Adam Lambert will sing some NEW songs at Hong Kong concert
Filed Under (magazine scans,news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Thursday, September 30, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, September 30, 2010

According to a Hong Kong newspaper, Adam will sing some new songs at the hong Kong concert.
Thanks to hooplamagnet and glam_alidol
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We can only hope that there will be a couple of new songs for the European part of his tour. Can't Let Go would be great and the version of WLL that he sang on American Idol would be AMAZING!!!!
For Your Entertainment live would be fabulous instead of just the sound track. The video was my favorite!!!! If it hadn't been for the backlash from the AMA's,it would have hit number1" where it belonged.
I'm glad to be one of the first to post on this thread because that means a lot of the posters here will read what I have to write.
I am a gay male 31 years of age and I think Adam Lambert is music's best singer in way too many years. That he is talented in so many other ways goes without saying. I will be a fan for life.
After reading many of the posters on this site, my partner being one of them, I cannot help but come to some conclusions that I am sure many of you will absolutely detest. Just bear in mind that I am coming from a gay male's point of reference.
1. There are way too many of you who are "out there" with your sexualizing of Adam. He's not into you at all in that way. He is happy that you like his music, buy his cd's and attend his concerts. No one wants to hear what you 50 year olds dreamed last night. If we want to be titillated by the written word, we'll go to those web sites that cater to verbal porn and are written by professionals. Coming from some of you, it sounds so sophomoric and pitiful.
2. The mother hens on this site need to cut the cord. It becomes nauseating to read how Adam is treated like a three year old in your minds. Where is he. How is he. Is he sick. He needs sleep. He needs time off. He's lost weight. He needs this he needs that. Please give the rest of us a break. Adam is a man who knows what's best for him. If he needs to be mothered, he'll talk to his Mother. She's done an excellent job for 28 years.
3. You matchmakers are out of your minds. Every picture showing Adam with some unknown male is fodder for your claims of what a cute couple they'd make or wondering on your part if they've been dating secretly. You have to cool your jets on the speculating, it's becoming so tiresome.
I'd give you my partner's tag on this site, but if he choses to out himself, that's his choice. He and I agree about the things I have written.
I'm not negative, but I am...
FYE a big yes. Will be happy if these videos are streamed on You Tube and we can at least watch. Will take the writers words that's what story says. LOL Can't really think of any others that might qualify--maybe some Idol songs that he did. Maybe something new that Adam has just written. This might be a partial working vacation that he is on. His ambition is formable and paying off.
Hi, I'm Cindy and I'm an AL Coholic. I can't agree more with Neal. He said what I wanted to say for a long time now just did not know how to put it. Thanks Neal for a gay guys thoughts.
Cindy always anony before.
to Neal, thankyou for writing what I have been thinking for a long time.Usually if you say anything contrary about Adam you get stomped on and asked to leave.That was the most adult comment that has ever been on there.Thank you again for being so positive about Adam.You are absolutely RIGHT
anon 3:31 I hope you mean Can't Let You Go.
Neal thanks for your thoughts.
neal you are VERY rude. you think all adam fans are 50 years old? not true. many are younger, like me. and younger fans and older fans can talk about whatever we want to. sexual dreams? yes!! concern for adam's well being? it's natural. pairings? i don't like doing that but others like to do that so whatever.
we have fun talking about adam in many different ways and you are just here to lecture and disapprove of us and yes you are negative. how did you come to the illogical conclusion that you are not negative?!!!
i don't care that you come from a gay man's perspective. that doesn't make you able to speak for adam. that doesnt make you smarter than the other fans. stop acting so condescending, stop the annoying scolding!!
and some of you agree with him, i can't believe it!! so much rudeness...
Neal, I agree with you 50%. Yet I am hetro female considerably past thirty. I have no interest in making sure Adam get enough sleep or enough to eat, as I also realize he is an adult and will do whatever he damn well pleases with his life. I am not salivating over who he may or may not be sleeping with, nor do I believe for a moment the Adommy is anything but show Biz. That said, the women you are degrading are the same women who are buying his albums, probably multiply times, download his music ever more times, purchase everything he has for sale and most likely went to several of his shows, assuring they were sold out. They were also the ones who stood up for Adam on the Daily 10 issue and the ones who had the clout and resources to get something done. My own son is gay, so I am not isolating you, but I have seen with my own eyes how much the male gay community have failed to embrace Adam as they should as it does not seem to be the on current thing to do. I believe it's called snobbery, my friend, and maybe jealousy!
Adams new songs might be the ones that didn't make it to his first album. There were quite a few that were ready but at the time Adam didn't think they would go with the flow of his songs.
Hmmmmm, a very interesting post from Neal. I know that Adam is gay and he will never want to sleep with me (even in my prime, ha, ha), however, Adam knows he is a fantasy figure and he is okay with that so what is the problem?????
As for playing match-up for Adam, again, this is harmless as well and maybe just a little game I (we?) play. Adam kisses Tommy, we get excited, Adam knows this, duhhhhhhhhhh. As for worrying about Adam's well being, that's what you do when you care (love) someone. SO WHAT? Adam knows his fans love him. He is all about love-where have you been? I'm speaking for myself, but, if you don't like listening to us "50 year old women" get off the sight. Bye.
Neal the anonymous mother of a gay man who concluded her post with the fact that you might be a snob or jealous of Adam is sorry she didn't write the items she agreed with you on 50%. She has a gay son, you are a gay man. Who is more likely to know the score?
If you don't like what people are saying in the comment sections on 24-7, just view the articles only and don't read the comments. Simple solution.
IMHO adam would be much more offended by your presumption to speak for him than he ever has been by his fans' comments re their lust for or mothering of him. He has often spoken about using his artistic ability to create a fantasy for people to enjoy and be entertained. Who are you to dictate what that fantasy should be and to go about trying to shatter the fantasy that Adam works hard to create.
You are either a control freak or a troll, and as Paula Abdul once said "I kinda think you're both."
Dear Barb, I will try and articulate the 50% of what Neal said I agree with. Adam is a grown man and knows what he is doing. He is not going to fall in love with a female. It is really none of our business who he sleeps with. There enough said. However, I was at concert where several young men were talking about his performance, and the topic of their conversation was "Not sure he has proven himself yet." That was elitest any way you slice it. They were being very smug and enjoying their self proclaimed review of his concert. I have seen this since and remember his performance at Glaad, where his reception was not the greatest. All I am saying please don't put down a large portion of his fan base because it doesn't agree with you. These women have supported Adam since day one and have earned your respect.
anon at 4:10 p.
I agree with you and Super sachiko and anon 4:38!
Snobbery is just another form of jealously, in your heart of hearts no one thinks they are better than anyone else. In fact, Neal is showing his own insecurity. I am happy for him and his partner, but don't try to burst our bubbles. This is a FAN site, all of us love
Adam and love his success. Most of us have normal lives with or without a partner. Fantasy is one form of happiness for us. Neal,
you don't seem to be bashing Adam, only us.
Neal, dear heart, you would have a heart attack if you knew how many years I've spent on this earth. Even though I had a husband and two almost perfect children, who are now both successful, they love it that I am so devoted to Adam. What is the harm, Neal? Did you simply want to be in print? Leave us ladies alone, and guess what, miracles do happen!
I absolutely love reading these comments, and the young teens that go on about Adam, how much they love him, etc., etc. Why try to break our hearts with your soap box comments. So you are happy, I am happy for you. Wow, you almost sound like a doctor describing a stubborn patient. Let us dream in peace!
That being said, go to your partner and prove your love by zipping it, and make him proud of you for your silence, and in so doing, will test your character.
Adam always makes me smile.
(bb are my initials, I am not "copying" Adam.)
I've posted here before. Some of you will know my name. What I find so interesting is that the ones who don't agree with Neal all are anonymous. Plus you have all answered incorrectly the statements Neal wrote. He said 'some' and 'many' he never said all of you. If you READ and understood what he had written, your responses would have been different. Do all of you fall into every category - sexualizer, mother hen and matchmaker? If you don't, how can you comment on all? Don't jump me because I agree with Neal. Simply allow me my own opinion. Yes I too am a gay man who understands Neal's comments.
anon 4:42 Neal also said that Adam is extremely talented in many ways and Neal will be a fan forever. Maybe taking you to 75%?
4:38 Neal never said he was speaking for Adam. Where did you get that?
I don't agree with neal, and I;m not anon.
Everyone on here knows Adam is gay, they know what the reality is, but everyone needs some fantasy in their life. I love reading what everyone says, their love and feelings for Adam, the joy he brings to their (our) lives, they (we) are the ones who have helped put Adam where he is. As a previous poster said, if you don't like whats written then don't read it.
HK fan
looking forward to some new songs at my one and only Glamnation show in 12 days...not that I;m counting
HK fan
@4:42 from your 6th sentence on...goodness, how homophobic of you. Tsk Tsk
24/7 is all for Adam Lambert Fans. No one in here is above or better than anyone else posting here. We are all here to follow Adam's successes and happenings. We all try to show our utmost respect for Adam and all the posters here. Although sometimes get carried away... we're human! It's up to the moderator to delete any posts that are in-appropriate.
Please stop the negativity already because Adam wouldn't like that. Just think of happy thoughts! We are all here to be happy for Adam, RIGHT?!?!
On that note the topic for this thread is;
Adam Lambert will sing some NEW songs at Hong Kong concert!!!
Great! happy for the Hong Kong Fans (if this is true), a special treat awaits them!!!
Hi Neal, I guess it felt good getting that off your chest. I would guess there are others (gay, straight, old, young) who visit many Adam fan sites who may agree with some of your comments, but they hesitate to put it in writing.
If someone doesn't have a motherly bone in their body, then I would expect its hard to understand a motherly POV. Likewise, if you are not a teen with emerging hormones, maybe that POV will be difficult to imagine.
Haven't you ever sat and people watched at the airport or amusement park? The Adam fan base is entertaining just like people watching. If you don't like what you see, and cannot find light hearted joy in the overall diversity, then perhaps these fansites are just not your cup-a-tea.
I love the spicy mix of Adam's fans. And personally I don't feel the need to point out fan characteristics with such judgement and disdain.
It is a full and robust buffet - how about just passing on what doesn't suit your taste and smile.
BTW, I'm not anonymous, even if the post thinks I am. I am noskerdycat
Well Neal
So not a good day for me...I manage to get, and then lose, M&G Tickets to one of the Hawaii shows :-( And then you come on here to state the obvious and just stomp my poor sad little heart right into the ground...Just finish me off now, good job, I feel so much better ...I just posted a little happy thing on another thread about being nice to each other, and frankly right now, I'm having just a teeny little bit of a problem doing that...But you did catch me at a bad time...So I had best listen to my own words...I. ..will...try..I think all of us women (and a few men...) of all ages on the site know all about what you just talked about...we know he's gay (really??? OMG!), we know we have absolutely no chance in hell with him, and yes, we may express concern for him from time to time, we all want him to find the love of his life and be happy, we want him to be safe from harm.. As @nancdruuu2 said its all about the caring about him as a human being that matters..Some of us get more carried away than others, sometimes the mood just strikes....And I just have to say this: There are many other sites that just trash him every chance they get , call him unspeakable names, say he has no talent, that he screams, that he shouldn't have even been on Idol, that he is fat and ugly, etc., etc.., things he has heard throughout his life...things that I see on other websites when I look at reviews...and make me want to cry...We often are trying to lighten the mood that can be rather heavy and serious sometimes. And we do know sexy when we see it...Gay , straight, its still there for us to appreciate..If he didn't want people to notice what a beautiful man he is, he'd stand there motionless in a plaid shirt, jeans and sing...No dress-up, no make-up, no rather provocative dancing...We aren't blind and deaf, and sometimes you just have to express feelings..I am sorry , but I do understand what you are saying, there is a certain amount of silliness here sometimes, but as far as I know it is pretty harmless..If you and others do not want to read it, just scroll on down.. Adam is a handsome, sexy (sorry for noticing), brave, generous, loving, and amazingly talented, not to mention extremely busy man, and I am thinking a rather non-judgemental human being, from what I do think I know about him, and I doubt that he would want to hear his very devoted fans spoken to in such a way, even if it is true :-)... and as @anon 4:10pm said, It is also true that many of us are extremely supportive of him and his career, and I do imagine he doesn't mind (even if he doesn't really understand why exactly) that we are sort of ridiculous sometimes... I will apologize to anyone I may have offended in the past or by saying this right now...but as I said, not a good day!!! Very bad timing on your part Neal...And now I have to say that I DO appreciate your opinion and you have every right to state it...I just feel like I have been slapped a little tho...Now I am going to move on, and think about seeing Adam in 3 weeks in Hawaii...can hardly wait...Oh yeah, those will be my 6th and 7th concerts that I have been there to support Adam with my money, my presence and my cheers.. I have also defended him on more than one occasion in comments sections of idiotic reviews..I have never put myself out there for any other performer, and I do because I believe in him so much. My husband and many in my family of all ages are also fans and go as well..Its not just the old ladies. I occasionally have to laugh a little bit when I read some of the comments, with the occasional raised eyebrow,, but really...just scroll...This is just my opinion BTW...
Yes, I perpetuated the hijack. Sorry.
I would love to hear Adam sing Pick U Up and Time for Miracles. Anything new is going to be so exciting!!!!!!!
Thanks Neil for coming up with today's "subject for debate". Each of us has to be responsible for how we act, come across, respond. Having listened to Adam in interview for nearly two years now, I think his response tonight would be to "lighten up"... it ain't that serious. He has spoken clearly to the issue of "fan adoration", when it gets weird and when it is wonderful. I plan to go on listening to him and sending back "love and light" as I believe he enjoys it the most. I don't have to define it, explain it or adjust it for you or anyone else - only as I see it in light of Adam's openness about how he is being affected.
So much for coming here tonight and feeling good. It's not that Neal doesn't have some points, but it's about DIVERSITY, and that also means diversity in the way in which fans experience, appreciate, and respond to Adam Lambert. I think it should fall into a live and let live realm, sheesh. It's a fan blog, on the Internet, a vastly eclectic group of people are going to write in, duh, do we really need to hurt feelings in an attempt to school them. Take from the blog, site, what you want and accept that there will be some behavior and opinions exhibited that will be wildly different from what you find typical, duh, why make others feel badly in an attempt to show them the light ( your light)?
NEAL and STANLEY!!! MY BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER!!! :D find me on facebook!!!!
if that doesnt work let me page is locked up tighter than Fort Knox.
And Im not anon either but not everyone looks at the top of the posts...
I like how you just said what you said coloforadam
Yikes! Is anybody else excited to hear his new songs?
Hong Kong = FYE and TFM
BB kill them !!!, and yes, if i want i keep call Adam of this way just because in my country is a lovely way to call someone, i dont have any mother feeling , im 32 yo. and admired BB for HIS TALENT, and yeah, he has a nice butt too, andddd????, ain t tha deep ;)
JakeL, Cant wait to hear what songs Adam chooses to do and to hopefully see the videos!!! Adamluv
My oh My! and to think I stayed off this site all day cause nothing to interest me. Neal, not spelled Neil started a hornets nest buzzing. WOW, nothing like a little controversy to start your evening. Personally, keeping my opinion to myself, but think each and every post had it's points--call it a draw. Adam MIA and everyone's going bananas! What we need is a horse tranquilizer, or a horse, now that would be fun. But think following Adam's career not as expensive. I'm going to chill the rest of the night and try to figure out when he's going to Hong Kong. Never been, but seen all the Charlie Chan movies on reruns. I think Indiana Jones there once also. LOL
I‘m neither gay nor male, but Neal, you make some good points. However, I must take issue with some of what you say, particularly your dismissal of women over 50. I’m rather sick of being told that I can’t appreciate Adam and be his fan just because the year on my birth certificate was decades ago. Ageism is no less acceptable than homophobia. And people of any age can be drawn to great beauty and talent.
I would hardly equate wishing good things for Adam with treating him like a toddler. I see nothing wrong in making a simple observation like “Adam looks tired” if that’s what we see. But I agree that no matter how well intentioned, prescribing what he should do to re-energize is presumptuous. Adam is a smart man, so let’s trust that he knows how to take good care of himself and his voice.
For every female fan who gushes on the web about what they’d like to do to Adam or have him do to them, there are just as many of us who keep our thoughts and/or fantasies to ourselves. Don’t presume to try to police what goes on in our heads, and don’t assume that we’re all delusional. Also, you could have found a more tactful way to persuade people not to publicly share their Adam dreams, without using condescending adjectives like “sophomoric” and “pitiful.” Ever hear the old axiom about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar?
The matchmaking attempts for Adam may be “tiresome,” but the public speculates similarly about the love lives of just about every other celebrity out there. It’s endemic in the fame-obsessed culture here in the U.S. Still, I think many Adam fans would agree with me, his private life is his own business. But because we care about him, we hope that someday he’ll find a special someone he can spend many happy years with. I know what a great gift it is to have such a person in your life, even if only for awhile.
In the end, can’t we all just peacefully co-exist?
5:46 your comments are the comments that express how I feel about the Neil take on Adams fans. In defense to Neil for years society has forced the gay community to be on the defense some what. I know it is hard for so many to understand if you do not have a relative or child that is gay. They have to fight twice as hard to fit in; no fault of their own I might add. I commend those who support Adam and his music and that fact that he is gay knowing full well that is an opportunity for many who thought gays as some freek of nature now have joyfully changed their mind. Where Neil was a bit insensitive is that we are not the enemy here; we are no differant than someone who loved Micheal Jackson or loves Justin Timberlake. Sexy has no gender to me. Does it make me feel silly and want to dance and have fun. Heck Ya! That doesn't mean I am a cougar..only in my mind where I choose to escape from time to time. Even though Neil comments seem negative I think he truly was trying express himself how he sees the whole Adam phenom. It has a few perplex; but those who are in the zone completly get it. As time goes on I hope we all can find a balance. This has been a cultual change for us as a society and has opened up a dialogue so badly needed. Not all of it is going to a bed of roses but it is my hope in time things will be more positive and we find a common ground that pulls us more together than apart. I believe music is a key commnicator and factor to that balance. Look and listen to how people all over the globe are embracing Adam and his message of not only his music but his message of love and acceptance. You notice he never uses the words gay,straight,etc. That is because when he is performing none of that really matters to him. I find hard to resist and when he sings that is the last thing on my mind. Adam will be critized hardest by his peers and his community. That just goes with the business...Show business.
If Adam sings, Can't Let You Go, it would just be sensational! I would give anything to see him sing that in person; alright T.V. would be good enough or even You Tube. I'll take what I can get. Love him so much!!!!!!!!!
Not to change topic, but someone mentioned Adam possibly turning up on GLEE. I'm not sure if he would even WANT to be on that show. BUT, can you imagine him as a substitute teacher (or janitor?) very geeky, who loves to sing, but is too scared (ha, ha) to audition. The cast decides to perform Jesus Christ Superstar and the lead becomes very ill and then Adam steps in as the star! OMG would that just be heavenly or what? I know this sounds very corny, but can you imagine how Adam would sound/look in that role. Maybe I'm dreaming now or just missing Adam (sigh). Good Night.
Anonymous 4:10, I couldn't agree with you more. Very excellent post!!! Neal I think you raise some good points, but you are just as controlling as the female fans who are mother hens concerned about Adam. You want to censor them, and that is not the way to get your point across.
Sometimes I get a little weary and annoyed over the moms who baby Adam, but it's their right just as it's your right to express your opinion. As Anony 4:10 mentioned, the gay community did not exactly embrace Adam. In fact, the AMA fiasco was probably partly a result of Adam trying to make a statement because of the criticism from a gay editor that he wasn't gay enough, whatever the hell that means.
This is a great website where you're free to state your opinions about Adam and what works for you just as the rest of us are free to state our opionions, even though you don't agree. If some of us want to mother Adam, that's our business, isn't it. And agree with another poster that we women are the ones buying the VIPs, tickets, multiple CDs and merchandise. So, with all due respect, Neal, get off your high horse and enjoy.
oh neal, what have you done? please let others express their feelings towards adam no matter how, that's what fans are for.
anyway, i hope adam will sing Pick you Up in hong kong, it is my favorite song.
Nanc I love you post you should be a writter. That would make an awesome show. Classic as heck. I agree him singing Can't Let You Go" would be stellar indeed!
Neal, whatever you do, DON'T read Juneau & Xena's book about Adam Lambert. You couldn't handle it. Hey bud, what don't you get about fantasy. You too will, hopefully, get older and lose some looks, some libido, maybe some hair. When you turn 50, I want you to remember your post. You'll have a different perspective.
Fantasy is good, it's healthy and it's universal. That's what we ladies do when we think about Adam. Do you really think we don't know we're not fu*kable material. Do you really think we care who Adam sleeps with except that like the Tommy play acting, it is a sexy thought and stimulates our ancient bones.
Thanks anyway Neal for stimulating interesting discussion. We old hags need this.
If this is a fansite then I as well as other fans have the right as a fan to think, feel & opine about the object of our 'affection' ... namely ADAM LAMBERT ... therefore .. NOTHING said here is going to CHANGE how I personally feel about ADAM. I don't share my feelings about ADAM except to RAVE about his TALENT .. BEAUTY .. CHARISMA .. CARING & LOVE of his fans. I am PROUD to be a Glambert! Say what you will ... my AGE has nothing to do with the LOVE & RESPECT I have for this SUPER TALENTED young man! Neither HIS nor MY sexuality enter into this feeling. ADAM's ability to make me HAPPY just by being WHO HE wants to be & NOT who I want him to be is GOOD enough for ADAM to have my LOYALTY & SUPPORT!! I must now get back to my VOTING at VH1 ... just one of the ways in which I choose to support ADAM!!
Love & Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide!
Sorry I got OT .. my choice of songs for ADAM to perform would be .. A LOADED SMILE ... CLYG ... and MASTER PLAN ... JMO
We are in the 21st century that everyone should be able to express themselves without any hard feelings upon the others. Yes, Adam is gay but that should not stop us "women" from fantacising him. He is a special human being and very beautiful inside and out. He is the man of my dream but yet a dream come so close to real. Adam has this unique gift that captures the thoughts of many women and this closeness to us sometimes make me think he is one of us. This is all about fantasy in a way that enrich positively in every aspect of my life. Most important, I feel very blessed and loved after writing this.
There are "no boundaries" to be an Adam Lambert fan. Let's not forget this people!
Wow, all I can really say here is I feel for this Neal person. Seems he is in a not-so-positive place in his life. I hope he is relieved after getting that off his chest, at least then I'll feel a little bit better about his rant of intolerance. I agree with some aspects of his post, just not the delivery. I do feel there are many outlets for those looking to express their more intimate thoughts or fantasies, and that maybe this isn't the greatest platform for that kind of chatter, no matter what age posters may be. I haven't seen any major "sexualization" of Adam on here, I've seen much more of it elsewhere. Regardless of that fact, I think the age of the posters is a little irrelevant. Neal-Would it make you feel more comfortable if posters were male 20 or 30-somethings? What about young, 20 something women? I'm 23 and female, does that make me more tolerable? Could I post anything I wanted on this PUBLIC forum without having to worry about the self entitled gay male attempting to censor me? Adam chooses to send out a message of unity, equality, and love, and your post is almost a blatant contradiction to that. It's unfair to ask people to censor themselves just b/c they're not the same age, sex, or orientation of the young, gay male popstar they idolize. Entitlement is very unbecoming, your sex & sexuality doesn't make your opinion any more valuable to this fandom than the 50-somethings that feel the need to share their stories with us.
wtf happened here! ahhhhhh
Someone need to take a course about fantasy and the nature of woman. LOL!
Just out of curiousity, is this the kind of nonsense BS Adam has to deal and put up with?
Very interesting reading all the above comments. But for me, Adam Lambert is about the music, his impressive vocal talent. He has spectacular musical artistry and his connection with an audience is pure electricity. His career should be about the songs, the music and not the "sideshow" circus atmosphere that seems to surround him. Unfortunately all that comes with the territory, the price one must pay for fame and fortune. Everyone is free to express his or her opinion, but for me it has always been about the music and the message of love, understanding, and acceptance that Adam Lambert is trying to convey whenever he performs. I think there are a lot more important things to be concerned about in this world and our energy should focus on those issues rather than what someone has to say negatively or positively about Adam. He is an intelligent, grown man and I think he knows exactly what he wants for his career and where he intends to take it.
I love this site. I even enjoyed phony troll Neal tonight.Keeps the place jumping.I think LOADED SMILE is a beautiful song, one of my favorites on the album and would love to hear him sing it live.
I would like Adam to surprise us with Time for Miracles or Pick U Up.
Well, I got so wrapped up in my little "rant" (yes, I'll call it that, being that we are being honest here) that I forgot to say that I am curious to see if Adam will bring his "international show" to Hawaii in Oct..that would really be fun, and a little different for a change of pace. I think "Can't Let You Go" would be beautiful...
anon 7:52 PM
I think you might be right cuz I came from there. They might find it unconfortable to watch. It's ok to hear the song but to see it visually is another story.
Thank you Neal for the entertainment. LMAO. Love the posts tonight great dialogue.
PS. I think we need to hear Adam's voice.
Music please ! maybe some older U tube's of Glamnation
Guess my age and sex? Does it matter?
I thank you Neal for having the guts to put in writing your feelings (being a gay man) on this oh so special site. You see, we here do not allow any thoughts other than our own about how you are supposed to feel about our Adam. You being gay and Adam being gay have absolutely nothing to do with our life experiences so we will not discuss that topic. We will continue to tell you how to talk to us when you decide to write here. We will let you know exactly how you should address us. We might even go so far as to tell you what to say. We will do these things for you because we know that you are less credible than we are because we hold a differing opinion. You see, Neal, we will squelch anyone indiscriminately with whom we do not agree. We will gang up on you and you will creep away never to be heard from again, because we who disagree with you are always right and being always right gives us the priveledge of pointing out to you that you will always be wrong. Didn't you ever hear of strength in numbers? Or the fury of a woman scorned?
Neal, you hang in there because I loved what you wrote. We are becoming quite sanctimonious
in our thinking. We are far too quick to jump on anyone with a differing view. I for one thank you from the bottom of my heart because you said you were going to to point out things that many of us were going to detest. You also stated that Adam has amazing talents and that you will always be a fan. I guess I'm the only one who read that.
Oh my Gosh, have I just entered troll city?
Not troll city, hypocrite city. All the loving homophiles turned into hating homophobes. Oh if Adam could only see you now!!
BTW 5:29,
Your words, "If he didn't want people to notice what a beautiful man he is, he'd stand there motionless in a plaid shirt, jeans and sing...No dress-up, no make-up, no rather provocative dancing.."
Thank You so much for this. I did get a good belly laugh out of this. It is so true. Like you I, as well as thousands of others, have supported Adam, purchased venue tickets, albums, singles, remixes, and just bought the necklace with the infinity symbol. I have other singers which I am a fan of, but never since Elvis have I supported and been sooooooo devoted to. Adam wanted a fan base and he got one. Gosh, hells bells, if you could have seen the 31,000 people at the Trop in Fl with another 10,000 rushing the stage, you would know he is very happy with us all. (by the way, diverse this crowd was. Old, middle age, and young. Even teens.)Sure, we may get carried away sometimes with our gushy comments about Adam but he knows all the things that his fans say and he says, "it's great, I love it."
BTW is right. He knows what turns us on and he feeds it to us. He loves it. Hence, the infinity symbol on his wrist. I just posted the quote, "
I'd sure like to nurse him." How's that?? Neal?
I will leave my name! I think Adam would be more concerned if he was not the daily buzz on these web sites and on the news, as well as mag. headlines as opposed to seeing all our "pathetic, horny comments about him." I love reading all the posts and don't beat up anyone for what they said in their posts! Again, "way to go BTW and all of the others who left posts."
GlitzyLady, so sorry, I was posting to you in the above FF 8:33 post and I put BTW's name on it.Sorry.....You were right and to the point with your post..
BTW, sorry I got the name wrong on my 8:33 PM post. It was related to GlitzyLady.
I think Adam has already answered this debate over some of Neal's comments.
First off, he posed in that Details Photoshoot right?? He was the first to say that it was a fantasy artform, meaning it is ok that women may "fantasize" over him. That's showbiz and part of the gig.
His female fanbase knows there is no chance in hell he will fall in love with a women -- so Neal there is no revelation there.
But, funny enough Adam has also said he is still a bit "curious" about what sex would be like with a women. Does not mean he would ever do it, could be again his way of carrying out the "fantasy".
Next, the Fantasy Springs concert he gave. Do you think for one minute his ingenious, impromtu, non-rehearsed WLL performance was not intended to excite the female audience? He is an entertainer first. He knows what his audience wants to see - he is stellar at it.
Adam shows no age bias for his fanbase. This is the true mark of a superstar. His fanbase is truly diverse.
Finally, Adam jokes about the term GLAMBULGE. Come on Neal -- I bet you would love to have a fanbase carry on about this for you too!!!
Adam knows how to work that too on stage -- again he is an entertainer and the Adommy and glambulge moments just add to the fun of the gig!!
Bottom line, we all have freedom of speech. Let's just be respectful of each other when commenting on this site.
Kinda need to follow Adam's lead on that one. He has had his share of controversy and disrespect and handles it with class and dignity.
Neal I do want to thank-you for pointing out you are a fan for life. It only proves that Adam has started a genesis in impowering gays to come forward and show their devotion.
FF: Calm down, breathe, now type.
New names popping up all over the place. Someone up the thread said the negs would be anon. Just pointing out the obvious...
Anon @ 7:43 You said...
"Someone need to take a course about fantasy and the nature of woman." If you're talking about Neal; he's gay! Why does he need to know anything about WOMEN? And then the fit hit the shan.
If I call myself lets say "Jane" would it make a difference if I use anonymous instead of Jane? What's the difference? I'm still anonymous. I could be Jonathan tomorrow. js
OMG I just missed an epic party.
Anyway, I'm torn between this subject. So I'll just read the comments.
OFF TOPIC: has anyone heard about the gay suicides the past week? Apparently, 5 gay teenagers committed suicide in ONE week! And 4 out of 5 gay teens are harassed at school.
I was so disgusted to see that headline :(
Yepper, Neal sent this site right into "Shity, Shity Bang, Bang!! He is probably laughing about it now.. But at least he will know how a thousand fans felt about his remarks.
Thanks for pointing that out. It's not new. If you're gay, you get bullied in high school, it's a game for some kids.
Rutgers student jumped off a bridge because he was secretly filmed by his roommate having sex with another guy. The roommate and a friend hid the camera and then put the tape on the net.
Where in the heck is Fan4fun?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I would love to hear Fan's remarks about all Neal's bull....
Helloooooooooo, Fan4fun, where are you. Hope you are not sick.
Not troll city, hypocrite city. All the loving homophiles turned into hating homophobes. Oh if Adam could only see you now!!
@Florida Fan. 8:33pm
.I was trying to figure out how you got BTW for my name...finally realized it was my abbreviation for "by the way" at the end of the post!!! LOL!!
And thank you...
That's very sad to hear. Hopefully kids who have been bullied at school should seek guidance/help from their school councilors, close friends and most of all their own families. Just to have someone there to hear them out and support them when feeling down. I feel for them. :((
The above subject is probably one not suited on an artist's fan site. it's real life and one that some of us have experienced first hand. This is an extreme problem with our youth and not just our gay youth. This is a serious problem in our society and one that most of us are not qualified to speak to. I tuned back in to see that tons of people have responded to this site for the obvious reasons. The reason I came back on, I thought to suggest that maybe if everyone has so much time on their hands they might vote on Vh1. Think I'll just go to bed.
Has Neal been drinking too much "Hateraide"????
Way off topic, Neal.
Hi Neal,
Thank you for expressing your opinion - as we all have the right to do, should we exercise that right. I am a "regular" here, and do not go by "anonymous". I am not a 50-something (I am younger), but I am also not a gay male.
I am only going to comment on your first point - the fantasizing about Adam Lambert, because that is the camp I find myself most often falling into - much to my utter shock and delight.
In recent history, male singers have become sizzling sex symbols to be fantasized about. Elvis? Jim Morrison? Tom Jones? The Beatles? John Bon Jovi? (ha, ha - I am just throwing out a totally random list, here) What about actors? Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Robert Pattinson, Antonio Banderas? Then there are the women, who flaunt and capitalize on their sexiness - all the way from Greta Garbo and Marilyn Monroe to Madonna, Brittney Spears, Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce and Rihanna...
My point is - fantasizing about an entertainer is nothing new. And it's ramped up now, more than ever, because - in this day and age - sex sells. People's fantasies about entertainers are more visible to everyone, now that we're all online together...but they've always existed. In the past, they might have been discussed in whispers and giggled about, behind closed doors, but they've always been there.
I think all Adam's fans would agree, whether they choose to vocalize it or not, that Adam is sexy. He knows it, and he totally works that angle. Check out his body rolls...his lace-up leather pants...his provacative dance moves...his smokey eyes...his "tongue-flicks"...his writhing on the ground in front of Monty during a guitar solo...he's no dummy. And he also knows, full well, who makes up the majority of his fan base...even if he doesn't fully "get it" who is being so sexy for?
To ask people to squelch their fantasies about such a smoking hot singer, who flaunts his sexiness, would just be unnatural. And to ask a certain segment of the population to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, because they are the "wrong demographic" or should not have those feelings to begin with, are not someone who Adam would reciprocate the feelings with, or not your peers - seems very controlling to me.
Adam obviously wants us to view him as a sexy singer or he wouldn't perform the way he does.
( be continued...I blithered on at such length, that my comment is too big to post - ha, ha!...)
(...part II...)
People can't help it if they find someone's human nature. And for many, they have never felt this kind of infatuation with a singer/performer before. They are wondering if they've lost their mind, and want to share their thoughts and feelings with others who feel the same...for validity...for laughs...for the shock value...or just to honestly express how they're feeling about him and see if others agree.
People on this site are not attempting to write "porn" for others to enjoy and I certainly don't think any of the posts put up on this site are supposed to come across as "professional writing"(those points made me laugh)...we are talking about the feelings that Adam has stirred up in us, that just cannot be denied. We are verbalizing our feelings as best we know how.
And - as anyone who follow Adam knows - HE'S GAY! We know he's not into "us" (us, being women). That's why it's called "fantasizing"'s not reality-based. But you can't deny sex appeal when someone's got it in spades. And by discussing his sex appeal, we're not fooling ourselves that we stand a chance with him... I did not understand that part of your post - was it to imply that, because we find Adam sexy and discuss it amongst ourselves, we seriously think we "have a chance with him"?? That is a hilarious thought.
Anyway - I won't comment on the "mother hen" syndrome, as I don't feel that way - but if others do, it's no skin off my nose if they want to tell the world about it.
And the matchmaker stuff...yeah, I don't get that either, except - as others have commented - we all hope Adam finds love and hapiness some day soon.
I will say that I have found the threads and comments on this site becomming more "negative" lately, but there are many regulars I enjoy talking with, and hearing from, on this site. I used to go to other sites for my Adam news, but I love 24/7 - it's always up-to-date, quick and efficient. The admins do a great job.
Bottom line - Adam is sexy. He perpetuates the fantasies that he knows many of his fans are having. Do we have to be in a specific age-range, or of a certain gender, to discuss the merits of that side of his personality? It's his AMAZING voice, stage presence, spontinaty, unique vision, honesty and self-assurance that made us all sit up and take notice. And, as an extra bonus, he is a big ol' piece of eye candy! What a gift.
You knew you were going to get a firestorm of comments when you posted your opinion, so I hope it doesn't all scare you away. However, if you find the bunch of us, and the comments we make, too distastful, there are plenty of other great Adam sites out there, should you choose to follow his career online.
- Adam Fix
I love Adam kissing Tommy and know fully it's done for us. Tommy is a good sport. It's totally a turn on, and the peeps love it at the concerts. So QUIT telling Adam what to do. So far he's made all the right moves, and can that boy move. Who gives a royal sh*t about the south. If they don't like it, it's their loss.
@Adam Fix,
Enjoyed your grammatical "short story." It held my attention. Well said.
(ps, the admin. of this site (I guess) chooses a "Most Popular Post of the Week." Something tells me that this Neal business is going to headline this week.)It started by mentioning Adam is going to sing some new songs in HongKong. From there, it went bonkers!!! The whole damn thing went South!
wow, some people do take things so seriously. I'll be damned that this silly topic got you all in to this hot debate. What a shame!!!
IMHO, I think we all have the right to post whatever we want and as long as we are not judgmental of others it is cool. Lets not be hypocrites. Instead lets take a lesson from Adam and stay positive at all times, love each other and respect others for who they are.
BTW age has nothing to do with being a devoted fan. and for the record, the women that some of you are calling old/in their 50's are the ones buying Adam's album so kudos to all the ladies.lets keep our sweet dude on top of the charts and lets not get destructed by all this BS.
How about we all go to VH1 and vote for IIHY and show our love to the real MAn?
Thanks FF - even though it went on for DAYS. Sorry 'bout that. Not my original intent.
At first, I wasn't even going to comment, but what the hell. I don't get into many debates on this site...try to keep it fun and not too serious (to quote Adam)...but thought I'd jump into the fray on this one, just to add my 2 cents.
Overall - the comments on this site are great...very provoking...real... I very much enjoy them - most of them. I don't have anyone to "gush" about Adam with, in RL, but I know I can gush away with all of you and you'll get it.
- Adam Fix
Adam Fix, we all can just "gush" together here on this site. Just look at all the SEROTONIN that is released in our brain when we are doing all this Freakin Feel Good stuff. It is very healthy! Now, mind you, if you are mopeing around with your lip turned down all the time, that only puts you in a state of great depression. First thing you know you are all doped up on prescription drugs, your body starts to fall apart and your health fails....
Point is, it is very healthy to arouse the mind with everything sexy Adam puts out there. YOUNG is also a State of Mind. Glad to be part of this
glorious Adam experience and the Fans of 24/7.
It is heart-breaking to me that Adam--who appears to be one of the kindest, most accepting, respectful, and genuinely tolerant human beings on the planet--seems to be a lightening rod for hatred--not just spewed at Adam himself (Aside from seeing especially biting and cruel remarks made about him time and again that have brought me to tears, I have actually seen death threats made against Adam on a CNN Entertainment blog which I printed out before they were taken down.)--but at the significant portion of his very diverse fan base that are women. Indeed, I have had a rude awakening at how marginalized, stereotyped, and disrespected women--especially women over 40--have become in the 21st Century. Misogyny is alive and thriving in the USA, not just in 3rd world countries. (See Neal above.)
As I have noted on another blog site, if Adam's fan base were comprised mostly of men in this same 40 and older age bracket, he would be heralded from the mountain tops (and every radio station in the land) as the savior of rock and roll, if not the music industry itself. The older men and women are, the more likely it is that they have experienced the best of the best--especially if they lived through the 60's era of rock and roll--and,thus, are comparing Adam to the best of the best. When these women fall head over heals for Adam's glorious talent this should be considered a supreme compliment. From what I've heard him say, I think Adam gets that.
I also believe Adam knows what it's like to be marginalized, dismissed as "weird", rejected, called names, and otherwise subjected to disparagement by others who have somehow concluded they are "superior" and, thus, have a "right" to do so. This is something people seem acutely aware of and drawn to in Adam. Countless people who have felt the same way at some point in their lives identify with him and are cheering him on. Adam is truly loved.
And, yes, Adam's fans have his back--in loving, empowered, and (when called for) action-oriented ways. It would be a mistake for the likes of Neal to underestimate the collective sophistication, diversity, accomplishments, expertise, and power of Adam's female fan base, in particular. Even Oprah gave Adam a long warm shaw to keep him warm.
I agree with Neal on one thing: Adam is a powerful, grown-up man who can, indeed, take care of himself. He is one of the bravest human beings I've ever seen--particularly in that he is so fiercely determined to be who he is, letting the chips fall where they may. He is admired for how he has handled adversity with poise and grace, maintaining (at least publicly) a positive attitude toward life and people in general, while staying grounded in reality.
He also does not suffer fools (or bullies). One of my favorite Adam moments came at the end of his GLAAD Fever performance, when he made a point of coming back out on stage with a very serious, assertive demeanor to state not only will he advocate for increased visibility of the gay community, but for diversity WITHIN the gay community.
Kentucky Fan
P.S. I lOVED Glitzylady's heart felt post. It touched my heart. I got tears, feeling the same way.
omg this thread just keeps on goin and goin and goin! Neal happy now?
Hey Neal,
I'm a straight woman and know, without a shadow of a doubt Adam is gay. Duh. But sexy is sexy, and that's what all the female fans are responding to. Be it George Clooney or Penelope Cruz.
Why do Xtina, Madonna and GaGa have such a large gay male fanbase? I'm assuming gay men don't want to sleep with them, right?
I think part of the attraction is that Adam, Madonna, Lady GaGa, Bowie back in the day-they are all sexual outlaws, that's why there is such a strong response. And Adam is very attractive, because he's very masculine with no fear of the feminine.
What I want to know is why do we bug you so much? Just like you are generalizing about Adam's female fan base, I guess that allows me to make some generalizations about the gay community and media-which, quite frankly, have been less than enthusiastic and supportive. Adam doesn't fit a particular mold, and there's lots of snarking and downright hostility directed at him on a lot of gay sites, like AE.
Why? It takes serious balls to do what Adam is doing, and all he gets from the gay media is that he's not gay enough, too gay, not political.
And I also feel that there's this deep resentment against Adam's large and mostly straight female fan base. Like we shouldn't be fans. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Get over it, dude.
Some of you get it and some of you don't. Neal started a dialogue that didn't once discuss the size of Adam's bulge, if he's eating well or not, or if he's dating the unknown guy in the middle of the pic. We're talking about why we are truly Adam fans. There were some snarky remarks made to a gay man on another gay man's fan site. All of which I'm sure Neal has had to hear in the past, like the one at 12:01 am. Let's give Neal some credit for the fact that he may have opened some minds tonight. I have to think back to the 'mother of a gay son' who had some not so flattering things to say about other gay men and their opinions.
I get it Neal.
Maggie Longfellow
I, for one, am so tired of the same old BS comments as those brought up by Neal. This has been going on for what, 2 years now. Give it freakin break. No one's going to tell me how to feel about Adam or anything else. Yes, Neal, I'm one of the over-50 fans. How many times have YOU requested Adam's songs on the radio; how many cd's have YOU purchased; how many songs have YOU downloaded; how many times have YOU voted on VH1 for Adam's videos, how many concerts have YOU attended; how much merchandise have YOU purchased of Adam's? What are YOU doing to help Adam's career, besides judging his fans?
Maybe you missed the comment Adam makes about no matter how much money you have, who you sleep with, the color of your skin, your religion or how old you are...we can all party together. So put on that party hat and just LET IT BE...
I am happy with whatever Adam chooses to sing.
Yay Adam Fix! Very well said. I too, come here for all the up to date Adam news and only the positivity here on the blogs. I am uncomfortable with the negativity that has come here in the past couple of months.
I just want to say that just because the years go by and we age, doesn't mean our thoughts and feelings age. We mostly discuss Adam without mentioning our age. There is no age discrimination here. We should be able to positively discuss this crazy phenomenon that has overcome us...this rock God Adam Lambert. I have NEVER felt this way about a performer and have been rabidly persuing any and all information I can find about Adam for the past year and a half.
Now the mothering thing. Well, we are mothers, some of us aren't we? It's what we do. We care for those we care about. It really does bother us when Adam's privacy is invaded. It bothered us greatly to know what Tommy was going through with his Dad's cancer and then his death. I have posted that I worry about how Tommy really feels when Adam kisses him all the time since he is straight. Most men would not enjoy this at all.
Neal and some of you other posters, quite honestly, you really need to just skip the comments if you don't like them, though I am quite thrilled to be able to listen to our many straight and gay males that occassionally post.
I do agree with you that sometimes it's a bit much when there is over 'sexualizing' as you stated written about on this site. With that said, we really do know Adam would never be interested in us women though yes, he did once say in so many words that he hasn't ruled out sex with a woman and that he does enjoy kissing women and thinks they are beautiful. So, we fantasize. I mean, he is gorgeous. I agree, sometimes it should probably be toned down a bit. We need to remember there is a larger audience here, so point taken.
All I ask is that you, in turn please listen to what some of us 'age challenged' women had to say. You need to respect that we have no choice in our body aging, but remember that our minds don't age. Some of us grew up in the hippie era which was all about the awakening of a sexual revolution. Don't squelch that for us! We are alive just as you are an alive gay male with your own needs that we won't presume to tell you whether or not you disgust us. Adam alone has opened so many eyes to the trials that gays have faced in this country. I totally hope that his unintended (his words, not mine) message continues. The homophobia in this world is out of touch. It is not for us to judge one another. God does that.
Hippies are the biggest bullies on this site.
My original post was @4:38 in which I stated that IMHO Adam would be more offended by Neal presuming to speak for him than by the fans who express here their lustful or motherly impulses towards him. @5:08 commented "Neal never said he was speaking for Adam. Where did you get that?" No, he didn't SAY he was speaking for Adam but he did state "He is not into you at all in that way. He is happy that you like his music, buy his cd's and attend his concerts." How condescending of Neal! He obviously thinks that Adam needs somebody to speak bluntly on his behalf. How is this different from the dreaded "mothering"? To me Neal's post also insinuates that Adam's expressed philosophy of love, acceptance and tolerance is basically a sham and Adam, along with everyone else finds his female fans, especially older ones, ridiculous and annoying. I personally find many of Neal's comments in this regard offensive because they reek of sexism and ageism.
IMHO Adam is actually quite capable of speaking up for himself in any situation and often does so admirably. Any time Adam chooses to inject a dose of reality, he does so in a very tactful, sensitive and often humorous way, e.g. "Unless you have a surprise under that skirt, it ain't happenin'." Neal could certainly take a few lessons.
As I and many other posters here have stated, Adam's expressed intention is to create a fantasy, "a few minutes of escape" for our entertainment. Who is Neal to dictate what form that fantasy should take. I personally may not participate in or even enjoy reading some of the commentary that appears here but I always have the option of moving on. Simple.
To the poster who keeps trying to label any posts contradicting Neal as homophobic, get real. Being gay himself doesn't entitle Neal to a free pass. Sure he is entitled to post his opinion, but anybody making such an inflammatory post should also expect to be called out on it.
BTW, I have no problem identifying myself, even though I fail to understand what difference it makes. I can be somebody else in 5 minutes time.
I am:
ALfann on Adam Official
Canadiann on You Tube
If a straight man kissed his female band member night after night people might think he's a bit odd or at least a chauvinist. Or maybe they'd cheer and get kicks out of it too?
So what I'm trying to say is that the kissing part must have something to do with the hippie ideology and not so much with being gay, since majority of gays are ordinary joes. Are you hippies still into group sex? Hippies have a collective mind, they are not individualists.
It's all been said, for better or worse, but dialogue in a respectful way, voicing our differences and really listening to each other can sometimes lead to better understanding and alter misconceptions. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree without letting it get personal.I'm glad you'll be a fan for life,Neal. I will too! That is something that I think we can all agree and build upon. I think we all hope Adam will find love and be loved in return. If you feel love and admiration for Adam at 20 or 30, do you think you are not allowed to feel those same feelings over 50? If you're lucky to live that long, are you supposed to give up living and check into a nursing home and wait to die, or dance your a** off to Adam's music and celebrate his talent with people of all ages? I've had hugs and kisses from gay couples met at Adam's concerts and I'm over 50 and straight, but we appreciated the fact that we were one, celebrating a unique talent and loving being. I hope one day we can focus on what we have in common and build from there. Peace,Y'all funbunn40
Lets throw a party in the woods and get shit faced over good times!!!! :D
OH and NEAL and STANLEY you guys come too!!!
During an older interview, Adam said "I'm glad I cause gasms."
Just sayin...
To the comment made about the Tommy kiss turning off men: Would men be turned off by 2 hot women kissing? That's totally hot! right?
neil it sounds to me that you don't like that women fantasize about Adam. We can like his music, buy his cd and attend his concerts but we can't fantasize about him and share our thoughts because he's not into us? That's bull. He's still man even tho he's gay. There are alot of woman that fantasize about their male idol. So get use to it. Or just don't read the comments, everybody is entitled to their opinion.Hollandfan
PS I hope that he sings Can't let you go or pick you up live. I love those songs!
You are just another man that thinks he can tell (mainly) women what to do, how to think, what to value…it’s getting old just like my ass. Real Talk: And, Baby, something tells me you would not dare to READ any of us like this to our faces.
So Neil, do you feel "icky" about women's sexual fantasies? You know, many people feel the same way about Gays...
I would love to hear Adam sing TFM live! I would also love to hear Adam moaning beside me in bed. That was for you, Neal! lol
Neil What have you started? I love ALL the comments above. Adams fans are a "thinking people" who have and will make a positive differance on this planet. Carry on! Carry on! Remember Neil you started it.....and now we will finish it.
Wow!!! It is a very long long blog here. I dont know what to say. What I sense here that we all love Adam and he is powerful in certain ways.
I can only say, I grew up as a teen in Asian, lives in Australia for 10 years and now in Canada for another 20 years. Life experiences that showd me the goods in diversity of the human being and make me more tolerance in accepting others opinion.
I hope he sing can't let you go, its a very powerful song.
You Neal , for me you are a frustrated human being , i bet you have a mother , maybe a sister or even a brother who is straight , for your jugemental person all the other has no the right to enjoy of Adam , because he is gay . Where was you when i voted butt off for the 'the sexiest man in music' , i never saw a gay man with the name Neal , but i saw a lot of female that was voted , incuding me . Adam, could be my child , i have this mother age , but i was here when Adam needed us the most and again i didnt saw a gay male with the name Neal. I love Adam and i respect him for his huge talent , otherwise he never take my atention . So i love Darren Hayes , if you know who he is and i never know he is gay ,i just love his music , but he is in a liberal country , he no need to be deffend from homophobs. In my Europe is not a such big deal to be gay. And for your knoledge i look with pleasure to 'gone with the wind , Clark Gable , he was gay too , and now he isn't anymore. Adam is here just for our entertainment and just hapen he is gay . If some women fantasize with Adam , is just in theyer minds , means Adam is doing very well his job . I don't think Adam need a war in his fanbase , is not productive , if you don't like , don't look , Adam is an artist , a performer , his act is on stage and if he can excite us with his whole package , so well for him and for us too.Amelie , Europe
Need a break? Go to youtube xfactor 2010 to watch the power of this 50 years old woman Mary Byrne sing "I had Nothing"
Neal, you got That off your chest so, I hope you feel better now.
There would be NO show biz without Fans. No Celeb Entertainer can hand pick who they want as their fans. Fans come with the territory and I don't see Adam Lambert complaining because that would be career ending. It is what it is and he seems pretty happy to me and a little wealthier now too!
Adam said he had an epiphany about bumping up his career and chose Idol. By doing that, he knew fully that there was a possibility he'd get a majority of FEMALE fans! That did not stop him because he wanted to sing for the world and not just be an unknown back-up in a Broadway play.
No one can say accurately that Adam has a majority of older females as fans. What really matters is that Adam has FANS not how old they are! That is the bottom line. I hear that he has many very young fans who are active on his Fan Club. But really, who's counting and who cares? Anyone who is concerned about Who are Adam's fans is a big waster of their time.
Every Entertainer has Fans who go into overdrive and act obsessive but I assume that most entertainers like Adam, take it in stride because it's part of the game.
The fact that Adam is gay and has made it this far is good news for everyone. He is probably very thankful to all who support him (regardless of their age,etc.) and you, being a gay male should understand how hard it must be to be validated by people in this too often homophobic world.
Instead of chastising fans..maybe you should be thanking all of these females you are so angry with; for giving Adam Lambert the platform to show the world, that a gay man is not something to fear but to be celebrated for the talent he brings to the table as well as his unique personality.
Neal..I wish you had chosen another site to express your opinions. Certainly, you have the right to express your opinions. I think it is important that you know that none of us expect to jump in the sack with Adam and we are very aware that he is gay. He makes us happy and we are just having FUN!!! How often in life do we have the opportunity to experience a world class talent at this level. Lighten up and have a wonderful productive life!!! I mean that sincerely!!!
Kate....You've said it straight and I humbly agree.
Neal...Your opinion is just that: yours, and I thank you for sharing it. The ability to express ourselves is a gift.
Adam would never bash someone, especially those he had no intimate knowledge of. I suggest we follow his example.
I do feel that there are some thoughts that maybe we need to keep to ourselves, and not feel compelled to share with the world under the guise of "anonymity". There is a difference between "saucy", "nasty" and "salacious".
Have a wonderful weekend all!
"it's a quarter to three, there's no one in the room except you and me." Neal, Neal, Neal, take it all in. What a fire storm!!! Actually it's 10:35 in the am, and there are tons of people in the room. Also a great big elephant. Neal has been buried under a ton of rhetoric and this post is getting bloated. Adam, dear Adam, time to curtail your lovely vacation in Bali. No new news is bad news for your adoring fans, me being one. Have read about your approval of the new Idol judges so many times, feel like we might actually enjoy the show again. Say What? Well absence makes the heart grow fonder, or something along those lines. This site is becoming bigger than the Gorilla in Manila a few years back. Morning everyone. Hope you all slept well.
Neal...if you feel you need to make a don't have to state that you are gay or's like when a reviewer writes... gay singer Adam.......I know where that is I don't read......for me it's all about the music
We should embrace the differences of all people that comment here to make this site enjoyable. Once again, I am very impress with people here to restrain themselves, at least there is no "F" word or name calling here as I see tons from other sites. I come here regularly because I found most of us are very sincere and respectful to each other. I really learn something today. Neal, welcome to this site even I am not totally agree with you. Come on , let's show some love.
The success of Adam Lambert is reflected by his diverse devoted fans who embrace his talent and loving spirit.
Neal-Neal-Neal---Adam Lambert's Female Over-The-Hill fans are smart,well-spoken,polite,loyal and accepting. I am empressed by how intelligently and calmly they have handled your veiws on how women over 50 should handle their sexual fantasies and behavior when it comes to Adam. Few resorted to hysteria or name calling. Perhaps you need a few lessons on how to be more tactful when your chewing us up and spitting us out. This is supposed to be a fun fansite,not a forum for you to express THE TRUTH ACCORDING TO NEAL as to how we should behave and think. Poor Baby,try to be more opened minded and be happy for us that we have found so much joy in our lives with Adam before we KICK-THE- BUCKET!!! Peace and Joy be with you!!!
Neal, I bet if we never mentioned our sex or age, you would never have even thought those discriminatory thoughts about women of a certain would never have known that we were not young gay males. You sound like you want to control who Adam's fans are. That's not for you to decide. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
I think it's hysterical when you click on "most popular posts of the week" that this thread doesn't even come up!
Well, "negative neal" > I should let it go,
but I can't. "can't let you go"
I turned on my computer when I got home from work, saw my desktop background, and "oh no"
him again, with those eyes. I'm sure you remember the photo, with the Nutri System ads in the background.
yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know Adam is "gay" and not even bi-sexual, but when you clearly look at this man, what do you see? an almost beautiful person with not only charisma, but inner goodness you sense, articulate, fair, not condesending, level headed as compared to other rock singers. This is what we see (elder ladies as myself) as widows, we compare Adam
to our late husbands. This is sometimes not good, but is truth in learning. Neal, dear Neal, I would love to meet you, and feel your inner strenghs. When I looked at that pic of Adam on my computer, I got all sappy again. I've lived on planet Earth far more than even your grandparents. I'll recover, it's like finding out there is no Santa Claus. (really, not???) I've always believed in fairies, and all things that spell magik. What do you think
keeps people young. Are you going to sit in your chair and read the Wall Street Journal forever. You do not sound like a romantic guy.
I use to dump pasta into the boiling water in an artistic manner; holding the pasta high in the air, and letting it just drop, so I could see the boiling reaction and other tidbits; at that, my husband called me immature as well as other little things I did.
My bubble regained strengh and lives high in my heart. I will not let you rent space in my mind and my feelings for Adam will continue. Bless you for bringing out the worst in you. Keep your mouth shut, except of course when you are deciding which investments are safe, and most of all, Neal, I hope you are not condesending and controlling to your partner.
Gave me a new life, now I'm just as stubborn as ever, (I'm a Tauras)Neal, get a new project. BTW, who is your partner, you mentioned that he (or she) is a poster for this 24/7, which we all dearly love.
Neal, dear Neal, get a glass of wine and enjoy
your Friday night.
Thank you for your insight, as others have quoted, we all have the right to opinion and freedom of speech, otherwise, we would live in Cuba, Russia or other countries that do not want to hear the peoples opinions.
However, please be careful on 24/7, we as fans have ways deliciously of finding out identities
of our traitors. We will get you and it won't be pleasant. Beware!
Fan4fun, where are you????
Adam will always make me smile!!
Wow, so many posts... I came back to just reread Stanley's post more closely this evening and I've been here reading for a half hour now (I posted rather uneventfully and unpowerfully at Sept. 30 5:46pm [I think] but just realized now that I forgot my tag). Well, it's been very interesting reading and I suppose, to me personally anyway, that food for thought is usually good...whether palatable, distasteful, savory, easily digestible or not - food for thought, especially the thought part, can be healthy and/or helpful to our own personal development and evolution I guess. It's been compelling reading indeed and everyone has done a competent job in their posting IMHO. I was going to add two small points but this thread is long now and so I think I'll let it go and instead go inform myself better about the tragic suicides of some gay youth recently, here and then on some hard news sites... I expect those stories will be painful but powerful examples of why we should perhaps adopt a less missionary attitude with our fellow human beings in favor of a more live and let live one... IDK, just more food for thought I guess.
Neal, I was just wondering if you noticed how bigoted your comments sound. I have rephrased your comment using the typical attacks homophobes use on gay people.
There are way too many of you gays who are "out there" with your sexualizing. We straights are just not into seeing you at all in that way. We are happy for you to be gay, just don't flaunt it. No one wants to hear what you gays are dreaming. If you want to be titillated by the written word, go to those web sites that cater to gay verbal porn and are written by professionals. Gays are just pitiful.
If you don't like that kind of vitriolic nasty talk about gays, then why is it okay for you to judge older woman?
Adam is about love, and expressing oneself, not judgment and being mean-spirited. At 31 if won't be long before you face the aging process and your own mortality. Have fun and stop being such a narrow minded party pooper. Love is love, don't try and stop people being included based on their sex, age or orientation. Secular humanism for the win.
Oh, did I miss the entire party? Well, it seems like it! So many people stopped by 24/7 blogginglamshop (wow, so Germanish of me)! I know I’ve been away for a while but, still, it feels like my place to be... My turn to rant at what seems like an emptied room now...
Soo, that’s how a proper threadjacking is done! Neil, you’re the best cyberglamterrorist! I hurt my finger scrolling up and down to see who replied what to whom and I’m really dizzy right now (also because of, Gosh,the 5 am hour and some serious sleep deprivation lately, only loosely related to the Glam World) I loved my usual Glam suspects’ posts!
Neil, you might be a 31yo gay man, but these women posting here are...something else, aren’t they? They scare me sometimes too, but when they are serious like on this thread, one must simply love them. They genuinely love Adam and they are somehow mirroring him, don’t you think?... sometimes letting themselves loose, burning up with desire, licking the computer screen, drooling over the ‘bugle’ displayings, flicking their (virtual) tongues, being almost pornographic... other times, being so analytical, intelligent, grounded and deep... and always smart and funny and considerate. ‘Adam’s women’ are not delusional, you know. They just play along ..with extra/over-the-top Glam :-)
Neil, you (and I both) might use some glitter too! :-))
[cont.] I’m not very comfortable with the over-sexual comments either, but than again, Adam set the tone. He upsets me sometimes by contradicting himself. He doesn’t want to be acknowledged as the ‘openly gay singer’ and yet, much of what he does /sings on stage is so ‘openly gay’.. Very entertaining, all inclusive, gender crossing... but ultimately so ‘gay’. However, I find the fact that ‘gayish acts’ on stage are celebrated and turn women on to be fascinating. I really loved some of the Adommy kisses but I was sick for a couple of days after the ‘finger sucking show’. Not at all sexy for me and didn’t get his point there. What is his point after all? ”Look how I make my bitch out of a ‘straight’ man”? I wanted to say: could you at least don’t talk every show about Tommy’s straightness?! But, hey, I still can look/see over .. my own personal limits! It looks to me like Adam did take us to the brink of what we -gays and cougars, extremists and moderates, young and older, or stuck-up tight a**es (like myself sometimes)- believe. Isn’t that good for our souls?
[cont.] I’ve always been a sort of self-sufficient Tomboy... but with Adam ‘around’, I found myself enjoying some glam in my life and the people who wonder if I’m in love. Ha-ha...Well, sort of.. Also I haven’t ever cared much about children or marriage (not too old to start it tough) but even myself, I did experience the ’mothering’ feelings towards the men I was in love with... Can you understand this kind of feelings? Just use your all ‘gayish’ empathy. :-) I, for one, cannot be too judgmental with the moms and grandmas on this blog. They simply love the man who said that we all are welcome to love him and be part of his (public) life.
This is why I love Adam so much.. He made so many people think and talk and argue. He stirred up a lot of emotions, both positive and negative, he brought back to life and into the spotlight (in virtual or real life) a lot of people and 'social categories’ just by being himself. I loved the comments above... I never get tired of a good debate and smart people arguing on both sides. And there are some very smart people around here, straight women, gay men and some ..anonymous genders :-) and this is the main reason for me coming back on 24/7. And I’m definitely going to save this thread and read it all over again when time will be more generous. GLb :-)
PS: I’m looking forward to see TFM and FYE live on GNT stage. I love CLYG, it brings me to tears, but this song would strain his vocals and nobody wants that.
Ok. I'm one hour away of taking my dog out for the morning walk...I might use one hour of sleep! It was nice reading you again... all of you.. crazy Glamberts! :-)
Well, I never commented on which song I would like for Adam to sing. I would love to hear him sing TFM on stage. aside from that,,,
Where is
Fan4fun??????????????????????????????????? hellooooooooo, Fan4fun, hope you are not sick. We miss you. 10/4
Anon 6:43 - clever! That was enlightening, thank you.
GLb - always enjoy your thoughtful/interesting comments. Thanks for coming back for a visit.
...and love to all the "usual Glamily" and regulars.
- Adam Fix
5:56 I know the Glamberts can be like Stasi :(
Rita,Rita,Rita - all this verbal ranting and you nailed it in one little sentence. I applaud you!!
Ha Ha. It is said that I owe Neal a lamb for renaming/retaging him! Like, for real, I must give away a young sheep! LOL
My last neuron working the night shift seems to have its own favourite member of the glam crew... A Freudian slip or what? My conscious ME also loves some Ne(il)gativity, you know that already.
Sorry Neal! Let's put the blame on the small brain of a fowl (not hen)! :-))
@Adam Fix: Even if I don't reply to you often, I do love to read! GLb
You said everything so well, as did everyone. Away from my computer so just have my phone so very brief...hoping that Neal can see now that no matter how we express it, we are all here for the same reason, to support Adam Lambert. He is a shining example of someone who can bring together people from manydifferent backgrounds and inspire us with his talent, his acceptance and appreciation for all of his fans...including all of us fortunate to be his fan and all of you as well..
sorry to say this but, " Neil, you are a complete ass." Adam speaks quite well for himself in interviews and on Twitter as well. You are just an embarr ass ment that he will no doubt be apologizing for on a future Twitter announcement.
@Kentucky Fan 11:55 pm
Thank you for your kind words...And you explained very well why some of us older women (and men too) are so impressed with Adam...we've seen many artists come and go, have seen a lot of great and talented entertainers over the years, and Adam is truly up there with the best and has the ability to surpass some of them,or most, or who knows...almost all...This is coming from someone who had a Led Zep song played at her wedding (somewhat embarrassing but true...ahh, the 70's!!! And I'm the picture of propriety now,at least until Adam came along and glammed me up!!) Bottom line is I want the best that life has to offer for Adam because he IS the best to come along in a long time...Has anyone seen the Billboard article talking about predictions for Grammy nominations and they mention reality "superstar" Adam Lambert as apossible nomination for New Artist of the Year??!! Let's hope that happens...because it would be fabulous. And I bet he would be invited to perform...even better....fingers crossed!
Oh glitzylady, I'm so trying not to go there on the Grammy's thing :)... I'll have to hit the net for that billboard article, interesting... Thanks for the tip.
MGF's been fun reading all this be it good, bad or indifferent. One thing is obvious though: we all love and/or admire Adam. Yah!
Glitzlady...seriously? Adam mentioned for possible "artist of the year"?!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be the absolute best news we have heard for Adam yet!! Thanks for letting us know!
@slm - yup, it's like I said on another thread a while back - BB does breed devotion, doesn't he?!! :)
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