible to think of much else after that! I can barely concentrate on any task at hand, wondering what Adam is up to. Wondering what might be posted on 24/7 and counting the minutes until I can check!

Adam - you worked some bad-ass voodoo on me! And I thank you for it. Thank you for entering my life. You make my obsession are worth sacrificing sleep over!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun - how's that hangover treatin' you, babe? Heh, heh! Hope the celebration was worth it!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Anyone else forget what bills are?


Anonymous said...

Adam is an indiviual and he can wear his hair anyway he wants, and he will always be fantastic!
Can't believe how fans want to change him every way they want. Adam knows how to pull those strings to get everyone going and he does it so well, being the master he is! Thank God for freedom of creativity and expression!

Anonymous said...

@daydreaminmylif,,,about those bills, i know only to remember to pay them so we can live here for another month! lol I put Adam on hold, run for that check book and then to the PO and back to 24/7. "I don't want to miss a THANG!!!

Anonymous said...

That's why we have husbands - to pay the bills. ;) Yes - I have long forgotten what bills are.

- Adam Fix