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In light of the recent gay teen suicides....

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, October 1, 2010

Posted at : Friday, October 01, 2010

This post is dedicated to all the gay teens who have committed suicide this past week. As of today, a total of 7 gay teens had committed suicide due to bullying. And this all happened only in s apan of a few days.

Adam's good friend Alisan also tweeted about this.

"Aftermath" is the anthem for all the angels who have recently left this earth. It's our love song to you." - alisanporter


laurie b said...

i wish that we could all just find the happiness within oureselves, so we can recognize the beauty in others

LIVA said...

Another kid committed suicide today because of gay bashing. He was 17. :(

Anonymous said...

I was soooo sad when I heard about Tyler clamenti. I talk to my kids about this harsh and cruel reality. Please talk to your kids and other who will listen. Silence can be sadly. I have 3 little kids. I will do anything they will not be the victem of bullying.
My heart goes to their souls. May they finally fond true happiness.
This is a mad, mad world!!!!
Now is the time to release Aftermath as a single.

Israeli fan.

Anonymous said...

This is in the news all over the world. Hopefully those two who videotaped will go to jail.

Unknown said...

OMG! i hope everyone can find the love that everyone deserves!!!

glitzylady said...

So unspeakably sad...I can't think of a thing to say because it is so tragic and senseless..And Aftermath is a very beautiful song that speaks from Adam's heart..

Anonymous said...

Over at they have several videos from out gay males called "It Gets Better". The last one I saw was from "Ugly Betty" actor, Michael Uria. They are mostly directed at gay high school age boys saying they too suffered greatly during these years but life does get better, etc. Very moving stories! They should be viewed in all middle/high schools. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada and this is very sad to me. One day my boy 9 yrs old come home saw me watching Adam on youtube. He said mom, he is different. I asked him how you know that? He said we've been told by our teachers that everyone is different. Maybe US should look into other countries how we as human beings to deal with such issue to avoid more tragedy like this.

Anonymous said...

Crystal Bowersox (runner up last season AI) just taped a segment with Anderson Cooper and Dr. Phil about bullying. It's on CNN Oct. 7 at 10. All parents, teachers and school administrators need to become much more pro active on this disturbing issue. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton also did a good job on CNN.

Anonymous said...

This is very sad and traggic. Since we cannot control what other kids do to other kids I think if you have classmates/friends suffering from any form of bullying should report it to your school guidance councilors or tell their parents so these kids don't feel so all alone and isolated. There is no need for this kind of untimely deaths. When their lives only just began. So sad. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Some of these kids have had their parents complain to the school about their children being bullied, but no action was taken. This has to stop.


Urethra_Franklin said...

Every teacher and high school kid should be required to read "Freak Show" by James St. James. Its a wonderful story about a young drag queen trying to survive high school in a very conservative small town in Florida. It has a message of hope, of youre not alone, of it gets better, and youre normal as you are. Its a great GREAT story and a fun read.

Anonymous said...

I dont know how to get this going as an "anthem" for the young lost souls, but you savy computer
people have the know how....get it moving....Adam's Anthem...get the word out Now
please...someone get the message to inspire these kids...he can make a difference.

Anonymous said...

hopes Adam decides to do a "It Gets Better" vid. Will tweet same.

Anonymous said...

I just sobbed and sobbed during this beautiful video by our own angel Adam. Thinking about beautiful Tyler and how vulnerable he felt. How betrayed.
This song needs to go out all over the world as the Anthem for cruelty...NOW!!!
My prayers are with Tyler's family, how helpless and heart broken they must feel, and all families who have to watch their children suffer.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the level of pain and grief the parents of these young people are experiencing.

Just the thought of anyone, let alone young ones beginning their lives, having to be so tortured that they feel no way out, literally brings tears to my eyes.

There is such beauty in diversity. Too bad it remains so "unseen" by so many.


Anonymous said...

You know Adam is making such a difference by example. He doesn't have to do more. His message is simple and consistent. He is a powerful man who totally believes in himself and can overlook the stupidity of judgement. He doesn't realize how he is changing people's thinking about being gay. Even straight men are falling in love with the person that he is. That's what it's all about. The person inside. People that can't see that in others, it's their loss. People's differences are so exciting and beautiful. Power and strength to those that are feeling less then. May they see the beauty within. Isn't that what Adam preaches every single night that he performs? Yes it is!!! Thank you dear Adam. You are a treasure!!!

Anonymous said...

Gay kids in high school are afraid to tell their councelors, teachers, parents or anyone due to the confusion caused by what they are feeling and the stigma attached to being gay.

Question: Which comment is never responded to with "Oh, we're so happy for you!"

Answer: "Mom & Dad, I'm gay."


Anonymous said...

I am going to tweet and put it on face book. Please help me spread the word for ppl to check Aftermath on YouTube
I hope it will released as a single now!!!

Israeli fan

Serena said...

Welcome to Fear-merica everyone. Where anyone is FREE to hate / hurt / persecute or ultimately shame-to-death anyone we choose, for whatever reason we see fit, and usually because there is something we FEAR about them:
Pick a card, any card: black, gay, jew, muslim, hispanic, poor, homeless, handicapped....the list goes on and on.

Would be nice if we could, collectively, pull our heads out!!!

Yes, I'm American, and I am not anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I don't prefer the word diversity, it's too collective expression. You know like a coalition structure..

Anonymous said...

To all the people who have posted their loving thoughts, I would just like to say thank you from the parents of these children. No, you cannot imagine the pain that such a hopeless act leaves behind. Speaking from experience,I will say that somehow, someway you do move on eventually. But you never really recover as there is so spin you can put on this type of tragedy that you can accept, nor gives any closure. As a parent of such a child, you take the blame for not protecting your child better. This does not have to make sense and may never. My heart weeps for these parents and the torment they feel.

nancdruuu2 said...

I feel blessed to be in the company of all you good people. After the mini firestorm of yesterday, it puts things in the proper prospective. Innocent people are suffering and
dying for no reason. Adam has had to fight prejudice all his life and even now continues to do so by calling out the haters and in standing-up for himself; he stands-up for others.
He is a real hero every day of his life.

Anonymous said...

First time to post on this site, I feel it is time to open up & say my child has been bullied by the same kid for the past 6 years. I feel for these parents. I fear every day this will happen to my own child. I just give my child as much love every day to get thru to the next day. My heart goes out to"all the angels who have recently left this earth", & to the parents who have loved & cared for them. Adam, this is your destiny, to "send a message of light & love".

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:20, I think so too. And to JakeL, unfortunately what you said is very true! In the videos "It Gets Better", every man said to keep telling until someone hears/believes you and does something about it. Adamluv

Josh said...

It certainly doesn't help that a d-bag like 50 cent tweeted this garbage today:

Anonymous said...

You know, 50 cent has nothing to do with these suicides. Is it a taboo in the US to say anything negative about people who's background is from India or China? Sorry for asking, but it seems that people are afraid or something.

Anonymous said...

Josh, thanks for the heads up. This isnt his first anti gay tweet. Remember the ".......I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding . . . . ". This sent to Perez Hilton after he called this douchbag a d.bag! Just wants attention! I wont respond to his sorry ass. and Anon 5:18, what are you talking about? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Do you think the two will get away with this because of their racial background?

Cheril said...

This is the time to right the wrong. Perspectives are changing. Adam is successfully blurring the lines and encouraging acceptance just by being himself. There is a diversity in his fans and we all get along. We enjoy each other's company. Now if only we can transfer that out into the rest of the world. Get involved with your PTA at your children's schools and ask what rules they have for bullying, and also just as important what counseling is available for students that have lost their way and need extra help. Insist that bullying carry a heavy penalty. Suspension, and if it doesn't stop, expulsion. There needs to be a zero tolerance on bullying of any kind. These beautiful children saw no other way out. We need to make this world more tolerant and get the message across that we are all equal. Help where you can. We all know the problem now so we can't turn our backs. Do what you can in your life to build a more positive, accepting atmosphere. As far as 50 cents' tweet that is about how much he is worth. Love and light to the memories of these beautiful children. Each one of us can make a difference and together we are strong.

Anonymous said...

Sorry me again but there's a good video again at under AfterEltonBriefs. Click there and then scroll down to the video of Joy Behar interviewing Dr. Phil about Tyler Clementi. It's from her show on CNN. She makes some excellent points about all the anti gay statements from politicians and religious folk. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Well, there was a lot of bullying in the communist countries and US is heading that way.

Anonymous said...

A case in Vancouver, police may lay charges against people who upload the video of a girl gang raped at a rave party. Internet is such a rampant origin for all these downgraded and cruel acts. Negative comments all over the net as our young generation become so vulnerable. Cyber bully has become so serious and unstoppable that law should be placed to protect the innocent.

Anonymous said...

When I feel powerless and small at the feet of monumental matters like teen suicide, I take some time to fall apart, and then I remind myself that I do have the power to raise my own children to be effective agents of change in this regard, something which I am fiercely committed to. I truly consider it some of my life's most important work. I don't have much power and influence in this big world, but I do have the power to help shape my own children to be loving, tolerant, accepting individuals who value equality, diversity, diplomacy... Simple kindness... tonight I feel utter sadness and fear, but tomorrow I will talk about this delicately with my youngest child and more plainly with my older one, and I will try my very best to be a better role model as well.


Anonymous said...

To Anon 4:56 PM

Please consider getting your child AWAY FROM that bully and into a safe environment ASAP!!!(i.e. another school if this is where your child is being bullied). This has gone on way too long already. Your child must be chronically distressed. Also, please consider obtaining services for your child from a licensed child or adolescent clnical psychologist to assess and process any damage done by this long-term abuse (bullying).

Another suggestion: Go to your child's school or school board administrative office armed with a tape recorder (or video cell phone recorder), if not an attorney, to capture not only you voicing your concerns and demands, but the response that school personnel give you. Please do something about this NOW.

Kentucky Fan (and licensed clinical psychologist)

Anonymous said...

Music has tremendous power. It has often helped the progress of social change. I hope that Adam's "Aftermath" can be part of this change. I wonder if he is aware of the news about these latest suicides. He's been so busy and so far away. I hope he gets the word that his song is incredibly powerful, and its message has the potential to help many people. I'd love to see it become an anthem for the world. Now is the time to encourage stations to play it and talk about it!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to say that many people have few options of moving their children to a dif school, or town. If you are in a big City, there are some options, smaller towns, not so much. There are usually special classes, ie., continuation school where differences are more the norm than reg. school. Most towns have special schools that will accommodate kids having problems in reg. school. The worse thing you can do is call these people names or on the carpet for what they do. This is the platform they want and you play right into it. Turn your back on these haters, no audience, no fun. Many people, have no choice but to try to hang in there and hope for the best. This bad economy has created more hatred to those who have and those who don't have. Anger spills out in many ways, some of it hurtful. When people hurt, they want others to hurt. Human nature is a strange thing. I also think it is impossible to put one person's story alongside another as each one is very different. Being gay may be only part of it. Get help as suggested above any way you can. It might be life saving.

christain mother said...

I know people will say I am a religious fanatic, and you do not like God mentioned in here, sorry if I offended anyone. Aftermath is a beautiful song.

christian mother

Anonymous said...

it's what some people do in the NAME OF GOD that is offensive Christian mother, not your belief in or devotion to your God, you seem sincere.

Anonymous said...

MGF 6:35pm I will just ditto what you said in your paragraph. So well put. Thank you for the post. I hope everyone reads it and thinks about it. My daughter works daily with her 6 yr old about not being a bully. I admire her for that. You can't start too young. May we all learn
tolerance and compassion.

Anonymous said...

My heart aches for every parent and family member that has lost a child as a result of cruelty and bullying. Most of all I feel sorrow and frustration for every person, child or adult that has been a victim of such ignorant hate and terrorism. When I was 10yrs old I stood up to a bully that was pushing and tormenting my friend. I said, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size and was punched and had my nose broken." It was my first encounter with senseless violence and I feel the same bewilderment today of man's inhumanity to man. So much good advice given in the above blogs. We do have to stand up for one another and above all educate and protect our children and teach them compassion and acceptance of one another. Schools need to step up and no longer toleratethis behavior. Adam[s most powerful message is just being Adam, a class act, living by example, proud of who he is and writing inspiring songs like Aftermath. A beautiful song to memorialize these young men that may not have felt valued by society or realized their true right to love and be loved in return. We all can make a difference, be heard and stand up.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew how to reach Adam. I spent a big chunk of today trying to "tweet" him links to major media stories re: the dreadful rash of suicides of adolescents presumed to be gay and bullied that have occurred over the past 2 weeks. Just wanted him to be aware. Also tried to tweet him re: the It Gets Better Project videos that are being made by celebrities like Ellen Degeneres. Anderson Cooper (whose own brother killed himself)will also be doing a story about these suicides, if he hasn't already. Anderson Cooper (an angel of a newscaster) has done numerous segments on suicide and bullies. Maybe Adam could join forces with these folks. Kids seem to love Adam. He provides a "happy" example to look up to. The kids need to see that happiness is possible.

What a tragic loss of young human beings with such remarkable potential--if only they had been able to stay around long enough to see their lives change for the better: two 13 year olds!!! one from CA and one from Texas; a young cellist who was either a Freshman or sophmore at his Minnesota high school (one of 5! suicides at that school, with 1 or 2 others presumed gay); the gifted young Rutgers student who was publicly shamed for all the world to see over the internet, then jumped to his death off the George Washington Bridge; the gentle 15 year old Indiana child who loved horses and lambs--who left the few close friends he had devastated, not to mention what his single mom must be going through. This last child was evidently told repeatedly to "go kill yourself" by a group of bullies at his school. The principal of that school implied that this child brought on the bullying himself by some kind of "tornado" effect he generated by acting differently. I'm sorry Mr. Principal; aggressive acts are the responsibiity of the aggressor, not the victim.

I just wanted Adam to know because he's such a caring, compassionate human being. Honestly, I'm not sure Adam needs to do anything but be himself. He provides a fabulous example to others of self-acceptance, remaining fiercely true to himself, and how spectacular life can turn out when you eventually find your way (his own "Ugly Duckling" story as he calls it). His mother and father also provide wonderful examples of how to accept and nurture an "unusual" child.

Adam also provides remarkable examples of how he picks his battles and stands up for himself when he needs to--given all he has to choose from: i.e. all the hateful comments he's had to endure over the internet, poor and discriminatory treatment (if not outright blacklisting) of him by major media corporations in his own country, hate driven protests by Westboro Baptist Church. For instance, he stood up to two of his own bullies over the past couple weeks--the paparazzo in Miami who said something so ugly to Adam he has refused to repeat it in any of his interviews and the E-10 guy whose show was deservedly cancelled. Within reason, the best way to deal with a bully is to stand up to them.

One battle I would love to see Adam fight is to release Fever in the USA and dare the radio stations to not play it (which would seem to be a pretty flagrant violation of his civil rights).

I also love Adam's chosen charity--artistic programs in public shools via he knows only too well that these programs are where the "weird", often marginalized kids have the best chance of feeling like they fit in, while gaining opportunities to develop special parts of themselves they can feel good about.

An especially tragic thing that stands out about these children who have killed themselves is the crushing isolation and loneliness they must have been feeling--especially if they believed there was something wrong with them. People need to rally around such children to let them know, as Adam would sing, "you are not alone".

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I heard today that the guy and girl who did this are getting 6 years in prison...

Anonymous said...

Six years is a small consequence for the pain and loss of life suffered by their victim and family. Maybe it will be a wake up call to those that think their cruel pranks are cute, harmless fun. They've wasted their future and hurt their families as well. Kentucky Fan, and Mass Glam Fan, you've said what needed to be said so well and so touchingly. These precious childrens dreams and potential will never be realized. Their pain and fear is incomprehensible. A senseless trajedy. Unbelievably sad. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

So, so, so sad. Time to share some (tough) love to spreaders of hate ---- 50 cent and similar others: time to stop, in the name of love, stop! Money, fame, fortune are no good if you can't find peace and love.

Anonymous said...

I read and heard the stories of these young kids and my heart goes out to their parents. Nothing is worst than parents losing their children. I watched Adam's video of Aftermath and I'm crying my heart out. This should be their anthem. SO SAD THAT GOVERNMENTS HAVE SUMMITS EVERY YEAR IN SOUTH AMERICA AND ASIA FOR ENVIRONMENT AND ANIMAL RIGHTS AROUND THE GLOBE BUT THERE IS VERY LITTLE ACTIVITIES FOR THE HUMAN RIGHTS AROUND THE WORLD.

Anonymous said...

This is a parent's nightmare. I am so glad our son came out to us...and so glad he found support and love from his family. It seems like this fragile personality was not there yet. A commentator on a channel said this was obviously the straw that broke the camel's back.Had he been comfortable in his own skin, he would have reacted differently. As a person who was probably bullied in school, he thought college would be better...but sadly it was worse. This is why we were not over the top when the snarky remark was made about Adam and how he would "enjoy prison".It was not nearly as offensive, but unacceptable just the same. These kids might have thought this was a " harmless" prank. Now they have to live with this. Sadly, Tyler's friends and family do too. Ten out of nine gays report being bullied in elementary and high school. So very sad.


Anonymous said...

MGF - great post, thank you for speaking so eloquently. I cannot say much more than has already been said by others in this thread.

And Anon. October 1, 2010 4:29 PM - it sounds like you have suffered through this type of tragedy yourself, and that made me cry. I am so, so sorry.

My heart is breaking. As a mother, I can not imagine - ever - not accepting and loving my son, no matter "who" he turns out to be in life! Like MGF, and Adam's parents - if I do my best to raise him with strong morals and consideration in his heart...if he has a firm foundation...I don't care what he builds on top of it!

I cannot imagine losing a child. For the parents in this situation, knowing the reason they lost theirs was because they didn't fit someone else's idea of "normal" and were harassed and driven to the brink because of it...well, just leaves me absolutely speechless because it just demonstrates such limited thinking on the part of the bullies. That one person thinks they can have so much control/power over another that they can dictate how others should look/act/think boggles my mind. What gives them the right? Who wants to live in a homogonized society, where everyone is "the same"? People's differences is what makes life interesting and worth living.

That is a big part of the reason I love Adam and all he stands for. What an amazing role model we have been given! I thank him every day for just being who he is, and having the backbone to just be himself.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Heart full on this one! This is a world issue, not just a US one and people have to stand together to change laws to protect and educate before it's too darn late! Education Department's everywhere worldwide have to address this matter, (which has always been put on back burner)and the time is NOW! This behaviour must NEVER be tolerated and we all need to rise to the occasion to get involved and help towards making sure a change comes!

Anonymous said...

Speechless! I am so thankful for Adam who stands for who he is and what he believes, because it takes bloody guts. He is changing people's lives everywhere, breaking down barriers, even when times are tough, and through it all bringing a love and understanding to this imperfected world.
I've had members of my own family aliented us because we support Adam with a passion and I feel so sorry for them.

Anonymous said...

The really sad part of all this is that hatred of gays starts at home. Let's face it this country is run by greedy selfish politicians who keep the hate going. We are being taxed to death to pay their salaries and pensions and healthcare, and they don't do anything. Ask yourself what they have done for you lately. They retire from public office as millionares. They really don't care about the American people.
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" should have been repealed a long time ago, and Gays should have the right to marry, but the politicians know they won't be elected if they support Gays' civil liberties. Sad state of affairs.

I hope Adam being Adam over the years will be the beginning of a shift in these attitudes. I am glad I am a fan.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

love you all....great comments. Our thinking and values have a commonality - that's why we appreciate Adam as we do.

Anonymous said...

Straight or gay, I would not want a video of me placed on the internet. And for these two troubled souls to plan another viewing, telling people when to watch.... Gay or straight, it would be devastating to me. Like 50 cent, these two can dance around their words and actions all they want. Things were done and said because they are intolerant of differences. They need their eyes and hearts opened. I hope it happens soon, starting right now.

Anonymous said...

Just one more comment from me. I know some of us are cynical about our political system, but the truth is, we still have the power to vote. Please be sure to do so in November, US citizens! I have been an Independent most of my life, but sadly there is a party that may get back in power with candidates running who don't believe in evolution, stem cell research,or global warming. They believe that orientation is a choice. They are the "elephant" in the room. Please pay attention to this for our children's future.

Also, I want to say once again how grateful I am to Adam because he brings so many good people together like the ones on this site. We need to be sure he ( and my son) will be able to marry the one they love some day. I don't think that is asking so much from the home of the brave and the land of the free...
Love the Glamily

Anonymous said...

lmb, thank you for your heartfelt comments. And yes we do all dance around the elephant in the room as to the politicians that might be voted into office this Nov. I am fearful for this country. Also thank you to all the kind hearted, smart and decent ppl. that post here, all brought together for our love of Adam. Adamluv

Patrice said...

Thanks to all the great posters here. It's comforting to know that there are kindred souls here.
lmb: I agree with you 100%.
Adamluv: I too am fearful.
I have to believe that somehow it's all going to work out. I just pray it's a positive step forward, and not a step back.
Glad to "read" you both!

Anonymous said...

To all the parents out there of young children just remember your children learn best and first by Your example.

What a perfect world it would be if our children grew up more tolerent and we didn't have to depend on the schools and laws for these social issues.

I can dream can't I?

Anonymous said...

I just got some info from PFLAG about those suicides. I am listing the first names only because all but one are minors and I respect the family's privacy. However,I know there are some people here who will want to keep them in your prayers and it helps to have a name. It makes it more personal. I am also listing the age and state. They are all different. Here are the angels:

Asher 13 (TX)
Tyler 18 (NJ)
Seth 13 (CA)
Billy 15 (IN)
Tyler W 11 (OH)
Justin 15 (MN)

The letter also asked us to write to our members of Congress to ask them to co-sponser the Student Non-Discrimination Act which would establish a comprehensive Federal prohibition of discrimination in public schools. Eleven states already have this, but it should be made federal.
This is an article about the bill that was introduced recently.

MGF I just read your post here. You are a treasure...and far from powerless. The " Parent Power" here is inspiring. I will be going to a national meeting in Oregon next month. You guys give me so much courage. This is a fight, but we have the strongest weapon of all...LOVE.
That was the entire theme of Adam's GNT, wasn't it? Bless him!


Anonymous said...

@lmb - I almost wrote to you this morning, mostly to tell what a fierce political animal I am and that I will do what I can in my own little corner of the world in Nov. and beyond... and then I thought maybe I should keep my mouth shut in regards to politics on this site (Not something I do in RL) because I posted about DADT already a few times recently and I didn't want to push my luck here, as ultimately it is a fan blog... but I am compelled, after seeing your shout out to me, to just mention that I will indeed follow human rights issues in politics/gov't. and I'll just leave it at that for tonight. Sometimes I wish I could sit down to a cup of coffee with you and hear your story and tell you mine... and just learn
from you... well anyway, I did have that discussion with my older child this morning... I wasn't feeling strong enough yet to shape and formulate the delicate wording it would require to talk about such issues with my younger child, but I will, I must.

Thanks to everyone here for your humanity and intellect, it's inspiring and enlightening, and makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

I hope someone in a position to do so will bring the comments posted here to Adam's attention. They are so heartfelt and show such deep concern by his fans that I think he would appreciate reading them. I know I have.


Anonymous said...

lmb and MGF,Your posts should be on every Adam site. I exercise my right to vote and will continue to support candidates that stand up for equal rights and any legilation that will protect children from abuse in schools internet, etc. The names and ages of these children make it very personal. Imagining their sweet faces and depth of their family's sorrow and devastation is almost too much to comprehend. It's time to do more than just give lip service and seriously research our candidates and voice our expectations. I would love to see Adam make a public service video addressing all children to be played in every school. Dr. Phil McGraw's son who also produces The Doctors tv show used to visit schools promoting awareness, conseqences and resolutions of bullying. It seemed to have positive results. If I hear a thoughtless gay remark I will address it in a polite way, at least trying to make them aware that it's not a joke and hopefully give them something to think about. Each individual can make a difference. Think of how many individual glamberts there are to make up an army! So many great ones on this site alone!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Bullying for whatever reason is a crime and the person/kid doing this should be punished period!

Let's make sure that too much legistration doesn't segregate and outcast these children more than they already are. That too would not be a good thing.

Schools and parents need to carry through with punishments that fit and will prevent repeat crimes.

Anonymous said...

It's sad but remember life must go on and we have to be more vigilant from those haters and ignorant people. We just pray that someday they realize how life is so precious and make things right for others feelings.

Adam will be the Ambassador of good will someday.......

glitzylady said...

I have been away from the computer (ie out of town for the weekend) but have followed all of you as much as I have been able on my little "smart phone", better than nothing but only slightly...This subject is so beyond devastating and so hard to even contemplate but obviously it must be addressed on all levels, and indeed the best starting place is in the home...and I have no idea why bullying is tolerated in the schools..In my community, the schools take a very hard line on bullying, but who knows how much "falls through the cracks" because of fear of retaliation, or in this case, the fear of discovery of the secret of being gay..It is puzzling to me as well when looking at the list of names that @lmb has posted, that these all appear to be the stigma greater towards males or is it just coincidental?...So many questions..I have personally met and spoken to lmb and she is indeed very committed to this cause and others in her involvement with PFLAG and I commend her, as well as MGF as a parent who will teach her children to be respectful of everyone, in all of our many beautiful variations of "normal".....The loss of these young lives is so beyond tragic and sad...just think what they might have been one day if they had not been forced to live with fear in their lives..I think of Adam (of course...) and how we would never have met him, with his beautiful soul and angelic voice, if he had ever felt so alone and helpless as these boys must have felt...Thank goodness he was blessed with loving parents and a group of caring friends within his theater community to have escaped the worst of that sort of thing..He still has a great deal of bigotry to deal with but he has the strength and loving support to overcome it. Hopefully that will eventually be the case for all children and young adults, and adults for that matter...

Anonymous said...

Leila and Eber - modern day heroes
(not perfect people I'm sure as none of us are, but acted responsibly and beautifully when it counted and mattered deeply, in raising their child who was perhaps a less typical version of boy next door than they had anticipated).