Glam Nation Tour in Rockford
Filed Under (performances,pictures,tour news,video ) by Admin on Saturday, September 4, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, September 04, 2010
Sure Fire Winners
Music Again
Adam at Meet and Greet...

After the concert.

Sure Fire Winners
Music Again
Adam at Meet and Greet...

After the concert.

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So darn cute in that hat!!!
LOVE the Tiger shirt!
Jen...hands off the hair.....let it grow!!!!!
Adam is such a handsome man and his singing is pure magic. I never tire of watching his videos. Glad you came into our lives. Life hasn't been the same since we heard you singing on idol. The idea of a calendar 2011 with just your picture for each month will be candy for the eyes. I want to place my order now.
I ordered "If I Had You" from amazon but was told that they had run out. I'm waiting to hear when it becomes available. I check the site everyday but nothing yet. Just thought I ask if anyone else is having problems getting a copy. But you all probably already your copy. That's what I get for procrastinating.
i don't always get time to watch all the videos, but i'm having a lazy sunday morning and the vids are already on woo hoo...
i'm just wondering where's Camilla gone!!!!
stunning Adam as always...the voice and that beautiful happy smiley face while singing aftermath...just gorgeous...
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
I agree about the hair. Don't really like this look. Let it grow. If you check back to Adam's appearance on the CBS Morning Show last November(after the AMA hoopla), he looked the best I have ever seen Adam(hair, clothing, style). I know he likes to "change it up", but he looks so much better with a full head of hair.
Is there a different Piano player? Wheres Cam? I noticed it in Soaked. I went to look for IIHY to see but not posted.
Yes, the keyboard player is replacing Cam while she fulfills some previously planned gigs with her band. He was Adams keyboardist who left to go back to his band before Cam came aboard.
I heard she'll be back.
Hat does not work with new hair! Come on Adam, Asians love HAIR!!
Adam, pleae, grow your hair. Prefer the old look.
Cam was performing with her group(duo) UhHuhHer yesterday in the Duluth Gay Pride Parade. I think she will be missing tonite as well. Zac Baird is sitting in for her. He was at Fantasy Springs and now has been touring with Korn. Adamluv
Thanks Suz526 again for the gifts and 24/7 for posting it for us! We love you guys!!!
Adam is rockin his hair style right now! We shouldn't worry guys, I think Adam owns a mirror or 2! He knows a gorgeous face is staring right back at him!:))
Amazing show Adam!!!
Read that "The Lambert show sold out faster than any other Waterfront performer ever". Also that there were 1000 reserved seats (?). Twitter ppl. said that there were thousands and thousands of ppl. in the lawn area. True or not? And that it was very cold. Adamluv
Man, I wish he would do a new version of FYE cover song - when I started the first vid, it was dark and FYE was playing and I had a brief hope that he was singing and dancin' to my fav!! Adam ......that song is SO frickin' hot - don't let AMA snots ruin it. Do a new version like the vid - YOU singing, enticing and those "eye" and let dancers act the moves. LOLBB
I'm gonna be unpopular here but I love the hair - it fits the edged and wild. Watch him in Stut - love the way it defines his height and moves and, maybe glitter sticks better to skin than hair and he IS all about the shine!!
Don't get me wrong, I like the hair. It's the combo of current hair with hat (where you don't see the top hair) that doesn't work for me.
The first video's lighting is great, great, great! Love that Adam talks to his fans while signing his CDs and other stuff.
Yah, you're right, 11:54, and the press loves to spread any pictures that don't show Adam at his best (and those are few and far between). That wonderful hair is just part of the total amazing package and it is definitely missing when the hats are on. Oh, well - at those moments, I just look lower,.... and lower. (better stop now)
To Anon 9/5 6:54 AM
I, too, loved how Adam looked that AM on CBS. I have it saved for my entry to MJs big blog. Not a fan of "Boy George" look (or as role model).
As though I did not have anything else to do, was inspired by you to list some of Adam's looks--that for me--have been literally heart-stoppingly beautiful:
Cockatoo Photo Shoot and one with white wings
for People Magazine's World's most Beautiful
Adam with sparkly eyes and angel's wings singing Beth on AI Finale night
Adam's WWFM performance on SYTYCD. Loved the black epaulet, spats, and silvery suit
Adam's Sleepwalker performance on Leno
Adam's Louisville Glam Nation Concert hair and makeup
Adam's GLAAD Awards performances
Adam's WWFM performance on AI Elvis Results show
Adam's AMA performance (Loved the performance, as well, except for his traumatizing fall)
Adam's look on FYE video
Adam's Gridlock firework look
Others: Regis & Kelly right after AI, GMA perf, Critics Choice Awards, Flaunt Magazine shoot, and Much Music Awards--but certainly not all
Kentucky Fan
I agree with most of you..Luvya to death,Adam,but PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE GROW YOUR beautiful HAIR BACK!!!You're the best singer,dancer,performer,& everything,but why did you get so much hair shaved off??Even Tommy has more hair now..This is my opinion & many of my friends & fans of yours also.Thanks.Keep voting for IIHY on VH-1,fans.We can bring it up from # 15 if MORE will vote..Let's try hard,ok?
Seems that Adam's fans simply love ALL his parts (to include his hair) and don't want to see any of them go missing.
Kentucky Fan
adam, please, please let your hair grow back.
All this stuff about band members coming and going.....they could get Mickey Mouse to play with him and I wouldn't care. Just give me ADAM!! (and as long as he is happy).
Ditto to disliking the shaved sides. Does nothing but look like a really bad, mutilating, hack job.I can see bald guys or men with sparse thin hair shaving it, but he has silky shiney, thick beautiful hair. It also looks strange with his voodoo tophat. Hope those clippers get conveniently lost. It's like defacing a beautiful work of art. Also if he were offered an acting part, it limits his look. He has a wide variety of styles to change his look with longer hair. I also love all of his parts. Perfection!!! funbunn40
@Kentucky Fan September 5 12:52PM -
OMG Kentrucky Fan - Can I be your best friend?
I'm soooo feelin' your entire list... really on the same page... and I don't see that US SYTYCD appearance mentioned much so I'm psyched that you did - on of my favs - Oh lawdy, he was smouldering... and just quietly subtley putting out this crazily smokin' hot androgynous sex appeal - kept himself reeled in (not a fan of that actually but the circumstances called for it then I suppose) but also powerfully saying this is who I am, IMHO, and the vocal was delicious that appearance!
And how he looked on that CBS Morning Show appearance - yes, unbelievably handsome and... just everything, unbelievably everything... I have to admit it on that one - I don't remember the vocals of that appearance, because, let's be honest, there was a lot of other content we were paying attention to on that one, but I mostly don't remember (offesive to some or not that I don't remember the "music" part of it) because his physical appearance that day was so mindblowing that it's all I was left with :).
Anyway, blah blah blah lol, love your list KF, it's very evident you're a true fan :).
MassGlamFan (MGF)
Wow Kentucky Fan,
What a breath of fresh air to find on here!
Thanks for the reminders and for the lovely morning going back and playing these....many of these are my favorites too.
Do you (or anyone) know which Aftermath ended with Adam asking the last line as a question? ("Do you want to scream out no more hiding?") It was at least a month or more ago, and I wish I had saved it then. I just loved it.
And just to add to the hair conversation, I remember giggling at the statement that his hair had its own fan club awhile back, and now I realize I must be part of that fan club. The more of it there is, the more I like it (including the 10 Commandments and Hair looong hair).
The hat is not Adams style.
Way Off Topic:
To MGF, Long ago, during the SYTYCD conversations, I think you asked if I do other dance besides ballet. [Maybe it was G&S who asked?] My very belated answer is mostly ballet, but some contemporary - not remotely as amazing as the SYTYCD kids, but wonderful to do all the same.
I've been meaning to answer you for so long, and then had nearly decided to not ever read hese comments again after how they've been lately, but Kentucky Fan has restored my faith in them today. (knock on wood)
I have not been going back to any threads after commenting - so if you (or anyone) have/has responded to me, tell me and I'll go look. I'll check back on this thread to see.
And a loving hello to all of you who have felt like my Glamily.
Gotta add a couple more hair do's I loved ... finale night ... MAD WORLD (long black coat) ... CHANGE IS GONNA COME (so CLASSY in that suit) and NO BOUNDARIES ... all different styles on the same night ... each of them GORGEOUS!! Who was your stylist then, ADAM? Bring them on board for Glam Nation ... if it was you ... go back to those styles. No more crticizing ... only lamenting! After all ... it IS your hair! Your BEAUTY should be enhanced not diminished ... JMO
Love seeing Adam getting such a turnout in my old home town. He's a great singer and performer and that's what it's about foremost. I'll defend Adam's right to wear whatever hair he wants, but personally don't care for the large shaved areas either.
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