Adam Lambert and his crew arrive in Japan
Filed Under (pictures,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Friday, October 1, 2010
Posted at : Friday, October 01, 2010
Adam and his crew were spotted in Japan's Airport.

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Oh wow! the Glamtroupe arriving in Japan! No sighting of the "Pirates" yet?! :))
No luggage handlers for Adam. Still pushing his own luggage cart just like regular folk! Now the Japanese Adamadventures begin! funbunn40
Privacy time over! Yep, I'm amazed ADAM still pushes his own cart...what do you want from a superstar! Lane still hanging in there too. Glam Nation International is ready baby!
Anon 6:56am Me too.
The day Adam Lambert will not be pushing his own luggage cart will be a sad day because it will mean that he is now out of touch with the real world and from where he comes from. Adam, please stay REAL!
You, know, I don't subscribe to the "Adam has to suffer to be a real guy group." I want Adam taken care of so he can reserve his energy and save his voice. What if his back goes out while he is pushing the luggage. Give me a break. You have a valuable commodity, you should take care of it. People should have common sense and not mistake care of a precious object as self indulgence and arrogance and being out of touch. That represents everything that is wrong with the way people view artists in the public eye and Adam would be the first to say it. And, again, where is security?
i was really pleased to see that he wasnt mobbed much as adam loves his fans and his fans love him, it must be nice just to go some place and not be screamed at and grabbed..although it does my heart good to see the love people have for him, i think that after the vaca, you still need time to relax and get back into the swing of it all.
Adam has now reached that star status where his fans do not need to go to airports to show their love. They reserve that for the incredible shows that they will be fortunate to attend. That's a clear sign that he has made it past AI! Fans now go to the Glam Nation Tour for Adam Lambert and his band and dancers, not to see an AI former contestant. Simply wonderful!
P.S. I have seen many stars like Rihanna, Usher and others arriving at airports and there are no screaming fans there. They are however screaming at their shows. Same for Adam!
Every aspect of Adam's arrival dissected here. Maybe he is overseeing that all of his luggage is with the party. Missing luggage could be a problem one would think. Besides I have gotten the feeling this past year that Adam is very hands on. Making sure his crew eat, feeding them, etc. Sure he relies on Neil a lot, but doubt he has turned his brother into a workhorse doing things that he himself would not do. As for a lack of screaming fans at the airport, perhaps they did not know he would be on that plane, particularly since he made of point of being out of the public eye this past week.
as long as people respect Adam Lamberts wishes I,m for it because it's really hard to travel all the time and perform. He needs a bit of quiet moment. Peace to everyone and have fun in Japan.
They are all waiting for you Adam.........
I wanna be Lane too! Adamluv
8:03AM - you are so wrong, I don't know where to begin. How could having someone else push your luggage, save your voice? Adam craves hanging on to his normal self and independence as do most stars. If he can gather up his personal stuff and move through an airport unhassled and not pampered like a helpless child, it is probably a very good day.
No disrespect intended, but he is not Gaga with her not user friendly outfits, and killer (meant literally) shoes, making a grand entrance at an airport. That's her thing. His is far more normal entrance. Notice not wearing anything particularly R&R these days. Even plays it down with his clothes when being interviewed. This is too cool. He is separating his stage persona from his real life persona. He can turn up the wattage when it is called for.
@ 8:03AM, My remark about Adam pushing his own luggage cart was meant tongue in cheek, not deep at all,just what reg. people do, which may give him a sense of the fleeting normalcy in his life. I never considered pushing your own luggage in a cart "suffering." haha My comment was just an affectionate,unimportant observation. no heavy meaning. funbunn40
So we're talking about Adam pushing his own luggage now? Cool. LOL.
I just want to add that Adam's luggage seem to be lighter than the others. So.. :p
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