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Sal Masekela, co-host of The Daily 10, lies about Adam's fans on twitter

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 20, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 20, 2010

Sal Masekela is co-host of The Daily 10 and he's been tweeting a lot tonight regarding Mike Catherwood's homophobic joke about Adam Lambert. He thinks there was nothing homophobic about what Catherwood said and stands by that.

First, he replied to Catherwood saying this:

"@MCatherwood thanks for putting us on the map. Imagine if you'd actually said something truly offensive."

Then he said:

"The same joke was made about Lindsay and no freaked out. Why?"

and then complaining about getting hate message for being hateful homophobes:

"I understand people were offended. But the amount of violent hate on the back end seems just as bad."

and the most ridiculous thing he tweeted was that he claimed to have received "death threats" from Adam fans.

"Further, all the tweets I've gotten from Lambert fans have been for me to die. Actual physical threats."

to which an Adam fan replied:

@TeresaAllen1: @imsalmasekela "you dumb ass. you do know everybody can easily search all the tweets to you, right? I don't see one death threat to you #liar"

Thanks Terasa!

Oh and he tweeted that there's an announcement tomorrow.

"3 days of hate tweets is a lot. Don't worry, tomorrow there will be a big announcement sure to make the haters filled with joy. You win."



Anonymous said...


He's right about putting them on the map... thanks to WHO? May I ask?... ADAM LAMBERT!!!
You're used to be somewhat known... now you are very well known as a " Double L " (looser & liar )... LOL

Anonymous said...

How do we get the proof that he lies?

Cecilia said...

i just checked Twitter and there were no death threats.

He's so dumb. Why did he feel the need to lie to get sympathy? Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, some of you are obsessed in a very bad way. Who cares what he says about his friend on his twitter? Stop harassing people who have an opinion different from your own.

Cecilia said...

We're not obsessed. We're just very protective of Adam. There's a difference.

I mean, aren't you a fan?

Anonymous said...

From who are you protecting Adam and how do you do it, by Twitter?

Anonymous said...

Poor Mike Catherwood. Poor Sam Masekela. Forced by mean people to apologize over a completely innocent joke about gays and prison rape. So tortured that they can't express their blatant homophobic humor for fear of backlash.

Sucks to be you, dudes.

I hope we can keep up the pressure, as these bigoted tools don't seem to get how offensive they are, and are making things even worse by half-assed, insincere apologies.

The one they aired the other night-all eight seconds of it-the lame, "Sorry all you upset gay people' didn't address the issue, and didn't apologize to all the straight people who were offended.

And Catherwood continues to run his mouth, and be completely clueless. I would hate for anyone to lose a job, but this jerk needs to be fired. And so should the producer, who allowed the comment to go by.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

For Anon@1:13a and @Anon 11:37pm, I don't understand your hatred? I mean if you are a fan of Adam wouldn't you be upset for your artist being talked about that way? For the statements you two did I don't see you as any fan. Maybe that is why you used ANON instead of standing by what you said and using a name? How lame is that? Fans of Adam Lambert are like any other fan of an artist, they spend money on this artist, they love this artist. They are protective of this artist. Why does that make them obbessed or whackjobs? Maybe your life is filled with emptyness and sadness but any fan of Adam is filled with energy and love because that is what Adam is about. He is not about hatred or bigotry. For you two come on a site about Adam for his fans and to say such things about his fans is didgraceful and mean. I hope someday you can feel about someone or something the way Adam's fans do about him and each other.


Trish....a fan and a Glambert and proud of it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this just between the Glamberts and E!

Anonymous said...

Don't know is that Teresa a fan or not, but just read from the other blog that Glamberts want to boycott E! and not gonna watch the Adam Lambert True Hollywood Story. How weird is that?

Anonymous said...

Maybe The True Hollywood Story should include how he has to put up with homophobic jokes on TV.

Anonymous said...


I like Adam, but those rabid, obsessive, over-protective Glamberts? No!

It's not just Glamberts, either. Clay Aiken had the crazy Claymates, Taylor Hicks had the wacko Soul Patrols, Jason Castro had the effed up Castronauts, etc. etc. etc. Even nastyass Constantine still has Herpesmates.

I just wonder what it is with male Idol contestants that they attract such rabid, over-protective women. It's the main reason why people outside of the Idol bubble make a fun of male Idol contestants and the Idol fandom.

Anonymous said...

Be careful not to hurt Adam with your obsession to him. Live it alone. I say.
We did our share. Plz don't egnite more fire!!!
Let's back off!!!! Adam is a big boy. He knows what he is doing.
If you want to support him , then spread the love not hate!!!!
Vote for him on vh1 . We r too busy with BS like this and forget to keep him on the map.
Plz stop this and vote and request him. Use that energy in a positive direction!!!

We can do it!!
And plz dont spread boycoting E. That would really hurt Adam!!!
Don't do something you will regrate. That will make you/us lousy fans!

Israeli fan!

Anonymous said...

There is everything right about fighting homophobia where ever it raises it's ugly head. . Think anti- black, anti- Jewish , anti- women jokes..most people find prejudice of any kind unacceptable and will try to fight it. None of this bigotry should be allowed,especially on the airwaves.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sal didn't like us looking at his twitter. It's now protected! He's the one who escalated the conflict with his Comments which he knew we would see.

Anonymous said...

A group of listeners for a tv show and a radio station didn't like what was said and commented on it. GLAAD got involved. Apparently they think they are the only ones that enjoy the free speech in America. But there is a drastic difference in free speech and HATE speech. Catherwood called Adam's fans rabid and Sal lied that he had death threats. These two men need to clean up their act. Meanwhile, Adam is working hard and singing to SOLD OUT SHOWS. Love conquers hate.

Anonymous said...

I think the single most important information that came out of all of this was that the tv show and the radio show aren't worth listening to. They obviously don't care what their audience thinks. They targeted Adam and they got a reaction. We are a group of people that don't want to put up with homophobic crap on our airways. It was an undeserved hit on Adam, followed up with insinuating he wasn't a celebrity. Adam has more integrity and more talent than either one of those forgettable hosts will ever have.

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- Why perpetuate this now 'old' story. We want to hear about Adam's upcoming tour, his future projects, statistics and points of view on his incredibly successful summer tour, etc. Negativity is not what Adam's about. He himself tweeted a passage from True Blood after the apology about 'love'. Let's all move on, please.

Anonymous said...

Re my last post, it was a retweet from Adam. Here's the text:

Godric: “End all this hate. Forgiveness is love. Love is all.” #truebloodquotes #trueblood

If he can move on, why can't we his fans, do as well?

Anonymous said...

Update from GLAAD's Twitter: "GLAAD is aware of the recent tweets from Sal Masekela, and we have reached out to E!.".

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous 7:11 - Let us leave this - point taken. Wisdom is knowing when to move on.

Anonymous said...

I agree it's time to move on and let GLAAD take care of Sal Masekela's continued immaturity and ignorance. I looked all through the guy's @ replies and did not see one tweet that was hateful and definitely there was NO death threats. So many people are ignorant about twitter and don't realize we can look through their replies.

Anonymous said...

Either he's stupid or he's asking Lindsay fans about their loyalty ---- can't think why he would ask Adam fans.

For sure he's riding a wave of publicity he could NEVER achieve without Adam.

Anonymous said...

that black guy is a real bully-i dont know why this E d10 are hiring this bully onecatherwood and this black guy his name masekela?

Anonymous said...

Haven't those idiots figure it out yet? We are fiercely protective of Adam. Don't mess with our glamily! After that lame apology and trying to turn it into a homophobic comment which it wasn't , the comment was just plain offensive to every race gender,and sexual orientation......
Figure it out you morons at 10.
Stop lying it puts your integrity in question, as if it isn't already.

Anonymous said...

GLAAD has a solid history on knowing how to deal with these issues especially when working with media. Per E’s “apology” is seems they may believe that the complainers about the homophobic comments are mainly GLBT AND this guy publically says that he received death threats?

Anonymous said...

I am with moving on... We've had the most crazy, fun summer due to GlamNation 2010. Let's promote all the happiness and inclusion that resulted from Adam's concerts. I feel like I am breathing fresher air now.

Anonymous said...

positivity people!

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:09 and 4:14 *Applauds you!!* There is a fine line between being supportive and being CRAY CRAY. Adam is a grown man extremely capable of taking care of himself. If you so feel moved, voice your opinions in an adult manner then move the fuck on with life. No need to obsess over these issues. Just sayin!

Anonymous said...

So sorry no one spoke out for Lindsay. I guess because this young woman is having serious problems in her life she is fair game for any kind of crap slung her way. BTW, I am not some "woman" sticking up for an Idol, I am a hetro male, who knows you people need to shut up and cut your loses while you can.

Anonymous said...

You know, Adam is not hateful about the recent homophobic subject or recent dark publicity. It's possible to let this Catherwood, Sal and "E" know how rude and bigoted they are in their remarks without stooping to their low level of nastiness. What you say as fans reflects back on Adam. Be cool and adult acting like 10:53 suggests. I'm sure Adam would appreciate fans responding in that way more.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't fretting over it....Chill out! Geeesh, all this reflects back on him! Adam's about love, quit the hate!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam also, but everyone needs to let this go. Adam himself is past it, so why can't his fans. The fans are hurting him by keeping this story alive!

Anonymous said...

Let it go. The point has been made. If Mr. Catherwood and his co-workers don't get the point by now, they are not worth the exertion of any more energy.

Anonymous said...

Yep guys let it go, its over. Dont put yourselves in the same catgory as the 2 "E" guys.
This over reaction once you have made your point does only hurt Adam.

Anonymous said...

Case closed! NEXT!!!!

Anonymous said...

"E! News" is returning to an hourlong format Oct. 25, with E! canceling 7:30 p.m. companion show "Daily 10."

Read more:
Visit to become a Variety subscriber.

Anonymous said...

These guys were dickheads. Glad they're off the air now.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Sal Masekela yesterday in his own words:

"3 days of hate tweets is a lot. Don't worry, tomorrow there will be a big announcement sure to make the haters filled with joy. You win."

And the 'big announcement' today is that the Daily10 has been cancelled.

Is that a win when it puts a whole lot of good people out of work, not simply the evil doers. It takes a great number of staff to put on a tv show...just saying

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 12:32AM Following your logic, perhaps rioting in the streets should be encouraged because it would create a need to hire more police officers. Break and enter's would create more work for carpenters, locksmiths and security companies and the victims would have to buy new stuff to replace what was stolen. Great for the economy. This disaster for those unfortunate hard working people was caused by the wrongdoers, the hosts and producers of The Daily 10, not by those who rightfully responded negatively to such a disgraceful display of ignorance and homophobia on national television.

Urethra_Franklin said...

The show didnt get canceled cause of this "controversy." It got canceled cause it SUCKS! Its just a repeat of E! News Daily anyway and Seacrest is much better at it than those fools.

Anonymous said...

The extreme Glamberts are a major turn off. They fight or do anything to get Adams attention. I stopped being a fan because of them. I can still listen Adams music though.

RoRo said...

The guy apologized - that's enough for me. No sense in beating a dead horse. Not only do I not plan to boycott 'E', I also don't want to make 'E' plan to boycott Adam.

Anonymous said...

Some of Adam's fans are immature. He's a grown man not a little boy. It's nice to defend an artist you like but people are going overboard.

Anonymous said...

He's an adult he doesn't need his fans defending him. He let it roll off his back but his fans can't do the same.

Anonymous said...

i think u guys are goin overboard with this?so wat if sal masekela did not condem mike for the comments he made... u have too much time on ur hands- if the same comment was made about a female and it was brushed under the rug and now all of a sudden cuz its a gay man the comment is homophobic?oh please, get seriously and E! was awesome. i was sad it ended

Anonymous said...

dont blame sal hes the best fuck u guys who the fuck is adam i mean if i dont know him then hes not that important

Anonymous said...

Gay people are the worst! Sal all the way! Adam Lambert is a terrible person he just tries to be different