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Adam Lambert responds calmly to new 'charges'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 17, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 17, 2010

Following an incident Friday in Miami, it looks like a member of the paparazzi is making his best attempt at turning the legal system into a kangaroo court. In documents obtained by TMZ, the photographer who got into it on Thursday with "American Idol" singer Adam Lambert is now making an accusation of battery.

Why? In the photographer's words, Adam threw him to the ground "forcefully" after trying to grab at the camera. However, both the pictures and Adam's own Twitter account tell a completely different side to the story:

"Battery? Nope. I attempted to grab a camera, no punches were thrown and no one was on the ground.... It was literally harmless. If embarrassment is a crime- thats all I'm guilty of."

We have no evidence of there being any sort of actual violence in this case, and the worst thing Adam actually admits to doing in this case is "losing his temper."

SOURCE: Examiner


coloforadam said...

"...losing his temper" and being totally exhausted from giving every ounce of himself, day and night for months. I guess an hour of quiet in the sun was too much to ask and it appears that he did ask, over and over, before snapping. Tonight's audience ..... pleeeeez love all over him for all of us!!

Anonymous said...

I know this will not turn into something more than a fuktard pap trying to get easy money!
The proof is in the pictures and in the short video when Adam is getting fed up with the scumbag!!
I LOVE you Adam! and I will not tire of saying this, but you look "damn hot" when you are angry.daaamn!!

Anonymous said...

So the photographer is suing? I wonder who's the client behind all this. I guess paparazzis don't work alone they have clients.

Anonymous said...

I agree with @coloforadam "LOVE HIM UP TONIGHT!!" "SELL OUT ALL HIS CONCERTS!!" I cant wait to see you again in Washington sweet Adam <3

Anonymous said...

Sad to say Adam, because of your success they look at you as their " money tree ". No worries baby " let it sort itself " and the truth will prevail! Just keep your cool... we know it's hard. We love you... muah :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where Neil, Monte,and Tommy were when this all went down? Taylor stepped in but no one else. Were they all there? BTW did you all see that fab. body of Brookes? You can tell from the stage outfit she's hot but damn, that bikini picture! And Adam, not too shy to take a look! Adamluv

Anonymous said...


If you watch the video below where Adam is eating and giving the pap the finger and towards the end you can see Monte, Neil, Tommy, Bodyguard, Taylor and Adam. Btw, good on Taylor to help out Adam and sort of pull him out of there. Good show of loyalty & support there Taylor! :))

Anonymous said...

Miami Police will NOT file charges!!!

Anonymous said...

Where were Adam's bodyguards? Didn 't he have any out there on the beach? They seem to be everywhere else when he is on tour. I love you Adam but this is a lesson learned the hard way. Keep your cool, walk away from ugly or uncomfortable situations and look to others to try to take care of it. We all lose our tempers one time or another. But enough is enough when you just want some down time to relax and be with friends. These incidents come with the territory now and unfortunately it is the price one must pay for fame today.

Anonymous said...

Hahah! Adam, you made it on Extra x2 and probably other gossip news and probably the tabloids! Adam, all you can say is... " I can scratch this one off from my bucket list! "... lol

Anonymous said...

Hahahaa, this is "big news" only in Los Angeles. I'm overseas and the tabloids don't bother to attack alpha males like it happens to be in the US. By the way, is Florida a weak link in the US legal system?

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer that any news for a celeb is good news. Adam can turn this around. Miami cannot stop the paparazzi from setting up celebrities and then trying to extort them, but they can, and obviously, see a false claim when it comes their way. Good on you Miami police.

Anonymous said...

The pap could face charges for filing a police report after setting up an incident that gave him an opportunity to lie. The douchebag wasn't thrown to the ground, and his face says he enjoyed the physical contact, which he provoked. Pap could and should face charges for stalking, harassment, and if he mentioned Mr. Lambert's family jewels, perhaps sexual harassment as well. Comes with the territory, but there are limits, and this pap exceeded them.

Anonymous said...

oh, adam you should have known better, that's the price of being famous. keep your cool.

Anonymous said...

OMG, what sick, sick society do we live in when people are ready to try to ruin someone's career (and indirectly their whole life) for $$$$? Adam has been SO accommodating to the media in the last two years, never complaining, always being loyal to AI, to his label, to his management team, to his fans worldwide. That scum bag probably said something terribly and incredibly rude to Adam (who has heard so much nastiness since his teen years).

Adam has my support!

Anonymous said...

I support you all the way, Adam. In my eyes, you did NO WRONG! Good for you for standing up for yourself! That paps a rude, stupid jerk!

nancdruuu2 said...

We love you Adam. You do so much for your fans with your fabulous performances day in and day out. Your talent far exceeds anyone out there today. I could listen to you sing all day long. Your voice is so pure and beautiful with such range that it's truly spectacular in every way. I love all your work pre and post idol and listen to you every chance I get.

Stay strong and positive and don't let that scumbag get you down. Your glamily will always be here for you. Love and Light.

Anonymous said...

...the damn pap was laughing the whole way NOT to the ground geez....

Anonymous said...

that stupid pap will not get anything from adams expense. Adam will prevail as usual bec. he shows that he is still human and get hurts with these type of people who doesn't understand the words of "Please that's enough of pictures". Paparazzi sucks most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Go Team Adam!

Victor Eras (pap) You suck!

Anonymous said...

Love you 4:26 YOU rock on those comments. Turn around is fair play. Set up he was and I hope that is exactly how this all play out. I felt he was set up on the AMA"s too. Somebody out there is jealous!!!

Anonymous said...

Victor Eras, you bad boy, you broke the law by filing a false police report. See you in the slammer with Bubba.

Anonymous said...

Just love Adam even more and more. Way to go!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Victor Eras, the pap, should be charged, arrested and fined if not jailed for filing a false police report, abuse of process, slander, attempted extortion, and perhaps conspiracy to commit mayhem if his minder put him up to this.

Anonymous said...

Pap was done-in by photos showing the truth. There is some poetic justice in that.