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Adam Lambert's Singapore performance leaves chart impact

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When Adam Lambert performed in Singapore over the weekend, he didn't just win rave reviews from most of the concert critics in the audience -- he also left his mark on the nation's version of the Billboard chart.

Every single the former "American Idol" star has released in the country to this point has reached the top spot on the Hot 30 Countdown, and now we can say the same for "Fever." The Lady Gaga-penned number has yet to be released on its own here in the United States, and there is some debate as to if it will since American radio tends to unfortunately be more conservative than elsewhere in the world.

With that in mind, two other quality songs in "Sleepwalker" and "Aftermath" are currently being considered. Would you like to see one of these songs start working their way up the radio charts? As always, stay tuned for more Adam news (which may be a bit more inconsistent this week due to the singer's vacation).



Anonymous said...

My GOD!!! This man is gorgeous!! Beautiful smile Adam!!!
Congratulations for you have accomplished BB!!

Anonymous said...

See what you make to me!!! I meant "congratulations for WHAT you have accomplished"

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the actual numbers? I was hoping to see they went up 10 spots each or something concrete and specific.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do these singles they're referring to include Time for Miracles too? So they got TFM, FYE, WWFM, IIHY, AND Fever?!

Lucky Dogs!

Congratulations Adam!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautifull photo. Adam is amazing man.

Polish website about Adam ;)

Anonymous said...

Omg, I might need a translator on this site pretty soon... lol (No habla Espanol)

Yaaay Adam!!! Just one look at that gorgeousness & sexiness couple with that glorious voice now they're hooked just like us! :)

I think Aftermath and Sleepwalker would do just greaaaaaaaaaaat!!!

Anonymous said...

would love sleepwalker to be out on the radio. it's a wonderful heartfelt song with some wonderful vocals. would do well i feel.

Anonymous said...

Either of these songs would be great. I love them both. Sleepwalker would be my first choice-then Aftermath.Too bad about the Fever problem here in the uptight USA.

glitzylady said...

Well, again I think Sleepwalker has the widest appeal and the biggest chance to do well, but I think it might be interesting if they would just bite the bullet and release Fever, perhaps around the same time as whatever else they release.......if it doesn't do well, at least its out there...Just kind of sneak it in under the test it in some areas..whatever...I think it would do well in some areas...Then again, it depends upon whether Adam wants to face another fresh round of discussions about being gay...Maybe he just needs a break from all that...I know its much more complicated than that, but other artists do that, release songs fairly close together...I'm sure they will have some sort of strategy regarding the next release, and will have thought it out carefully...Ultimately I will support whatever they decide to do...but I am hoping for SOMETHING more...Just one more...please!!!!! Other songs are great too...I wish they could all be out there for everyone to hear and appreciate...maybe someday...Again, just my opinion...

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear sleepwalker on the radio!What a fantastic song

nancdruuu2 said...

Congrats Adam on another great victory! You look so beautiful and happy in this picture, it just makes me smile. Sleepwalker has always been my favorite because of all the passion and drama Adam puts into it. I always loved, loved Aftermath, and when he performs it live, it's so touching and makes you cry with it's beautiful message. Soaked and Broken Open are my other favs as they show off Adam's great range and are so inspiring. Well, I guess I just love them all! But, I agree, please, please release at least one more! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker, Aftermath, Broken Open and Fever are single worthy. Love them all. Really looking forward to his next cd. Hope a collaboration with Queen. Justin Timberlake said he should do some covers of Queen. Great advice! Then the rest of the record could have the pop flavor. Would love that!

Anonymous said...

I would love for "Fever" to be released as a single in the USA. It is a great song that makes you get up and dance and is the type of song being played on the radio. I also love "Sleepwalker" and believe that would do well on radio. "Aftermath" has amazing lyrics providing a message that everyone can relate to. Also, Adam helped write the song so it would be really special for him and his friends for the song to do well. I love every song on the CD and still play it every day without skipping songs. They should release at least one more song from FYE. Congrats to Adam on the movement up the charts in Singapore. I believe this will happen with each country he visits. Let's keep his music alive in the USA while he is away!

Anonymous said...

I want to see Aftermath be next! it has more of a rock flare to it :)but then again! i love every song! so i dont really care which one ! lol!Ima big help! lol :) Katie

Anonymous said...

I've been a Sleepwalker fan since the beginning, though I like his version of it in concert better than the CD version. I want it to be the next single, but Adam has said he doesn't think there WILL be another single from this album.

Anonymous said...

We have got Fever, but would love to have Aftermath too. I am greedy where Adam is concerned, never too much.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? I thought Singapore (the country, not the citizens) forbid homosexuality? I heard there's no gay rights over there..

If the chart thing is true, then this is beyond amazing! Adam may be changing so much in a conservative country.

Anonymous said...

I'll take them all! I love them all. But, I'm HAWT over FEVER! Funny thing, when I hear that song I never think of Guy to Guy! I just think HAWT! So, just give us all four. I think anything on that cd would be a great single.

Anonymous said...

Fever is a guy to guy thing....who comes up with this shit?

I think Monte and Tommy J came back to US for a few days...where's Adam? Anyone know?

laurie said...

I think Aftermath is very beautiful and relevant..Of course, everything Adam does, is.. hes too amazing for words

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite pictures! So happy.
I think Fever actually has the most hit potential, even if some stations wouldn't play it. But I love Sleepwalker, the concert version. Other performers release in-concert versions of songs. Why not Adam?

Anonymous said...

Please--please another single off of Adam's Cd. Sleepwalker would be fabulous,but then they all are. Next spring or summer is way way toooo long to wait for a new album or a new song to be realeased!!! Have mercy on all who love ADAM!

Anonymous said...

he looks very refreshed :)

Anonymous said...

Please please please please release both Sleepwalker and Aftermath here in the U.S. Both will be blockbusters.

Anonymous said...

The whole CD is so fantastic, he could release any of them, or all of them. moom4adam

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm confused. I admit to being easily confused!!! Didn't I read that in Singapore homosexuality is illegal?? How is it that Fever got to be #1 in Singapore when American radio stations supposedly won't play it? That is crazy. Fever is a tremendous song that would got nuts in the US. Wish those 19 wusses would grow some and push that song in America, land of the free and home of the brave.

Anonymous said...

TFM didn't get the attention it deserved. Every time I listen, I am astounded by Adam's vocal ability. Maybe there's been so much autotuning that some people don't recognize a real voice. Could be.

Anonymous said...

I heard TFM on a local radio this morning and it made me smile. :)

Malaysian fan

Anonymous said...

I think Fever, for pure radio listening, dancing and entertainment, would be a great commercial success, if given a chance. Maybe it could still be a possibility if it creates a lot of notice overseas. I really think the success of the GNT has validated Adam as a legitimate performer and the music industry is starting to take notice. I hope he won't be ignored by the AMA this year, as it would certainly give Adam a major boost to be able to sing again. Soaked or IIHY would project a positive image to dilute the FYE bad press. I also think if they put out Fever as a single there are enough Glamberts to financially support it and make it profitable. I also like Sleepwalker and Surefire Winners is upbeat for radio. Actually I like them all and wish there would be a video for each one! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think Sleepwalker, Fever, Strut and Sure Fire Winners should all be released as singles. They are all amazing and certainly single worthy

Anonymous said...

Aftermath is my least favorite, but love Fever and Sleepwalker. Maybe it's the almost 2 octaves. Actually I love everything on the cd, and can't wait for the next one to come out. As for the AMA's, he really messed up last year, and unfortunately will take awhile to recover from his antics. I still can't figure out the middle finger bit. The GN concert was fantastic; we were there in September and loved every moment--it was everything we hoped for and more. Only wished we could have gone to more than one.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 6:06, Adam said, in one of the interviews about the AMA's, that he was angry at the Out Magazine editor, and that the whole performance was in part a "is THIS gay enough for you??!" type response to him. He made it sound like the finger was to him too, but I don't think he said so directly.


Anonymous said...

I love "Loaded Smile" - talk about sexy, romantic, emo, speaks to ANY personal preference. I hope he performs it on TV someday maybe on Ellen or late night - accoustic and intimate, without the bwaoop-bwaoops in the bridge. It would drop people to the floor (I believe). The song says so much - it could be an entire romantic movie script.

glitzylady said...

He also said in an interview somewhere that HE himself couldn't believe that he did the "Flip" ....that all of a sudden there it was, and he couldn't take it back..Not to excuse it, because it was a really bad moment for me...seeing it later, because the West Coast version was cut in places. Of all the things that happened that night, that was the one thing that really could have ended it for him, at least in my mind at the time, and I was terrified for him. The OUT editorial was really weighing heavily on his mind and the timing couldn't have been worse, with his CD coming out the next day...Not to mention the fall that nearly sent him crashing down off the scaffolding, just before he kissed Tommy. (which I liked, BTW...even tho I knew it would cause all sorts of addition to the other "stuff")) As sweet and kind and generally unruffle-able as Adam is (with a few notable exceptions...), he isn't superhuman, in spite of being that Sparkly Alien From Planet Fierce, and one thing led to another. He also indirectly addressed his personal inner turmoil that he felt in the weeks after that whole thing, in his interview on the Oprah Show when he talked about "being very hard on himself" and being unhappy with himself about "some performances" and his appearance, etc.., and then just decided to go forward and be positive..which is what any of us should ultimately do after something like that happens. Most of us aren't scrutinized by millions of people, but even those smaller and less public "oops"'s can be difficult to live down...I do truly hope he will soon get a chance to appear on a prime time show, do his typically wonderful job performing and he will be able to do what he really wanted to do last year at the AMA's....which was prove what an amazing performer he is...He has a little more experience under his belt now, and paparazzi notwithstanding, he should do just fine..

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady

Hi there, So... not only «Voice of Patience» but also «Voice of Information» today???
Glamdamn! Luck on me!!!

Anonymous said...

@ said it all, girl! When will Adam be allowed on a live ABC show? I think Jimmy Kimmel should make some noises. Maybe after Adam comes home as the INTERNATIONAL STAR he is becoming it will happen!
Another thought: the Sea Gals performed to 2 Adam songs. To me, that means it wasn't just the "song" they like to perform to...but also the performer. That's my take, and I am sticking to it! About sixty seven thousand people heard that voice. I hope the next time he is there is person!

Anonymous said...

"in person"...This guy makes one's mind mush on a regular basis...


Anonymous said...

Well said, as usual Glitzylady and lmb as well! I also would love to hear and see Adam sing the Star Spangled Banner with his beautifully trained voice at events. Surprised they didn't ask him to do it in Tampa, but maybe it would have whipped up his fans in the audience too much.Ahh, just love our glamgod so much!! Thud! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady, In reference to a previous thread, Have to pretend I think of Adam in a motherly way since it would realistically seem creepy to be so turned on to Adam at my advanced age! haha No excuses, just not dead yet and he certainly is capable of waking the dead! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

@funbunn40 1:54p.m.

Yes, I would love to hear him sing the SSB, he would just be amazing of course..there are only so many people who can actually do that song justice, with the wide variation of notes to hit...and just think of the end notes..WOW!!!

at 2:01p.m.

Creepy, maybe, but yes, one WOULD have to be dead, and the last time I checked I still have a pulse, and one that races sometimes in response to certain sights and what can I say??? I'm only a bit "older" on the outside...on the inside I'm still MUCH younger and have no control over what thoughts may come to mind...I gave up on that a long time ago (like March 2009..) Totally hopeless!!! And yes, he is capable of waking the dead on so many levels.. LOL!!! Too bad we can't bottle it somehow.. Probably a cure for whatever ails you in there somewhere!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - other performers wilted and went on melt down status in the heat and humidity but looke at HIM!!! Cool, confident, ragin' and that smile that radiates across the world - great picture!! 24/7 - people send you the best stuff and you know just how to present it!! My obsession/addiction is up and running!

Anonymous said...

Aftermath and Sleepwalker are beautiful- hands down. Love all his songs. Everything Adam always makes me smile. Never had this joy much.

Rock on Adam! You're beautiful