Adam Lambert featured in Singtao Chinese Newspaper
Filed Under (magazine scans,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Singtao Daily Chinese Newspaper had a headline on Adam's 'Glam Nation Tour' in Hong Kong.
Basically, the headline is saying Adam expressed interest in dating Hong Kong men.
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I wish we could enjoy just one venue without the headlines being about Adam and other men! Who knows wheather he wanted to date Hong Kong men or not?????????
Well not exactly. He was asked if he would date a Hong Kong man or girl. He being polite and politically correct wouldn't rule it out and said he was gay,. See Gam nation press conf.Hong Kong thread. Don't think he's actively looking now in any country. No time for it with all of the tours, but all can dream... funbunn40
He also said he thought girls very pretty, which got a giggle out of the ones in front of him. Anyone notice more press given to Adam than that teenage mutant, Justin Bieber. Ah, the sound of sour grapes--didn't think they were so noisy. Going anon this evening, there might be Bieber fans out there ready to pounce.
I lol'ed so hard at 'teenage mutant'! :D
@ Funbunn40
«Polite» and «politically correct» are only two of the counteless talents sweet Adam has. But I still worry about what may happen in Malasia; I think I'll light a double size white candle with the double of white sugar around, just to make sure my Guard Angel will watch his back more carefully this time...
@ Anon. 9:33PM
«Teenage Mutant» poor guy, but it was hilarious! LOL
Just think, with a few letter changes we could make bieber a barber...something I don't think he'll ever have the need for (a shave, that is). I'll get back to you when I figure out just wth a bieber is.
I wish we could enjoy just one venue without the headlines being about Adam and other men! its not about this is all about him and his great singing voice
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