Pictures of the Incident
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, September 16, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, September 16, 2010

According to monstersandcritics:
‘He was on the beach with about six people,’ said an eyewitness.
‘They were all rocker types. Some of them were in the water but Adam was sitting in a chair playing about with his friends, telling jokes and having a few drinks.
‘After about an hour he told the photographer who was near him to go home – the photographer said he couldn’t until Adam left.
‘Then all of a sudden Adam leapt at the guy he’d told to go away. The photographer tried to get away but Adam grabbed at him.
‘Adams friends pulled the singer away and they went back to their hotel – in the end nobody looked hurt.’
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Ay Caramba..... let's hope no assault charges are brought against Adam on this, especially right before he is leaving the country for several months.
adam look very handsome and very tall and has nice long legs. paparazzi pls leave and dont bother adam lambert anymore. paparazzi are crazy.
What a mess!.. You know Sean Penn was arrested and received 3 years probation for a similar incident with the Paps. :(
I can't understand why the pap. was smiling and appeared to be laughing. Hopefully that means there won't be any charges.
Only in America..
The paparazzi are unrelenting. I just can't imagine being "hunted" all the time. I suspect Adam is really overloaded with his tour schedule and could use some down time. I feel for him. I am surprised that he went after the guy, but honestly on some level I am glad he did. I bet he was going after the camera vs. the guy. I hope this is the end of this incident. Sadly, Adam's life has changed forever. He is going to have to find a way to deal with this invasion of his life in an effective way because it is not going away anytime soon. I have a point...I think this is why Adam was chasing that pap....
Look at Brooke...Do you guys see what I see?
lolZZZZ at this one...
I just love this guy. ROFLMAO
What's going on? is Adam going to be charged for this??? I heard a lot of celebs got in trouble for attacking paps.
This is so NOT good. What was Adam thinking?
What the eyewitness probably didn't include in the report is that these paps don't just hang around innocently with their cameras... they provoke and spew out a lot of really vicious, nasty stuff in an effort to get a reaction. They can be really mean and totally disrespectful, and then when the celeb finally reacts (as Adam did) there is inevitably ALWAYS another pap around to take shots of the incident, so that the original guy can try and sue. These guys are really the worst kind of leaches and parasites. Lowest of the low.
Sorry but am I the only one who laughed at the pictures :x
At least glance, I thought Adam was playing around with the paparazzi.
After an hour Adam got annoyed. An hour with those paps is endless.
Even after he let them take photos it wasn't enough.. they were going to harass the glamily until they had to leave and hide out in their rooms.
The paps and their head hunters should get sued.. What's the going rate money wise, for these photos? can only imagine. They got what they were looking for. Adam Lambert is the him more than ever.
I don't think they will sue him. Paps love him, he is so nice...
You seem to be enjoying this ZZ.
I hate people. Why can't they just leave Adam to relax on his day off? I can't blame him for going after the guy.
@6:36 I laughed too, does that make me a bad person? Lol! But seriously, I hope Adam doesn't get into any s**t for that :/... Pap was probably a d- bag but still...
Unfortunately, an incident like this is the price celebs must pay for the fame they were so desperately seeking. However, I understand enough is enough. Adam has been on tour for months and just needed some time off for rest, relaxation and fun,but obviously the papps just had to get those picture and aggravate Adam and his friends. Hopefully that is the end of the incident and nothing further will come of it. Adam learned a difficult lesson about these leeches and that his personal life is no longer private.
Can't these paps leave stars alone for one hour. You can tell by the photos that Adam was pleasant at first. They must have harassed him like crazy and for a LONG time.
Although they were never found guilty for Lady Di's death, everyone knows what REALLY happened.
Publicity is one thing, harassment is another.
I thought Adam know how to deal with situations like this. :( But guess now.
I'm disappointed he had to do this because not only will he get into legal problems, he will get bad publicity and will be called VIOLENT.
Love you Adam but I need you stop minding them paps.
Hey Anon 6:57, you're not fooling anyone. Troll!!!
anoy 6:36 I am guilty... I laughed pretty hard at the pics, now the paps are really gonna try to provake him, hope they aren't as bad internationally as they seem to be here in states (for his sake).
In the future, Adam and his friends should just sing to these paps "WHAT THE H..L DO YOU WANT FROM ME"??
I laughed too. XDDDD too funny. But I feel bad afterward.
Hope nothing bad happens.
I am definitely enjoying this. Oh Adam, you are my hero! I just love you <3
@anon 6:35pm...what was he thinking???? are u for real? What do you think he was thinking???? He was thinking of tearing that motherfuckers flesh apart!
I wish Adam kicked his freakin arse. These paps are nasty, they should be repremanded.
Where is Kanye when needed?
What do you mean that someone cannot have a private life anymore? Who teach you that stuff?
look how these idiots can get all crazy and aggressive...they are animals!
Good for Adam, for teachin this deuche a lesson..
This alpha male was definitely showing a lot of testosterone here. You don't imagine that growing up with a brother, that Adam doesn't know how to take care of himself. Brothers fight,a lot. You gotta love that WTF outfit. I think the paps get mad if you break their cameras. Adam posted earlier this guy said F**k You to him. Them's fightin words. No harm, no foul, the beauty of having picts, shows the guy was unharmed. Guess you can't even chill out in Florida. All those reporters that have been saying that Adam is too family friendly these days, will be happy.
look at Tommy and Brooke mooning the paps..
Man! I love tweeter!
Oh Adam. I love you.
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Rock on Adam, you are loved.
The freckles are still beautiful. Mwah!
The photographer was smiling the whole time. He knew he had something good. But really, paparazzi are like flies and you have to learn how to get along with them and deflect them without putting your hands on them. Otherwise, you look undignified. But everyone who ends up in the public eye has to learn that difficult lesson and Adam is next in line for it, I guess. It's not a big deal though. Just annoying.
What I find so annoying is that the paparazzi appears to be laughing through the whole incident. What a snake.
I'm sorry , I hope Adam doesn't get into too much trouble . All I can think about is how cute he looks - really, I'm just mesmerized by him . What did they expect him to do- run away - Adam doesn;t run I LOVE HIM
Adam Lambert you are one bada$$ dude. You took it as long as you could. An hour worth of taunts, pictures and univited paps hanging in your private conversations is enough. If this would go to court Adam has about a million character witnesses ready and able to stand up for him. With the smile on the photog's face he would be hard pressed to say he was hurt in anyway.
I also laughed at first. Adam just looked so cute in those pictures. The shorts, the hat, freckles, etc. But our man showed his alpha male side and I think he could of hurt him if he wanted to. Adam is too darn nice and I think he had to show him that he's the boss! I doubt that he will get in any trouble for this as I didn't see any injuries. I love you so very much Adam....sigh... Time to dream of straw hats, blue shorts, and total hotness........
The paparazzi seemed to be smiling thru it all,I don't think any harm was done other than ruining everyones fun on the beach,Adam is our Rock God and will have to invent ways for the glamfamily to have fun and avoid press!
Well Glamily, I am just a bit pissed at all this!
Meaning, where in the hell were the body guards??
This could have turned ugly. You never know who is a real time pap or just a fly by the pants who wants to catch the right scene to make a buck off Adam. ONLY MR GREEN came to his rescue!
Again, was he down at the beach or out and about without a body guard? Or two? Unbelievable!! Like it or not he should never be alone. And to think, no one came to help Taylor get him off the idiot pap. Thirdly, don't forget he is in the deep south where there is thousands of gay haters. (on an upbeat note, I sure would love to have seen our man in a SPEEDO!!! Hot Damn!!
Opine if you please.
The paparazzi are pains in the you know what. Adam is so determined and adorable trying to get the camera. He always surprises. I read where he apologized for the hat on twitter. Too Cute. WE LOVE YOU ADAM!!!
I come from a family of alpha males, and trust me Adam is an alpha male. Wonder where Neil was? He usually plays the bad guy. I have no doubt either brother could have dropped this guy in a heartbeat if the had wanted to. He said something that pissed Adam off--look at his face, he is angry. Could have been anything. Somewhere I read he said F**k You to Adam, and Adam had enough.
@ZZ that pic made my night :D lol
Good for you Adam!!!! That pap needed his ASS BEAT!!!
ZZ hate to tell you this but when you have posted links in the past, I got hit with malware and a trojan. cost me $149.00 for geek squad to clean my computer. Careful what you post, please.
I just feel sorry for poor Adam. I don't see humor in these pics at all. I agree with 6:35 - Adam was obviously provoked and lo-and-behold, there was another snake to take pics of him losing his temper. Yes, and sadly, this is what popular stars have to put up with but it's NOT OK! There will be lots of 'bad' press on this, I'm sure. Just too damned bad. Hope he can ride out the storm ... again.
the pap couldn't pass his driving test so he bought a camera. wonder where his bicycle is parked.
10:22 there won't be a storm against Adam. There will be press, no doubt, but everyone with eyes and ears knows what these jerks are like.
Seems Adam needs to get on the World Tour and get some rest from those blasted paps. At least then he will get a break and some time to go and have fun without all this stuff! Fame comes at a price but watch out if you get in Adams face!
Love him! I almost forgot Adam was human!
If Adam gave this guy an hour then he should have respected that, but seems those paps are relentless! Don't go getting in BBs face!
Adam always seems to know how to deal with the situation and I'm sure he dealt with it fine.
The pap seem to laughing.
I'm not sure about what to say... this guy, the paparazzo is smiling (I'd be too) and sweet Adam doesn't look really pissed... in fact everybody seems to be having some fun. So, let's just believe another joke was going around. Get over it! No one got hurt at all. Just my eyes, ay, ay, ay! Sweet Adam even under the very sun is sooo shining! I love you, Diamond Boy!
Well, not to necessarily make light of this, but considering the fact that Adam's Dad Eber always said Adam wasn't much into sports as a kid, he looks like he might have made a pretty good football player...considering the expert tackle moves...probably learned while dealing with little Negative Neal....our boy is not a wimp....and hoping this all blows over in a big hurry...keeping up with Adam is a full time job, that's for sure...
Oh...and if he needs a little more tackle practice...
Where's the Jersey Shore guidos when you need them? Too bad the glamily didn' bury the guy in the sand and watch the tide come in! Adam didn't hurt the guy. Nothing for a law suit. No damages, camera and film intact. Brooke and Tommy "mooned them over Miami!" haha Brooke also stuck her tongue out at them. Cute butts!Tommy tweeted he has no a**, that's just his back running into his legs. Adam Laughingly tweeted and apologized for his hat and bad disguise. Taylor stepped up. Think the rest were in the water. Adam's fan facebook said they posted pics so papps wouldn't make as much $ for exclusive rights. The mooning link is on fan FB.[ Don't know how to cut and paste yet]I don't blame Adam a bit! No one was hurt and enough is enough! His dad, Eber, always the creative thinker, tweeted Adam and Neil to go to a spy site and order a digital camera jammer! Brilliant! Also Sasha, Adam's dancer's cousin was in a bad auto accident and I don't think it's very good. She's with her family and like Tommy is going thru' a tough time. funbunn40
I wonder if hate speech was involved for Adam to respond like that. I'm so glad he showed him some business.
And who took the pictures that we are seeing?
A little Dusty Madrid ACTION!!!!!!
I think Adam will get off with a warning.. I wonder if he hotel has a private beach? If so the paps could be in trouble.
Looks like Adam was trying to give the pap a
Love the pic where Adam is checking out Brooke's cute!
Adam needs some quiet time back in LA in the house he loves so much and with family and friends. Hope he gets that before the World tour. He puts on such a brave, cheerful face but he's gotta be mentally drained from all the rude, invasive efforts to riducule him. Too bad he didn't have time to refuel his soul at Burning Man this year. We could not hear what was being said on that beach but I betcha the pap creep said something insulting about one of Adam's friends. He is SO protective of others. To ask him to not respond like that is to ask him to deny who he is. And, we already know he is never going to do that. Wield your velvet sword, beautiful Adam, your legions are behind you 100%.
I would agree that Adam needed to have a bodyguard or two there to make sure he and his friends were protected. Remember Princess Diana. What a shame and disgrace! However, we should not even allow these pictures on this website or any other website we visit for news of Adam. Otherwise, we are buying into the the paparazzi's behavior. We shouldn't encourage these pictures by being willing to look at them which leads paparazzi to take them and get money for them. Whoever is in charge of this website, please take the pictures down, return them to whoever you got them from and say "No, thanks!"
Anon..what are you smoking the name of the website is Adam 24/7 NEWS. Yes its a nasty sisuation Adam is in but to the admins of this site please leave pics up, its a great reference to refer too as this "sisuation" goes on. BTW anon I'm sure before the end of the week the pics will be everywhere but now just chill out and stop acting like Adams' mother. I'm sure she's already spoken to her SON about this.
for the 6th Anon that posted "Only in America" FUK-U! you think because you dont live in American this does not happen anywhere else? you are crazy!!It happens all over the world. taking and selling pictures like this is BIG BUISNESS! What needs to be done is setting bounderies. Those fu*kin Paps cen't keep getting away with stuff like this!! I can't beleive that Adam was kind enough to throw out peace signs and smile but after an hour and Im sure after being provked he just had had enough!
^in addition to my post I want to add that ADAM LOOKS SO DAMN HOT!! and as I mentioned before Adam looks HOT AND SEXY when he is angry!!And I dont mind the hat Adam! Im not petty about such things It looks adorbs on you <3
Back again, just saw about the battery thing. I'm anon 8:21. I'm not smoking anything but I just believe in fan self control If we weren't asking for these pap shots, they wouldn't happen. Not about the mother thing, tho I am older and mother thing would be so sexy with Adam, you naughty, naughty boy! Say you're sorry and give mamma a kiss! But, to get serious, this is about all people in the public eye. If we as the fans showed more respect for privacy and we were more self controlled and if we refused to view pictures of this kind, they wouldn't be happening. I don't care where they are posted if we don't look and don't buy, they wouldn't be out there. We are responsible for what happened to Adam because we can't keep our eyes off him and give him privacy, let alone the paps. I wonder if Adam had taken his own pictures and videos of his time off and shared them as he did before whether the paps would have bothered him. That's another consideration. However, the nerve of that photographer to charge Adam when he was smiling and having a good time when the situation occurred. I hope the police charge the photographer for wreckless endangerment or something.
Actually, I like that "Don't Look, Don't Buy" DLDB. Let's go with it guys. Also, I really have to, yes I'm a mother. I talk like a mother. Two wrongs don't make a right. Adam should have controlled himself. He is in the public eye and he has to control his impulses and stop the f**kn drinking if that is going to compromise his ability to do so. Also, his label must be idiots. I've felt that all along. They just don't seem to get that Adam is a star, and a big star on the rise. That means he shouldn't just be out in public without security. Absolutely not. What are they thinking of?!?! This business of him walking around casually doing his thing which has been going on since Indio is ridiculous. Somebody in his management needs to take responsibility to here and take charge of the situation. If I were Donald Trump, I'd say, "You're fired!" to whoever is calling the shots here in Adam's management.
For the first time, I'm really worried :(
Yeah, me too.
@ Anon 10:12AM
Don't be! Get over it!
Live it to «The Universal Power of Adam Lambert»... piece of cake! Cake from yesterday, with some sand on it, but still a cake. Ha!
@ anon 10:05 AM I do agree that Adam needs to have some security around him now, think he just didn't want to draw attention to himself with a huge entourage. He just wanted some quiet time at the ocean. It wasn't a big Party scene, just friends at the beach! I do, however take exception to the remark of Adam drinking. How do you personally know how much and if he was drinking? Just an asumption on your part. All rock/pop stars aren't out of control drunks. He could have been drinking ice tea or water and he certainly didn't seem drunk, just rightously pissed! You may have a strong opinion about anyone imbibing in general, which is your choice, but many may enjoy one or two drinks which doesn't mean anything unless they are an alcoholic or abusive, which is something else entirely. He's 28, responsible and entitled to have a drink if he so chooses without being chastised or assumed it will lead to his destruction. There are people that can responsibly have a drink or two with no ill effects. I think the Miami police dept. is astute enough to see what really happened, the papp wasn't violently thrown to the ground, he's laughing and it looks no different than ordinary horseplay. The term violent is used just for sensationalism. The guy is a jerk and Adam was set up to provoke a very human, normal reaction when baited and harrassed. Believe me, Miami has much bigger fish to fry than waste their valuable time on this parasite. funbunn40
Yeah, I see what you are saying that Adam should be able to have a few beers or whatever and relax. But the way it gets described on the postings online makes me think, if he's going to drink put in in a ginger ale can or something. Because the way it sounds is, the paparazzi were bothering him, he was drinking, then he leaped up and accosted one--so there seems to be some connection. I'm like, ok, whatever you have, just don't bother drinking it in public because it will always get a comment that makes you look bad, even if it was just one or two beers, or whatever, if you see what I mean. But security is a big issue--you don't have to have a conspicuous security detail. That's possible. But it seems to me the with Adam Lambert, you've got a security disaster just waiting to happen. Because either Adam or his management are underestimating the intensity of the public response to Adam and that's a problem. Just wait until he gets back from his international tour and the second album comes out. It is going to be worse.
@anon 10:05 AM ... I don't believe that ADAM is 'drinking' all the time as you seem to think. Being a singer myself (not commercially just in the choir) I know as do all singers that alchohol DRIES the throat & causes the voice to CRACK. ADAM has always referred to the tea he drinks as 'THROAT COAT' & I also think he is HUGE on drinking just plain WATER!! To keep his throat & body HYDRATED! ADAM has been in this business a lot longer than we've known about him & DONE PRETTY GOOD up to now so I completely trust ADAM's judgement ... completely!! ..JMO
Well, you know how it sounds when the description goes like "he was having a few drinks" It sounds alcoholic when it might actually BE just water. I was also going to say, what if Adam had taken an elbow in the throat during that tussel. Who knows what could happen. I also saw guys in the photos who were with Adam who seemed like they might be security guards. But a security guards job is a lot more than just hanging around; they should educate Adam and his friends to avoid confrontations like this. Give them techniques, cue them in to be calm before they go outside, keep the paparazzi at a greater distance away. They are supposed to do a lot more than hang around. A camera man shouldn't be able to get that close to Adam, not at all. Well, just sayin'
One of the big guys was one of the bus drivers, an older, heavy set man. I had heard that several of Adam's small group were also in the water at the time. He will have to have someone close from now on to keep these scum at bay. funbunn40
We can help by refusing to view paparazzi pictures. Only view pictures taken in official photo shoots. This craziness has to stop. We don't want to loose Adam like Princess Diana.
Can the Glamily please stick together and not knock the South? Adam and All just did a fantastic show in Atlanta, so he obviously doesn't have any prejudice against Southerners. I hope we can watch stereotyping when it comes to Adam fans -- we're Southern, we're straight, we're conservative, just as we're Northern, gay, and liberal. Adam belongs to all of us. Thanks.
Some people are taking this way too seriously. Adam's not going to be in legal trouble or have lots of bad press. This just shows he is now officially a superstar, Relax, folks. You're not really a celeb till you're had your first papparazi fight.
Geeeeez, I didn't hear anything about prejudice between North and South!! I will stand by this remark: "If you spend enough time in the South you will find out just how many Gay Haters are on every corner." I am a Southerner and I'm not proud of these people who hate! Just saying, they are there. It's called the Southern Bible Belt. I don't know what you may have in the North,,,, just saying,
What is "Fan FB?" i'd like to see this but explain what that is so I can find it. Tks.....:)
Miami is not a southern city...
Miami is a hodgepodge of every color, country
and then some that risk their lives on an ancient skiff to come to this amazing country over the vast ocean and waterways that are not always friendly.
Miami is not a friendly city. I lived there for
12 years and happy to be back in Virginia Beach.
During Hurricane Andrew, the bad, the good and the ugly surfaced horribly depending on seemingly little things like paying 12 bucks for a bag of ice. (you get another finger in your face if you don't buy)
I happened to be stuck in traffic on Sunset Dr.
in South Miami (Kendall) right after the storm. One guy, I remember
vividly came right up to my window and gave me the finger, called me a bitch and promised he would blow up my car if I did not move. I simply just started crying! I have no bad feelings for Miami, just don't want to live there again, give me sweet Virginia and all the southeners who prefer politeness and soft spoken
people. My own children have been victims of
mental abuse and rudeness at South Beach numerous times.
I still find it a shame that Adam and his group
could not find peace on a public beach. The place is beautiful but riskly, as a beautiful wicked witch. Just don't touch.
and believe me, it is not just gays who are taking the fall, South Beach is all about ALL THINGS.
Enuff, don't yell at me for defending southeners
and dissing Miami, they are not the same.
But still love Adam, and he still makes me smile!
Yepper, The only way for Miami to be farther South is for it to float off to Key West!!! Maybe the people in Miami don't want to call themselves southerners but Miami Is A Southrn Town! It is at the tip of Florida which makes it triple south. Even if the people there are not from Miami, that don't mean Miami, Fl is not as SOUTH as you get. (Good to hear you went to Virginia Beach. I LOVE VA!! Lived there myself.)
Land of Lovers!!!
Don't know if it was on this thread or another (been reading so many since this happened) but I see where someone has coined a new moniker for ADAM ...... GLAMBO!! I LOL when I saw it but it sure does fit ADAM in this case. LOVE the way he pursed his lips ... so full of determination!! "Gimme that camera"!!
@anon 4:36,9/17, Fan FB is Adam lambert fan facebook. ZZ or someone posted a link for the "moon shot", but can't remember which thread, one of the paparrazzi fracas ones. I'm not very tech savvy yet, but most on this site are, like ZZ,Daydreaminmylif, MGF, Adamluv, Adamfix, etc.Photo is really cute and funny. Tommy and Brooke mooning and Brooke sticking out her tongue. So out of character for her. Paps got to all of them and they know how even tempered Adam is and how far he was pushed. funbunn40
beat the crap out of the guy. we are on your side adam. people need to quit it!
is that really gonna convince the court of "battery"??!?!!
like, ligit!??!
im sorry 4 the ppl who dont understand why he did what he did. i think this will blow over tho
c'mon peeps, let's let the civil war end already...
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