The Most Popular Gays on Twitter
Filed Under (news,twitter ) by Admin on Friday, September 3, 2010
Posted at : Friday, September 03, 2010
From The Advocate:
With nearly 6 million followers, Lady Gaga is the most popular person on Twitter. Now see how the top 15 gay and lesbian celebrities on Twitter stack up.

1. Ellen DeGeneres, TV Host/Comedian | 5,151,765 followers | @TheEllenShow
2. Perez Hilton, Blogger | 2,378,242 followers | @PerezHilton
3. Stephen Fry, Actor/Writer | 1,746,386 followers | @stephenfry
4. Rachel Maddow, TV Host | 1,679,131 followers | @maddow
5. Samantha Ronson, DJ/Musician | 1,564,457 followers | @samantharonson
6. Ricky Martin, Musician | 1,549,607 followers | @ricky_martin
7. Michael Ausiello, Blogger for | 1,123,498 followers | @MichaelAusiello
8. Lindsay Lohan, Actress | 1,091,073 followers | @lindsaylohan
9. Suze Orman, Financial Adviser and TV Host | 1,060,245 followers | @SuzeOrmanShow
10. Neil Patrick Harris, Actor | 777,462 followers | @ActuallyNPH
11. Adam Lambert, Musician | 635,930 followers | @adamlambert
12. Alan Carr, Comedian | 563,293 followers | @AlanCarr
13. Michael Buckley, YouTube Personality | 527,314 followers | @buckhollywood
14. Karl Lagerfeld, Fashion Designer | 308,900 followers | @Karl_Lagerfeld
15. Chris Colfer, Actor | 282,970 followers | @chriscolfer
All of the people above Adam was on twitter for at least THREE years! So Adam is doing really well for being on Twitter for only ONE year!
Congrats Adam!
With nearly 6 million followers, Lady Gaga is the most popular person on Twitter. Now see how the top 15 gay and lesbian celebrities on Twitter stack up.

1. Ellen DeGeneres, TV Host/Comedian | 5,151,765 followers | @TheEllenShow
2. Perez Hilton, Blogger | 2,378,242 followers | @PerezHilton
3. Stephen Fry, Actor/Writer | 1,746,386 followers | @stephenfry
4. Rachel Maddow, TV Host | 1,679,131 followers | @maddow
5. Samantha Ronson, DJ/Musician | 1,564,457 followers | @samantharonson
6. Ricky Martin, Musician | 1,549,607 followers | @ricky_martin
7. Michael Ausiello, Blogger for | 1,123,498 followers | @MichaelAusiello
8. Lindsay Lohan, Actress | 1,091,073 followers | @lindsaylohan
9. Suze Orman, Financial Adviser and TV Host | 1,060,245 followers | @SuzeOrmanShow
10. Neil Patrick Harris, Actor | 777,462 followers | @ActuallyNPH

11. Adam Lambert, Musician | 635,930 followers | @adamlambert
12. Alan Carr, Comedian | 563,293 followers | @AlanCarr
13. Michael Buckley, YouTube Personality | 527,314 followers | @buckhollywood
14. Karl Lagerfeld, Fashion Designer | 308,900 followers | @Karl_Lagerfeld
15. Chris Colfer, Actor | 282,970 followers | @chriscolfer
All of the people above Adam was on twitter for at least THREE years! So Adam is doing really well for being on Twitter for only ONE year!
Congrats Adam!
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Wow! Adam has only been in the public eye as a star for a year 1/2.
Thanks for the 3 vs. 1 yr. clarification! My first reaction was WTF? Adamluv
Because you're easy to love bb! An eye candy, huge talent and great personality! All together now... " the complete package! " :)
OT but heard that Camila and her group(duo) Uh Huh Her will be playing at the Duluth Gay Pride parade tomorrow, and that Zac (the keyboard player from Fantasy Springs who has been touring with Korn) will step in and take her place for a couple shows. Rumor only? We shall see. Adamluv
videos are up from tonights show...thanks SUZ526
Pretty impressive, considering the length of time Adam has been in the public eye. The downside of so many followers is chances are slim to none that the celebrity will ever see your tweets and respond. Not enough hours in the day for them to read them.It's still fun to read them. Adam's Dad, Eber is really funny. His thought processes are priceless! funbunn40
Perez Hilton? Must've paid off people to get that many followers.
Hey Fans - off topic but I'm not sure if I'll be around later for the Des Moines concert vids thread - so I just wanted to throw out there that if 24/7 chooses to put up the Suz vids (love 'ya Suz, so appreciative :)) - also check out the Libracats concert vids - some good stuff. Here's Fever link for example:
Have a great weekend all, MGF
Love background on Pic.........
Lindsay Lohan is wonder guys are gaga over her....she has nothing else....
Love NPH even tho it took him awhile to come out
he's just so classy....
The reason Adam didn't crack the I million is because A LOT of his fand DON"T have Twitter. Let's face it. some of us don't even text. you know what I mean?? Twiter is a YOUNG generation gagget. I got one so I could follow Adam. But, REALLY, how mant of you, Here,on this thread, have Twitter????
BTW, LOVE the photo.
Let's hope we votted to keep Adam on the TOP 10 on VH1.
Israeli fan <3
I only have twitter because of Adam
Also if this is 24/7.....why so long to get videos from concerts when they are already on youtube????????
Just popped on the tv while finishing packing -
The good news, I clicked right into the beginning of IIHY on VH1
The other good news, they played the whole video
More good news, those vocals - aaahhh (and white pants :))
The good, but not great news, #15
It's okay IMHO - still on Top 20, lots of good new music out, it's okay.
Keep requesting radio, that chart-related placement more important at this point IMO. MGF.
i don't get articles like this, why do they gave a list of "gay" people that twitter?? why not popular people that twitter, or young people that twitter, old people, why put "gays" in a list??? this is just is stupid
I agree... looking forward to the day that we're all just equal people,without labels.
I'm saying this again, once you accept that he's gay there's no need to talk about that he's gay and no need for him to kiss Tommy on stage.
To answer the question at 8:02am, the Advocate is a gay oriented publication so probably why the list is that particular focus. Most likely other lists exist elsewhere..
And just a tip that I just got around to figuring out (maybe I'm the only one who didn't think of this sooner): If you want to see Suz526's GlamNation Videos literally the second she uploads them onto YouTube, you can go to her Twitter page and just click on the link...She is really fast getting them up there..And you don't have to have a Twitter account yourself to access them....Of course you can to directly to YouTube but its also fun to read her comments...
I think my cat «ICON» besides glam is also GAY!!! He is always licking (on my laptop screen)sweet Adam, sometimes Tommy... even sweet Adams's BODY GUARD and three or four of his MALE fans!!!! If my cat is not «gay», at least he is turning a very good «licker»....Glamshit! I guess I got a «tongue diving CAT»! Ha!
@Fan4funn, Think one of my cats is too! Everytime I watch Adam's video of Strut, he jumps up on my lap and tries to get on my laptop! Even the animal kingdom can't resist Adam! funbunn40
Fan4fun, You are the. very. best.! Very funny comments about your cat. Funbunn40, my dogs really respond when I dance around the room to Adam - animals sense your emotions and they know how happy the music makes me feel! Adamluv
Guess all our pets including my 2 Glitterbabies girl Cats and 2 fierce boy cats...they all love hearing Adam..but they have not been licking the computer screen as they leave that to mummy lol
Glambert Isle of Wight UK
Glambrit IofW, You have them well trained. I'm still laughing at your mummy comment! Adamluv
Hi Adamluv,funbunn,Fan4fun...its so nice to still have our silly banter..what with all the Negative Shit thats been going on here on 24/7..over the last week or so...whats that all about...wheres all the love all gets sooooo deep and not,d think loving Adam would generate enough postive vibes for most folk..anyways sad to hear LP going,gonna miss that guy...well back to tongue diving/licking my computer screen everytime i see Adam,thats about as close as i am going to in the UK....dont know whats up with promotion for Adam over here! sure is frustrating for us Brit fans..
back to catching up with more glam nation tour vids how spoilt are we on 24/7 gawd bless em
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Get the list with the exception of Lady Gaga. Can't recall reading/hearing she was gay. Believe she stated on Barbara Walters Interview she was bi. Back in the day, many rockers,musicians professed to being bi, it was kind of a R&R thing. Much of it was hype.
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