International Glam Nation Tour in Formula 1 Grand Prix Show 1
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Saturday, September 25, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, September 25, 2010
UPDATED 9/26: Added more videos
Adam Singapore Arrival at airport
Opening Medley
Sure Fire Winners
WWFM (Closer version)
If I Had You
Mad World
Music Again
Fans cheering for Adam!
Pictures only for now!
Adam performing Mad World

Adam performing IF I HAD YOU


Here are 2 pictures of Adam leaving venue after the concert. According to Clear_Liqueur on twitter, Adam is in the van and police had to escort Adam.

Adam Singapore Arrival at airport
Opening Medley
Sure Fire Winners
WWFM (Closer version)
If I Had You
Mad World
Music Again
Fans cheering for Adam!
Pictures only for now!
Adam performing Mad World

Adam performing IF I HAD YOU


Here are 2 pictures of Adam leaving venue after the concert. According to Clear_Liqueur on twitter, Adam is in the van and police had to escort Adam.

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This is wonderful, the pics coming in so fast. Can't wait for videos.
glam nation tour in sinapore video pls.
another hot one, temp 81" and 89" humidity.
Hope they all have plenty of water.
WTF are those 8 new steps? Another «Stair to Heaven» ????
My heart is swelling with pride...Adam is truly a World Star now...(sniff, sniff, dabs eyes.....)
@11:23 I don't think those are new steps. They look like step that lead up to the stage. The steps on stage look like the regular ones
Professional video equipment. Was this performance televised, or was this just for news? Anyone know?
Loved seeing all the arms in the air clapping along to IIHY! Crowd seemed to love him! BTW, finally after 4 mo. heard IIHY on radio this a.m. for 1st time. (104.3 for those so. DJ said how much she loves him and the video is so much fun! Adamluv
Great news Adamluv! IIHY did well on VH1 this morning (14 I think) and Jim said some nice things about Adam in his own Jim-ish way, was good.
Thank you...keep the pics and videos coming...
Let's move VH1 up more next week...let BB know we are thinking about him
L & L
Saw something on web saying Adam went conservative in Singapore. I sure didn't see it. Of course, I should know better than to believe what I read about Adam on the web lol
Thanks for uploading these videos for us. Great.
The conservative story on another site lousy video. These videos look pretty good. How many people were there--looks like a lot? So Adam had to be escorted to a van and rushed out of the venue. WOW OMG, I have a feeling he's gona have a lot of this attention on this end of the tour. I think Adam at #12 this week, but not sure. The Asians love him!!! Well who doesn't??? Wait until he get to Hong Kong, it's a wide open City.
To 12:57, I recall Adam on with Jim Shearer and Jim asked him if he would return? Adam said yes, but Jim said, I mean when you are a Super Star. Adam responded, don't I wish, and Jim said, you will be, I've seen a lot of artists and I know the difference. I'll never forget that interview.
HaHa Security Guard watching Adam instead of crowd.
I saw that dumb comment on the Google site about "toning down the show" - didn't even open it. Looks just as edgy, energetic and gorgeous as ever and they were loving it!! OMG - a World full of Glamberitious Adam Fans!! The combination of Adam and Formula One is indescribable joy!!
Wow! so far so good Asia! We are not missing a beat at all. We're getting lots of videos just like what we were accustomed to! Thanks guys! :)
Adam was amazing even after a tiresome trip and still performed like he didn't just arrived from a long trip and probably hardly had any sleep! Just simply incredible!!!
Loving the energy.....adoring fans. Think these foreign venues and new fan faces will pump Adam up. Sooooo happy for him.
OT: Glitzylady - find me on fansite Glitzy1
It looks like our boy is doing pretty darn good in Singapore. I am so happy for him. The crowds love him and I noticed there were lots and lots of young people in the audience. SUPER STAR is right. Now if only the US media would get the message. No coverage of his sold out tour all summer on any of the TV shows. Shame on them. You go Adam.
While Adam is out of the country, let's show our love for him by voting like crazy to get him back to #1 on VH1, even if it's only for the fun of it, and of course requesting him on all the radio stations.
Will do!!!! Same "name" as here???
Adam is #14 in VH1. However, I guess if all of Adam 700,000 tweeter followers vote for him once per week and IIHY once per week, Adam will have a lot of nominations and awards.
But, I just read the article from Singapore newspaper "Adam Lambert steals the show"! Nobody else on this event performed and successfull glamed and bright like Adam like he. We love you, Adam.
Also, I wish one day somebody will realise how talented Adam is and how great this first (but not last)Glamtour and invest some money to hire professional cameraman( I think they need to have 6 or 7 for this show)! I wish I had some many in invest in such a good deal!!!!
Adam you will steal a lot of shows!
Does anyone know where Tommy found his passport??
Glad to see he caught up with the crew!
I sure miss LP. Miss,Miss,Miss him. :)
This was AWESOME! Yes - Adam - world domination! Death by Adam, to all around the globe...woo-hooooo!
- Adam Fix
Has anyone seen any "official" numbers that tells how big this crowd was? They obviously LOVED him. Put a HUGE smile on my face. "You get back what you give" - right, Adam? :)
- Adam Fix
Anon, 10:25, Tommy had to get a new passport.
I heard this was filmed for MTV. Don't know if it's true or not.
Here is the idolforums website with a ton of stuff including a bunch of video's and pics of Adam and the band and of the Singapore show...too many to post.
This one will give you some idea of the throngs of fans all for ADAM!! OMG he is huge there!
@ Daydreamin
HUGE is my faith that this amazing young man will soon become the most adored shining star of our times!
HUGE is the list of sweet Adam's amazing talents.
HUGE is my hope that he makes to keep his brilliance as the great and sweet human being he is.
HUGE is my proud to be a glambert.
HUGE is the white candle with lots of white sugar around that I'll keep alight during all this international glamtour.
And huge is my gratitude to 24/7«Paradise», for keeping me so close to sweet Adam, my gratitude to the «video angels» like suz526, and my gratitude to every glambert from our glamily who reports here their enthusiasm at their live experiences under the Universal Power of Adam Lambert.
Resistance is futile
WORLD IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
world IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WORLD IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WORLD IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More critics, More publicities, More haters only gives Adam more success. Yes!!!Yes!!!
Thanks all u fans around the world Ole!Ole!
I read that Adam's second concert is at the same time as last race...that sucks......hope he stills gets big crowd....
Any pics of second show???
The first show had a crowd of 20,000 fans. It was even louder than the F1! Woohoo!! I was at the front row, and could see that he was really giving his all. I didn't think he toned down the Singapore show at all. We love him lots here. But you know, he sounded raspier than in the Summer tour in the US. I hope he takes care of himself. Can someone in the next few asian venues please send him some bird's next soup.
Just saw full vid of dtrh . As Tommy ended his solo Adam went over to him and they did this little walk in sync to front of stage. Adam had his hand resting on TJ's neck and they just look so sweet and natural together I hope they do more of these moves . Love themmmmm
So what you are saying 11:23 Adam getting a little edgier? Well about time. He may be pushing it a little further aboard. Amazing that after seeing Adam perform, you are lifted to another dimension of glitter, glam and gorgeousness, making you a fan for life. I am certain he is having a profound effect on this young crowd in Singapore.
Again thanks 24/7 for the amazing vids of Adam and the band and dancers. My only request is simple to the people doing the vids is could we please just get a taste about 30 worth of how the crowd react to each song. That would make me feel so much more like I was there. Pretty Please with glitter on it? It makes me so happy to see all the dancing and screaming etc.
I meant 30 seconds more of video! Sorry!
Anon 6:53, I agree...a few seconds of fan reaction and venue sweetp please video takers!
Yay!!! My exotic singing bird had his voice really warmed by humidity when sang SFW!
The very sure fire winner voice, sweet Adam... you sweet show off!!!!! Good bird, good bird!
Latest official numbers of the crowd....
The 1st show at night had more than 45,000 people.
The 2nd show during the day had more than 30,000 people.
I was there the 1st night and watching him live was totally the best thing ever.Worth the wait!Best Birthday present ever!!!
Sadly those watching the 2nd daytime performance didnt get the ADOMMY KISS. BB prob not in the mood to make out during the day...:D
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