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NegativeNeil: Sleepless in Singapore

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 24, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 24, 2010


Anonymous said...

Oh hi Neil... finally we're seeing & hearing more of you! Not just from peoples tweets. You should do more of this... I like! Remember the inside stuff you promised earlier?!! You're on the right track. Speaking of tracks, so sorry for you, the Glam Troupe you all need rest. Especially Adam, he needs his rest to be able to perform at his best! Poor bb :(
Maybe a shot of spirits might help & an earplug!:) then zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Btw great view Neil!!! You're right wtf? shouldn't they be racing during day time? huh?

Anonymous said...

OMG! How will Adam Lambert be able to rest enough to give a terrific show? And, if he doesn't perform 200% because he has not had any sleep, will his whole world tour be judged on this first performance? What was his management thinking in choosing a hotel so close to the circuit? Adam, please give 1000% of yourself EVEN if you haven't slept for 2 days at the time of this event! We are supporting you for afar.

Anonymous said...

re last post: supporting you FROM afar!

Princessshakeitup said...

Oh baby! Isn't this the same sound'track' they used to drive the Branch Davidians out of the Waco compound!? I love the sound of a racetrack but NOT outside my hotel room for 24 hours a day! SOMEONE go get Neil and Adam and the rest of the band and get them to a Sleep Inn Singapore or something! WTF indeed!

Anonymous said...

That is the funnies fricking video...feel bad he is going through that but LMAO ! He is so funny.

Anonymous said...

I suggest some earplugs, and a shot of Jack Daniels. Then chill, brother, chill. Other suggestion would be to move hotels!! Just a thought!!!

Anonymous said...

HOW CRUEL!!!!!!!! I would be at the front desk screaming or screaming at Adam's management to get them out of there. That is insane!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good one Anon 10:32! I was thinking that myself!

Anonymous said...

Re: Neil's video ... absolutely hilarious!! Poor guy ... I'd be going WHACKO!! Hate noise!

Where is ADAM performing? Hopefully FAR away from all that roaring ... my hubby said they're gonna have to go to Taiwan if they want to sleep ... LOL ... Poor Glamily ... they have to be there for TWO WHOLE DAYS? Somebody PLEEZE do SOMETHING! QUICK!!


coloforadam said...

Poor Glamily???? Are you people freakin' crazy??? I would give ANYTHING to be there - would put my pillow on the balcony and drink it up!! A Formula One experience is SO rare!! That group of wild kids will find a way to sing up a storm, dance like banshees and feel the power of those magnificent engines under their feet. The drivers are QUALIFYING through the night - just the tickets to watch that would put me back a few months of pay. Can you imagine the price of those exquisite hotel rooms - in the middle of the course!! I know people who would die for that experience. Neil is sounding ..... errrr, OLD!! What's that saying - if it's too loud, you're too old!! I'm sure Sir Adam is fine - what he does with those IPOD earphones would probably shock the oil out of a Formula One car. (This blog is slipping back into a Mommy-phase again.)

Urethra_Franklin said...




Anonymous said...

And I'm cast away here in Azores (poor me) thinking that I AM THE INSANE ONE?... Lol!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha oh that did make me laugh...sorry neil but that was really funny...WTF!!!!

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

If you will perform in F1Rocks you must know you will encounter F1 race engines around. Singapore GP is glamorous.
Adam needs to be very near of the facilities bc he is performing inside the whole Circuit.

Look for zone 4 and 1:

Anonymous said... funny!! Monte tweeted that the Hotel provides earplugs with the room...I think Neil needs to use them! ;D

Anonymous said...

Neil is not only negative, he's kind of on the slow side, if you get my drift. There are earplugs that drown out all sound, Neil. Go get some and go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

@Neil Lambert, I am so glad you made a video for us. I am having such withdrawals and have been thinking we could ask you to come to our rescue with a few pics and vids. You did this without me even asking!! Thanks a million. I will be patiently waiting for more. Please, pretty Please send us plenty. Love to you Mr. Neil Lambert. :) (very good and humours video)

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! You made me laugh so hard I just cannot believe that is around a hotel. Not much sleep tonight....coma is next from exhaustion. You are so funny sometimes reality is funnier than ficton. Right?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Neil.............
Beauty tip #1
Preparation H for puffiness under the eyes ;)
Is Adam in that Hotel too? Share with him, he needs to looks prettiful :P---wink----

Anonymous said...

We had the Grand Prix races come to my town a couple of years ago and I could hear the sounds of the cars in the qualifying matches into the night from my house about 15 miles away. I live in the foothills, so there was some sound bounce off the hills. I can't imagine what our poor Glamily is going through. They need to use those earplugs or move many miles away to another hotel. Where is that bus when you need it?

Glitz and Sparkles said...

That's hilarious......that'll be a life long memory. C'mon ... be glad that you're part of it.
(think he is)

Anonymous said...

He is too funny!!