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Contestants performing WWFM last night on X-Factor Australia

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 19, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, September 19, 2010

Group Mahogany sing "Whattya Want From Me" as Their first live performance in the Top 12. Includes the Judges comments.

Thanks to hooplamagnet


Anonymous said...

Awesome. That will probably give Adam a boost in sales for that song in the UK. Great exposure.

Would have been nice if he got a shout out, but hey, it's all good.

Jessica said...

Anon 10:35

This is from Australia. There's an X Factor in Aus.

Australians LOVE this song. it's a huge hit here.

Anonymous said...

Jessica, I just noticed that when I came back to this headline. My bad. (kinda wish it had been the UK)

Oh well. The song didn't really need a boost there, but it just solidifies his star status. How's that?

Anonymous said...

It took 4 to do what Adam does all by himself. It was indeed a compliment to Adam and Pink.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I wish it was the UK too. Adam is underperforming here and it is very disappointing. How is he big in all other countries but not the UK? We have always embraced the talented ones.

Anonymous said...

Adam covered Led Zepplin and the Stones and now singers are doing his songs! Yay! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Wow - that was beautiful and I think those girls had loved on the Adam performances a great deal to have given such a tender, sweet, tear jerking performance of it. I hope Adam gets to see it cuz I think it does him great honor .... and Pink too but it was Adam who first brought out the human emotion in that song. coloforadam

Anonymous said...

Last friday a Dutch girl (Anne) auditioned for the new Dutch show 'The Voice of Holland', and guess what... she sang WWFM. was not as good as Mahogany though. Here's a link: (There's an introduction in Dutch first)

Anonymous said...

Off Topic:

You've gotta see this beautiful video a fan made for Adam about these last few days.

I had chills, was in tears, and believe more than ever that Adam has the most beautiful, amazing, loving fans I've ever even heard of:

It's called "We Believe in You Glamfather":

it also brought a little :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! that was actually pretty good!

Adam's on a roll, and he's not slowing down or stopping! World be ready cuz he's coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! An amazing song and four sweet voices for my ears?! And what a good vision for my eyes!!! So beautiful! Sweet Adam would be happy and proud to watch it!

Anonymous said...

What a tribute to Adam,just a year ago ,he was doing what they are now doing. so proud of our Rock God!

Anonymous said...

Great to see them covering Adam, but personally didn't like it....
Love Ronan though

HK fan

Anonymous said...

um? is this the beginning because i think they did well but have a lot to work on, too. this is completely understandable because everyone has room to grow in the beginning, but i feel like it cant compare to adams performances, like some are saying. he is much older and experienced though, so no negatives :)

judysdancin said...

Hey Sweetie, That video brought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful man! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to see young international fans of Adam performing his version of his own song (the version he sang in studios during his promotional tour earlier this year). That means that these fans are following him very closely. These girls probably also saw Adam's incredible rendition of WWFM on AI last April. Great, great, all around. An artist WANTS fans to know and cover their songs. It's the sign of success.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen Glambrit Isle of Wight in a she sulking cause the UK won't give Adam his props?

WTF is up with the UK anyway?

Anonymous said...

I'm an Aussie and although it was a nice rendition, it's not in the same league as Adam's version imo.

Anonymous said...

I thought the lead singer was a bit pitchy at the beginning but a good effort.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:56PM

Glambrit IOW/UK is doing alright, happy and full of hope because she GOT THE TICKETS! She's still around... may be just not wasting time posting here but only working out the best way (and a PLAN-B and a PLAN-C) to get the nearest possible of the «glambugle». Ha!

Anonymous said...

I think that the girls did a really good job. It is hard to change a song that the original artist has changed so many times himself. But, I think that fact that they are a group helped with that.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

thanks sweetie for the link to a great vid...put it on my fan page...