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"Win A Date With Adam Lambert" Contest Entries!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, September 3, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 03, 2010

This is a very nicely done entry! Check it out!

Here's another one!
A little cute boy wants to have a date with Adam!

Here's another funny one!

Good luck to everyone who has entered the contest!


Anonymous said...

I am voting for Jamie Lyn to win. She is mazing. I saw her before. She is NOT joking! sh is a TRUE fan. I am rootingfor her!! Good luck Jamie Lyn.

Iraeli fan

Anonymous said...

I think Jamie Lynn should win a date with Adam. She is so passionate and creative and bright. I think Adam would have a fun time with her. Hopefully she is of age she looks very young.

Anonymous said...

Here are my two favorite vids:
Her name is Julia Infanti, she is a creative genius!
His name is Jesse Ireland, and according to his mother in the comments, he is not gay. Very articulate and a definite true Fan!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a JamieGlambert fan, her YT vids are awesome but ...... she has met Adam more than once and presented him with a photo album at MuchMusic. I believe the winner should be someone who hasn't already met him.

Anonymous said...

Love these videos!

LIVA said...

I think Jamie will win..

Anonymous said...

OMG - those were so creative and fun to watch! Especially liked the 2 womens videos! I would also prefer someone to win that has never met him, like me for example! Problem is I have no creative talent whatsoever! LOL. Love the entire concept of the contest. Think I'll start using the "wwad" letters (what would Adam do). Adamluv

Anonymous said...

How is the winner going to be determined? Do we vote? If so ... where? Anybody know?

If it were up to me I'd pick both girls ... so cute, creative & sincere ... JMO


Anonymous said...

Both girls' videos are awesome. Hope that both win. I know that for Kesha, there were two entries chosen.

Anonymous said...

There's a ton of entries on YT for this contest. Let's get the rest of them on here to be fair.

Anonymous said...

That kid is so cute and adorable! He's like a younger version of Adam!

Anonymous said...

Go for it Jamie Lynn! I've never seen such devotion in my deserve the date for real!! I hope you win!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see that little boy win. He is so cute. I think it will break my heart and his if he doesn't. He may be too young to qualify though.

Counselor said...

I just saw Jamie at the Covington and Indianapolis concerts. Cov was a GA concert and she camped out on the street in front of the theater for over 24 hours just to get up close to the stage. However, the Madison Theater allowed friends of MT staff to enter the theater at 5:30 PM and take all the spots on the front row. Jamie got close but she deserved a spot on the front row. At Indianapolis she was about 2 rows in front of me and she was all glammed up and dancing to every song. She has a blanket throw with all sorts of Adam pictures all over it. She definitely is an all out Adam fan and I hope she gets to spend some quality time with our Rock God. I know she'll share her glam time.

Anonymous said...

Wow I thought I was over the top! I feel like so so now. These vids are so would be hard to pick. I wish them all well!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9/3 7:52pm - IKR

Anonymous said...

I never saw anything about a contest for a date with Adam. Where was it posted?

Anonymous said...

This should go to some cute guy!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Jamie.....your video is great!! You Go Girl!!! Jamie....By the way....where did you buy your Adam StandUp? I've been trying to find one but there aren't any companies around here that will make one of Adam because they don't have a license.

Anonymous said...

Both of the girls in these videos have had a chance to meet Adam. I vote for the little boy. He has never even had a chance to see Adam in person.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed these Vids
have to say the 2 girl fans are Awesome and the little guy is cute
but think Jamie has won the Adam Fan crown..Loved her room and leggings cooooooooooool
Now this is what being an Adam Fan is all about FUN FUN FUN....
Good Luck to all the Fans that have made Videos
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK