Kris Allen: Adam and I are Different
Filed Under (American Idol,Others ) by Admin on Thursday, September 2, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, September 02, 2010
Kris talks about Adam in his new interview.

From California Chronicle:
It was another instance in which Allen didn't seem to get the respect of an "Idol" winner. Lambert, for example, has headlined his first solo tour rather than open for other artists.
But Allen says that, more than a year after he won the "Idol" crown, it's time for fans to stop comparing him with Lambert.
"I think it's almost -- I don't want to say stupid, because that's not the right word. But it's a little crazy to me that people would even -- even on the show that they would compare us," Allen says.
"There's no comparison between me and him. Our music is very different. We are very different. I mean, obviously, we're really good friends. But we're just so different from each other, there's no point in comparing us, because you're not going to come to any kind of conclusion there."

From California Chronicle:
It was another instance in which Allen didn't seem to get the respect of an "Idol" winner. Lambert, for example, has headlined his first solo tour rather than open for other artists.
But Allen says that, more than a year after he won the "Idol" crown, it's time for fans to stop comparing him with Lambert.
"I think it's almost -- I don't want to say stupid, because that's not the right word. But it's a little crazy to me that people would even -- even on the show that they would compare us," Allen says.
"There's no comparison between me and him. Our music is very different. We are very different. I mean, obviously, we're really good friends. But we're just so different from each other, there's no point in comparing us, because you're not going to come to any kind of conclusion there."
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Give Peace a chance..
And thank God they are different!
I'm glad the fan wars stopped...
I liked both Adam and Kris during IDOL...but i'm only following Adam right now. Kris's music isn't my type.
i like them both but adam was the best is the ebst vocal wise. allen just boring and very ordinary voice of his.
And that goes with Me. I dont know Adam Lambet, and he can be talented, but his music is not for me. And I love Kris Allen's music.
There is a lot of shoes that everyone can fill. It is not one shoe fits all. I wish both of them success.
OMG... It's not just Chris and Adam are different! " No one is alike " not even twins!!!
Talent wise... to each his own! Again, it's to everyone's likings! Just like food!
Success wise... heaven & earth difference... need I say more?
Anonymous 3:13, it is YOUR values that need a reality check. Unbelievable !!!!!
Right on Anonymous 3:44. A good example o f the kind of shit that Adam has to overcome. So sad.
To clarify my comment anon 3:44
It's meant for Adam.
Matthew, Calgary , Alberta , Canada
And leave your religions at your home or in your churches, please! This has nothing to do with religion! It's just a silly/stupid question that Chris or Adam has to answer to because they have no choice. So let's give it up! PLEASE!
PEOPLE HEAD OVER TO VH1 and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need more votes to keep Adam stay on the Top 10.
Yeah, Kris, you are different. But shouldn't the WINNER of American Idol be able to draw larger crowds than the runner-up? That is what determines the nature of the tours, not differences in style. Just askin'
Anon 3:46: "May be a practising jew would have very good values. Everyone needs a Higher power to guide how they lead their lives" is a scary statement, esp. on an Adam fansite.
So only religious people who have a "higher power to guide how they lead their lives" have "very good values"?
That's sure a big surprise to most of us here, who may have noticed that Adam, who is not a member of any religion as far as I know, seems to display some "very good values": kindness, thoughtfulness, unselfishness, grace, honesty, loyalty creativity and courage.
anon 4:00 - ugh, please stop with the religion. it is just this type of statement that leads people to avoid others who are 'holier than thow'. you have NO idea what Adam's values are since you do not know him.
If we need bible study or preaching we will attend Sunday school, go to church or better yet study Theology! But not on 24/7, Thank YOU!
It's usually the case, I'm sorry to say this BUT the " religious ones " are the ones to WATCH out for!... so, so sad!:(
Anon: 4:00: Just gobsmacked by this: "his values are not always the best."
I assume that you, like most of the fandom, do not know Adam personally. What else has he done to make you judge him like this? I really wonder about the way the U.S. is getting more and more intolerant and judgmental of anyone who isn't a WASP straight person.
Adam is here to expand our minds, not contract them, people!
My favorite prayer: Lord, please deliver me from your followers!
Stop already would you guys! This is not a religious forum. And people are going to say stupid things.
Kris is not my cup of tea but he is very very talented and very very nice and does NOT deserve the wrath of all of Adam's fans who can't let go of the fact that Adam should have won. Let it go folks! They are both doing well and we should grow up and hope they both have great success!
Uuuuummmmm 3:46 "Everyone needs a Higher power to guide how they lead their lives." Speak for yourself honey. Im not knocking anyone who follows whatever god they follow but that doesnt mean we are required to believe in anything more powerful. I reject all organized religions and most higher power ideologies. And guess what? Im still a good person and I still know how to have a good time. WOOTS!
The religious right and the hippies must have something in common..
Holy Batman, I don't think anyone thought this post would start a HOLY WAR!!! This whole thing is better than the funny papers. It's apples and oranges. Like Black or White, only Nice or Sexy--you choose. This is a democracy remember? It's about singing, or more to the point singers. All cave dweller can now put down their clubs. Everyone to the right and those to the left line up. Now two steps to the center and doozy doo.
I love it when hes lewd on stage. The more foul mouthed the better!! Hes jsut being himself so leave him alone. If you dont like foul language, dont speak it. If you dont like hearing it, dont go to his show. WOOTS!!
Gooooooooooo AWAY booooooooooring people!!! I think your church is open now, GO! They don't drink or swear there... so please hang out there and not on 24/7! Please do us a favor!
I am sorry, I didn't realise that all Adams followers were athiest, how sad.
Again anon 4:25 you are being judgemental! Leave the judging to the higher power! WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE US? Who died and made you God? :))
LOL too funny!! Just because someone doesnt believe in GEE OH DEE doesnt mean they are a horrible person for fucks sake!! I educate YOUR children for a living. How you like them apples?
what are these idiots doing on this blog, 3:13 and 3:46. They can't wait to spew their hate. Adam is a loving person and everyone who meets him has the best things to say about him. Going into a church and praying doesn't make you a better person. I always believed in a person's actions speaking much louder than words. Anyone can pray doesn't meet diddly squat its how you treat your fellow man and that means not bring up religion and spouting stupid words like "being a christian makes a person better" Bull Sh*t.
Anon @ 3:13 PM, one being Christian and the other not is a difference, but it is not the biggest difference between Kris and Adam. I think what Kris and Adam are talking about when they speak of differences is the style and content of their performances and the type of music they choose to perform.
To the religious ones, if you want some respect left in you... if I were you, I'll quit now while you're ahead, before you dig yourself deeper... for crying out LOUD!!!
Can we all just agree that they ARE VERY DIFFERENT.
One is not better than the fact if you ask them THEY would agree that neither is better, just different. They are in fact still good friends.
Whoever introduced the religious aspect to this conversation needs to rethink doing that again. Their talent, performance style and success level is not religiously based.
Values are a very broad-spectrum category, and is subjective, so let's not bring that into it either.
Bottomline: Each has their own talent, style and fanbase. You listen and follow who you like. No need to "bash" the others followers.
Some people need to take a step back, breathe deep for a minute and move on to a more positive vein.
This cat-fighting is neither attractive or productive. Let's evolve shall we?
MODERATOR, WHERE ARE YOU ? This is an Adam Lambert site, not a church site. Please delete Anon 4:14.
We must keep him on the top 10 this week!
4:45 I'm 4:14, but guess who talked about freedom of expression?
HA! I knew if I stepped away from this site the Good vs Bad would return, or is that left vs right, or good vs evil! Since I don't have a PHd in theology any more than most of the rest of you, can we return to the subject at hand. It was music!!! Kris and Adam are friends who have entirely different music styles. Kris would look strange with a top hat singing Voodoo, and we would probably throw things from the audience if Adam stood on the stage behind a guitar and sang.
IMO -Adam acknowledges a higher power everytime he talks about the universe. Kris is a Christian. And so? Are they running for office? Are they competing for head of your church? NO! They are singers. It is a shame that the magic that happened on AI between these two men unraveled in the real world. I blame it on marketing. I also believe that Adam is the same friend, but alas Kris' marketing seems to want to put distance in the picture. I respect Allison so much. She was and is openly Adam's friend. As it should be. Kris, I still think you are quite a guy, but misguided by marketing. Real friendship is hard to find and you found it in Adam. I truly hope both men find extreme success because their friendship was magic - fan wars and marketing beat it down. Maybe someday when they are both successful we will see them sing We Are The Champions again on the same stage.
Let me add to my post above @ 4:33 PM. I am Christian and I know other people who call themselves Christians that I couldn't be MORE different from. You judgemental people who call yourselves Christians should read Matthew Ch.7 and 1st Corinthians Ch. 13 a little more carefully and adjust your attitudes accordingly.
Why do people feel the urge to comment if they are not sure of what they are saying? FUck! To all the hypocrites here, STFU you Ignorant bastards! Oh and for the record, whoever is complaining about the Lewd performances and the swearing on stage...Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck...million times. GeeZ I wanna throw up in all of your mouths right now...WTF
And anon 4:14, get a life!
Sucks to be Kris Allen...he will be known through his whole career as the guy who should not have won over Adam Lambert, and the reason he won was because a flawed voting system that allowed AT&T to arrange power texting of thousands of votes from a small group of people from Kris's home state of Arkansas. :)
kris is a D-bag
ZZ Will you have my babies?? WOOTS!!
Really who is comparing Kris to Adam? They are both in the pop genre. It is the media that want to point out that Adam is headlining and Kris is sometimes opening for others. The media needs to leave that alone. I really care more about the friendship of two really great guys. Sometimes the path to stardom is just different for each person.
It's 4:14 again. I guess it shows that I'm not Anglo-American, huh?
@ Urethra_Franklin...I would love to have your fuckin babies Hon! But I don't think I can handle the ending though, the beginning is RAD. 50-50 cool with you?
FYI, all the "Hypocrites/fake christians" here are invited to attend the "Fucking"(as in making babies, in your language) cremony of ZZ and Uretha_Franklin LMFAO
Rock and Roll. Adam says fuck because Adam says fuck. Lewd is a state of mind. So far I haven't seen Adam do a single lewd thing. And off stage - I'd venture to say that most women can relate...I'll leave that to your imagination. Love Mr. Adam Lambert. ZZ has it so right.
@ Cheryl "Really who is comparing Kris to Adam?"...The Deafs and the Blinds, I guess ???
Oh lawdy tee claude...ZZ youre turning me on!!!
I have a joke for you guys.
If Adam (as in Adam and Eve, for those who do not know what I am talking about) had been oriental, there wouldn't be all the problems we are having in the world today.
Because Adam would have eaten the snake!!
LOL, made me laugh when I first heard it!
ADMINISTRATOR/MODERATOR: please, please never post anything on this site that Kris says, has his name mentioned, shows a picture of him, gives any information about him. Do you see how people react? THIS HAS TO STOP NOW.
Alrighty then, here's another Adam and Eve joke:
If Eve wore a fig leaf, what did Adam wear?
A hole in it!
A can of worms has been opened!!
That's to be expected whenever anything Kris Allen is posted. Exclusion of KA articles would be the best preventative measure...
Ignorant comments and negativity are unbecoming.
No this is all good. All this must be done.
I thought the Admin already has realized and has stopped posting anything abt the midget.
It irks me to see his face here. Is he still singing?
Kris fans did him no favors voting him as winner of AI. Just ended up making him look like a underachieving douchebag.
Im certainly not deaf or blind, but who starts all this commotion by comparing Kris and Adam - the media asks the questions, and then we comment. I try to stay neutral but if I err, I err on the side of Adam Lambert because in the end he is the one totally being himself. NO BS.
The second I saw the Kris post, I knew it would get ugly! But it never occurred to me the subject of religion would come up? Ridiculous! There is a GREAT fan made video I saw recently with WWFM spliced into Kris' new music video, and I wanted to comment on it here but I didnt since I knew what would happen. How very sad! They are both talented performers that I hope go on to have fab. careers. Their singing and performing styles are totally different and should never be compared. Notes to Cheril, ZZ, and Urethra F. good points made!! I used to visit a blog daily that was for Adam and Kris fans and saw the best videos of those two together. They both seemed so joyful and happy in each others presense so it makes me sad when I hear fans speak so crudely and harshly of either one of them. Enuf said . . . . Adamluv
you don't need to be a christian to have good values! adam was raised up with good values. religion has nothing to do to become a good person.
24/7 moderator -- By posting anything remotely connected to something that happened 1½ years ago on a TV show, you are perpetuating what we are ALL trying to get rid of: The constant media references to Adam Lambert as a runner up of that show. ADAM LAMBERT IS SO BEYOND THAT, HE'S A STAR, PERIOD!
Why this thread? This person, KA, probably knew that by mentioning Adam's name, people would read the article. Everyone these days is USING Adam Lambert's name to get views on their sites.
24/7 is losing some heavy commentators lately due to some integrity issue. This blog used to be a happy place for Adam fans around to radiate positive energy. Maybe it has change hand, see what happen now, the only reason to put Kris on is to draw view count and I am on
I really didnt want to comment on this religion-gone-wrong thread, but I wonder what you think Gandhi? He wasnt a Christian, but people around the world, Christian and non alike, honour him for his contribution to civil rights for all. Starting in India, and spreading throughout the world. You may have heard of a Christian named Martin Luther King, who took the teachings of Gandhi and fought for civil rights for black people, women, and minorities. To say that only Christians have good values is being narrow minded, and as a Christian you should know better!
You know what some say about those ones in the FIRST church pew on Sunday morning... They were the LAST ones outta the whore house on Saturday night.
24/7 regular
Thanks to the admins for cleaning out the trashy comments!!
I wonder why Kris fans read Adam's fan blogs?? Looks like a lot of stalking him.
Kris Fuckin Who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its Adam Lambert I Love and I ONLY Ever want to hear about on 24/7
I'm from the UK and Kris Bleeding Allen means nothing to me!!!
I am glad Adam didn't win American Idol and be moulded into some mundane boring country singer in a check shirt....Adam got what he wanted a Record Deal and a SOLD OUT GLAM NATION TOUR and the rest is HISTORY...end of!!!
Hey ZZ.....hope you have'nt been throwing lager over your laptop again xx
Loving that Lambert
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK......
see no mention of religion...its easy try it!!!
This is like bizarro world. I think Kris as an artist IS definitely different than Adam. Adam is pretty unique for a guy singer right now with his costumes and dancers and disco, pop, glam, rock 'n roll sound.
But guys, come on. Adam likes Kris, for real and Kris likes Adam, for real. As their fans, lets trust their judgment, whether Budhist or Baptist or Jew or wicken for that matter.
Oh for f*** sakes (see, I know that word too) , I'm not saying what religion I am, or if I have any affiliation at did this religion discussion start on a minor little thread about some inconsequential "news", and old news at that....Oh, I know: some troublemaker came on here, saw an opportunity to stir things up and then off it went...There are surely more important things to be discussed, like what a truly inspirational human being Adam is, even if he does say F*** on stage on occasion...Oh, and whether ZZ will have Urethra Franklin's babies....My co-workers and I, when we are having a particularly bad day ( YOU work in a dental office every day and see how much fun THAT can be on occasion...some of the patients are SO thrilled to be there LOL!!!) will go off in a corner and chant F***, F***,F***........because it just sometimes needs to be said and nothing else says it quite like that....and some of the participants (I told you I'm not saying what my religion is or isn't...) are Christians....All have great "values" and no harm, no foul....Anyone who judges Adam to be lacking in "good values" because of his occasional use of that word or being a little sexy on stage (or being gay....) really doesn't get it, or for that matter , because he isn't Christian, and therefore somehow not worthy of respect, is just ignorance and narrow thinking ...(sorry)... Not getting into that way...And at the risk of getting into trouble (again...) I really don't spend much time thinking about the "other guy"....Adam is his friend, enough said...Things have worked out well (understatement...) for Adam, he is grateful, and I'm sure "the other guy" is happy as well...Money has been made, opportunities are out there for both of them, and I like to come here to talk about Adam sometimes (LOL...) so let's talk about Adam....And yes, thanks for getting rid of the truly nasty or disrespectful glad i didn't see them...
I am a major Adam fan, that's why i am here. i have to say that this negative attitude that some still have regarding Kris Allen baffles me. i could understand this reaction the first hot minute after the AI finale, but it has been well over a year. Adam is even more amazing now than I anticipated he would be. As he has said countless times, the outcome did not matter. Kris is a fellow artist with a different musical pov than Adam. I gravitate towards Adam, but that does not mean that kris is untalented or, as mentioned on this thread a d-bag. Adam is all about positivity. Let's try to remember that going forward.
Glitzylady and GIOW/UK - Amen!!
ZZ and Urethra_Franklin makin' babies...sounds intreguing, would be curious to see that - can I watch? (**evil grin**)
- Adam Fix
God is love, God doesn't hate. Chris
is his friend and yes they are different. I have many friends that are different from me. I
don't like how bloggers attack each other as if one is correct and the other is wrong. Remember we all are who we are, with our own minds and opinions.
Adam is doing great and that is what is important.
There will always be people who don't like one or the other and that is their right. Being hateful or snarky is not going to change their minds, it will just encourage them to be more hateful and snarky.
This article ... NOT about religion ... only comparison in music styles ... one multi-genre (ADAM) ... the other one genre. Also style of dress .. persona .. only similarities ... BOTH nice guys who have embraced their differences & have become & remained friends in SPITE of them. How? They truly love each other & their fellow man/woman. Can't we follow their example? Why don't we at least TRY??
Love & Light
Having read all the comments, it seems that most people agree that Adam and Kris are very different musically, and both are where they want to be right now. Although there was a couple of negative comments directed at Kris, most of the comments seem to be in defence of Adam and the people who said that 'because he's not a christian' then he has no morals and is not a 'good' person. In which case I think they have a right to be angry, as anyone can see that Adam seems to be as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside. He does nothing but promote tolerance, acceptance, equality and love. Surely those are the things that make a person 'good' not whether they go to church on a sunday.
HK fan
I am a Kris fan but have an immense respect for Adam and his craft. I admire them both very much for entirely different reasons. I imagine each of you posting here have many different musical artists you enjoy, so why is it so hard to accept that there is room in this business for both of these very talented men? They have both worked hard and deserve to do well and be thought of as deserving.
To the loving Adam fans who like to say Kris sucks and is boring I would like to say you might want to rethink how you express yourself. I for example am not that fond of Adam's music at all, but I would never say he sucks, or that I find him screechy or lacking in morals. He may not be my favorite but I can see how he might be a favorite for someone else. So why be mean (people of both fandoms)? It just makes you look small.
One last thing. I don't think anyone is stalking Adams blogs. This blog post mentions Kris so it shows up on Kris's blog feed when his fans google him for news. Kris fans don't exactly want him being brought up on Adam's fanspots either because we really don't want to see the kind of response that it brings. Peace......
Where is all of this hate coming from? Certainly not Adam and Kris. How disappointing in must be for both of them to see their fans attacking each other, dragging religion into it and beating A dead horse! It serves no purpose and is pointless, just argueing for the sake of argueing and trying to push each others buttons. Frankly, it's pretty tiresome and petty. Twice now, I've gone to a GNT and talked up what a great bunch of people are on 24/7 and how much fun it is. Both times now, within days an ugly Kris/Adam war has erupted, showing nothing but ignorant, petty behavior. Idol is over. Get over it and move on! Any new person visiting this site seeing this ridiculous sniping would be appalled and disappointed. There's no reason why there shouldn't be a mention of Kris without Adam's fans getting in an uproar and nasty. He's a performer and decent guy. By the same token, Kris' fans need to go elsewhere if they can't be respectful of Adam and his fans. If you think Adam doesn't meet your religious or moral standards, why are you even here? Stick to a gospel channel and all will be where they are comfortable. Life is too short for this negative meanness. Nothing at all like the beautiful oneness experienced at Adam's very happy, positive concerts. Time to respect Adam and Kris and not tarnish their joy and happiness at being allowed to realize their dreams. Be happy for them and give them your love and support, not bitterness and negativity. The world is big enough for both men and I am glad for them. Peace!!! funbunn40
Gosh, I'm still just want to say that in case I wasn't clear...I like KA just fine and have nothing against him, I just worry about mentioning his name because every time there is ANY mention of him, all hell breaks loose and things get ugly ( I remember the last time...oh dear God...) , so I just try to refrain from talking about him...No disrespect meant at all... They have gone their separate ways, are doing their own music with their own slightly crazy fans and loyal fans (myself included...), which is of course as it should be...And I agree that everyone has a right to their opinion re Kris, Adam or whatever else they have an opinion about, but as @HK fan above said, I will defend Adam as strongly as I can when I hear others opinions regarding his lack of "good values" for just simply not sharing the same religion as another person or for saying the occasional "swear word" on stage. We all have opinions about the kissing, each his own, that's fair....Being gay is not a "value" in my opinion, by the way..It is just part of who you are, it is not a decision to be made . Values can be different for each of us and I believe that Adam shares many of same ones that I feel are most important, but of course that is a judgement call for each individual....Kindness, generosity, fairness, honesty, turning the other cheek (so often Adam does this when faced with adversity and criticism, except when it involves his friends, then look out!), loyalty, his loving nature, respectfulness, close to his family and treats him mom well (extra points in my book), the list of positive "values" goes on for him...He's not perfect but neither am I (I "talk" too much for one thing...) While this thread was originally not about all of that, it sort of went that as a result the comments evolved, or devolved into that discussion...And as @HK fan said "Adam seems to be as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside" which is what ultimately matters to me...
1:59 a.m. you stated everything beautifully. I also think the Adam/Kris discussion represents some of what is going on in our country. It is simply a reflection of the major split among the American people. We all hear enough politics and preaching over news networks. We don't need to hear it on this site. Let's keep it focused on Da Main Man!!
So, when the Kriscranks can't find anything else to say they turn to religion..get serious ha...Adam is outselling outsinging and out performing end of the story. The music industry needs to cut their losses with Allen, and the DJ's in Arkansas have lost tons of listeners because they promote his awful song. do I hear a hog call, I think thats what they do for fun. UGH.
I actually feel sorry for Kris. He isn't a great singer but having to be linked for the rest of his life with Awesome Adam would be difficult for any performer.
Kris will be remembered for the AI voting scandal and will only be mentioned in articles about Adam if even that, at some point.
People should leave the guy alone. How embarrassing it must be for him right now. Adam sells out venues and even causes a stir if he cuts his hair(!) and Kris is a almost a ghost in the music world...unless an Adam Lambert article is written!
Well said Funbunn40 and Glitzlady! I had the same experience telling fans about this 24/7 site at the one concert I attended and the next time I tuned in there was some negative "stuff" going on.
But, you ladies just said it all.
Poor, Kris. The worse thing that ever happened to him was Adam Lambert "losing"!
....then, No Boundries....
I have a lot of empathy for Kris in this regard as well. I hope that's not taken as a slight or snark, as I mean it in the most sincere way. MGF.
adam lambert followers not only an athiest but catholic im catholic.why u said adams follower are athiest only.any religion adma lambert followers jewish catholic some christian and catholic. adam lambert is all about his voice his music and he very popular all over the wrld now.hes jewish-scandenavian european descent.
People on this post are forgetting that Adam fans are worldwide. We may have other problems, but we do not relate AT ALL to all your internal religious divides.
Please talk ONLY about Adam Lambert, his music, his incredible voice.
Every night before I go to sleep I pray for Adam. I pray for his success and prosperity. I pray that he is safe and sound always. I firmly believe that all my prayers are being granted. Amen.
Poor Kris... I agree the worst thing that ever happened to him was winning by Ark. cheating! And the religion thing, religion in general, and
Rush Lumbaugh, et al, are crutches for people who don't know how to think for themselves, in my opinion. I love Adam, he is beautiful in every way and God would be estatic to create such a lovely human being. Kris fans can't stay away from Adam sites...heh heh.
Kris fan @ 1:28AM...
I will speak only for myself and from my point of view: I don't believe the majority of Adam fans are Kris "haters". I do think that sometimes many on this site can get a little heated about certain things especially if it attacks Adam as a human being.
And I think this thread was okay until a person invoked religion, stating that Kris was Christian and Adam had no religion. Also that because of religion, Kris had better "values" and Adam had none. That's really where the s**t hit the fan.
In summary: Adam and Kris are friends. No one should be making negative comments about either.
I can only imagine what Adam must think of his fans after reading threads like this.
How about we put all our egos and personalities in check when we enter this lovely 24/7 site!!!
Good weekends to you all!
PLEASE NO more Talk about kris allen,enuff is enuff,we International ADAM Fans have NO interest in kris allen at all!only the Beautiful Adam Lambert,thankyou
P = Perfectly
R = Reasonable
S = Suggestion
So enjoy your participation here PRS! MGF.
Well, don't check ALL of your personality at the door people :)!!!! That might limit some of the good fun, lol, and I'd bet PRS would concur :). MGF.
what a fucking mess
24/7 ..... please no more Kris Allen stories!!!!
Oh wow this thread exploded and I missed all the fun yesterday!
Sending love and glitter into the universe this new day. Hope it falls on all of the negativity and reminds us of the talent and great performers out there that we all enjoy. Their music lifts me up and makes me happy. I wish the same for all of you. funbunn40
Thanks for the kind acronym.
To clarify, I said to keep the ego/personalty "in check", not check them at the door thus getting rid of altogether.
I love the diversity of this site, and I love the passionate posters. I may slow my participation at times, but I'll always return because the wonderful people at 24/7 make it such a fun place to visit.
M = My
G = Goof-up
F = Friend
Ha PRS @11:38am, yes yes - clarification understood (and actually, I knew that's what you meant/intended to begin with...I was just in silly mode when I posted the second time, thinking of ZZ and Urethra F and such, and didn't say it right with MY words, lol, very glad you commented on it!!) Can't wait for show tonight...hope BB had a good day off and is invigorated by the fresh air of the venue.
MGF (MassGlamFan :))
and oh, also, I howled at Anony 10:23am's brief post... I don't know if I was supposed to laugh or not, but I did... cuz yes PRS, I like the passionate posters to... between passion and apathy, I'll choose passion every time :). MGF.
What a treat this blog has been. The religious zealots have come unglued, the Adam fans have gone beserk, and the Kris fans have been in full-blown hysteria. Way to go people!!! This is more fun than watching the Simpsons insult everyone and everything. Guessing here that the whole who should have won S8 has not been layed to rest even if that corpse has been rotting a long while. Time to drop an F bomb or 2--oops better not, 24/7 is monitoring us (Big Brother). If you want to hear the F bomb, go to the mall and listen to all the kids. LOL My dark side is getting darker and darker.
Why there's an angel in the beginning of Sleepwalker. It confuses.
The Darker Side, thanks for the amusing post. Aint people an interesting species? Adamluv
Funbunn40 and glitzy lady: Wonderful posts!!!!!!
Well, well, well... I'm really glad that while this battle was being fought here my personal battle in the hotel «Hell's Kitchen» was much easier to win ...with rice, eggs, onions, spices, potatles, fruits etc. Oh, yeahhh, I was on fire but by the heat of the oven and stove...
Thanks God I'm late for comments in this ugly thread, but if you fellows don't mind I have a couple of things to say: 1) I'm not a Kriss Allen hater, I'm only a sweet Adam Lambert lover; 2) I can't remember where the glamhell I left my brazilian book of Exorcisms! Glamshit! I'd feel so lost if I'd have to use it in 24/7 Paradise again...
@ Fan4fun, Keep looking! You need to find your Brazilian book. I thought I was in Hell's Kitchen! haha funbunn40
Well good. I missed all the yelling and screaming. I do wonder why Kris and Adam appearing in the same sentence cause such an explosion of energy and hateful attitudes. Like who you like and don't like who you don't like. REalize the're just a couple of really nice and talented kids who love music and are trying to make a go of it as a business. The common tread is creativity and music. Otherwise they're really different producing entirely different styles. There's enough room on this planet to embrace multiple artists.
okay guys just want tolet u know that I am a devoted fan of Adam Lambert and I adores him so much. Don't blame on Kris when he won the american Idol, it's only about politics men. Poor Kris he seems a nice guy but I'm telling you the success of each one of them always depend on the fans. Adam Lambert fans shows how much they care about him that's why he is known around the world. About Kris fans, I respect you all and I hope that he can get more base fan around the world too like Adam.
Adam is a good person and a friend to Kris so hopefully the fans stop comparing and listen to Kris wishes not to compare him with Adam. Peace that's all we need in this planet and enjoy the concerts.
get over it friends Adam is a superstar. For Kris I wish him the best too. NO more fighting.............amen
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